Picture of the day of two Lebanese Ministers: Guess what they are doing?

Believe it or not, in a county about to completely collapse under its multiple crises, Lebanese Caretaker Energy Minister, Mr. Walid Fayyad, and Social Affairs Minister, Mr. Hector Hajjar have nothing to do with their time, but throw stones across the border toward Israel.

Do they think they are kids and they are playing a game? Do they think they are in Gaza? What thought is on their mind while they are throwing the stone in the air, Bambi cannot help not to wonder?

Les ministres Fayad et Hajjar jettent des pierres vers Israël lors d'une tournée à la frontière

2 thoughts on “Picture of the day of two Lebanese Ministers: Guess what they are doing?”

  1. Maybe they look like stones, but those are Italian zeppoles and they are testing the freshness that way.

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