Although it may “not” be a “diplomatic crisis” for Saudi Arabia, it could be a humanitarian crisis for the Lebanese people

Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, and Koweit all expelled the Lebanese Ambassadors from their respective countries (as partly explained in the earlier post further below). They even recalled their own Ambassadors there. Some have even asked their own citizens to avoid flying to this country (or to leave it?). Yet, the Saudi foreign minister “denies a diplomatic crisis“, as per this CNBC brief news interview.

As one dear journalist told Bambi this morning, this new saga is the same old “arm wrestling” between the powers of the region (i.e., Saudi Arabia-Iran historic conflict). Sadly, it is once again the innocent (and exhausted!) Lebanese families that could pay a huge price for this so-called “none” diplomatic crisis, if it is not solved soon.

Indeed, MANY Lebanese families have loved ones working in these Arab countries. They cannot afford a potential escalation of this serious latest crisis, may God forbid. They need their loved ones to be working in peace in those welcoming countries to keep earning a living. Yes, they do need their financial support because life has been increasingly unbearable in tiny, bankrupt and now more polarized Lebanon.

So please everyone, be wise and be diplomatic. Be human. Just be kind to the people of Lebanon. Forget who is in charge or who is not. Forget who said what. Persons inside Lebanon be wise now more than ever. Bambi is saying so with all due respect to all the countries involved in this “none” diplomatic crisis, including her birth country with its DEEP problems and with any effort to begin solving them. It does not need further polarization. It just needs solutions to its multiple crises because its population cannot take it anymore… Does anyone care or still care for them?

Bambi’s earlier post on this topic:

Royal Canadian Legion: Why can’t we honour both our veterans/flag and the memory of Indigenous children at the same time?

Canada has lowered its flag in a sign of deep sorrow, after the discovery of the first sets of unmarked graves (of Indigenous children) over 5 months ago. The flags have been lowered ever since.

Why is our Royal Canadian Legion planning “to raise the flag at the National War Memorial in Ottawa before the Remembrance Day ceremony — and then lower it again to half-mast” (

Is it because it is Mr. Trudeau’s wish not to raise it ahead of November 11 (for the poppy campaign)? Or is it out of much political correctness in our country? Or out of a related fear of censorship or any concern about defunding (, deplatforming, or even simply unpopularity in the public opinion? Or is Bambi completely wrong in raising any of these questions?

The plan to raise then lower the Canadian flag, or rather some of our flags, seems absurd to her, if not childish. She regrets to say that it does not seem to respectful, despite the good intentions.

She is saying this and she recognizes the good will and sensitivity of all Canadians, including those decision-makers.

Bambi is saying so with the utmost respect for our legion that she keeps supporting as well as Remembrance Day that she will forever keep honouring.

She is saying it also with her still heavy heart for all the Indigenous children, her compassion toward their families and loved ones, and her sadness about the cultural genocide.

These children could have been hers (the ones she did not have). These children may have been yours or… are perhaps literally yours. These are Canada’s children.

Thus, we are all sad and we have all paid tribute. There is no need for increased overbid of virtue signalling (with our flag).

We have rightly lowered our beautiful Canadian flag as well as aching hearts. However, it is time now for our hearts to keep going on and flags to be treated with more respect.

Yes, life goes on even when grieving… Sadly, life continues with the same hypocritical politicians who impose excessive,and thus meaningless, symbols on all of us. All means including Indigenous Canadians who love their country, just like Bambi. They do so while denying further justice to Indigenous children ( How can we take them seriously then?

Why don’t we simply return to our legion’s meaningful traditions?

If we forgot those traditions, here is a reminder. It is about the Vimy Ridge Day of April 9, 2017 in which the flag is lowered by the legion that joins the federal, provincial and municipal institutions in this gesture of respect (

To conclude this post, enough of contradictions Canada/Mr. Trudeau et al… please. Plus, you as well as Canadians can hold normal as well as common contradictory, simultaneous, grief feelings: of pride with sorrow, of sadness yet patriotic love (or vice versa), and of respect for our veterans/flag with aspirations for more fairness.

