It has been a year since Kavana left us… yes times flies.
Bambi is thinking of Kavana’s family (i.e., especially her parents) and all her friends, including her cousin, Mr. Eljah Kilele, who wrote a comment on this blog last year. At the very end of this post, you can see the good-bye or eulogy post dedicated to Kavana and, again, a friendly wink to her on New Year, along with a thought for dear friends lost during the past year.
Now, the current post comes with Ms. Ginette Reno’s famous song about love [“L’Essentiel”]. What a beautiful interpretation by the talented Mr. Nicola Ciccone. It reminds us that love is the essence of life.
Love of those with us, whether geographically close or far away.
Love of those who left us too early.
If love can transcend death (it is Bambi’s conviction in life), it can surely find its way to our hearts… May love always prevail in our world.
Even if we are all going there and this is life, the death of Mr. Samy Clark is a HUGE loss to his birth country, Lebanon, and to our world. May his soul rest in peace. May his memory be eternal. May God know how to comfort the hearts of his family members, loved ones, and all his fans.
To Mr. Samy Clark, Bambi wants to say: Thank you for your talent and incredible musical legacy. You sang not just in Lebanese-Arabic or Standard Arabic, but also in French, English, German, Italian, Armenian, Greek, and Russian!
To end with Mr. Clark’s own voice, Bambi prepared a collection of a few of his MANY songs for you (thanks to Youtube). She hopes you will enjoy them. Unfortunately, she was unable to find any German, Italian, Greek or Russian song. If you happen to have a link, please kindly share it. Mind you, Bambi has paid tribute to Mr. Clark in the past, as you can see at the very end of this post, namely with his famous and always moving “Goldorak” song (called “Grendizer” in Arabic!). She has also surprised her mother-in-law on her birthday with one of his songs entitled “Bernadette“.
To conclude this post, Bambi will say good-bye Mr. Clark. She is happy because she listened to your last interview on her internet Lebanese-American radio a couple of weeks ago. You were inspiring… THANK you!
In English:
In French:
In Armenian:
In Arabic on promise in love:
In Arabic, inviting a girl to dance:
In Arabic, Mr. Clark wonders for whom the birds sing:
In Arabic singing for Marina (if you are reading until now Marina, Bambi dedicates this song to you with much love!):
In Arabic to Bernadette… yes once again, une chanson pour toi Bernadette :)!
And now in Arabic to Grendizer (yes Goldorak– “habibi/na” :)!!!):
Bambi sends her heart to Mr. Hamilton’s wife and thanks him for his beautiful song “Comme j’ai toujours envie d’aimer” (composed in 1970)! May his memory be eternal… It will be for sure through his eternal music.
Although the song in question was posted on Youtube three days after the surrealistic Beirut port explosion in 2020, Bambi just saw it. Thank you Mr. Amjad Deeb!
Here is a quick translation of the Arabic lyrics into English for you:
“My heart is burning over you Beirut… Rise.
You deserve life, not death O Beirut rise rise.
Rise and scream.
Rise and raise your voice.
No, silence was never meant for you!
I know you are too tired O Lebanon…
In pain.
The voice of pain is a prayer in heaven.
Being listened to…
In the name of the Prophet Mohamed and for the love of
We are all praying for you and lighting candles.
O the lady of the universe, Beirut.
Your people is strong, resilient, resistant, and will
not die!
Rise together rise.
Rise so we can build the houses!
It is forbidden to declare you a disaster!
Remain strong, remain as you have always been.
How many times you have fallen and you have risen.
Wars, destructions, and blood.
I know you are tired!
O Beirut the mother of all, I swear you will keep
Despite the extent to which they will kill hope in us.
You will light our nights again.
In you, we grew up and in your heart we were raised.
And in our hearts you grew up O Beirut (twice, along with the earlier sentence).
And in our hearts you grew up O Beirut!“
Now, the question that Bambi is wondering since yesterday night: Why is Hezbollah playing with the fire by sending drones to Israel? Why does it seem to poke the sleeping bear!?
Beirutis do not need violence again. Lebanon does need another “July 2006 war” (and the Israeli population does not need scary drones). The country of the cedars is “tired“, as per the song above, with many unresolved crises on its plate. So, please stop it all of you, both internally and externally!
Bambi just discovered this live performance of Nature Boy by Mr. Mike Massy. She would like to share it with you. At the very end of this post, if you wish, you can find earlier posts featuring his talent (Bambi is a fan!).
Bambi has voted for the Liberal Party of Canada most of the times of her Canadian life. She has also voted for the New Democratic Party (NDP) as well. Although that was only a few years ago, it seems like a lifetime. There is nothing liberal nor democratic about what is happening in Canada today.
As for Mr. Trudeau et al., they should be ashamed of themselves… We are ashamed of them and of their peers who support them just for the sake of power. They are making Canada the laughingstock of the world!
When can we have our country back please?! Bambi misses the Canada she immigrated to in 1990… precisely because of freedom of expression. The Canada of peace, tolerance, and even love… Not the current Canada of authoritarianism, of the unmeasured Emergency Act, of censorship (e.g., Bill C-36, extrajudicial bank account freezes, etc.), and of empty yet suffocating ideologies.
The 2022 edition of the Arab Basketball Championship just ended in Dubai and guess which country is the winner!? Yes, it is Lebanon (a first on top of that)!!!
In Lebanese-Arabic, “Byeb’a Nas” means there will always remain people (to count on).
One thing is sure: Life is much more beautiful when we feel well surrounded.
Indeed, even in hardships, we can always count on a smile, on an extended hand, on a kind word…
Yes, there is always room for genuine, unexpected support and even lasting friendships.
This is the positive message of this joyful song shot in a charming Lebanese mountain village called Douma (only 80 km away from Beirut).
The video is a tribute to Douma’s residents: its lovely kids, seniors, families, people.
A public picture taken from the internet
What a nice song originally meant as an ode to hope for the people of Lebanon… It also shares the same hope with anyone facing adversity anywhere in our world.
Thank you Ms. Abeer Nehme and Mr. Rayan Habre for having joined your artistic forces. Bambi loves the product of your collaboration!