Today, without naming the precise program, Bambi declined an invitation to act as a peer reviewer for the CIHR, which stands for the Canadian Institutes of Health Research). Why? She did it because she does not want to complete the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Self-Identification Questionnaire , that is now a requirement for peer reviewers of grant applications since September 23, 2022 (https://bit.ly/3UV6OPT).
Of note, our government has been increasingly driving what is called a pro-diversity ideology, that has led to documented new forms of discrimination based on identity, including the good example of Dr. Patanjali Kambhampati, Professor at the department of chemistry at McGill University whom Bambi had the honour to interview (https://bit.ly/3TTCAv9) following a National Post article about him (https://bit.ly/3EQOMZm). As a reminder, he was denied research grants because he clearly wrote that that he would hire researchers based on merit, not skin hue. The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada turned down his grant application, worth $450,000, on the justification that “the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion considerations in [his] application were deemed insufficient.”
Now, the CIHR is telling us that “our research entreprise” is “systemically racist” (https://bit.ly/3tQFl62; https://bit.ly/3UTSQ0l); now our country is into the business of “eliminating systemic racism in Canada’s health research funding system“. No, it is no longer about merit and about advancing science. It is about advancing ideologies.
Can someone tell Bambi why should the CIHR, or any other funding agency, care to know about her identity, self- or otherwise, characteristics? The only metric that should matter must be the quality of the review, period.