Thank you.

Bambi’s older post on the topic:

Lebanon: Isn’t it sad to see it, once again, in the crossfire between Iran and Saudi Arabia?

On one hand, Lebanon has been increasingly aligned with Iran over the past years, via its Iran-funded Hezbollah. Saudi Arabia and the other Arab countries are obviously unhappy about it, especially that Iran keeps expanding in the region. Its classical modus operandi is to contribute to regional wars by proxy (e.g., in Yemen, Irak, Syria, and of course Lebanon).

On the other hand, there has been a war in Syria and all the players of the region got involved, directly or indirectly (via just funding or actual participation). Of course, we can think of Iran but also Saudi Arabia, of Hezbollah (in the back of its own government at the time, which was telling the world it had a policy or attitude of neutrality). Hezbollah likely did this to serve its allies’ interests before its own country (classical). Who knows? Perhaps also from its point of view, it played a glorious role in pushing back against ISIS (the other Islamist evil; likely even more extreme?). Tragically, by doing so, there has been many war victims, both those Lebanese young men (the fighters) and what to say of the innocent Syrian civilians (or fighters too)? What to say about the suffering, the destruction, and the refugee crisis? Anyhow, regardless of any so-called noble or just absurd, civil war, it is always the innocent people (on all sides!) who suffer while paying a heavy price.

To continue the list of those involved in the Syrian war now, we can think of Russia, Turkey, Israel, the USA and their allies, from the locals to the Europeans to the North Americans, etc. Perhaps Bambi is forgetting other forces.

Anyhow, to come back to Lebanon, it has been increasingly under the influence of Iran over the past decades, and especially lately. However, it has a diversity of political parties and forces that play a certain role of opposition to Hezbollah and their internal allies, from the best of their capacity (when they are not partners in corruption). As a reminder, Hezbollah, Iran, and the Syrian regime are part of the same axis. Lebanon is being increasingly dragged into this alignment when traditionally it has been closer to the European Union (e.g., France) and the Western world (e.g., the USA, etc.).

Saudi Arabia is desperate to the point of resorting to almost the same technique of intimidation as Iran, with tiny bankrupt and sadly increasingly “Persian” Lebanon. It has been even more desperate in its confrontation with Iran (losing against its expansion) to the point of making peace with the old enemy of the region, Israel! Of course, there is also a role of the Americans in all this (Mr. Trump’s team and the continuity of this policy in the Middle East by the new administration). Continuity maybe when it comes to Israel and the traditional support to the Lebanese army. However, perhaps a more rosy approach with Iran, than the one by the former team (of Mr. Trump, his son-in-law et al.). Hezbollah took advantage of the USA’s more (at least apparent) weakness. It dared to import illegal gas from Iran more than once and bring it into Lebanon via Syria. The USA did not say or do anything… neither Israel mind you. Who knows? Perhaps there was also a humanitarian concern, could it be (out of compassion for the population)?

When Bambi talked about the new honeymoon between Israel and Arab countries, Bambi seemed sarcastic. Yet she is someone who is sick and tired of wars and of the Middle East endless unresolved issues. Perhaps because of that, and especially because she has faith in humanity, she salutes peace, economic development, extended hands/bridges and even love between people (preferring it to death, destruction, and eternal hate among people and their respective nations). She wishes her own birth country peace and harmony within all its internal components. She wishes it external peace with all the countries of the world, including Syria, Israel, Iran, Saudi Arabia et al., Europe, the USA, China, Africa, etc.

