Singing for happiness

May you all be happy!

This morning, Bambi came across Mr. Victor Hugo’s beautiful saying from Les Misérables, which goes like this: “Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise“.

Tonight, she does not want to go to sleep, at the end of this long day, without sharing Mr. Gérard Lenorman eternal song about “Happy people“. It is sub-titled in both French and English, for your convenience.

Yes, even the happiest people find themselves navigating “the darkest night“; at times, they may even forget that the sun will end up rising, as it always does. Mr. Lenorman’s song is for them and for you, whether you consider yourself a happy person, regardless of your reasons for the latter.

To conclude this brief musical post, our times may seem to be collectively insane (at least from the point of view of deer). They can be quite harsh too, perhaps on some of us more than on others. The unknown can be frightening, especially if we lose sight of the hope of the rising sun. Yet, despite any fear, most of us keep sleeping, smiling, dreaming, hoping for the best, and aspiring to keep ourselves as well as our loved ones happy. If we are struggling to function in our daily lives, we can always reach out for help. Happiness is a skill, which can be learned… Thankfully.

Why does one of our top universities seem to drive Canada’s human, intellectual and social decay?

Thank you, Mr. Jonathan Kay for publicly sharing how some of our top Canadian universities are now recruiting members into one of their key committees. Instead of focusing on research merit or teaching expertise, see below for yourself what they are doing, along with Mr. Kay’s thoughtful comments and questions.

With all due respect, Bambi does not know if she should cry or laugh after reading such level of human, intellectual, and social decay. Contrary to any stated or unstated noble motivation, this could be considered as a potential insult to the intellect of the new potential member.

To conclude this brief post, one song comes to Bambi’s mind. It is Mr. Charlie Chaplin’s “Nonsense Song” from Modern Times. Aren’t our collectively insane times sad in addition to being absurd?

Kids United: they got it alright while singing “Heal the world and make it a better place for you, for me, and for the entire human race”

Bambi has been silent for over 24 hours, reflecting about topics she wants to write about. She has several posts visualized in mind; some of them are like half written :).

For now, she just wants to say hello to you, wish you a beautiful week on this Tuesday morning, and share the following “Heal the World” performance by Kids United. She came across it yesterday night before sleep. It is a little musical treat and a ray of hope in a world torn by increased divisiveness, conflicts, and even raging wars.

May music replace cannons, may reason and love prevail, may peace and economic prosperity win, may humility, honesty, and courage in governance replace arrogance, mediocrity, carelessness and/or dictatorships. May we all know how to truly make our world a better place for all.

Mr. Keith Carter: why do we keep picking on him for having stopped his calf’s suffering after a road accident?

Bambi is a wild animal. She surely has compassion for her fellow animals.

Sadly, a calf was badly injured in a road accident in Dorchester on December 30, 2020 ( As a good farmer, Mr. Carter had to finish the suffering of his bleeding calf by killing it on the spot.

Does anyone think farmers enjoy losing one of their precious calves or cows; even if he accidentally may have forgotten an extra pin in the tail gate ( Bambi is saying so thinking of both the emotional and financial levels here? Not even talking about the good man who had this unfortunate accident.

Anyhow, as far as she is concerned, among the several people she voted for in our latest municipal elections, Mr. Carter was one of them. She wanted to support him after the first article in the media informing us of the complaints about his sad incident to the “Canadian Food Inspection Agency” ( Although he got many votes, he was not elected.

To conclude this post, Bambi would like to thank the CFIA for removing the $6000 penalty against Mr. Carter.

Estrie, Québec: Isn’t sad when wokeism invades unions, replacing love in workers’ and students’ hearts?

Bambi just came across an article published today in the Journal de Montréal authored by Mr. Louis Deschênes ( It is entitled “Détester Martineau et Bock-Côté est devenu un critère d’embauche” [Hating Martineau and Bock-Côté has become a hiring criterion].

