Believe it or not, in a county about to completely collapse under its multiple crises, Lebanese Caretaker Energy Minister, Mr. Walid Fayyad, and Social Affairs Minister, Mr. Hector Hajjar have nothing to do with their time, but throw stones across the border toward Israel.
Do they think they are kids and they are playing a game? Do they think they are in Gaza? What thought is on their mind while they are throwing the stone in the air, Bambi cannot help not to wonder?
The lyrics of Mr. Mike Massy’s song, entitled “Kermali” (2016) with an English translation, are based on true stories and quotes by Lebanese and Syrian women survivors of violence.
Bambi is happy because she just randomly discovered this wonderful song. Indeed, it is filled with humanity and much artistic talent.
Bambi received three wonderful pictures today, from out of Lebanon, that she would like to share with you before going to sleep. Thank you Roula and Rana for your generosity.
The first picture was taken by Roula in Ain Saadeh, which is a village in the charming mountains of Lebanon. The last two pictures were taken by Rana in Batroun, which is a superb touristic destination located in North Lebanon.
A picture taken by Roula in Ain Saadeh, Lebanon.
A picture taken by Rana in Batroun, Lebanon.
A picture taken by Rana in Batroun, Lebanon.
To conclude this post, Bambi hopes you enjoyed her sister’s and cousin’s pictures. As for you Lebanon, despite your multiple crises, you remain eternally beautiful. Thus, you deserve Dalida’s famous song, “Helwa Ya Baladi” [My country is beautiful], performed below by Ms. Hiba Tawaji.
Bambi just read a quick article in le Journal de Québec entitled “Des politiciens dénoncent un attaque verbale contre Chrystia Freeland” [Politicians denounce a verbal attack against Chrystia Freeland] (
With all due respect to Ms. Christia Freeland, why can’t Alberta citizens express their frustration to Canadian politicians? Why can’t our politicians expect that some citizens they will meet will express their dissatisfaction?
Bambi will now allow herself to borrow the comment of one reader; at least in this newspaper, comments are welcome, contrary to the CBC who tries to make a link between “journalists of colour“, “women in politics” and the story of Freeland in Alberta ( Anyhow in her mind, the word “liberals” below can be replaced by any ruling political party at any particular time in history. The issue here is not the name of the party but rather its policies and their impact on peoples’ lives: “The liberals can rot our lives but we have no right to let it be known“.
If Bambi bumps into Ms. Freeland in her town, she will greet her with a smile, warmly welcome her, thank her for her hard work (some is good), but she will express to her her STRONG disagreement with some federal policies, especially the so-called anti-racism (or all the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion blahblahbah). She will also ask about the government either incompetence or malice in using our own tax money to fund radical wokes to teach us about racism when they spent their lives expressing hate against Québeckers and their language, against Jews, against even our Prime Minister and our country. Yes Bambi is referring to the informative article of Mr. Jonathan Kay about Mr. Laith Marouf (
Bambi is a dinosaur when it comes to being aware of the latest movies and songs. However, her American-Lebanese internet radio station keeps her educated.
She did not know this Lebanese singer (, but she has heard one of Mr. Al Rassi’s song, featured below, on the radio during the pandemic. It is about a comeback or a couple coming back to each other, after a breakup (
From a quick reading, she understood that the song may have been based on a true story (reuniting with his wife after a divorce). He even sang for his baby son Joe a song telling him that he is the meaning of his existence. Ironically, he also was the spokesperson of an organization meant to prevent car accidents. Imagine that he even had a song that starts with a car crash!
All this Bambi learned it from Naharnet in English (one reader’s comment that she confirmed with her own little research). She also learned more about this fatal car accident from l’Orient Le Jour in French.
Bambi sends her love to your devastated parents (artists too, it seems), to your wife/son, the family of the young woman with you in the car coming back to Lebanon from a concert in Syria (may Ms. Marhabi’s memory be eternal too), and to your sister (a famous actress, it seems), to your fans and friends. You seem to come from the same village as Bambi’s friends in Atlantic Canada. She wonders if they knew you. Condolences to them too.
Anyhow, thank you for your songs, Mr. Georges Al Rassi. From now on, Bambi will listen to the melody featured in this post with a thought for you… in heaven.
To conclude this post, life is truly too short and unpredictable. Let’s make the best out of it NOW. Tomorrow may be just a memory of our lives by our loved ones…
This post is a gift from Bambi to… her own ears :). Yes, this is very selfish gift of self-pleasure before ending a long productive day.