In her mind, clearly the best interest of Lebanon is to succeed in being/remaining impartial OR neutral with all nations, that is at an equal distance from all neighbours and players (in the region and beyond). How about some inspiration from Austria whose status of permanent neutrality post-war protected it during the Cold War? Indeed for perhaps 65 years, this country made a wise use of its neutral status. It allowed it to turn into a much trusted meeting point for West and East during the Cold War. In addition, it built a world reputation of an impartial hub for international diplomacy. Why can’t tiny Lebanon learn a historical lesson of wisdom from Austria (

Of note, Syria has occupied Lebanon for many years and was not the kindest neighbour to it. Syria may have also always perceived it as being part of itself. Not as a sovereign nearby smaller country. Same for Iran and its Islamist ideology (or hate of Israel? Or is it just an pretext?). Same for Saudi Arabia, perhaps to a lesser extent (or an indirect extent via its Islamists not in direct power). Same for all the Arab countries (historically on good terms with them, being an Arab country too). Do the Islamic or hegemonic forces see Lebanon as a sovereign entity or just as a battle ground for their proxy wars?

And what about Turkey that maybe wants to influence it too, or at least parts of it (like old times)? Europe and China too, not just the USA and Iran. Israel has occupied it for many years, first to fight Palestinians (who also were fighting it from within Lebanon), then as a masters of a no-mans’ land with the excesses of the occupier (like Syria).

Now, perhaps the divided components of Syria wants to be at a different place too, despite the alignment of Mr. Assad with Iran and Hezbollah?

Bambi thinks that Israel is at a different place now too.

So must Lebanon be too now!

Lebanon is the weakest link. The smallest, weakest has to be the smartest to survive.

To survive, Lebanon must be diplomatically wise with ALL the parties mentioned in this post.

Sadly, there are some public figures, now Ministers, who perhaps expressed an opinion that may have angered Saudi Arabia. They say the TV show was recorded in August, but aired only lately. The man in question was not even a Minister back then. Yes, he may have a biased, distorted view of the war in Yemen (far from the facts and surely from the point of view of Saudi Arabia). Yet, it is a legitimate opinion and it is his (it may even be shared by MANY in the new government that is known to be now like an Iranian colony). So, please Saudi Arabia, give him and especially give Lebanon (that you say you care much for) a break. Bambi is the first to say the same to Iran too (and even before saying it to Saudi Arabia). She surely says it to Hezbollah, that also did not act in a wise way in this story. Both Saudi Arabia and the Hezbollah are escalating… Poor Lebanon, give it a break, especially that its new Prime Minister and its President (although historically aligned with Hezbollah and indirectly or directly with Iran) have been working hard to rise above this conflict of words, to ensure the financial rescue of their country.

Anyhow, Saudi Arabia seems to be too upset by the opinion expressed by the new minister in question (who was a TV show man before, it seems). His opinion belongs to him and he has always had it. Bambi is saying so, even if and especially that she does not have the same vision as him for her birth country.

Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Koweit, and the United Arab Emirates are upset. Saudi Arabia, along with Bahrain, expelled the Lebanese ambassador (48 hours notice to leave the country), recalled own ambassadors from Beirut, asked their own people not to go to Lebanon, banned imports from there (saying that sometimes drugs are smuggled by the Hezbollah; remember the latter needs funds and its country is bankrupt, in addition to a pandemic in the world limiting travels, etc.). At least, Saudi Arabia is saying the Lebanese expats are safe. Yes, but until when and what if the conflict degenerates into a regional war? Could it be? Or just war of words and influences (

As far as Bahrain is concerned, the irony is that it will now have an Israeli Ambassador (good for them) AND not a Lebanese one (how sad for both them and Lebanon).

When it comes to Saudi Arabia, Lebanon historically used to have about 350,000 workers in this country (now down to about 180,000). Those politicians in Lebanon need to think of the safety of their citizens abroad, especially in the Gulf countries. Wisdom and calm should prevail. Not escalation. Not isolation…. and surely not violence in any form.

To conclude this post, regardless of the opinion expressed (or the next excuse when this conflict is solved), PLEASE hands off Lebanon all of you… Enough of crises and suffering for its people (once again all the innocent civilians who do not care about this or that party. They just want to live, without another crisis). Sadly, Lebanon is not an island in the middle of the Mediterranean sea. Thus, it must be clever in its diplomacy… perhaps today more than ever!

Mr. Trudeau, despite the sorrow in our hearts, can we now raise our Canadian flag again… just like in the Mohawk territory?

