Ms. Abeer Nehme with the National Arab Orchestra: Is there anything simpler and more beautiful than a butterfly interacting with a lily [“Frashay w Zahra”]?

A picture taken from the internet

Despite its absurdity, or even cruelty at times, life is essentially beautiful.

Whether in its immensity or in its little tiny moments, life with all its forms, shapes, and species is simply magical.

This songs describes a moment in nature between a butterfly and a lily, along with a romantic narrative, by the Lebanese song writer/singer Mr. Zaki Nassif. May his memory be eternal; thanks to the National Arab Orchestra and Ms. Abeer Nehme for this lovely tribute.

If you are interested in the English translation of the Lebanese-Arabic lyrics, you can find them following the song. Today, Bambi’s faithful friend was unavailable (yes, she is talking about that same dear Mr. Google Translate!). She replaced him to the best of her capacity. She did so with the help of the internet in general.

“Pick me the sweetest flower
Oh butterfly, take me away
A flower that suits the blonde
A clip/decoration for her hair
A flower that suits the blonde
A decoration/clip for her hair
Pure, sweet, sweeter than a child’s laughter

And let the lily shout to the butterfly, from its heart, a singing poem
And let the bird do the translation and the tweeting
And the crack of dawn rhythms to the butterfly a beautiful note on its cords
Pick me the sweetest flower
Oh butterfly, take me away
A flower that suits the blonde
A decoration/clip for her hair
A flower that suits the blonde
A decoration/clip for her hair

Pure marble colour and tales of fire
And the soil of the brown inventory and the old snow
It is the dream of the green valley and the glory of the bay leaf
And if I know how to describe more than I tell you to tell me, oh
Pick me the sweetest flower
Oh butterfly, take me away
A flower that suits the blonde
A decoration/clip for her hair
A flower that suits the blonde
A decoration/clip for her hair
Pure marble colour and tales of fire
And the soil of the brown inventory and the old snow
It is the dream of the green valley and the glory of the bay leaf

Ms. Natasha St-Pier: Happy Birthday and thank you for your beautiful “Cantique des Cantiques” [Song of the Songs]!

Today is Ms. Natasha St-Pier’s birthday. For those who do not know her, she is a GREAT international, France-based, Canadian singer who was born in Bathurst, New Brunswick. Happy Birthday to her.

Usually, on birthdays, we offer gifts to those who are celebrating. Well, this post will do the exact opposite: Bambi will share with you Ms. St-Pier’s gift to all of us. The song was produced in 2018, but the musically outdated Bambi only discovered it now before going to sleep. The French lyrics and music are by Mr. Thomas Pouzin and Mr. Benjamin Pouzin, respectively. What a soothing treat to the ears and a joy to the soul.

Last but not least, Bambi would like to offer this song to you Valérie with much love ❤️, if you happen to be reading this post by any chance. Please consider it as coming from both her and and her spouse who joins her in saying: may your dear sister’s memory be eternal… Trust that her memory will forever be alive in Bambi’s heart, along with continuous gratitude for her humanity and generosity. Yes, as a deer as well as a human being, Bambi has been honoured to receive her support ❤️!

Life can be too cruel and absurd

Today, the world’s news seem to be TOO tragic in addition to being senseless.

First, internationally, the Turkey-Syria earthquake deaths passes 12,000 ( Can you imagine?! This is double the population of Bambi’s small town when it is filled to its full capacity. Once again, may everyone’s memory be eternal.

Some people are being rescued even after 48 hours, including 3 Lebanese people today (, thank Goodness. Bravo to all those helping hands. Bless them all.

One of the most moving stories that Bambi has ever heard of, in her entire life thus far, is this newborn whose mom gave birth to her under the rubble. Yes, she brought her to life… and sadly died after that ( When the rescuers found the “baby-miracle“, as some called her, she was still attached to her DEAD mother’s umbilical cord :(. Not only that, this cute little baby girl is now the sole survivor of her entire family. Can you imagine?

