Since the remains of 215 children were discovered at a former residential school in British Columbia :(.
Of course, Mr. Trudeau is also deeply sad like all of us, as a father, as a human being, and as… our Prime Minister.
Today, Ms. Jody Wilson-Raybould challenged Mr. Trudeau with the following question:
Perhaps Mr. Trudeau will use the national grieving time
of reflection OR discussion (as wisely demanded by Mr. Jagmeet Singh, from NDP)
to move forward with his “concrete actions”. Could it be?
In the meantime, he seems to forget about our Canadian
context. Yes, he appears to insist on considering us as a Northern extension of
the United States.
Why is Bambi saying so? Because Mr. Trudeau insists once again on creating those identity-based programs for so-called “Black Canadians” entrepreneurs”? The federal government loan with allow the latter to access loans of up to $250K.
What kind of message is this program giving to those entrepreneurs? You cannot compete on your own to start your business because of your skin colour/hue?
As a result, you need the government to become dependent on in order to succeed your business.
Plus, on which discrimination-related banking services data is this program based on? Are our banks that awful in providing services to their customers?
In other terms, why are we resorting to publicly-funded identity-based programs?
What if we take this logic of identity (or sectarian)-based programs further in the future? What and whom will be next? Today, it is this target group. Tomorrow it will be whom? The Arab-Canadians? The Muslims? The Jews? Is this a wise approach in life?
Bambi may be wrong, but this approach to entrepreneurship seems to be counter-productive to the mindset of entrepreneurs. The latter usually take financial risks in aiming to succeed in their profit. They push themselves forward to serve their clients. They compete with other entrepreneurs, as needed. They likely do not need to be taken by the hand (by governments) to that extent, like little children.
Plus, will our bankers now have to apply a skin hue test to their clients to help them set up a business? Why don’t they just simply apply the same criteria with
all their potential clients, that is asking them entrepreneurial questions like
a solid business plan, a guarantee for reimbursement, or the potential of
success of their business idea in 2, 5 or 10 years?
To conclude this post, instead of creating such expensive and likely not much needed programs (even if they sound politically correct), why not focus our energy and public funds on solving the concrete social and health problems of our fellow Indigenous citizens, especially on some reserves? For instance, there is a crying need for an improved access to water, to mental health and other health-related services, and… perhaps even to a form of compensation for the families of the victims (or survivors?) of residential schools? Or maybe even to trauma-related healing programs, etc.?
Bill 96 is a reform of bill 101. It is about the protection
of the French language.
In Québec, bill 96 is very welcome, even when it is perceived
by many, including experts like Emeritus Professor of Mathematics and Statistics
Charles Castonguay, as being possibly not strong enough. For instance (,
it may not address key questions like the funding of English-speaking colleges
in Montreal by the government or the issue of the high number of immigrants to
Québec who do not speak French before their arrival to Canada or those who do
not benefit much from Francization efforts.
Bearing all this in mind, we learn from a CBC article by Mr. Jonathan Montpetit ( that a Bloc Québécois (BQ) “seeking support for Quebec’s proposed constitutional amendments failed to pass unanimously in the House of Commons… In order to pass without debate, the motion needed to face no vocal opposition from MPs. Former Liberal justice minister Jody Wilson-Raybould, now an independent MP, yelled out a “nay” after the motion was read out”.
Bambi thinks very highly of Ms. Jody Wilson-Raybould because she is a principled politician.
She also has the utmost respect for Mr. Blanchet
because of his loyalty to Québec.
Ms. Wilson-Raybould is right: Québec has never signed the Constitution of 1982. Indeed, it was imposed on it ever since. It is even used against it in court and in the public opinion in the English media (e.g., bill 101 on the French language, bill 21 on secularism, etc.).
Rightly, citizens of the rest of Canada may find it odd to see Québec seeking constitutional amendments without ever having endorsed the Constitution that the Canadian government repatriated from Great Britain ( entrenching our Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms within it).
As for Mr. Legault’s provincial government, Mr. Blanchet’s BQ federal party, and most importantly Québec’s people, they have shown a renewal of their vibrant and inspiring patriotism… within Canada. Isn’t this political attitude worth celebrating, even it may look or be partisan in the eyes of Ms. Wilson-Raybould?
We keep hearing bad news out of Lebanon and… from around the world, including us in Canada.
We hear and read about stories of increased radicalism or intolerance.
We hear about political and financial deadlocks.
We hear about potential lack of medical supplies or power.
We hear military verbal threats and some there may hear scary sounds.