Many great journalists of our country, and some politicians, have been calling to raise our Canadian flag now after over 5 months.

The gesture of lowering the flag was MUCH needed (it was the least to do….).

However, after all this time, the symbolism of the gesture is being lost. Indeed, it is becoming absurd (and thus sad and frustrating).

Until when will it be low?

It is raised again, even in the Mohawk territory… Do you see the irony?

As journalists and veterans have wisely argued, Remembrance Day is ahead. This is a good opportunity to raise the flag, so we can lower it again (

Other tragedies or sudden death can occur in life (like one of Bambi’s dear friends in town). Why don’t we have our flags high, so we can express our sorrow again?  

This does not mean we are no longer sad/shocked by the discoveries of all the unmarked graves… We also know now that others will be uncovered soon.

This is part of our past, as a nation. This is its dark side. This is our collective shame. However, even shame (or self-anger or fear) must be confronted in life to grow and to learn, to repair and pay respect, to say to oneself: Never again!

Yes, never again, while being proud of whom we are and whom we want to still be, collectively as a nation.  

No country is perfect, Mr. Trudeau. If there is anyone who knows this, it is Canadians of Lebanese origins. They know that their birth country is a parody of a nation now. Yet, they love it, they forgive it, and they have a tenderness toward it (yes, despite any love-hate relationship they may entertain with it). Those old enough, like Bambi, to have grown up during civil war, know very well the tragedies of massacres. There have been so many of the latter. Some of Bambi’s friends lost their parents and siblings in some of these human tragedies. Yet, they put this past behind them, without ever forgetting it of course, to move on with their lives. They are busy raising kids and being productive Canadians.

They, along with Bambi and the rest of the silent majority of Canadians, want to see their flag risen again.

Please, Mr. Trudeau, raise our flag now.

Thank you.

A concrete move against Lebanon’s endemic corruption: Thanks to the USA (Mr. Biden, Mr. Blinken, etc.)

Below, you can find the coverage of this story in the Lebanese media in French, English, and Arabic respectively:

This is a start… or is it a continuation? Bambi lost track of the details in the middle of Lebanon’s multiple crises. Anyhow, thank you Washington for resorting to such a move. It seems to have been done across political affiliations, as per the clever slogan of the revolt of Lebanon’s people: “Kiloun Yaani Kiloun” (“All of them means all of them!”). The latter refers to Lebanon’s ruling mafia, which at times colludes with its powerful militia. Yes, corruption is prevalent in this tiny Mediterranean country. It exists across political parties as well as in high-profile partners from the private sector. Those resorting to corruption became billionaires while their population is literally starving :(, without access to life savings (withheld in banks) and without electricity, gas, medication, food, etc.

The cleanup was overdue, as per the song below!

Waterloo Region District School Board: Since when book censorship makes our world a better place?

Of course in the name of equity (most likely within the illogical logic of the dogma called “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion“), we learned from a Cambridge Today media article that the Waterloo Region District School Board banned books deemed “harmful to staff and students” (

Since when books are harmful?

Since when book censorship is enriching for staff and students’ creativity?

Since when book banning is good to teach critical thinking skills?

Since when erasing history or cultural heritage is beneficial for brains and civilizations?

When will we collectively stand up together to say enough of this modern form of intellectual terrorism in our societies?

Mr. Antoine Robitaille: “Joly, minister of world government?”[“Joly, ministre du gouvernment mondial?”]

Bambi would like to share a thoughtful article by Mr. Antoine Robitaille, published in the Journal de Montréal today about the appointment of Ms. Mélanie Jolie to the position of Foreign Minister (oups… her ministry is called “Global Affairs Canada“, Bambi forgot :)). This is one of the most prestigious government positions in our country.

First of all, of course, congratulations to Ms. Joly and best wishes. Second, her choice for this position speaks volumes, perhaps not only about her own vision, but also/rather about the vision of Mr. Trudeau (et al.?) for our country.

The article featured in this post describes Ms. Joly’s vision. Bambi will allow herself to add some comments before sharing it with you.