Following a quick English translation, thanks to Bambi’s faithful internet friend called Mr. Google Translate, Bambi will share a BEAUTIFUL older French-Canadian song about the meaning of love by Mr. Bruno Pelletier. It is called Do Love [“Aime” in French]. If you are interested, an English translation will follow the song. How sad that those Estrie older workers and/or younger students forgot how to keep social love alive in their hearts in addition to respecting freedom of expression in their country.

Of note, Québec has always been historically leaning to the left. Sadly, this beautiful left, or healthy socialism, seems to have been forgotten. Bambi misses it. Unfortunately, this politically socially relevant, needed and beautiful let has been hijacked by a radical wokeism, which insists on dividing us, pitting us against each other, cancelling us (if we criticize its excesses or question its ideological orthodoxies), hijacking our institutions, and turning our times into collectively insane ones with much political correctness and intellectual intolerance of the opinions of others. When will we wake up to defend the principle of freedom of expression for ALL once and for all?

“The publication to boost the job offer as a communication officer of the organization Solidarité populaire Estrie makes our columnists react.

Hating columnists Richard Martineau and Mathieu Bock-Côté has become a hiring criterion for a non-profit organization in Estrie, which is looking for a communications agent.

Do you grind your teeth reading Richard Martineau and Mathieu Bock-Côté? This offer is for you!” we read this week on the Facebook page of Solidarité populaire Estrie (SPE), in a message targeting the popular columnists of the Journal.

The publication made to promote the job offer of the organization “for the collective defense of rights” has since been deleted, then replaced by a new one that did not mention the columnists.

“I am now a hiring criterion!” quipped Mathieu Bock-Côté (MBC) by posting the screenshot of the message on his Twitter account.

Hate message

Contacted by the Journal de Montréal, he saw in this publication a hateful message, “even a ritual to vomit on two people who have become targets because of their opinion pieces”.

“If you want to get into the business you have to tap on these two, it’s the entry Pinata. If you hit Martineau and Bock-Côté, you’re part of the club,” he notes.

He also associates these behaviors with the movement of the Quebec left. “It’s very woke. […] It is almost a sign of virtue to insult us. And they took the audacity further by making this hatred against us a hiring criterion.

According to the information collected on its website, the SPE organization was set up in 1986 to promote and defend the economic, social and cultural interests of the people of Estrie with the aim of achieving greater social justice.

Unions and students

The list of member groups is mainly made up of union and student associations as well as community groups in Estrie.

Initially, Mathieu Bock-Côté believed that it was a voluntary association made up of “a few cranks”, before realizing that there were serious organizations behind the SPE.

“We should ask each of these organizations if they endorse these comments,” he said.

For his part, Richard Martineau also finds it disturbing that obtaining a job depends on the allegiances or opinions of a candidate. For him, it’s like going back to the 50s.

“If you were a communist, you were barred from certain jobs and there if you like certain columnists you cannot have the job […] I understand the irony of the matter, they are looking for people from the left, but I find that rather inappropriate. I’m not sure that the governments that fund these kinds of organizations would be very happy with that, ”concludes Martineau.

Here are some important associations in the list of member groups of the Solidarité populaire Estrie organization:

AÉCS-Student Association of the Cégep de Sherbrooke

AGEFLESH-General Student Association of the Faculty of Letters

Amnesty International-Sherbrooke

Regional Council -FTQ Estrie

CSD-Central of Democratic Trade Unions

CCSNE-Central Council of National Unions of Estrie

CSQ-Central Trade Unions of Quebec

FEUS-UdeS Student Federation

REMDUS-Grouping of master’s, diploma and doctoral students at UdeS

SCCCUS- Syndicate of UdeS lecturers

SEE-Estrie Education Union – CSQ

SEIC-FTQ/Canada Employment and Immigration Union – FTQ

SFPQ-Union of Public and Parapublic Employees of Quebec

SPECS- Union of teaching staff of the Cégep de Sherbrooke

CSRS-CSQ SPTA/CSRS technical and administrative staff union“.

