No to violence in the streets of Beirut.
No to the law of the jungle in Lebanon.
No to burning cars of UNIFL peacekeepers in Beirut.
No to harming any member of the UNIFL peacekeepers. May he heal smoothly.
No to violence against the Lebanese armed forces. May the memory of those who lost their lives be eternal. May the injured heal smoothly.
No to burning the Lebanese flag in the streets of Beirut.
No to waving an Iranian flag or any foreign flag in the streets of Beirut.
No to violence by anyone (against anyone), including the Hezbullah (and/or their allies).
No to intimidation of the Lebanese authorities.
No to intimidation of Beirutis.
No to wars in Lebanon. ENOUGH.
No to the interference of any foreign entity, including Iran now (enough is enough).
Yes to wisdom, respect, civility, peace, and love.
Yes to accepting defeat gracefully (it is part of wars and life).
Yes to agreements between to the land of the cedars and the international community.
Yes to the process of change, moving forward not backward.
Yes to the Lebanese government.
Yes to the Lebanese armed forces.
Yes to only the Lebanese police.
Yes to the Lebanese innocent people who deserve to finally be dignified and live in peace.