However, in the middle of this instability, there is beauty…
Bambi would like to thank her dad for sharing a picture of Rashaya or Rashaya El Wadi.
What a beautiful way of starting a Saturday morning with this picture.
Yes, we can travel through a picture. We can remember childhood trips. We can imagine future trips. We can simply appreciate without ever visiting.
First, please let Bambi share her dad’s picture (signed by Mr. P. Elie Korkomaz). Then, she will share a short video of this village of about 6000 citizens (almost like Sackville, NB during the school year;
A picture of Rashaya (Lebanon) signed by Mr. P. Elie Korkomaz
To conclude this post on a musical note, here is a song dedicated not just to this beautiful Rashaya village, but by extension to the whole country. Well, while searching for the original eternal version of this song by Dalida (entitled “my country is beautiful” and meant for Egypt), Bambi came across this talented Lebanese singer, along with her fellow musicians. Her name is Ms. Lina Sleibi. Thank you for this song (with English sub-titles)!
Bambi’s parents form a cute couple (no, Bambi is not biased ?). They are still in love after 55 years of marriage… and seven years of earlier love!
Bambi’s mom and dad are known for their integrity and big hearts. Together, they went through the ups and downs of life. They managed to raise their children during civil war. They experienced harsh family losses. Yet, they never felt sorry for themselves or made others feel guilty for their losses. They courageously moved on with their lives, always looking forward and being grateful.
They brought their daughters to the safety of Canada. Eventually, they returned to their beloved birth country while remaining very attached to their Canada. If you do not believe Bambi, you can visit them and see the two flags on their balcony. Symbolically, both flags survived the heavy destruction of the surrealistic Beirut port blast… contrary to their balcony curtains, heavy wood blinds, glass doors, and more destruction inside their apartment and on the other side of its balconies.
Yes, Bambi’s mom and dad went through adversity with an inspiring dignity and… always with/in love: from wars to illnesses, pandemics to surrealistic explosions, and now to a financial crash, resulting in hyperinflation.
Bambi thanks you, mom and dad, for teaching her the following precious lesson: Love, based on respect and trust, is the essence and… richness of life!
To conclude this post on a musical note meant to honour your inspiring love, here are a few songs that Bambi would like to offer you today for fun before going to sleep (morning at your end):
1. Of course, let’s start with “Mabrouk” ?, this Lebanese song for happy events, including weddings and anniversaries!
2. Mr. Jacques Brel’s beautiful love song (with English sub-titles):
3. Mr. Enrico Macias’ charming love song. You both appreciate his incredible talent. Mom, you had the chance to attend his concert in Montreal and dad, if you wish, you can imagine that you are singing this song to mom today ?. As for Bambi, one of her pleasures in life is to listen to his music on Middle East Airlines flying her from Europe to Beirut!
4. Mr. Daniel Lavoie’s moving song entitled “ils s’aiment…” (they are in love…). Mom, like Bambi, you love this incredibly talented artist!
5. Ms. Ginette Reno with her eternal “L’Essentiel…” (with English sub-titles). Bambi’s sisters also appreciate this great song by this great lady (diva!):
6. Ms. Céline Dion’s deeply moving song entitled “L’amour existe encore“…:
7. For fun, here is Mr. Nicola Ciconne singing Céline’s earlier song in Italian! Dad, you can understand it.. and perhaps try to sing too, if mom blocks her ears ?. Bambi thinks highly of this Canadian artist. She also feels blessed because she crossed paths with him in graduate school. What a kind and deep human being! Bambi will always remember how he used to kindly ask about her family in Lebanon each time he would drop by her office and see the picture of her family members on the wall.
8. Last but not least, Bambi will conclude with a joyful Egyptian love song (sub-titled in English) that she happens to adore, as you and all her friends in Moncton know ?:
Happy 55th wedding anniversary, Dearest mom and dad! ENJOY spending time with your daughters (OK minus Bambi… but she is participating from far away through this post ?!). Bambi loves you all so much!!
Bambi already posted on this topic in the past (see the bottom of this post).
Today, she happily listened to Dr. Gad Saad (from Concordia University in Montreal, Québec) informing us in details about this rather odd program.
If you think Bambi is exaggerating, just listen to Dr. Saad’s thoughtful words and then read about the program in question (link provided below). You may prefer to read about it first and then take the time to listen to Dr. Gad Saad.
After giving this topic some thoughts, do you genuinely think such program will contribute to making our world a fair place?
Will it genuinely bring justice?
Do we repair a former injustice (to any social group) by creating a new one (to another group)?
