The “golden pager”, Mr. Netanyahu’s gift to Mr. Trump: isn’t it heartless and in poor taste?

As reported by the BBC (, “Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has presented US President Donald Trump with a golden pager while visiting Washington DC. Netanyahu’s office said the pager represented “a turning point in the war” when Israel carried out a deadly operation against Hezbollah in September 2024. In the operation, Israel targeted pagers used by members of the Iran-backed militant group, causing them to explode. Dozens of people were killed and thousands injured in the attacks. Israel said it was tailored to target only Hezbollah members, but civilians were among the victims, Lebanese officials said” .

As a reminder, the massive pager attack mentioned above, which occurred on the 18th od September 2024, across Lebanon (and Syria), injured over 2,931 Hezbollah members and killed 37, including at least four civilians. Among the latter, there were sadly two children and two healthcare providers (

Of note, the Ambassador of Iran in Lebanon was also badly injured in his eye and later said he was honoured, as per an older post shown below.

Regardless of being a militia member or a civilian, the injuries were simply horrible. How could they not be when people lost their eyes, hands, and even some their genital parts?

Whether we endorse the mission and practices of the Hezbollah or not (Bambi clearly does not), one cannot remain insensitive to the individual suffering of its members? First, they had their walkie talkie exploding. Then, their pagers.

So what can Bambi say about the civilians who died, the two children and the two adults? Can you imagine one drop of the ocean of sorrow of their loved ones?

Yes, this act of war was indeed a turning point in the fight between Hezbollah-Israel. Mr. Netanyahu is right about it. However, his gift to Mr. Trump is both heartless and far from being classy. Was it necessary?

Most importantly, how is this Israeli politician’s behaviour different from the odd and awful “gift bags” offered by Hamas to the innocent Israeli hostages upon their release (

Enough of dehumanization of others, even of enemies. Enough of eye for eye and tooth for tooth? What about respect and love for a change? And what about peace?

Mr. Marc Hervieux: thanks for singing Aznavour’s “Mourir d’aimer” [To Die of Love] with much talent!

This post and the two preceding ones have a common double theme of affection and gratefulness in friendships, families, and in love.

Yes, love. Maybe because after all we are in the month of February : ).

Talking about love, have you ever felt that your heart, filled with passion and affection might “die… of love”?

Well, Mr. Charles Aznavour’s original French version of the song “Mourir d’aimer” is all about love, but not any type of love. It is specifically about an impossible love.

Maybe Aznavour’s famous song is tragic because it was originally inspired by a true case of a sad love story ( Yet, his powerful lyrics easily make us forget about any heart’s tragedy. Indeed, his song can foster fantasies of nourishing and uplifting connections.

From the original French version of the song, Bambi particularly likes the following lyrics:

Let’s leave the world to its problems. Hateful people facing each other. With their small ideas. Let’s die of love“.

As for the later English version shared below (along with German and Spanish), Bambi appreciates the following words:

This world of ours does not grow younger, Some die of illness, some of hunger. I stand before eternity, to die of love.

That’s why I try to find a way now. I only live from day to day now. Because it’s possible you see, to die of love”.

May Mr. Charles Aznavour’s memory be eternal. As for Mr. Marc Hervieux, Canada/Québec are richer with his talent.

Long live music and long live love in all its forms and shapes, from universal love to mutual affections and/or shared passions.

Well, it is already February 6 in Beirut: Happy birthday Rana and Karen!

Yesterday’s post was on friendship.

Today’s post is on family.

Like friendships, families are built on love, not just on blood or genes.

Indeed, the love of a family is one of life’s greatest blessings.

Happy Birthday Rana! With much love, Bambi wishes you a lovely birthday ❤️!

Happy Birthday Karen ❤️! Bambi misses you so much. Enjoy tomorrow :)!

Ms. Gigi de Lana: isn’t her performance of “You’ve got a friend” beautiful?

Our friends are a blessing in our lives.

We can count on them. They also know they can count on us in times of higher stress.

When things are running smoothly, we smile and laugh with them.

We meet and enjoy a delicious meal.

We may not see them for years. Yet time is meaningless since we just continue to care.

As needed, we might pray for them. At times, it is them who send back positive vibes.

Yes, life is random and full of uncertainties.

Yet our precious friendships give additional meaning to our lives.

Along with warmth, comes hope.

Of course, there is always hope when there is pure and mutual love in our lives.

Thank you, and bravo, Ms. Gigi De Lana, for singing about friendship!

Mr. Lokman Slim: Bambi stands in solidarity with your family, which is denouncing the suspension of your murder investigation. Thanks to the German Embassy in Lebanon, which keeps asking for justice for you!

A picture taken from an old post. May your memory be eternal, Mr. Slim, and
bravo for your courage, Ms. Borgmann!

In our collectively insane times, anywhere and especially in the Western world, when we want to silence someone, we try to professionally and socially “kill” them. This awful phenomenon has a name: cancellation or censorship.

However, in Lebanon, and in other comparable parts of the world, we do not waste time on preventing people from earning a living, we literally go for the end of their lives. This is what tragically happened to Mr. Lokman Slim, a writer and journalist from Lebanon.

Bambi has several older posts denouncing Mr. Slim’s brutal killing and expressing solidarity with his widow, Ms. Monika Borgmann, mother Ms. Selma Merchak, and his sister, Ms. Rachaa el-Ameer. What a great family.

What happened to Mr. Slim you may wonder? First, he had always been a public critic of the Hezbollah. Second, he was murdered in South Lebanon, four years ago, in an area highly controlled by this organization/militia. Today, a pro-Hezbollah-biased judge suspended the investigation (

If she may, Bambi will now use Ms. Selma Merchak’s own words, which she expressed on the second day of the horrible assassination of her son: “Civilized people argue, they may have differing opinions, but resorting to weapons is never the solution. We are civilized people, not animals in the jungle. The animals of the jungle devour each other. Violence can never be good for this country. It has harmed me as a mother because I lost my son. My only wish is that you use your wit, not your gut, if you really want to build a country. Lokman deserves it so much”. Is there anything more inspiring than the precious insights of this amazing yet heart-broken mother?

Of note, Bambi shared Ms. Merchak’s thought-provoking words with you, dear readers, four years ago. Today, more than ever, they remain a life lesson; not just for the people of Lebanon, but also for the entire world. Will impunity ever end in the “Land of the Cedars”?

A post taken from X.

Canada’s beautiful sunrises in Toronto, Ontario: is there anything more charming?

May we keep the light and
warmth of love in our hearts!

Two days ago, Bambi’s post was on sunsets in Amherst, Nova Scotia (thank you, Diana).

Today, it is on sunrises in Toronto, Ontario, thanks to her beloved friend Irwin. He has been a sunshine of humanity, courage, and hope for Bambi (+ indirectly to her readers). She is both blessed and honoured to call him friend 💚.

So, if you were impressed by the sunsets in Atlantic Canada, what are you going to think of the sunrises in Eastern Canada :)?

Regardless of any thought, have a good one everyone!

A picture taken by Irwin in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
A picture taken by Irwin in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
A picture taken by Irwin in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
A picture taken by Irwin in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.