Bambi keeps standing in full solidarity with biologist and professor Rod Cumberland who was fired for his teaching position at the Maritime College of Forest Technology in Fredericton (New Brunswick) a while ago.
Indeed, Professor Cumberland was the NB provincial deer biologist. During his tenure, his findings seemed to have shown that glyphosate spraying may be a major contributor to the declining deer numbers. Following an industry-sponsored event in which he expressed himself about the potential harmful impacts of glyphosate, he was fired from his position without due process.
Can you imagine? Presenting one’s findings and/or expert opinion makes you lose your job in our province? Sadly, this is the outrageous extent of censorship (or cancel) culture we live in in our beautiful province… and by extension country.
In an earlier post shown further below, Bambi wrote the following: “Biologist Rod Cumberland spoke about the effect herbicide spraying has on the health of deer and moose in the province. Bambi thanks him for caring for her and all her fellow deer (and indirectly of NB citizens, including those who are trying hard to silence him). In addition, he also spoke about the Pest Management Regulatory Agency’s failure to protect the public from harmful herbicides and pesticides. Bambi also thanks him for caring for his fellow NB human beings“.
“… we should be ashamed of ourselves for not being wise enough to know how to listen to and respect all opinions on any given topic and regardless of whether we agree with it or not.
“Stated differently, everyone has the right to freely express his or her opinion, whether the latter is scientific, medical, political, religious, etc. Powerful pressure groups, governments, and individuals must urgently re-commit to this basic principle of common sense in communication and in human rights, if we want to still keep calling ourselves a democracy”.
You may perhaps wonder why Bambi is devoting a third post to Professor Cumberland’s case. Well, it is because she received an update about his case today, as one of his numerous supporters.
During the last days of his trial, Chief Justice Tracy DeWare expressed her hope to have her decision rendered before the end of March, 2023. It is April 5 today and there is no decision made yet. When will we hear about the latter? And will Professor Cumberland be publicly vindicated AND compensated enough for what was unfairly done to him, to his students who were deprived of him… and to us all his fellow citizens in NB, both humans and deer?
To conclude this post of solidarity, Bambi wishes you Professor Cumberland all the best. Please keep your inspiring integrity in life. We all so badly need it. You/your family members seem to have a deep and beautiful faith in your hearts. Just like Jesus whom you believe in will rise from the death soon, may you “rise” from your adversity AND may you be compensated to the highest extent you deserve; whatever the amount will be, you surely deserve more!

General Food For Thought
The real reason why universities are freaking out is that they no longer have the same preparatory ownership of knowledge as in the past. Now in the game of self-censorship and social control, critical ‘social’ theory.
-Demian Hammock