To begin this brief post, Bambi would like to cite one of her good friends, if she may. Without naming her as she did not have the chance to ask her permission to do so, her friend will surely partly recognize her own words below: “In the name of religion: in some parts of the world, women are banned from wearing a hijab, when they wish to do so, like in India ( In contrast, in other parts of the world, women can be beaten to death if they show hair under a hijab, like in Iran, or do not wear a burka, like in Afghanistan” (ps://
This being said, Bambi will leave you with “the picture of the day”, which was taken from Orient Today ( For those who do not read Arabic, the signs of the demonstrators read as follows: “My hair and my body only belong to me” and “our bodies are ours“.

Earlier posts on the topic: