Kfarhbab, Lebanon: Hala’s balcony with a view on the Mediterranean sea and its beautiful sunsets!

Thank you Hala for appreciating sunsets!

Bambi would like to begin by thanking her childhood friend Hala for her fabulous pictures of the sunset taken from her balcony in Mount-Lebanon, namely in Kfarhbab.

Bambi loves you Hala ❤️. She will always remember the brief yet highly precious moments spent together at the very end of July. You came to see Bambi in unfortunate circumstances. Yet, you took the risk and made it to Beirut. Seeing you was like a dream come true.

Bambi appreciates your generosity, which is enriching her blog while allowing her dear readers to appreciate the beauty of Lebanon’s landscapes. Of course, she remains grateful for your extraordinary support, not only of her but most significantly of freedom of expression in Canada. To end this brief post, she will offer you a French song on friendship, hoping you will enjoy it!

A beautiful picture of the sunset taken by Hala in Lebanon.
A beautiful picture of the sunset taken by Hala in Lebanon.
A beautiful picture of the sunset taken by Hala in Lebanon.

Christmas is coming: Thanks to Sackville’s emergency services parade of lights!

Bambi and her spouse are lucky. Every year, about a month before Christmas, the Sackville’s parade of lights drives in front of their house. For those who do not live in Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada, this is when all the trucks of emergency services parade through streets of the town, decorated with magical Christmas lights, along with a very special guest, and they honk. Who is this guest of honour every year? Of course, as you can most probably guess, it is Santa :)!

Well, tonight Bambi had the chance to stop the car at the intersection of Churchill and Bridge streets to step out in order to greet Santa and his friends. The streets around were filled with cute, and very excited, kids with their families, along with adorable dogs. Everyone was smiling!

A big thank you to the emergency services of our town for the magical moments. The latter have been bringing annual smiles to Sackville kids’ faces for the past nine years!

Like those kids and their parents, Bambi enjoyed the magic of these moments. While waving at, and shouting “Hello Santa” louder than the honking trucks, she could not help not to move back in time to her own childhood in Beirut. Back then, she had an annual personal tradition of acting as the neighbourhood’s Santa at the street corner of her building. There, she used to distribute candies to her fellow kids; her way of trying to put a smile on their faces following rounds of shelling or a series of explosions.

To come to our parade, below you can see parade’s route, along with a few pictures. Bambi will conclude this post, repeating her thanks to everyone involved in this beautiful and generous annual event. If she may, she would like to offer them all two Christmas melodies; one is meant for you Santa :). Yes, it is “Petit Papa Noël”, a song that still moves Bambi’s heart.

Merry Christmas season to all!

A picture taken from the Town of Sackville’s website showing the route of the
9th Sackville’s Emergency Services Parade of Lights. .
A picture, taken by Bambi, of the 9th Sackville’s Emergency Services Parade of Lights.
A picture, taken by Bambi, of the 9th Sackville’s Emergency Services Parade of Lights.
A picture, taken by Bambi, of the 9th Sackville’s Emergency Services Parade of Lights.
A picture, taken by Bambi, of the 9th Sackville’s Emergency Services Parade of Lights.
A picture, taken by Bambi, of the 9th Sackville’s Emergency Services Parade of Lights.
Hello Santa! A picture, taken by Bambi, of the 9th Sackville’s Emergency Services Parade of Lights.

International Day of Tolerance: How can we re-learn to be tolerant of other viewpoints?

Ten days ago, it was the International Day of Tolerance. According to the Collins Dictionary (https://bit.ly/3F4BVTF), “tolerance is the quality of allowing other people to say or do as they like, even if you do not agree or approve it“. In other terms, tolerance is respect for freedom of others, for their ways of thinking, behaving, and for holding other opinions, whether political, religious, or ideological.

If we are not naturally indulgent and understanding of others, how can we cultivate this attitude? How can we stop falling, and get stuck, into the trap of accusing others of being traitors, just because they do not hold our same viewpoints? How can we learn not to jump fast to accuse them of racism, phobia, or of other vices?

How can we continue to believe in, and even honour, our ideas without taking ourselves too seriously? How not to become entitled to the point of imposing our own vision of the world on others? To what extent can we tolerate others’ viewpoints even without understanding them?

How can we learn to listen to others’ viewpoints, with an open mind, in order to challenge, or enrich, our own thoughts or thinking process? How can we learn, unlearn, or re-learn an idea, as needed? Furthermore, how can our sense of tolerance, respect, and even love for others broaden our horizons, enrich our minds, and improve our communications skills?