In addition to her (past or continuing?) globalist vision, Ms. Joly’s view of her/our country (described in Mr. Robitaille’s article) can be described in French as being “à l’eau de rose“, which means sappy or rosy in English. This makes Bambi remember a funny comment made by one her childhood friends about Mr. Trudeau during one of her earlier visits to Beirut. This friend came up with a cute name for him. She referred to him as Papa Noël (or Santa Claus). Without having anything against him (she even liked him), she was lucid enough to see that he did not seem to be grounded enough in reality. Perhaps this is the image we get of Mr. Trudeau. Perhaps deep inside, him and his government know more what they are doing (Bambi still wants to hope…).

Well, bearing her childhood friend’s comment in mind, Bambi is now wondering about the following: if Mr. Trudeau is truly Santa, would Ms. Joly be his Star Fairy (or la Fée des étoiles) :)? Maybe, even if she is smart (in addition to being as beautiful as her name). Thus, thankfully, she has the potential to learn and acquire the needed experience in her new prestigious position. At least, she does not call the Talibans her brothers (which is already a wise start :)).

Very seriously now, although Canada is not a significant player in the world, we cannot afford to be too naive or not to think of our OWN interests FIRST, as all “sovereign” states do/must do. Indeed, it is Bambi’s hope that Canada will not make Lebanon’s mistakes with this regard…

This being said, here is a quick translation of Mr. Robitaille’s article (

What is the worldview of our Dominion’s new Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mélanie Joly?

“Does she just have one?” All the bad tongues will scoff her (but, by mocking this politician with a sort of fierceness, paradoxically they will propel her ever higher). Yet we can say that there is something like a “vision of the world” in her book entitled Changer les règles du jeu (Québec Amérique) [Changing the rules of the game (Quebec America)] – an essay full of the obvious and poorly substantiated assertions – published in 2014.


At the time, she had just left her position as the leader of the municipal party “Vrai changement pour Montréal” [Real change for Montreal], which she had founded for the 2013 election. In interviews, she said she was happy to have left politics in order to “say more” directly what she thought ”.

In the introduction, she unveiled the programmatic aspect of the book: “I deliver this essay, which is also the foundation of my future actions.”

During the 2019 election campaign, I interviewed her on QUB radio for 25 minutes, reminding her of certain passages from her book. Several of her “political actions” were at odds with what she wrote in Changing the Rules of the Game. Notably, the idea that multinationals should levy taxes on consumption. But also that “any company or person who benefits from accessibility to a state market pays accordingly for this access” (p.179).

As the Minister of Canadian Heritage, she had instead given up “applying the rules of the game”. Remember her complacent policy towards Netflix, among others, which was exempt from levying the tax. She has since admitted that she should have “done things differently.”

Let us hope that as Minister of Foreign Affairs, she will work on international agreements which will force the GAFAM (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft) to pay their due to states.


Moreover, the new liberal foreign minister seemed hostile, in her 2014 book, to the idea of ​​state sovereignty, one of the foundations of international relations.

“The states of today must agree to relinquish some of their powers,” she insisted. In particular “in environmental matters”, where they should “absolutely agree to […] subordinate themselves to planetary principles of carbon management” (p.144). She believed that it was necessary for states to accept “binding global agreements” so that states in breach could be “punished”.

In certain passages of the essay, the idea of ​​a world government emerges: “It is therefore absolutely necessary that a planetary power of influence is put in place so that the environmental consciousness in the citizen can develop”. (p.138)

This “global centralization” that she calls for should, however, be accompanied by a shedding of nation-states towards “local communities” (p.145). In Canada, to the provinces? No, these are missing from Ms. Joly’s vision in 2014. In her view, cities should inherit more power and money.

Here we are swimming in post-nationalism, according to which “the individual is a political institution in himself that must be respected” (p.140). In short, “in the 21st century, belonging to a country is no longer an end in itself” (p.131).”

But what kind of international politics can we really build from such a position?

