If Qatar/FIFA managed to have Palestinian and Israeli soccer fans on the same airplane (https://fifa.fans/3EYP68k), why can’t Sackville (or Tantramar now) learn to respect politicians and political candidates for Mayors of all spectrum and ideas?
Why are we attacking Ms. Bonnie Swift like this? Why can’t we just not vote for her, period, end of the story like in any democracy?
Who are we to judge and attack any of her (past) ideas on any topic related to another level of governance (i.e. federal in this case)? She is free to have any opinion at any particular time, like all of us. As a citizen, she is also free to change her opinion or to be right or wrong. She is FREE even in a society hijacked by political correctness in collectively insane times.
Ms. Swift describes herself as politically fluid in her own vote or opinions. She has been a green party supporter for a long time, we learn from her Facebook page. She has voted for different parties in her voting lifetime. She is smart. She adjusts her political opinions as/if needed. Bravo to her (https://bit.ly/3Owa6X8) for using her political brain and for having a spine too.
Sometimes good ideas come from the so-called left. Sometimes from the so-called right. Why should we always label any opinion on any topic like the evil right wing? Just because the left is in power now? Or is afraid of losing its power or feels entitled to behaving in this non-classy way, to say the least? And, of course, when the right is in power, it is the opposite that would happen. The right will abuse of its power just to hold on to it. Is this a politically healthy way of envisioning our societies and countries? Is this how we solve or prevent economic, environmental, or social problems?
Why can’t we have healthy and inspiring public debates anymore? Why don’t we value diversity of (political or intellectual) opinions anymore, ironically in a town, province, country, and world that brag about pro-diversity.
How narrow-minded we have become. How intolerant. How divided. It breaks Bambi’s heart to see Canada in this state.
In the meantime, REAL municipal and local issues are forgotten, or diluted, in a debate that is far from being elevated. Who would benefit from this attack now? those who think they are the kings or queens of political shenanigans? Those who have silenced Councillor Bruce Phinney in the most inhuman and undemocratic way, that is without health coverage?! When will we re-learn to be politically more mature and compassionate with each other again? Any hope for that?
Bambi will end with an earlier post about the excellent political platform of Ms. Bonnie Swift. We are free to vote or not (even if we have a right and responsibility to do so), to vote for her specifically or not, but for God’s sake, let’s educate ourselves. Let’s read her platform. Let’s listen to her. Not just to a tweet taken out of context here or there, regardless of any opinion we may or may not endorse.
As for you Ms. Bonnie Swift, to conclude this post, Bambi will say that she still finds your platform refreshing and promising, whether you win or not. Thanks for the hope and sorry for the current attacks.