Will this create more harmony in society?
Will it encourage young adults to become more critical thinkers, compassionate and peaceful citizens?
Perhaps Bambi is missing something here? From her second life in a war-torn country (like Dr. Saad actually…) where she witnessed with he own eyes the tragic ravages of identity-based politics, she can lucidly see (and even smell!) a red flag.
Clearly in her mind, initiatives, like this one, do not just seem silly. They have the potential to perhaps be socially unhealthy (or even psycho-socially harmful?). In the longer term, they may even contribute to creating the opposite of what is being claimed, by bringing more social (i.e., racial) tensions and thus divisions in a society. Is this what this university really wants? Likely not… So, why is it endorsing and promoting such programs?
To conclude this post, Bambi would like to thank Dr. Saad for his video. In her humble opinion, despite any good intentions of behalf of this respectable university and/or the passionate developers of this program, the end result may simply be… a social tragedy waiting to happen.
Every now and then, Bambi takes the time to enjoy a
little pleasure in life: Replying to Mr. Nasrallah’s speeches she reads about
in the media ?.
She will do so in the current post and her comments are in bold.
Mr. Nasrallah is the Chief/Leader (or Secretary General) of the Hezbollah in Lebanon ( In Canada, the Hezbollah is considered a terrorist organization. In Lebanon, this heavily armed pro-Iranian organization has a political and a military wing. Concerning the latter, Hezbollah is the only militia that did not disarm at the end of civil war in 1990. The rationale back then was: Its much needed resistance role (against the Israeli occupation, which lasted 22 years and ended in 2000).
Further below, you will see a screenshot of the speech text in question, published in Naharnet yesterday. First, here is the article in question( The title of the article refers to the political deadlock in Lebanon—no government formed since the Beirut explosion nine months ago.
Again, at the end of this post, you can see a screenshot of this speech, as taken from Naharnet.
We in Hizbullah are ready to help Speaker Nabih Berri in his efforts.”
Bambi: What
does this mean? And, if Bambi understands this well, is it surprising?
Let the PM-designate hold several meetings with the President until a result is
Bambi: No comment. Bambi does not understand this statement.
The governmental crisis is domestic.”
Bambi: Yes and no… please see below.
Let the PM-designate form a government in agreement with the President and this
is the only realistic solution.”
Bambi: It is very hard to understand the complex internal politics of Lebanon. Indeed, Bambi left her birth country three decades ago and it was already VERY complicated to get back then, especially during a bloody civil war. She just knows that internally there is a mafia-like type of governance (corruption), that seems to be either ignoring or hiding behind or… even flirting with your militia (Hezbollah’s weapons). Externally, there are ALL the interests of many countries. Based on the latter, governments in Beirut may or may not be formed. Sadly, everyone forgets about democracy processes/elections and the voices of the citizens of Lebanon…
to Israelis: Do not miscalculate and do not bet on the difficult situations in
Lebanon, because this will not matter when the equation is preserving Lebanon’s
security and dignity.”
Bambi: OK, here you make sense (yes it is possible..). Thank you.
The Lebanese resistance is in its best situation and it has never been
Bambi: Are
you reassuring us, Mr. Nasrallah? What about the Lebanese Army (which is supposed
to be the only armed forces… like in any respectable country)? Are they strong
enough still? The soldiers have not been able to eat meat for almost a year due
to the financial crisis/hyperinflation.
I tell the Israelis not to commit any foolishness and not to make any wrong
calculations regarding Lebanon… The rules of engagement still stand.”
Bambi: OK, Bambi thanks you for this warning. She also reminds you to tell yourself the same. You are a smart man, Mr. Nasrallah and you know that neither you nor the innocent Lebanese people (taken hostage in all this regional craziness) can afford another war.
The ‘Sword of Jerusalem’ battle dealt a blow to the course of normalization and
all those who have normalized the ties, and after this battle, the ‘Deal of the
Century’ fell and vanished.
Bambi: At this particular moment in history, Bambi misses the American external policy, under Mr. Trump, MINUS the latter’s unbalanced (unilateral) approach to Jerusalem, for sure… She is saying so because that policy did not appear to be biased toward Iran, which has almost full hegemony over tiny and bankrupt Lebanon (through Mr. Nasrallah’s forces). Bambi hopes that Mr. Blinken, Mr. Biden, and Ms. Kamala Harris will show us that they are reasonable in their approaches in the Middle East, despite their different approach toward Iran. She thanks them and thanks everyone working hard to help find solutions and… ensure brighter days for all.