Do Love (translation taken from:

“Sleep tight, you who don’t know yet

All that’s awaiting you outside

When life will stick your head in the lion’s mouth

When you come back from school

Setting me [no end of] posers

On life or any other tricky topic

Mmmmm, I say to you Do love

It’s the only true reason for living

The hardest road to follow

It isn’t taught in books

Do love, it’s the law of the Bible

The still workable dream of a universe

In which all men would be brothers

That’s why I say to you Do love

Bite the fruit of paradise

Live your life without taboo

Forget even all that you’ve been taught

And like – like the animal that’s cold

Like the animal that’s hungry

You’ll have to learn to survive alone anyway


So I say to you Do love

It’s the only true reason for living

The hardest course to follow

It isn’t taught in books

Do love: it’s the law of the Bible

The still workable dream of a universe

In which all men would be brothers

That’s why I say to you do love

It’s the only true reason for living

The hardest road to follow

It isn’t taught in books

Do love, make it your golden rule

Against the law of the strongest

And no matter what happens

I’d like you to remember

This single word from your father


Bill C-11 seems to request “Canadian content” for internet porn. Is our government a joke?

Bambi is proud of herself. When Bill C-11 became law, as per the older post below, she predicted that Canada would want to go down the road of “regulating” (or rather controlling) what porn Canadians want to use online. When she shared this thought with her spouse, first he thought she was joking. Then, he teased her saying that she has a distorted brain.

Well, do no laugh please, because it turned out that our federal government does indeed perhaps want to import Canadian content quotas on the internet porn industry, according to the National Post (

Can someone tell Bambi why Mr. Trudeau e al. want to decide what pornography we want to watch now? This is not just intrusive and controlling. This is apparently perverted too.

Thank Goodness, governments and their absurd regulations cannot get into people’s private gardens of sexual or non-sexual fantasies. We will always remain free to think, and even desire, either Canadian or non-Canadian content :). Whatever!

Mr. Elie Choueri: good-bye with your beautiful song “Samara el Nil” [The brunette of the Nil]

Rest in peace, Mr. Élie Choueri

Today, Bambi was sad to learn about the death of a GREAT Lebanese song writer-singer and musician called Mr. Élie Choueri. What a loss for Lebanon and for the Arab world music. May his memory be eternal and may God know how to comfort the hearts of his family members and numerous fans!

Well, among ALL his fans, Bambi would like to extend her heart now to her own dad because he happens to know Mr. Choueiri. Yes, the world is often too small. They grew up together (not sure if they went to the same school in Beirut or was it just the same neighbourhood?). Those memories are old, that is before this artist’s impressive career. If Bambi’s memory is accurate, her dad once shared that Mr. Choueri has always been a fabulous singer with a beautiful voice. Indeed, he used to sing all the time, bringing joy to his peers (e.g., during summer jobs, etc.).

Mr. Choueri is a musical legend. He used to sing and play the oud (oriental guitar). Bambi cannot even dare to count his VERY famous patriotic songs. They all travelled well across the borders of tiny Lebanon. He also has a lovely song on love with a big L called “Ya Nass Hibo el Nass” [People, Love One Another] in addition to melodies about romantic love and so many different topics. He composed the music, and even wrote the lyrics, of songs for great Lebanese singers, including Fairuz, Majida el Roumi as well as the late Sabah and Wadih el Safi. He partnered with the Rahbani brothers in about 25 plays. WOW (!

If Bambi is not mistaken, we owe Mr. Choueri very famous songs he composed during the darkest civil war years as well as later patriotic songs about Lebanon in general and about a certain famous massacre in particular.

Among his many artistic creations, there is one melody that honours Egypt (i.e., Egyptian women). It is actually a song he composed, both music and lyrics, for Ms. Majida El Roumi. If she may, Bambi would like to pay tribute to Mr. Choueri with this beautiful Arabic song. An English translation, found online (, will follow the song. To conclude, she will dedicate this melody to three readers: Louis, if he happens to be reading this post, because he likes it; and Fatma as well as Laila… They know why.

Thank you, Mr. Choueri, for your legacy. May your memory be eternal… ?.

A brunette like the night and like the looks of the Sultan’s daughter

Her laugh is like happiness sailing over the bays;

Like a morning where the sun plays

Like the dance of the winds into my dress.