Yes, that is what is happening abroad, miles away from us, yet we are deeply touched by this human tragedy affecting SO many men, women, and kids in such a brutal way.

This being said, the second piece of SHOCKING news comes to us from Laval in the province of Québec, Canada. Yes, there a man apparently deliberately crashed a bus at a daycare this morning. He was charged with first-degree murder as two children died and 6 others were injured ( Bambi cannot even dare to imagine one drop of the worries and then sadly of the GRIEF of the parents, children, daycare workers, neighbours, etc. Why did those kids lose their lives? So many whys that may not find an answer. Obviously a thorough investigation is needed to try to understand why did this man do what he did. Why did he lose his mind to that extent?

According to City News Everywhere (, the 51-year-old bus driver worked with the Société de transport de Laval (STL). According to the same source, “a neighbour to the daycare said he rushed over to the scene of the crash. Hamdi Benchaabane told reporters children were stuck under the bus, and that he and three parents managed to subdue the driver, who he said had stepped out of the bus, removed all his clothing and started screaming”. Bambi listened to the interview Mr. Benchaabane spontaneously gave to reporters on the street on different French-speaking media. She is speechless… like everyone else on the streets of this neighbourhood of Laval, in Québec, across Canada, and wherever the news of this senseless tragedy will travel.

How do you cope with this, as a parent? As a child? As a daycare educator? As a bus driver working for the same company? As a client? As anyone of us, citizens and politicians? This is not a natural earthquake. This is someone who lost his mind and we do not know if that man would be fit to stand trial, as explained by Dr. Gilles Chamberland, a psychiatrist at the “l’Institut national de psychiatrie légale Philippe-Pinel” (

To end this post, and if she may, Bambi will keep thinking about everyone affected by the earthquake in both Turkey and Syria. If she may, she would like to send her heart to the families of the two children who died today in their own daycare as well as to the other six injured kids; all out of danger now, as per the media links above, thank Goodness. By extension, Bambi’s heart also goes to ALL the families of young children. Her heart also goes to ALL the kids and their educators wherever they are, whomever they are. She has no word and even no song. Nothing. She will only have a prayer for them before closing her eyes to sleep. This is a promise that she is eager to honour.

Mr. Alexis Carlier: Thanks Aline for making Bambi discover his talent!

She does not know about you, but Bambi had an inspiring day with two productive meetings with a meaningful vision for the future. Of course, her day has also started and ended with mixed emotions related to the earthquake. On one hand, this continuous sadness in her soul (yes, 5000+ death now and MANY still missing in Turkey an Syria). On the other hand, reassurance and gratitude to God/life for the safety of loved ones in Syria.

Perhaps because she is still lacking words about this disaster, Bambi is happy there is and there will always be music in life. Indeed, this morning, she received a short video of a French song she loves from her friend Aline. The song is performed by a certain Mr. Alexis Carlier from France. It provided her with enjoyable moments during a little break. Thank you, Aline.

The day is about to end now and Bambi is still intrigued by Mr. Alexis Carlier’s superb voice and beautiful talent. After a quick search, she discovered many of his YouTube performances in both English and French. She would like to share some with you, hoping you will enjoy them too.

To conclude this brief post, may everyone’s memory be eternal… and long live music.

Earthquake: a love song to the people of Turkey and Syria, along with the neighbouring region, including Lebanon

Bambi is still speechless since yesterday night… Yes, she has no words, but the soothing voice of Fairuz in a beautiful song-prayer to ALL those who lost their lives or loved ones (3,400+ people in addition to the injured or those still trapped under the rubble).

Same song also to those who lost their houses or peace of mind in the middle of the night of this powerful earthquake in the Middle East, which was followed by 2-3 terrible after-effects.

May everyone’s memory be eternal. May the injured heal. May the earth finally calm down and may God know how to comfort the survivors. Many of whom are now sleeping in mosques or in their cars, etc.

Thanks to all the countries, which offered help to Turkey and Syria, including Canada and bankrupt Lebanon. Even Israel offered help. Even Syria accepted that help.