Any attack on Jerusalem or the holy sites will lead to a regional war.”
Bambi: Is this a threat, Mr. Nasrallah? Please do not drag Lebanon into wars anymore. Please also do not drag other nearby countries into war… Wars of others… or wars of some. War is not what people wish for themselves and for their loved ones. People want to live in dignity, prosperity, and with peace of mind. They want their loved ones to remain nearby. Why should innocent Middle-Eastern people, generation after generation, be condemned to become refugees or immigrants elsewhere? Anyhow, Bambi is not sure if we threaten in life when we are in a position of weakness… or when we know that the external forces are sadly currently aligned to allow us to resort to such intense language?
When the matter is related to Jerusalem and its Muslim and Christian holy
sites, it will not remain limited to the resistance in Palestine.”
Bambi: Please
Mr. Nasrallah, do not speak in the name of all Muslims and do not pretend to
speak in the name of Christians. Plus, if we follow your logic of apparent spirituality,
don’t the Jewish holy sites matter too?
The biggest mistake by the enemy is that neither Netanyahu nor his generals nor
his security agencies estimated that Gaza would take such a historic and great
Bambi: No comment. Bambi does not care about neither Mr. Netanyahu nor the powerful armed forces in Gaza. She cares about the vulnerable Palestinians taken hostage between these two military forces. She also cares about the innocent people outside of Gaza, on both the Israeli and Palestinian sides (and any side in life!), also the target of violence.
The leaders of the Palestinian resistance and the commanders of its military
wings excelled in the latest battle.”
Bambi: Is
this what matters, Mr. Nasrallah? What about all the innocent people who lost
their lives, including many children?
From now on, we will celebrate two great victories in May — that of May 25,
2000 and that of May 21, 2021 in Gaza.”
Bambi: When will the innocent civilians caught in the middle of wars finally celebrate peace of mind, prosperity in life, and… business, friendship, or… even love with all?
Taken from Naharnet, article published on May 25, 2021
This morning, Bambi’s parents asked her about the beautiful spring season at her end, in Atlantic Canada. She then asked them about the beautiful pink trees near them, that is in Beirut, Lebanon. Her dad immediately surprised her with a beautiful picture of such a tree in Byblos, a historic (5000+ years BC) Mediterranean city located North of the capital Beirut. Byblos is related to the history/diffusion of the Phoenician alphabet. It is also known as Jbeil in Arabic.
Bambi would like to begin by thanking her dad for inspiring this post simply meant to share this publicly available artistic picture with you :).
First, here is the picture in question!
A spring scene in Byblos, Lebanon taken from Ashraf_nas.
Finally, just to conclude this post on a musical note, here is the talented Ms. Hiba Tawaji paying tribute to the eternal Dalida at the Byblos International Festival (July, 2016) with her unique intepretation of “Mourir sur scène”. Bravo for your talent, Ms. Tawaji and thank you for honouring Dalida!
While waiting for her spouse in the car the other day, Bambi decided to listen to an old CD called “Ensemble pour Haiti” [“Together for Haiti”]. This CD was produced by a telethon relief concert, held by artists from Québec, in support of those affected by the 2010 Haiti earthquake.
One of the songs that Bambi listened to (and she cannot stop singing now!) was the national anthem of Haiti, which is called “La Dessalinienne”. The latter is perhaps one of the most beautiful anthems of the world.
Bambi does not know about you, but she enjoys listening to national anthems of countries of the world. Each anthem has its own story and beauty. We may associate it with either dramatic or more beautiful moments, like sport games. We may sing it on national days or… on unforgettable citizen ceremonies. We may perhaps try to have fun by playing it by ear or by notes. Anyhow, anthems are usually joyful and they celebrate unity. They are filled with both pride and love (this type of attachment is called patriotism).
In Bambi’s mind, one of the most moving parts of the “La Dessalinienne” are those words of respect for the ancestors or forefathers. Words repeated more than once in different ways.
For Bambi, there is something refreshing in witnessing such respect. Collectively embracing the past is a wise way of envisioning both the present and the future. Indeed, honouring our ancestors and being grateful for their legacy, with all its imperfections, is a sign of respect not only for our history, but also for ourselves (at least collectively speaking).
It is Bambi’s hope that the national anthem of Haiti can make us stop to reflect and learn something new about ourselves, especially in our sad times of fragmented visions of our society/country and… where many seem to have lost their references points.
Regardless of the above, Bambi feels like ending on this note: “Merci en pile” [= Merci beaucoup]. Vive Haiiti! Long live Haiti!