From the joy of an eternal land, from the ring tone of an oriental oud

Her light turning… her dancing moves… her Egyptian dialect.

Leaves of wild flowers… wings of sea birds.

Night, silk and hospice…

And the russet lips say: I am Egyptian.

Like the land, it is warm and glorious;

Like the sun, it is old and young.

And she asks me: would you forget me?

Would you always remember my address?

I am all the ages of love; all the stars of the East are on my sleeves.

The wind rug is on my hand and the magic mirrors are in my eyelids.

I am the daughter of the Nile and the glamour of the generations;

You can’t meet me but with beauty.

You can see me in the night moon, sea waves or desert sun.

The have written me on the face of the world, and translated me to all languages;

They missed and loved me…

I am not an ordinary woman…

I am Egyptian!

Stéphanie: Happy Birthday!

Bambi is blessed in life: she has two nephews and two nieces. No, her spouse and her did not have the opportunity to disturb this balance of sexes :).

One of Bambi’ nieces is Stéphanie and it is her birthday today!

What can she tell you about, Stéphanie? She is smart (heart-wise, not just mind). She is skilled in her field of training and work. Plus, she is gorgeous.

Bambi has vivid memories from the time she saw her niece about a year ago. They were both visiting their birth country at the same time. Despite being busy and lacking some sleep, Stéphanie insisted on waking up at 4 AM with Bambi to say a final good-bye, for just 15-20 minutes only, before her aunt took a cab to the airport and started her trip back home.

Have a wonderful birthday, Stéphanie! “Akbel el Mieh”! Joyeux Anniversaire ❤️!

Get well soon, Mr. Patrick Norman!

Do you know Mr. Patrick Norman? If you don’t know him yet, hurry up! You are missing a beautiful voice, an incredible talent, an inspiring long career (he is 76-year-old now), and a wise yet forever youthful heart that he candidly puts into his bilingual songs.

Indeed, you do not have to be a fan of Canadian country music to enjoy Mr. Norman’s talent and skills in both singing and guitar playing ( Yes, just simply let yourself be lulled to relaxation with his music, which is filled with deep yet simple lyrics.

Among Mr. Patrick Norman’s MANY beautiful songs, there is one that Bambi always enjoys listening to. This melody is a lovely reminder of how human hearts become magically lighter when they fall in love… So why don’t we take life’s rare opportunities of being loved, wonders this great artist? What are we afraid of? If you wish to, below you can listen to the French and English versions of his song.

To conclude this brief post with positive vibes, Bambi would like to wish Mr. Norman a smooth recovery from his heart surgery ( Indeed, he underwent a surgery for a heart valve replacement this morning in Montreal. Thank Goodness, it went well and he is eager to resume his concerts of May 12 and 13 in Calypso, Jonquière, Québec. However, until then, may Mr. Norman take the needed time to rest and heal, even if he is ready to dance :). Indeed, as per the Journal de Québec (, he wrote on his Facebook page the following note: “Hello everyone. Are you going to dance tonight? We’re going to go dancing, he asked his wife in his hospital room. Thanks everyone for your interest. I love you. I look forward to seeing you again”.

Bill C-11 on online streaming: Why does Canada insist on possibly looking like Dubai, Qatar, Singapore… or worse, China?

Mourning free online streaming in Canada

Sadly, the Senate has recently endorsed Bill C-11. Indeed, a few days ago, this bill received royal assent. This means it is officially law now (

What is ironic is that our federal government praises Bill C-11 as it will protect “Canadian content” on the internet. The latter may seem noble until we remember what our Prime Minister thinks of Canada: “a post-national country” in which “there is no core identity, no mainstream” (

Bambi had an earlier post on Bill C-11, shown further below, and many more on similar legal authoritarian moves archived on this blog. Recently, Bambi signed a petition, by the Conservative Party of Canada, to try to kill the bill. Below she will share the thoughtful statement of Mr. Maxime Bernier, from the People’s Party of Canada, about this bill in both English and French.

To conclude this post, there is ONLY one song that comes to Bambi’s mind right now… Yes, it is Ms. Nana Mouskouri’s Liberty song.