Since a judge banned honking in downtown Ottawa, Bambi will virtually honk in solidarity with our truckers and farmers who are requesting an end to vaccine mandates and saying enough of job losses

Fully vaccinated (even boosted!), AND grateful to our government for the access to vaccines, Bambi is against vaccine mandates. Indeed, she prefers education to coercion in life. She also values the full access to transparent information so people can make informed decisions about their health and the health of their children. Indeed, in her mind, it is up to parents to decide to vaccinate their children or not against Covid-19 (most of the kids are not at a particular risk, without medical complexity or any known risk factor). Because she believes in the scientific method, she distrusts politicians who tell us that their political decisions are based on science, without room for any debate.

The above being said, of course Bambi had a thought for Ottawa residents who have migraines or those who may be disturbed by the sound until 6 PM. The sound is meant to attract the attention of parliamentarians, from what Bambi understood. Is this the ideal way? Probably not, but are we in normal times? Surely not.

Canada, why the authoritarian mindset? Today more than ever, Bambi says NO to Bill C-36!

Bambi has several posts on Bill C-36, as shown further below.

Today, more than ever, she says no to the so-called “AntiHate” Bill C-36!

Instead of listening to its population (working-class Canadians on the streets across the country and engaging in a meaningful conversation with them to solve the crisis), our ruling politicians are in a rush to revive their online censorship bill.

Since when increased authoritarianism is a wise and unifying strategy in a national crisis like that? Since when will it ensure a long-term brighter future for a country?

Our government in power has the most beautiful name in the world: Liberal? Why are they becoming that controlling (i.e., illiberal) in their governance and rapport with the citizens they serve?

We already have criminal laws in our country? Why is this not enough anymore all of a sudden?

Indeed, in an earlier post, Bambi expressed the following:

As a reminder, under Bill 36 (if the Senate passes it), citizens can be fined up $50,000 and eventually silenced. Who would be defining hate and deciding on it? Our federal bureaucrats? Wouldn’t that be arbitrary? How fair is that? How logical? How liberal?

Even Lebanon’s Hezbollah did not come up with such bills (yet) to crack down on “online collaboration with the (Israeli) enemy“… Let’s hope our government will not give them such ideas.

Bambi believes that a (truly) liberal approach remains the healthiest approach when it comes to (online) freedom of expression. Let people remain free to express themselves, except for calling for violence or defamation.

Luckily, we already have laws to address the above as well as all the other criminal activities stated to justify this new legal framework on “online hate speech” (i.e., child sexual exploitation, non-consensual sharing of intimate images, incitement to violence, and terrorism).

Mr. Trudeau et al., Bambi is against your proposed Bill 36 as well as your proposed plan to regulate or monitor social-media content. She is saying so, even if she is not on social media herself. She thinks so, even if she has been the target of an online censorship campaign because of her blog”.

To conclude this post now, the same song comes to Bambi’s mind to say no to Bill C-36 and, thus, a big NO to citizens’ (and deer’s) online censorship in Canada. Yes, this melody is again Ms. Nana Mouskouri’s song for liberty. Perhaps it is worth listening to, once again, as a reminder of the value of liberty, which seems to be in danger in our beautiful Canada… How sad!

Some of Bambi’s earlier posts on the topic:

Happy double birthday to Bambi’s niece and cousin!

Happy Birthday Karen and Rana!! Bambi cannot go to sleep before posting her wishes that you will see very soon at your end :).

Twice per day today (just like yesterday with another melody) she heard the same song. Yes, she sang to it, but she also had tears in her eyes thinking of our beautiful memories together. One day, we will celebrate and rejoice again. One day the context will be happier. What matters today the most is YOU and your own happiness! Yes, this is Bambi’s wish/prayer for you and your loved ones!! She sends you her love until we see each other again, sometime before you turn 100 hopefully 🙂 (that was a bad joke, hoping it is making you smile now).

Here is the song of Yalla Nifrah! Yes, let’s rejoice and celebrate your successes, aspirations (whatever they are) and life simply. Thank you for being “you”.

