Bill C-11 seems to request “Canadian content” for internet porn. Is our government a joke?

Bambi is proud of herself. When Bill C-11 became law, as per the older post below, she predicted that Canada would want to go down the road of “regulating” (or rather controlling) what porn Canadians want to use online. When she shared this thought with her spouse, first he thought she was joking. Then, he teased her saying that she has a distorted brain.

Well, do no laugh please, because it turned out that our federal government does indeed perhaps want to import Canadian content quotas on the internet porn industry, according to the National Post (

Can someone tell Bambi why Mr. Trudeau e al. want to decide what pornography we want to watch now? This is not just intrusive and controlling. This is apparently perverted too.

Thank Goodness, governments and their absurd regulations cannot get into people’s private gardens of sexual or non-sexual fantasies. We will always remain free to think, and even desire, either Canadian or non-Canadian content :). Whatever!

3 thoughts on “Bill C-11 seems to request “Canadian content” for internet porn. Is our government a joke?”

  1. What’s next? Gov’t produced politically-correct porn featuring cabinet ministers?

    This country is a total joke.

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