Among the millions of people celebrating their birthdays today around the world, there is a unique and a dear individual. His name is Doudou.
For the readers who have never heard of Doudou before, he is Bambi’s “brother” who happens to be her bother-in-law. OK, this sounds complex and WEIRD, but it simply means that this guy has been a gift of a brother for Bambi since she was 9 years old :).
Now that the introductions have been made, and with much love, Bambi will offer Doudou two melodies today: his first one is a personalized Happy Birthday song, which she was happily surprised to find on Youtube. As for his second melody, it is Mr. Michel Fugain’s “Chante” [Sing for Life] song. Bravo to the talented kids performing it and shouting: “Sing for life. Sing as if you are going to die tomorrow. Yes, as if nothing matters. Sing, yes, sing and love life. Love like a thug, like an insane, like a dog, like it’s your last chance. So sing, yes sing”.
What a clever article by Dr. Mathieu Bock-Côté, published yesterday, in the Journal de Montréal ( Bambi will translate it for you, thanks to the assistance of her faithful internet companion, Mr. Google Translate.
“Joe Biden has just announced it: he will be a candidate for re-election in 2024.
It was predictable: a man who occupies the most important political office on the planet and who has a good chance of being able to occupy it for another four years will be tempted to keep it. Power attracts men of power, who seek, after having conquered it, to keep it.
But there is a catch: it seems pretty obvious to the world that Joe Biden is a damaged man, who has lost his mind.
I’m not saying he’s not lucid “most of the time.” I am saying that we have been able to understand over the years that the man had enough moments of mental absence for us to wonder if he is really fit to occupy this political office, the most important in the world, I repeat.
Especially since he will oppose Donald Trump who is not what one could call the most balanced man in his country. Since his defeat in 2020, he has presented himself as a president in internal exile, waiting for the opportunity to take his revenge, as if he had been the victim of a universal conspiracy.
Certainly, he has ten times the vitality of Joe Biden. But who sees him today seriously taking over the leadership of his country?
There is something sad about this Brezhnev-style duel of old men, something very disturbing, even.
On the one hand, Biden is just an illusion. Its function is to embody an old-fashioned, centrist, pragmatic Democratic Party. This illusion is necessary to win over “ordinary” voters.
But in reality, the American Democratic Party has been completely wokized. The ideological base of the Democratic Party is no longer the gruff trade unionist attached to the living conditions of working people, it is the fanatical blue-haired student who wants to tear down statues, censor books and who is driven by a profound aversion for Western civilization.
On the other side, Trump has retreated to a very narrow base, which now inhabits a parallel world. He hysterizes the political life of his country by adopting the ways of a thug. Its ideological software is uncertain and seems to revolve exclusively around a personality cult so caricatural that it becomes absurd.
This says a lot about a country that is immersed without saying so in a new dynamic of secession, well represented by the conflict between California and Florida, the two states presenting themselves as contrasting laboratories of what should become America tomorrow.
This internal division finds an echo in the global role of Americans, which is more contested than ever. They who thought they were the superpower of the coming century find themselves drawn into a clash of civilizations that they cannot name other than by recycling old concepts from the Cold War. And in which they engage by mobilizing worn political leaders, the first looking like a mummy, the second, a lunatic, both senile leaders who represent the decadence of their country”.
The three songs featured in this post consist of: (1) “Amazing Grace”. What a beautiful English prayer performed by Mr. Andrea Bocelli during the pandemic; (2) “Nehna Hoon Men Iche” [We live here] a heartfelt tribute to the Armenian heritage of Lebanese people in both Lebanese-Arabic and Armenian. Thank you and bravo, Mr. Ghassan Rahbani; and (3) “Pour toi Arménie”, a famous song to Armenia composed by Aznavour, Garvarentz, and Yaman following the 1988 earthquake. Bravo to Ms. Hélène Ségara and to the kids singing with her.
May the memory of the estimated 1.5 million Armenians (along with other Ottoman genocides, including 950 000 Greeks and 750 000 Assyrians) all be eternal ( ?.
“Never again” is Bambi’s prayer for humanity not just today, but every single day.
