Ms. Abeer Nehme: “Byeb’a Nas”, a song of hope and gratitude!

In Lebanese-Arabic, “Byeb’a Nas” means there will always remain people (to count on).

One thing is sure: Life is much more beautiful when we feel well surrounded.

Indeed, even in hardships, we can always count on a smile, on an extended hand, on a kind word…

Yes, there is always room for genuine, unexpected support and even lasting friendships.

This is the positive message of this joyful song shot in a charming Lebanese mountain village called Douma (only 80 km away from Beirut).

The video is a tribute to Douma’s residents: its lovely kids, seniors, families, people.

A public picture taken from the internet

What a nice song originally meant as an ode to hope for the people of Lebanon… It also shares the same hope with anyone facing adversity anywhere in our world.

Thank you Ms. Abeer Nehme and Mr. Rayan Habre for having joined your artistic forces. Bambi loves the product of your collaboration!

An older post on Ms. Abeer Nehme:

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