Related to the above, how can tolerance help us foster freedom of expression, as a principle for ALL, that is for others whom we do not agree with and for ourselves? How could it prevent disrespect, defamation, and exclusion? Alternatively, regardless of the diverse viewpoints, how could it contribute to a deep sense of shared humanity with others, which is a precious antidote against abuses and strife?

Enough of questions for now. Bambi will be tolerant with you. She will stop here :). To conclude this post, one beautiful French song, by Mr. Enrico Macias, comes to Bambi’s mind now. Yes, it is called “La tolérance” and it is timely today.

Bambi keeps standing in full solidarity with Biologist and Professor Rod Cumberland ahead of the final week of his trial!

Bambi has an earlier post on the saga of Professor Rod Cumberland, former instructor at the Maritime College of Forest Technology in Fredericton, New Brunswick. You may wish to read it below, as a reminder of the ordeal he has been through.

The coming week is crucial for him who is asking for aggravated and punitive damages in addition to lost wages. If you are interested in supporting his financial campaign, here is the link: https://bit.ly/3U32tbX . You can also read updates about his case.

She does not know about you, but Bambi stands in full solidarity with Professor Cumberland and his family. She has the utmost respect for his scientific integrity and courage. She wishes him, and his family, all the best. May justice and reason prevail!

To conclude this brief post of solidarity, Bambi will ask once again: When will censorship, or cancel culture, end in our province and country?

Garou sings Dassin again: Vive “le petit pain au chocolat” [long live “The Little Chocolate Roll”]!

If you are interested, you can read the English translation of the lyrics of Dassin’s immortal French song entitled “The Little Chocolate Roll” here: https://bit.ly/3EYIl6p.

Bambi thanks you Garou for this beautiful musical moment. She loves this song as well as chocolate :). She also appreciates kindness in life, as per the older post shown further below celebrating a friend’s kindness, chocolate, and Mr. Dassin’s memory!

NB Municipal Politics: What can Sackville or Tantramar learn from FIFA/Doha, Qatar?

If Qatar/FIFA managed to have Palestinian and Israeli soccer fans on the same airplane (https://fifa.fans/3EYP68k), why can’t Sackville (or Tantramar now) learn to respect politicians and political candidates for Mayors of all spectrum and ideas?

Why are we attacking Ms. Bonnie Swift like this? Why can’t we just not vote for her, period, end of the story like in any democracy?

Who are we to judge and attack any of her (past) ideas on any topic related to another level of governance (i.e. federal in this case)? She is free to have any opinion at any particular time, like all of us. As a citizen, she is also free to change her opinion or to be right or wrong. She is FREE even in a society hijacked by political correctness in collectively insane times.

Ms. Swift describes herself as politically fluid in her own vote or opinions. She has been a green party supporter for a long time, we learn from her Facebook page. She has voted for different parties in her voting lifetime. She is smart. She adjusts her political opinions as/if needed. Bravo to her (https://bit.ly/3Owa6X8) for using her political brain and for having a spine too.

Sometimes good ideas come from the so-called left. Sometimes from the so-called right. Why should we always label any opinion on any topic like the evil right wing? Just because the left is in power now? Or is afraid of losing its power or feels entitled to behaving in this non-classy way, to say the least? And, of course, when the right is in power, it is the opposite that would happen. The right will abuse of its power just to hold on to it. Is this a politically healthy way of envisioning our societies and countries? Is this how we solve or prevent economic, environmental, or social problems?

Why can’t we have healthy and inspiring public debates anymore? Why don’t we value diversity of (political or intellectual) opinions anymore, ironically in a town, province, country, and world that brag about pro-diversity.

How narrow-minded we have become. How intolerant. How divided. It breaks Bambi’s heart to see Canada in this state.

In the meantime, REAL municipal and local issues are forgotten, or diluted, in a debate that is far from being elevated. Who would benefit from this attack now? those who think they are the kings or queens of political shenanigans? Those who have silenced Councillor Bruce Phinney in the most inhuman and undemocratic way, that is without health coverage?! When will we re-learn to be politically more mature and compassionate with each other again? Any hope for that?

Bambi will end with an earlier post about the excellent political platform of Ms. Bonnie Swift. We are free to vote or not (even if we have a right and responsibility to do so), to vote for her specifically or not, but for God’s sake, let’s educate ourselves. Let’s read her platform. Let’s listen to her. Not just to a tweet taken out of context here or there, regardless of any opinion we may or may not endorse.