Luckily there is music to cheer us up or to help freeze and eventually heal our hearts!
Bambi discovered a singer, Ms. Nas Dej, and her Turkish (love?) song on a Lebanese-American internet radio station earlier this week. She does not want the latter to end without sharing this melody with you. She hopes that you will enjoy it too :). The two YouTube videos below feature the same song. The second video includes an English translation, if anyone is interested.
Bambi has an earlier post on Dr. Hassan Diab’s saga, shown further below. There are many question marks about his case since 1980 and what appears like misleading media titles.
First and foremost, the bombing of the synagogue in 1980 in Paris (and the resulting death, injuries, and long-term trauma) is OF COURSE unacceptable. The victims and their families deserve the truth, justice (if possible), and healing.
Second, some international media titles, like the BBC, include the term “synagogue bomberconvicted after 43 years” ( The latter, despite the following: an apparently weak evidence, contradictions, high emotions, which seem more important than solid evidence, and Diab’s continuous claim of innocence. Is he truly the man behind this horrible crime? The question remains open, despite the latest verdict of guilt and a lifetime sentence in French prisons.
Third, it is interesting to read all the Canadian mainstream media titles, which refer to “the supporters of Dr. Diab” who are urging Dr. Lamotti, Canada Minister of Justice, to have the courage to say NO to his extradition to France. Dr. Diab already went through a legal process in France once. He even spent a long time in jail there, and the French courts had a different verdict back then. Why are they still pushing this case in absentia and why is Canada not firm about it?
Bambi finds the titles telling us that only the vocal supporters of Dr. Diab misleading. Indeed, she does not call herself a supporter of Dr. Diab. Yet, in addition to publicly supporting him and his spouse on her blog in the past, she signed a petition yesterday night urging Dr. Lametti to say NO to France.
A related question to the above, does Bambi have compassion to the victims? Of course, she has the UTMOST respect for their pain. However, taking the risk of scapegoating a potentially innocent fellow Canadian citizen, especially AFTER his case has been closed before, will not bring healing to anyone. Indeed, we do not solve an injustice by creating another one.
Now, just for the sake of the benefit of the doubt, even if Dr. Diab is truly guilty of the 1980 horror story, what France is doing is odd from the point of view of Canada and the law. Why are they asking for his second extradition for the same allegation? It sounds like a legal harassment, even if Bambi is not a legal expert. This is why Bambi joins her voice to the REAL “supporters” of Dr. Diab to urge Canada not to hand him to France for a lifetime sentence in jail.
Even if Bambi’s own heart is heavy (as per today’s earlier post), it means a lot to her to wish her observant Muslim readers, relatives, and friends who are celebrating the end of Ramadan a Happy Eid. You made it, bravo. Be merry, safe, and always blessed not just during this ending holy month ❤️.
About three months ago, Bambi honoured her aunt Renée on her blog, as shown further below. Today, it is hard to believe that she left our world. Indeed, Bambi is speechless, even if this is life and death is part of it. Of course, we are all heading to that same place, at one point or another (this may be actually the only equity possible on earth).
Thank you for all what you have been to all of us, tante Renée. The most wonderful aunt we can have… and what an inspiring woman. A silent force. A big yet down-to-earth heart.
Bambi sends her love to your daughters, Loulwa and Joumana, who honoured you until your last breath. She extends her condolences to all your family members, in Lebanon and abroad, older and younger. She sends her own mom a BIG hug ? (“bon courage, maman”). Same for her dad and all the friends who are mourning you.
God knows how much your niece had wished she could be with all the family right now. Unfortunately, too many miles stand in the way in addition to life responsibilities. However, what matters the most is the distance between our hearts, not geography.
Tante Renée, Bambi is happy because you and her spouse met and even shared memories during your visit to Montreal. She thanks you for the wonderful memories in Lebanon and Cyprus. She will always remember your legendary calm, especially when Bambi used to share horrific stories during civil war. How many times did she tease you by imitating the contrast between your calm and the craziness outside :). You have helped us all remain grounded and calmer, regardless of our temperaments or fears. Indeed, from you, Bambi learned that we can be highly upset by injustice in a quiet and dignified way.