The link below shows La Dessalinienne, along with an English translation.”
It is a long weekend in Canada (Bambi learned this only
on Friday evening as she was too busy to realize that).
It is Victoria Day tomorrow.
In Québec, it is the national day of the Patriotes
where this province pauses to honour what its people historically went through!
It is also the official birthday of Canada’s Queen Elizabeth (born on April 21, 1926). Bambi feels compassion for her because she recently lost the love of her life :(.
Regardless of the above, this long weekend marks the
beginning of the summer season in our country ?.
Summer season and a cold beer drank outside is perhaps one of the activities
that unites us all, from coast to coast to coast.
Bambi has another reason to pause and celebrate today.
She wants to celebrate her friendship with Paul (in heaven after he left our world
at age 100).
Paul did not live longer enough to go through the pandemic…
or to see the absurdity and violence behind any cancel culture attempt, especially
when it targets his friend.
Paul was Bambi’s Flamenco partner for over four years. They proudly and happily danced together in Montreal when Bambi was a PhD candidate. They were lucky to be the students of their devoted teacher. They celebrated birthdays, graduations, and many summer seasons together, including this long weekend when it was his own birthday.
Paul was a proud Québecker, mixed with the beauty that comes from marriages of origins (French Canadian and Indigenous). Paul was compassionate, generous, talented, handsome, and INSPIRING in so many ways!!
He danced until his late 90ies (perhaps 94, perhaps 96?). He kept dancing and creating choreographies in his mind, even when he stopped dancing.
Funny moments were when Bambi used to arrive to that studio (4th floor of an old building) out of breath for having run fast out of her lab to arrive on time. Paul would be worried about her, asking her: Are you alright Bambi?
Once, he fell sick (one of the rare times). Perhaps a certain fatigue (from much dancing?!). Bambi went to the pharmacy the next day to find him good vitamins. When the pharmacist asked her why she was looking for that for her friend, she told him: “He is a bit tired”. His answer was: “But isn’t this normal at his age?” Bambi’s answer was a clear no, not for him ?!
When asked about his secret of happiness in longevity, Paul said: Accepting that each age is beautiful, perhaps a glass of wine per day ?, and… love. Yes, love with a big L! Paul loved his family beyond words (he took care of all his siblings until their death. Bambi often prays for him and his dear brother whose name is like her spouse’ name!). Paul’s amazing family (niece and her family) gave back love to him, honouring him until his last breath. Bambi and her spouse had the chance to visit them a couple of times over the past years. Every Christmas, they exchange best wishes for the new year…
Bambi was 10 years old in 1982 (you can guess her age
now ?).
1982 was the year where Beirut was under the Israeli
1982 came just 4 years after her aunt died under the Syrian
invasion of Beirut.
1982 was also the year when Bambi’s grandfather (born
in 1900) died, heartbroken from the death of his daughter.
The same grandfather married his beloved wife (Bambi’s grandmother whom she never had the chance to meet in life). She came from nearby Syria originally. Do you see the irony and absurdity of war?
Syria occupied Lebanon for 29 years.
Israel occupied Lebanon for 22 years.
Of course, there was also initially the Palestine Liberation Organization, PLO (or OLP in French).
There were many Lebanese fractions, all with blood on
their hands.
There were massacres and there was hate.
There was also… and there is still the Hezbollah’s weapons, in addition to Hamas’ not too far away.
There is also a very powerful Israel on the military front.
There is an Iran that wants to become a nuclear (surely
not peaceful) power.
There are also regional forces using this historical
conflict for their own interests.
Of course, there are also leaders of other countries
who just do not know what to do to help.
Some chose one approach. Others prefer another one.
Yet others prefer to rise above the conflict, supporting
both sides and demanding peace.
And in the Middle East, we hear once again the same old
song, like after the Israel-Lebanon (or rather Hezbollah) July 2006 war. Both
sides “claim” victory, one “divine”, the other “military”.
All this whilst innocent people (including many
children) have been killed and destruction is all over. How can this be a victory?
Plus, the Palestinian people remain vulnerable and without
an official country to be proud of.
And the Israeli people still live worried about their
safety or even fear for their existence.
And in Canada (at least in Montreal), the USA, and
Europe, we recently saw pictures of passionate, and at times sadly violent, demonstrators
who seem to have forgotten why their parents or grandparents left the Middle
East. Didn’t they come to find peace in the welcoming host countries? So why are
we bringing the problems of the Middle East here instead of fixing them there?