Fifteen months after the Beirut blast: Mr. Abbas Mazloum (38 at the time) dies of his critical spinal cord injury

According to L’Orient Le Jour and 961, Lebanon lost Mr. Abbas Mazloum. He was 38 years old at the time of the surrealistic Beirut port explosion. For fifteen long months, he suffered a painful spinal cord injury that has paralyzed him ever since.

Mr Mazloum was a Chef at a restaurant in the Mar Mikhaël neighbourhood, one of the most devastated areas of the Lebanese capital. Who knows? Perhaps he was even the cook at the same restaurant where Bambi’s niece was injured, she could not help not to wonder. Or was it maybe another nearby restaurant in this beautiful area of Beirut. Regardless, Bambi’s heart is aching now for Mr. Mazloum’ family and friends.

Will they, along with the other 218 grieving families, ever know the truth behind this unacceptable home-made tragedy (whether by mere negligence or otherwise)? Will justice be finally served?

More broadly, will Lebanon manage to stop its speedy descent toward hell? It has literally become a parody of country where citizens do not have access to their bank savings, do not have their basic needs met (gas, medication, affordable food etc.), and are not safe even in neither their homes nor workplaces. In addition, the ruling mafia of their country keeps paralyzing their political institutions and attacking their judiciary system to avoid accountability. Most alarmingly, the ghost of civil war seems to be still vivid not just in some spirits, but also in Beirut streets where a regular day recently turned into a fatal flashback of the civil war (may all those killed and injured then also rest in peace).

To conclude this post, may Mr. Mazloum’s memory be eternal. If she may, without knowing them, Bambi would like to send his family members and friends her wishes of internal peace, along with a prayer (thanks to Mr. Marc Reaidy Baz)… May external peace know how to keep prevailing in their/our beloved Beirut.

A new “ministry of mental health and addictions”: When will Ottawa stop invading provincial jurisdictions?

As slow as a turtle, Mr. Trudeau finally formed his “new” government.

We learned from his move that could have been perhaps made, without resorting to a very expensive election (when we are headed for inflation), the following:

Ottawa is creating a federal ministry of mental heath, called the Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions:

For those who may have forgotten Canada’s federal system, this is CLEARLY not under Ottawa’s jurisdiction. Indeed, Mr. Blanchet, Leader of the clever Bloc Québécois, is absolutely right in “denouncing the unacceptable interference in a field of exclusive jurisdiction of the provinces“, as per LActualité (

Here is a Google translate of the LActualité article above:

To conclude this brief post, first, thank you Mr. Blanchet. Second, and most importantly, until when will Ottawa keep invading provincial jurisdictions?

NB code of silence/N-B omerta: “Mysterious neurological disease”… Nothing to see here. Move along.

Many months ago when the story about this unknown neurological disease was first reported in the media, it was Bambi’s sister who attracted her attention it… all the way from Beirut, Lebanon. Since then, Bambi started following any update with great interest (and even concern), like her fellow New Brunswickers.

It is indeed heart-breaking to see what all these patients have gone through. Of note, some of them are so young, including Ms. Gabrielle Cormier who is just 20 years old. It is very sad to read about the distress of their hopeless families. Plus, who knows? This may also be a potentially worrisome development in our province, with 48 patients (six of whom have even died… May their memory be eternal).

This being said, bravo to the families who are asking our government for more transparency. Thanks to our politicians, namely our own Green Party MLA Ms. Megan Mitton and others from the opposition, for supporting these families in their call for more transparency, as per the CTV News-Atlantic below:

To conclude this post on a sarcastic note, had our governments wanted citizens to be as afraid as of the coronavirus, the media narrative would have likely been more abundant and alarming. Who knows? Perhaps the public opinion would have been even as concerned as with the Covid-19 pandemic (whether with or without a reason). Anyhow, regardless of any speculation, Bambi’s heart goes to all the patients and their families. She thanks all the journalists who gave a voice to these otherwise voiceless patients and their loved ones. Last but not least, she joins her own voice to all those urging our government to be as transparent as realistically possible (even without clear answers)!