Sometimes Bambi lives on a different planet.
She has not watched a single movie on TV or on Netflix since the start of the pandemic. Plus, God knows how far behind she was before the coronavirus times… OK except when working, while watching a few movies, on the airplanes during her last trip overseas, just before the first lock down.
Is she more up-to-date on music then? Not really, but sometimes listening to the radio helps. Sometimes YouTube brings great artists to her attention, right in front of her eyes. Indeed, this is how Bambi discovered Mr. Mike Massy… after 10 long years!
Well, who is Mr. Mike Massy, for those of you who do not know him?
He is a 39-year-old internationally known Lebanese singer, songwriter, performer, composer, arranger, pianist, and actor (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_Massy). He sings in several languages. Today, Bambi had the chance to listen to an interview he gave to her preferred internet radio station. He impressed her with his eloquence in Arabic (and mastery of other languages), wisdom, modesty, professionalism, and inspiring attitude.
This being said, Bambi would like to share a few of Mr. Massy’s songs (he has so many!). She would like to begin with his adaptation of an Arabic Christmas Carol that Bambi used to sing in school. Same for her sisters and all the kids growing up in war. The phrase that used to move her heart, year after year (for 17 years) is in bold/underlined below:
“On the night of Christmas … Hatred vanishes
On the night of Christmas … The earth blooms
On the night of Christmas … War stops
On the night of Christmas … Love is born
1. When we offer a glass of water to a thirsty person, we are in Christmas
When we clothe a naked person with a gown of love, we are in Christmas
When we wipe the tears from weeping eyes, we are in Christmas
When we cushion a hopeless heart with love, we are in Christmas
2. When I kiss a friend without hypocrisy, I am in Christmas
When the spirit of revenge dies in me, I am in Christmas
When hardness is gone from my heart, I am in Christmas
When my soul melts in the being of God, I am in Christmas“
The second song is also related to Christmas, but the English version of O Holy Night.
The third song, subtitled in English, is called “Toute à Beyrouth” in reference to the train (and/or streetcar), which used to allow people to travel from the mountains, or other regions, to Beirut for only 5 cents!
The fourth song is his Arabic adaptation of Mr. Jacques Brel’s Ne me quitte pas (sub-titled in English).
The fifth one is the famous “Qui a le droit” of Mr. Patrick Bruel. He is singing the latter with two of his colleagues, Ms. Tania Kassis and Ms. Aline Lahoud.
To conclude this post, Mr. Mike Massy’s music has many influences and he seems to not be afraid of innovation. He even played the role of Jesus in a movie and here he is singing the Tagore’s prayer (Bambi adores the latter’s wisdom). Bravo, thank you, and please keep making Lebanon proud of you, Mr. Massy!
Wow, Mike Massy is so versatile! So many languages, styles, influences! I am very impressed, also by his voice, its expressiveness and range. And by the deep lyrics of his songs and the breadth of their content. I listened to all 5 of your suggestions. I liked them all without exception. The lyrics of Leilat al milad are soooo beautiful and show what Christmas is or should be really about. I think I will build them into a little speech I will have to give in three weeks, if Bambi allows ?
Wow– Bambi is so happy to know that you are very impressed by Mr. Massy’s voice, deep lyrics, and the breadth of his artistic expression. What an honour to know that you will build the lyrics of Leilat el Milad into a speech in three weeks (and yes she allows it :))!
Thank you for your generosity ?