Bambi is a dinosaur when it comes to being aware of the latest movies and songs. However, her American-Lebanese internet radio station keeps her educated.
She did not know this Lebanese singer (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georges_Al_Rassi), but she has heard one of Mr. Al Rassi’s song, featured below, on the radio during the pandemic. It is about a comeback or a couple coming back to each other, after a breakup (https://bit.ly/3KrfhWj).
From a quick reading, she understood that the song may have been based on a true story (reuniting with his wife after a divorce). He even sang for his baby son Joe a song telling him that he is the meaning of his existence. Ironically, he also was the spokesperson of an organization meant to prevent car accidents. Imagine that he even had a song that starts with a car crash!
All this Bambi learned it from Naharnet in English (one reader’s comment that she confirmed with her own little research). She also learned more about this fatal car accident from l’Orient Le Jour in French.
Bambi sends her love to your devastated parents (artists too, it seems), to your wife/son, the family of the young woman with you in the car coming back to Lebanon from a concert in Syria (may Ms. Marhabi’s memory be eternal too), and to your sister (a famous actress, it seems), to your fans and friends. You seem to come from the same village as Bambi’s friends in Atlantic Canada. She wonders if they knew you. Condolences to them too.
Anyhow, thank you for your songs, Mr. Georges Al Rassi. From now on, Bambi will listen to the melody featured in this post with a thought for you… in heaven.
To conclude this post, life is truly too short and unpredictable. Let’s make the best out of it NOW. Tomorrow may be just a memory of our lives by our loved ones…

May they both rest in peace. It’s very sad news. This accident is also to be blamed on our transportation ministry. I saw a video on Facebook of the road . Right after one leaves the boarders the road both ways is wide open with no median all of a sudden there is a concrete median dividing the road and of course no signs and no lights . The singer hit the median head on.
Thank you Leila ?. Well said: May they both rest in peace. Thank you for sharing the information. May this double tragedy provide lessons to learn from to try to avoid future losses.
Thanks again Leila for sharing screenshots of tweets by An Nahar and MTV (in Arabic). Bambi understands now that the family of the singer is about to sue the Lebanese government.
Since the morning I’m still in shock, very very sad to hear this news.
May his soul Rest In Peace ??
Very sad indeed. Thank you, dearest Diana: May his soul rest in peace… You take good care ?.