As for you Ms. Bonnie Swift, to conclude this post, Bambi will say that she still finds your platform refreshing and promising, whether you win or not. Thanks for the hope and sorry for the current attacks.

A beautiful spiritual TV moment: Thanks, Ms. Zeina Farah, for singing acapella Greek Orthodox Christmas prayers!

Bambi’s heart is moved… Here is Ms. Zeina Farah on one of Beirut’s TV channels singing acapella two Christmas Greek Orthodox prayers in Arabic.

Bambi is happy to share that, in the near future, she will devote a post to her cousin’s singing talent; with recreational songs (and perhaps maybe spiritual melodies?). By the way, by cousin, Bambi means niece or, as we say, first cousin once removed :).

Thank you Zeina! You made Bambi’s day in addition to making her both homesick to her childhood and incredibly proud of you ❤️!

May the Christmas season bring hope and joy to Lebanon. By the way, since we are ahead of the American Thanksgiving Day, a Happy Thanksgiving to all Bambi’s neighbours (yes, the border is not too far :)), friends, and relatives!

Good-bye, Mr. Romeo Lahoud: Thanks for your artistic legacy!

As per l’Orient Today (https://bit.ly/3Evxbou), “Lebanese composer Romeo Lahoud passes away aged 92. The author-composer created dozens of shows, presented at prestigious festivals around the world“.

From L’Orient Today, we also learn that Mr. “Lahoud was behind dozens of musical theater shows that were presented in prestigious festivals around the world, including Baalbeck, Jarash (Jordan) and Jbeil (which he had contributed to creating in 1997), as well as at the Imperial Opera in Tehran, at L’Olympia in Paris and the Palais Royal des Beaux-Arts in Brussels“.

Bambi will always remember his Lebanese adaptation of “My Fair Lady” [in Arabic “Bint El Jabal “] and, of course, one her favourite love songs, entitled “Khidni maak” [“Take me with you“]. She celebrated this melody on her blog in two earlier posts, shown at the end of this one.

May your memory be eternal, Mr. Romeo Lahoud. Thank you for having enriched Lebanon. If she may, Bambi would like to offer her condolences to your family, friends, and fans, including your niece, Ms. Aline Lahoud. The song mentioned above and shared below was originally written/composed by her uncle to her late and great mother, Ms. Salwa El Katrib.

Believe it or not: today is Lebanon’s “Independence” Day

Independence from whom? From what?

From external forces that keep pushing it into this or that direction?

Or internal forces of systemic corruption or of other kind of selfish interests and ambitions?

Regardless, Bambi loves you Lebanon. She will always do, despite any component of a “love-hate” relationship that the people of this tiny, now bankrupt, yet old and beautiful country may feel.

She wishes you stability, respect (self- and from others), prosperity, peace, love… and hopefully a President, along with functional institutions.

Yes, a country that comes FIRST, regardless of who is in charge (behind the official scenes or for real). A country for all its citizens. A country, not just to keep “dreaming of” (like in the song below), but also a country to honour and to be respected by.

Stay positive: An uplifting, and funny, piece of wisdom related to snow

I am there all the time, even in the winter season!

Bambi would like to thank Roula Azar-Douglas for this funny, yet powerful, tweet:

We may love snow or we may dislike it. Who knows? We may genuinely enjoy cleaning our car, even on a windy morning; yes, even in -20 degrees Celsius. In contrast, we may hate both the cold and snow. We may start the winter season with patience and a welcoming attitude. However, we may get sick and tired of the long snow season.

Regardless of all the above, in our daily lives and in the bigger scheme of things, our attitude is our biggest asset: it can make the entire difference between thriving and fading like a flower. But how do we chose an optimistic outlook when facing adversity or daily hassles, which could be snow for some of us? How can we develop a positive attitude in life? How do we stay positive? How do we keep enjoying all the seasons and their products, including snow? How do we make the best out of every challenging encounter or life circumstance?

So many questions, but the answer lies within each one of us in a unique way. We learn to find our ways in life, in every season whether tough or tender. Some of us may lose and then find their strike force. Some may reconnect with their inner child with a sense of playfulness (with snow or with anything else) and hopefully with humour. Some may fantasize about trips in warmer places or actually take a break from winter, if they can afford time and money. Some may be more patient, knowing that spring and summer will always follow the winter. Some may sing for the snow, as per the melodies below in several languages.

Whatever your own coping strategy, Bambi wishes you safety on the roads and gratitude in your heart!