Bambi discovered this Lebanese composer, musician, and singer recently ( She now searched his rich repertoire on Youtube. She was happy to listen to him singing a wonderful Lebanese love song from her childhood-teen years in Beirut. She has two older post about this song with a translation, as shown further below. As she knows for a fact that many of this blog’s readers appreciate this song, she will share his performance below.
Thank you, Mr. Marwan Khoury for your voice, talent, and tribute to the late and unique Ms. Salwa El Katrib!
Is there anything more beautiful in life than love?
She does not know about you, but Bambi learned early in her life to tell people she cares about that she loves them.
Maybe a 15-year-civil war trained her well since back then we could lose our loved ones at any time and anywhere?
Maybe it was rather her immigration at age 17, before the internet era, where it mattered to express love words at the end of a phone call or in a mailed letter that would take an entire month to reach loved ones? Who knows?
Now in middle age, more than ever, she knows that life is too short and that neither her loved ones nor herself are eternal.
At least, human love, through memory and spiritual connections, will transcend death. It is her deep conviction in life, even if she may wrong. It is worth believing it and growing in love. Neither in hate nor in indifference. Rather in humanity and friendship.
Of course, love includes self-respect, self-love, and friendship with oneself. To be able to genuinely love others, we must love ourselves first.
May love in all it forms and expressions, whether just by meaningful acts or in silence, triumph in our world over disrespect, indifference, and over violence.
Now, If some of your loved ones are no longer with you, may their memory be eternal and may it warm your hearts if/while you will listen to the song featured in this post.
To conclude, Bambi promises to stop her personal philosophical insights to share Mr. François’ meaningful song, which is sub-titled in English. Now, if she may, she would like to dedicate it to you dearest Claire to wish you a Happy Birthday and reminds you of how much you are being loved by Bambi et al. ❤️. She will speak for herself now and say that she is blessed to have you in her life. She remains grateful for your incredible support of her blog. Well, if you thought you could get away without a Happy Birthday song, you were wrong on that one, despite all your wisdom :). Check the next song please… it is meant for you and it is in French, of course. Thanks to whomever posted it on Youtube and made it public. It is yours now :)!
Good luck to Dr. Frances Widdowson fighting to get her tenured-track position back at the Mount-Royal University. Yes, she was fired by this institution. If Bambi understands well, her arbitration is set for January 16, 2023.
Trust, Frances or Dr. Widdowson, that Bambi will be with you in her spirit on the day mentioned above. Actually, this date is significant one for her family (the eve of Saint-Anthony’s, her dad’s birthday or rather name day). For those who believe in Christianity and the goodness of Saints, they say that Antoine (or Anthony) is your guy to go-to if you lost something. Just pray for him and you may find it, Bambi’s mom used to tell her when she was young. Well, Bambi will take the time to close her eyes on that day to pray in her heart for you. May your arbitration be public, as you wish. Public or not, may it be as fair as possible. May both intelligence and fairness prevail again in the minds of those who did this to you. They lost all their common sense, not just their scientific thinking, work ethic, and humanity.
Anyhow, Bambi has several older posts on Dr. Widdowson’s shocking yet not surprising ordeal, as you can see further below. Dr. Widdowson kindly interviewed her during her own ordeal. More recently, Bambi had the honour to support her in her financial campaign. She encourages you to do so, if you wish and can. Supporting Dr. Widdowson is actually a support to yourself. Today, it is her turn to be attacked for her views. Who will be next?
Indeed, regardless of whether we agree with Dr. Widdowson’s research findings and/or insights, we should ALL be concerned by her ordeal. We should all refuse this circus of intellectual corruption at our universities and public institutions. Everyone has the right to express his/her opinion, including Dr. Widdowson, a Distinguished political scientist specializing in Indigenous politics in Canada.
It is only by coming back to the principles of academic freedom-freedom of expression, respect and, NO to violence/intimidation for ALL that we can dream of universities that would honour again their missions of truth seeking and of smart debates, of a country that truly respects ALL its citizens, and of a society that is and will still be democratic in 2, 5, or 10 years from now.
To conclude this post, bravo to Dr. Frances Widdowson for her dignity and inspiring fight. Thank you Ms. Soos from Rebel News and Dr. Gad Saad from Concordia University for your thoughtful interviews. Bambi discovered a great journalist in you, Mr. Soos, and enjoyed listening to you Dr. Gad Saad, as usual. Please keep up your great work. Canada and the world need it.