Through this post, Bambi would like to send positive vibes to Dr. Frances Widdowson ahead of her arbitration in less than a week from today!
As a reminder about her outrageously unfair case, which should worry all faculty members in Canada because they could literally be “next”, to re-cite the wise words of Dr. Jordan Peterson, you may wish to read the following link: https://bit.ly/3vY16la. Make sure you educate yourself on how her university administrators treated her on her final exam day. Disgusting, to say the least.
Although Dr. Widdowson tried hard to make her arbitration public, this is not happening because both her union and CAUT (Canadian Association of University Teachers) are opposed to it. Closed-door arbitrations are a major problem in academic freedom cases. Nevertheless, a lot of information related to her case has been made public over the past year. If more updates come out later on, perhaps Dr. Widdowson’s wish of helping people become more aware of what is happening in our universities will come true.
As they say knowledge is power… but knowledge needs action to truly be powerful.
Good luck, Dr. Widdowson for next week: Bambi wishes not only justice, but more importantly all the happiness that you deserve! Thank you for doing this for all of us!

Given that the arbitrator is getting direction and payment from MRU and MRFA, neither of whom want her at the university, I am curious why anyone would believe that Widdowson will get reinstated?