May humanity, generosity, and kindness always prevail in facing tragedies to save lives as fast as possible.

May love has the final word in our world, whether with or without natural disasters.

Happy Birthday, Karen!

This post will start with an addendum, which usually is supposed to go at the end of documents or posts, etc. It is way too important to leave it until the end.

Bambi was awaiting midnight to post this surprise for her niece Karen when her sister Roula wrote, minutes before the breaking news from Nurdagi in Turkey and across the Middle East nearby region, including Lebanon. She informed her about the BIG scare her family and herself had in the middle of the night due to a 7.8 magnitude earthquake, which sadly killed at least 5-10 people in Turkey (from early conflicting reports). How terrible. How scary. Bambi’s heart goes to the Turkish people right now. She also feels for everyone across the region, including Beirut where she saw pictures of at least one damaged apartment in An Nahar. She could not help not to think of the fear of people as they may have perhaps recalled the surrealistic port explosion of their city. Roula also informed her that they also felt another (smaller or shorter) earthquake following it. Anyhow, she hopes that Karen (and Rana also featured in this post) were not too scared. She hopes her own parents were not too affected.

OK, the addendum is officially over. Time to highlight Karen’s birthday now. On that note, Bambi has always remembered everyone’s birthday. She wakes up in the morning telling her spouse: today is the birthday of so and so… Sometimes it goes to second generations even, if not more (kids of friends, etc.). She often even jokes, telling him that if she ever develops dementia, the saddest part for her would be to forget the birthdays of her loved ones.

Well, we do not have to go that far in our imagination. Even with a good memory like an elephant, one must keep in mind that our memories are far from being perfect.

Yes, sometimes we skip significant dates. The ultimate rather funny example of this imperfection is actually today, which started two days ago on this blog :). Indeed, before sending her best wishes to her niece Karen, Bambi would like to wish her cousin Rana a Happy (REAL!) Birthday, as both of them share this important day! As per the older post on cousins shown below, Bambi made you Rana slightly older, by mistake. Strategically, she made your brother slightly younger (so she can devote a post to both of you together). Thank Goodness, Karen’s birthday is accurate. Yes, there is hope for Bambi’s memory :).

This being said, and most importantly, Bambi wants to honour you Karen [or “Karrouna” :)] now with a couple of words and in music. You are one of your aunt’s precious blessings in life. Thank you for having existed in the two chapters of your/her life, that is in Canada and Lebanon. Sometimes, it is hard for Bambi’s mind to fully capture all those years, which turned you from the CUTEST baby/little girl you have been in Montreal to the MOST beautiful AND brilliant woman you are right now, living abroad. Bambi loves you beyond words; she is very PROUD of you! She also loves Georges a lot and wishes you both a beautiful life together. Spending time with you this past summer was a dream come true. She looks forward to our next family encounters and celebrations. Until then, all the best!

After the wishes, now is the time to end your post Karen with music, hoping you will enjoy it❤️; thanks to the anonymous person who posted a public Happy Birthday on YouTube meant for someone with your name :). It is yours now!

Thanks to Garou for renewing himself with his new version of “Seul” [Alone]

Sometimes, Bambi seems to be living on a different planet, especially when it comes to new movies, songs, trends, etc.

However, she knows “Seul” [Alone] very well. It is a Garou’s famous song from 2000. Well, today, she had the pleasure of discovering a 2020 version of this deep song. Lovely. Thank you Garou.

