Bambi’s reply to Mr. Nasrallah’s speech of May 25, 2021

Every now and then, Bambi takes the time to enjoy a little pleasure in life: Replying to Mr. Nasrallah’s speeches she reads about in the media ?.

She will do so in the current post and her comments are in bold.

Mr. Nasrallah is the Chief/Leader (or Secretary General) of the Hezbollah in Lebanon ( In Canada, the Hezbollah is considered a terrorist organization. In Lebanon, this heavily armed pro-Iranian organization has a political and a military wing. Concerning the latter, Hezbollah is the only militia that did not disarm at the end of civil war in 1990. The rationale back then was: Its much needed resistance role (against the Israeli occupation, which lasted 22 years and ended in 2000).

Further below, you will see a screenshot of the speech text in question, published in Naharnet yesterday. First, here is the article in question ( The title of the article refers to the political deadlock in Lebanon—no government formed since the Beirut explosion nine months ago.

Again, at the end of this post, you can see a screenshot of this speech, as taken from Naharnet.

“Nasrallah: We in Hizbullah are ready to help Speaker Nabih Berri in his efforts.”

Bambi: What does this mean? And, if Bambi understands this well, is it surprising?

“Nasrallah: Let the PM-designate hold several meetings with the President until a result is reached.”

Bambi: No comment. Bambi does not understand this statement.

“Nasrallah: The governmental crisis is domestic.”

Bambi: Yes and no… please see below.

“Nasrallah: Let the PM-designate form a government in agreement with the President and this is the only realistic solution.”

Bambi: It is very hard to understand the complex internal politics of Lebanon. Indeed, Bambi left her birth country three decades ago and it was already VERY complicated to get back then, especially during a bloody civil war. She just knows that internally there is a mafia-like type of governance (corruption), that seems to be either ignoring or hiding behind or… even flirting with your militia (Hezbollah’s weapons). Externally, there are ALL the interests of many countries. Based on the latter, governments in Beirut may or may not be formed. Sadly, everyone forgets about democracy processes/elections and the voices of the citizens of Lebanon…

“Nasrallah to Israelis: Do not miscalculate and do not bet on the difficult situations in Lebanon, because this will not matter when the equation is preserving Lebanon’s security and dignity.”

Bambi: OK, here you make sense (yes it is possible..). Thank you.

“Nasrallah: The Lebanese resistance is in its best situation and it has never been stronger.”

Bambi: Are you reassuring us, Mr. Nasrallah? What about the Lebanese Army (which is supposed to be the only armed forces… like in any respectable country)? Are they strong enough still? The soldiers have not been able to eat meat for almost a year due to the financial crisis/hyperinflation.

“Nasrallah: I tell the Israelis not to commit any foolishness and not to make any wrong calculations regarding Lebanon… The rules of engagement still stand.”

Bambi: OK, Bambi thanks you for this warning. She also reminds you to tell yourself the same. You are a smart man, Mr. Nasrallah and you know that neither you nor the innocent Lebanese people (taken hostage in all this regional craziness) can afford another war.

Nasrallah: The ‘Sword of Jerusalem’ battle dealt a blow to the course of normalization and all those who have normalized the ties, and after this battle, the ‘Deal of the Century’ fell and vanished.

Bambi: At this particular moment in history, Bambi misses the American external policy, under Mr. Trump, MINUS the latter’s unbalanced (unilateral) approach to Jerusalem, for sure… She is saying so because that policy did not appear to be biased toward Iran, which has almost full hegemony over tiny and bankrupt Lebanon (through Mr. Nasrallah’s forces). Bambi hopes that Mr. Blinken, Mr. Biden, and Ms. Kamala Harris will show us that they are reasonable in their approaches in the Middle East, despite their different approach toward Iran. She thanks them and thanks everyone working hard to help find solutions and… ensure brighter days for all.

“Nasrallah: Any attack on Jerusalem or the holy sites will lead to a regional war.”

Bambi: Is this a threat, Mr. Nasrallah? Please do not drag Lebanon into wars anymore. Please also do not drag other nearby countries into war… Wars of others… or wars of some. War is not what people wish for themselves and for their loved ones. People want to live in dignity, prosperity, and with peace of mind. They want their loved ones to remain nearby. Why should innocent Middle-Eastern people, generation after generation, be condemned to become refugees or immigrants elsewhere? Anyhow, Bambi is not sure if we threaten in life when we are in a position of weakness… or when we know that the external forces are sadly currently aligned to allow us to resort to such intense language?

“Nasrallah: When the matter is related to Jerusalem and its Muslim and Christian holy sites, it will not remain limited to the resistance in Palestine.”

Bambi: Please Mr. Nasrallah, do not speak in the name of all Muslims and do not pretend to speak in the name of Christians. Plus, if we follow your logic of apparent spirituality, don’t the Jewish holy sites matter too?

“Nasrallah: The biggest mistake by the enemy is that neither Netanyahu nor his generals nor his security agencies estimated that Gaza would take such a historic and great decision.”

Bambi: No comment. Bambi does not care about neither Mr. Netanyahu nor the powerful armed forces in Gaza. She cares about the vulnerable Palestinians taken hostage between these two military forces. She also cares about the innocent people outside of Gaza, on both the Israeli and Palestinian sides (and any side in life!), also the target of violence.  

“Nasrallah: The leaders of the Palestinian resistance and the commanders of its military wings excelled in the latest battle.”

Bambi: Is this what matters, Mr. Nasrallah? What about all the innocent people who lost their lives, including many children?

“Nasrallah: From now on, we will celebrate two great victories in May — that of May 25, 2000 and that of May 21, 2021 in Gaza.”

Bambi: When will the innocent civilians caught in the middle of wars finally celebrate peace of mind, prosperity in life, and… business, friendship, or… even love with all?

Taken from Naharnet, article published on May 25, 2021

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