And of course… here is Happy Birthday!

Dalida: Thank you for your moving song for Lebanon

Bambi listened to this moving song on her internet radio from LA. today. If she may, whe would like to share it with you now.

If Bambi gets it right, Dalida recorded “Lebnan” [Lebanon] in 1986 during its civil war (1975-1990), as a message of hope for peace and reconciliation. Sadly, the Lebanese war continued after 1986. So Dalida et al. decided not to release the song then. The latter was made public only in 1988 (sadly after the tragic death of Dalida).

If you wish, following the song below, you can read the lyrics translated from Arabic into English.

Had Dalida been alive today, she would have been much concerned about Lebanon’s future. All the best to this tiny and old country!

Lebnan (by Dalida)

“After the war and the fire

After the rain, it’s good weather

After the war and the fire

After the rain, it’s good weather

It’s finally calm

It’s finally loyalty

Day and night stars

From this country


The Lebanon of this universe

Country of sea and colour

Country of love like never before

Despite all the hindrances

Past and future

This country with a big heart

Will keep the world his eternal smile

Beirut O Beirut

A precious treasure

To the houses dear to my heart

I miss your evenings

And I dream of your smile

Of your sweet nights

Of your unforgettable songs

After the war and the fire

After the rain, it’s good weather

After the war and the fire

After the rain, it’s good weather

It’s finally calm

It’s finally loyalty

Day and night stars

From this country


Lebanon extends its hand

Its dreams its aspirations

The Lebanon of friendship

From the people on the lookout

Prayers and songs

Warm winds and

Green nature

After the war and the fire

After the rain, it’s good weather

After the war and the fire

After the rain, it’s good weather

It’s finally calm

It’s finally loyalty

Day and night stars

From this country


After the war and the fire

After the rain, it’s good weather

After the war and the fire

After the rain, it’s good weather

It’s finally calm

It’s finally loyalty

Day and night stars

From this country


Seriously, Mr. Trudeau? Are the words “symbols” of “genocide” and “racism” all what you have to say about the demonstrators in Ottawa?

According to Mr. Trudeau, as per Global News, “this is protesting people going about their daily lives, harassing people who dare wear masks or follow public health rules. Expressing hateful approaches, showing hateful symbols of genocide, of racism. These are things that are absolutely unacceptable”.

What kind of Canada do we live in when our own Prime Minister (whom Bambi voted for the first time) calls those of us who demonstrate carriers of symbols of genocide and racism (

Do words still have a meaning for you, Mr. Trudeau?

If this is genocide, what do Bambi’s friends in Québec who lost their parents and siblings to massacres during the Lebanese civil call their own tragedies?

If this is racism for Mr. Trudeau, perhaps he needs to re-visit his dictionary? Perhaps his advisors need to do so as well?

To conclude this post with a note of humour, despite the disappointment, here is Dalida singing once again on this blog for our Prime Minister. Her song, with Mr. Alain Delon, entitled “Paroles, paroles” means “Empty words” in English…

“Aline”: A song to a friend!

Surprise! Bambi refuses to go to bed without posting Mr. Christophe’s beautiful song “Aline” as a surprise for you, Aline [OK when you will read this post tomorrow morning :)].

Indeed, here is the reason behind this post: Bambi listened and sang Aline, with the singer, at 10 AM, thanks to her internet radio. Well, at 10 PM precisely (a few minutes ago), she turned her internet radio on again and guess what? Your song was playing again!

Mind you, this is not very surprising as this Lebanese-American internet radio station repeats the same 1-hour-French-music-show in the evening. Nevertheless, for Bambi, it was another opportunity to end the same day by singing for you :).

Hope to see you soon, Aline… Until then, take good care!

A year already yet no accountability for the crime: May Mr. Lokman Slim’s memory be eternal…

Mr. Lokman Slim

Today, Bambi’s heart goes to Ms. Monika Borgmann (spouse), Ms. Selma Merchak (mother), and Ms. Rasha al Ameer (sister). Without knowing them in person, she sends them a virtual hug.