The lyrics of of “Seul” were written by Mr. Luc Plamondon. For those who are interested in an English translation, there is one following the song (taken from

So many times have I tried

To touch the stars

And while falling down

I often I hurt myself

So many times did I believe

That I have crossed the limits

But every time a woman

Put me back into the orbit

So many times have I climbed

To the top of the highest peaks

But I found myself

Alone down in the abyss

Alone down in the abyss

He who has never been alone

Not even once in his life

Alone in his bed

Alone at the end of the night

He who has never been alone

Not even once in his life

Will he know how to just love

Will he ever know how to love

So many friends have left


And I know today

That I could die tomorrow

It seems like we have everything

Money,love, glory

There will always be a night

When you find yourself alone

Alone right at the beginning

He who has never been alone

Not even once in his life

Alone in his bed

Alone at the end of the night

He who has never been alone

Not even once in his life

Will he know how to just love

Will he ever know how to love

So many time have I been

To the end of my dreams

That I will go on

Just until I break down

That I will go on

That I will go on

He who has never been alone

Not even once in his life

Alone in his bed

Alone at the end of the night

Will he know how to just love

Never, never

I will go on

I will go on

Will he ever know how to love”.

Ms. Tulsi Gabbard: Thank you for reminding us of the value of freedom of expression

Bambi respects and loves Ms. Tulsi Gabbard a lot.

With all due respect to everyone, too bad she is not leading her county right now.

This being said, she may be busy doing better than governing. In Bambi’s mind, she is being the voice of reason and, most importantly, the voice of the people from whom our world leaders seem to be so disconnected, despite any of their good intentions.

Thank you for thinking of us in Canada, Ms. Gabbard.

Long live Bambi’s cousins: Happy Birthday to Rana… and again to “Khello”!

Bambi’s spouse has a wise yet funny friend who used to say: “Every family has a weird cousin. If you do not know who is that one, it is probably you :)”. Anyhow, weird or not, Bambi is blessed to have adorable cousins on both sides of the family.

Today happens to be the birthday of Rana. Happy Birthday to her, filled with love, across the miles! Bambi will always remember what you did to her and to Laila this past summer, as per the posts shown further below. You made them discover a charming region of Lebanon called Batroun. Despite harsh economic times, you drove through the mountains all the way down by the Mediterranean sea. You took them to visit pieces of heaven Bambi did not even know they existed. We met welcoming local people who made us taste delicious fruits and guess the name of plants and trees. If you recall, Bambi failed the test of both the Cedar and the Zaatar. What a shame! We also had fun sunset adventures, getting lost in Lebanese and almost even American military bases :). We started the trip during the day and returned to Beirut in the middle of the night. What an unforgettable day. Thanks again; may tiny, bankrupt, yet eternally beautiful Lebanon finally see brighter days!

The paragraph above was devoted to you Rana. Now, it is the turn of “Khello”. Yes, you Khalil. Happy Birthday again and may you have a wonderful year ahead! See, Bambi made you younger by a couple of days today. Enjoy :). Seriously, what can she say about you? And what about your lovely family? She loves you all from the bottom of her heart and she feels proud of your children. She will always cherish all our fun childhood memories as well as the more recent ones, including the precious moments with Zeina [who knows how to hold secrets about surprises so well :)]. Thanks again for your personalized New Year best wishes video. How sweet of you.

To conclude this post, let’s end with music meant for both of you, dear cousins ❤️❤️!

Mr. Nicola Ciccone: thanks for singing the masterpieces of your fellow Canadian artists with sensitivity and much talent

Thankfully, Canada has incredibly gifted artists, like Mr. Nicola Ciconne, who interpret Ms. Ginette Reno’ and Mr. Daniel Lavoie’ famous songs in a such a beautiful way. The lyrics of the two songs featured in this post are in French.

The first song reminds us of the most essential in life and yes it is love. It is simply “the little efforts we make that really count“. An example is “when someone calls our name in such a way that sounds genuine and kind“.

The second song evokes a love between two people trapped in a hostile world. Think of all the violence and the threats. Think of hate. Think of indifference or exploitation. Yet, these two lovers seek to overcome all the latter through their pure and most genuine love; yes, “they love each other like children, despite the look of despair and the statistics, they love each other like children”. As the songs keeps going: “They are the children of the bomb, of disasters, of the rumbling threat”… yet, “they are armed to the teeth”.

As for you dear Mr. Nicola Ciconne, please keep singing and sharing your talent with the world!