Mr. Richard Bilkszto: May your memory be eternal, helping us in co-reflecting on the devastating impact of bullying and professional exclusion

Bambi has been silent for the past 24 hours; a long time for this blog’s deer. Indeed, she has been speechless since she learned yesterday about the sudden death, by suicide, of the devoted Toronto-based educator and principal, Mr. Richard Bilkszto (;

Bambi had planned to devote a post to his legal battle after reading about his story in the National Post, thanks to Mr. Jamie Sarkonak, in an article from July 6, 2023 entitled “Principal berated for ‘white supremacy’ sues TDSB over equity training” ( Unfortunately, she did not have the chance to do so until she received the shocking news. She would like to thank her friends Gabi and Irwin for bringing this tragedy to her attention.

Indeed, at age 60, Mr. Richard Bilkszto, took his last breath on July 13, 2023, which was Bambi’s 51st birthday. Today, a few days later, Bambi wants to publicly declare that she will take a moment to think of him, and his loved ones, on every July 13 of every year until her own death. She will also try to honour him in this post to the best of her capacity. Of course, she will continue to denounce bullying or censorship, as she has always done.

May God knows how to comfort Mr. Bilkszto’s mother. What can Bambi write about her aching heart? She cannot dare to imagine one drop of the ocean of her sorrow. Same for Bilkszto’s brother, nephews, nieces, and entire family and loving friends. Of course, same heartfelt condolences to his lawyer, Ms. Lisa Bildy, as well his to friends in humanity who share his beautiful pro-human or pro-respect/love values and who are under shock now. Bambi is specifically thinking of the fellows he may have met at the Foundation Against Intolerance & Racism (FAIR). By extension, she is also thinking of ALL the targets/victims of bullying and cancellation, whoever they are and wherever they may be located. Those fighting the same fight to clear their names and reputations in false accusations. Love and healing to all of them.

Mr. Bilkszto could have been you or Bambi. Indeed, he could have been or may be any future target of bullying or abuse of any form. His pain before the end of his life could be anyone’s pain, regardless of the nature or colour of the false accusation. His humanity and/or inspiring career, highlighted below, could have been your own too.

Below, you may read the statement from Bilkszto’s lawyer, Ms. Bildy, which circulated yesterday on social media as well as the mainstream media, thanks to Toronto Star’s Brendan Kennedy (

Bambi read this statement in both the Toronto Star & in the mailing list of the
Foundation Against Intolerance & Racism (FAIR)

Thanks to another article by the National Post‘s Jamie Sarkonak, this time sadly entitled “Toronto principal bullied over false charge of racism dies from suicide” (, Bambi learned the following about the late Mr. Bilkszto’s inspiring career and disgusting ordeal in and after a DEI training session, as you can see below:

His stellar career took on a sour note after he was bullied in a diversity, equity and inclusion training session for Toronto District School Board (TDSB) administrators in 2021, according to a lawsuit Bilkszto filed in court. His sin, in the eyes of facilitators at the KOJO Institute, was his questioning of their claim that Canada was a more racist place than the United States. Canada wasn’t perfect, he said, but it still offers a lot of good. For the rest of the training session, and throughout a follow-up training session the week after, facilitators repeatedly referred to Bilkszto’s comments as examples of white supremacy. The experience was humiliating — particularly because Bilkszto placed a great emphasis on equality and anti-discrimination during his career” (

Sarkonak’s article pays tribute to Mr. Bilkszto through the beautiful words of his students. Bambi sends her heart to all of them, sharing their sorrow.

Former student Ahmed Patel, who at one point in his life risked being kicked out of high school, credited Bilkszto for his graduation the City Adult Learning Centre in Toronto and later admission into university. Patel said, Bilkszto’s approach to education was all about “giving people second chances” (

“Every time you see him in the hallway, he’d ask what’s up how are you doing, asking about courses,” Patel said. “He was very understanding. He understood that people come from all walks of life… he was compassionate” (

Thank you Mr. Bilkszto for having been an inspiring, generous, and compassionate educator. Bambi had wished our collectively insane times were more human with you, instead of accusing you of white supremacy, or of any other empty yet cruel slogan, just for having been a free mind and a man of integrity who lived, and prematurely died, by his values, namely those of “equality and anti-discrimination during his career“. May your memory be eternal ❤️. May healing prevail. May justice be served through: (1) an inquiry, as requested by journalist Sarkonak; and (2) a much needed self-reflection by each one of us, especially by any entity involved in fostering sectarianism and, thus, divisiveness among employees or citizens.

To conclude this post, when will we question the widespread practice of institutionalizing racist ideas in the name of so-called anti-racism? This sad story seems to have included bullying. What are we waiting for to evaluate the relevance of DEI-related programs? Why don’t we consider assessing their good (if any?) and potentially harmful impact, even if it is unwanted or “anti-racism” is a socially acceptable concept? This seems timely if we want to prevent future suffering and, may God forbid, possibly other losses.

One thought on “Mr. Richard Bilkszto: May your memory be eternal, helping us in co-reflecting on the devastating impact of bullying and professional exclusion”

  1. Of course, the same bullies who run “diversity training” programs and behave like this are the first to scream about “microaggressions”.

    It’s sick. This whole thing is sick. And yes, people who get treated like this sometimes take it very very very personally.

    Our society is sick.

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