May your memory be eternal, SWEETEST Renée ? (or “Rénno” as your loved ones call you). Please send Bambi’s warm regards to your dearest spouse when you will be reunited with him in heaven (hello, “Amo” [Uncle] Nkoula habibi ?). Same with your siblings, parents, and dear late ones. Rest in peace now and may you keep watching over your loved ones… in a more silent way.
The song feautured in this musical blog is called “Kalby” [My heart in Arabic]
In the beautiful Arabic language, Kalb means heart. So, Kalby is my heart. Watch out, it must be pronounced as a strong K; if not, it would mean “my dog”. There is nothing more lovely than one’s dog, of course However, if you call someone a dog in Arabic, it would be a huge insult. Bambi does not recommend it :).
Of note, the lyrics of this love song are in standard Arabic. They are written by Ms. Ghida el Yaman. The music is composed by Mr. Malek el Yaman. The singer is the most talented Mr. Mike Massy. The pianist, responsible for the orchestration, is Mr. Lucas Sakr. This performance is by the Bucharest Studio Orchestra with Mr. Alexandru Moraru as its Conductor. Bravo to everyone and thank you for this beautiful artistic moment.
If you are interested, you may read the lyrics of this Kalby song in either Arabic or English. The translation was found on YouTube; so no, this time Bambi did not bother her friend, Mr. Google Translate. He deserves a break from her :).
Bless this organ located in the middle of our chests, called heart or Kalb, especially when it is filled with love ❤️!
Bambi adores Mr. Gad el Maleh’s sense of humour ( She has three older posts about him, all shown further below. Well, if she may, she will wish him a Happy Birthday now. May he be healthy and happy, along with his loved ones. May he keep entertaining us while making us smile and laugh in both French and English!
Of note, today happens to also be “Humorous Day“. What is the latter? It is a 24-hour time in the year, which is dedicated to gaining perspective from humour in whatever situation we may be facing, no matter how tough. It means trying to look at the bright side of life, even when the latter seems too dark or too unfair. It also seems to mean the following: Finding humour, remembering to smile to life and to others (without forgetting the person we daily see in our mirror), and to at times laughing, instead of crying, to life’s misery (
This being said, Bambi wishes Mr. Gad El Maleh the same joy he spoils his audience with. She also wishes you all a day of (genuine) smiles, fun, and funny moments; all this despite any challenge or deception. May you re-connect with or discover your courage, if your day is difficult. May you give and receive love.
To conclude, humour and music will have the final word: first, Mr. Gad El Maleh’s “Flowers- Women and Flowers” (subtitled in English) as well as “The Cousin” (French) :). Second, the late and great Mr. Jean Lapointe’s “Rire aux larmes” [Laugh to tears]. A quick English translation of this French song’s lyrics follow; thanks to dear Mr. Google Translate.
“It’s easy in full happiness to laugh to tears
laugh to tears, laugh to tears
It is possible in the midst of
misfortune to laugh to tears
Being happy is curious, it puts water in your eyes
Happiness makes children and
lovers laugh to tears
But the great sadness that we
can no longer bear
It doesn’t make you cry
anymore, no, it does
laugh to tears, laugh to tears
It happens in full happiness
from laughter to tears
laugh to tears, laugh to tears
It happens in the midst of
misfortune to laugh to tears
Just tell us when our joys
seek to tumble
It’s funny to death someone
who falls on the nose
And since anyway we really
can’t change anything
Rather than crying it’s better
laugh to tears, laugh to tears
It’s easy in full happiness to
laugh to tears
laugh to tears, laugh to tears
It is possible in the midst of
misfortune to laugh to tears
laugh to tears, laugh to tears
It’s easy in full happiness to
laugh to tears
laugh to tears, laugh to tears
It is possible in the midst of misfortune to laugh to tears“.
Two songs for your today, Robert. Of course, the first melody is Happy Birthday… in French on top of that! Your second song is one that you know well (which has impressed Bambi) and can even sing, at least in cars on the Trans-Canada highway between Sackville and Moncton, in New Brunswick :)!
Happy Birthday from Bambi, her spouse, and from the familia in Canada and abroad too ?!