Can you imagine loosing your son, the love of your life, and your dear brother in a brutal crime that remains unaccountable?!

Thanks to the National Post, Orient Today, L’Orient Le Jour (French) and Human Rights Watch for these informative articles:

Thank you Ms. Borgmann for tweeting this moving and thoughtful English interview with Mr. Slim entitled “Memory is a Battlefield“. What a calm and wise man. What a powerful message (ironically talking about accountability). What a loss for Lebanon and the world.

To conclude this post, one song comes again and again to Bambi’s mind, it is by Mr. Enrico Macias and it is called Un berger vient de tomber. She has already dedicated it to Mr. Slim last year. She will allow herself to re-do it again now. Un berger vient de tomber” means “a shepherd has just fallen under arms“. This moving French song was written for President Sadat on the second day after his assassination in 1981(Mr. Jacques Demarny wrote its lyrics and Mr. Macias composed its music):

To the loved ones of Mr. Lokman Slim and of all the victims of “politically- sensitive murders” (to use the words of Human Rights Watch). When will impunity end in Lebanon?!

Bambi’s older post related to this one:

And these are additional earlier posts by Bambi:

Why are our Canadian politicians so irresponsible and dishonest?

The tweet by the politician above is in great contradiction with the wisdom of the words of Mr. BJ Dichter, Spokesperson for the Freedom Convoy, interviewed by Dr. Gaad Saad.

We may agree or not with this movement. We may agree or not with Mr. Dichter, but who makes more sense? An articulate man defending ideas or a politician saying the above absurd and false clichés with such a conviction and no room for any debate?

Do our politicians think we are stupid to blindly believe them?

Bambi is saying the above because she was on her way to Amherst the day truckers left from NS and NB to Ottawa. She stopped at the Big Stop on her way and she expressed her support to them in the -35 degrees celsius (she did so on the same day she got her booster). She is with massive vaccination, through education, yet she is against mandates of vaccines and other authoritarian yet not efficient political measures.

This is why she salutes flexible and wiser politicians, like Mr. Legault who was humble enough to recently drop his idea of taxing the unvaccinated.

To conclude this post, Bambi wonders what Mr. Singh has to say about the visible minority of Arabs, including Muslims, and Jews of Sackville who supported the truckers in Au Lac exist the other day :)?

Mr. Bechara Moufarrej: “Salam Li Beirut” [To Beirut…with Peace]

Bambi just discovered this masterpiece of “a message of peace and love in support of the victims of the Beirut Explosion” of August 4, 2020.

From YouTube, we can read the following: “this work was made possible thanks to Schulterschluss Initiative, the German initiative helping the victims of the Beirut Explosion. Tenor – Bechara Moufarrej Soprano – Felicitas Fuchs-Wittekindt Composer – Fadi Kassis Lyrics – Youhanna Geha Conductor – Toufic Maatouk Orchestra – Bayerische State Opera Choir – Antonine University Choir Main Actor – Kevin Karamanoukian.

To help the victims kindly donate to Orienthelfer using the following details: Recipient: Orienthelfer e.V. Subject: Beirut Explosion IBAN: DE92 7015 0000 0000 5741 11 BIC: SSKMDEMM Connect with Bechara on: Facebook:… Instagram:…

Digital Distribution: CHBK Music.

Bravo and many thanks!!

Bambi stands in solidarity with Mr. Jamil Jivani who has been fired from his job!

Thank you Mr. Jamil Jivani for sharing your story with us, Canadians, who are more than sick and tired of political and social intolerance, of censorship (or cancel sagas), regardless of where we stand (or not) on any political spectrum:

Even black men can be fired for not being “woke” enough, Part one of a five-part series on my departure from Bell Media and iHeartRadio” (

To conclude this brief post simply meant to show solidarity and respect, even without knowing the full context, a meaningful song comes again and again to Bambi’s mind. Yes, it is Ma liberté of Mr. George Moustaki (sub-titled in English).

Best wishes Mr. Jivani. Take good care and please keep on being a free (and competent) thinker!