Ms. Carla Chamoun sings for closure after a breakup

It takes courage to love and to be loved.

It takes great courage to end a relationship despite love.

When was your last heartache after a breakup? Do you remember that pain? How did you find the courage to decide to be lucid, to set boundaries, to respect yourself, to either leave or to let go in order to move on?

Well, Ms. Carla Chamoun’s new song is all about this universal topic. It is called “Khat el Rajaa” [The Way Back].

In this Lebanese artist’s own words, as per Sound Cloud, “this song comes across as a struggle between a love hate feeling of letting go and being peaceful. It speaks every girl’s heart who wants to move on but doesn’t want to hurt the other person. Khat el Raj3a [Name of the song in Lebanese-Arabic; the number 3 corresponds to the 18th letter of the Arabic alphabet] is very dear to me for being a song of moving forward on a good wish for success to what was left, I gave it my best and hoping you will love it as much as I do“.

Bambi is fond of Ms. Chamoun. She likes her latest song and hopes you will enjoy it too. If you are interested, its Arabic lyrics, followed by a quick English translation, appear at the very end of this post after the YouTube song.

To conclude this brief musical post, Bambi wishes you all peace of mind whether you are single, in a relationship, or grieving a meaningful love or a late loved one. Whatever your life stage or romantic journey, may you always remember that the most precious relationship in our lives is with ourselves. Indeed, we all deserve a good self-care and inner peace, regardless of any sorrow, just like in Ms. Carla Chamoun’s beautiful song.

خط الرجعة محيتو”
وحبك انتها
وقلبي هلأ داويتو
وعنك التها

عم بتمنا تكون منيح
وبعدي تلاقي حب جديد
ما بهمني تكون معذب
المهم تضل بعيد
ضل بعيد ضل بعيد

حبك انت غيرني
ودوقني الوجع
وصوتي بهيدي العلاقة
.”ما بعمرو نسمع

The way back I erased it

And your love is over

And my heart I just healed it

And it has moved on

I hope you are doing well

And after me you will find a new love

I don’t care that you are suffering

The important thing is to stay away from me

Far away, far away

Your love has changed me

And it made me taste the pain

And my voice in this relationship

Was never heard“.

Have you ever tasted Lebanese pistachio ice cream?

Bambi adores ice cream. This morning she was grateful to receive a brief publicly available Instagram video, produced by “Elliott Eatz”, from Salome about the pistachio ice cream of a famous Lebanese shop in Paris called Bachir. The latter shop reminds Bambi of her youth in Beirut where it began and expanded across the entire country. Now, Bachir is present in Paris, São Paulo, and Dubai, according to 961 (

If you are interested, below you can watch the video and learn about this particular oriental flavour. It will be followed by a kid’s song honouring ice cream. Mmm!

Dank u wel Salome ❤️.

Happiness: what is its recipe?

What does happiness mean to you, asks the sun? For me, it is illuminating your days and tying to warm your hearts

With much love, on the eve of your REAL birthday (contrary to the earlier silly post from last week shown further below), Bambi would like to offer you Roula a song about the recipe of happiness by “Les Enfantastiques“. Yes indeed, in few hours in Beirut, it will be March 10. Finally, your real birthday :)!

Today happens to also be a day of celebrations at your end. If Bambi recalls well. It is The Teacher’s Day in Lebanon, even if it is harder for the country’s teachers to rejoice in the overwhelming economic crisis. Best wishes to all of them, including you as a university professor.

Thank you for being who you are to so many of us. For Bambi, you are a sunshine of a loving big sister as well as a friend. Two in one. What can Bambi ask for more from life? Maybe another sister? Well, she is blessed to have that as well [hello Rania :)].

The song “Recipe of Happiness” is in French [“La recette du bonheur“]. It is followed by the English “recipe”, thanks to Mr. Google Translate. Mind you, the latter wishes you a Happy Birthday, Roula. Believe it or not, he asked Bambi to send you his warm regards [just like “Zaanjar” of our childhood :)].

The recipe for happiness, it’s not that complicated

No need to be a great starred chef

You have to cook with a good heart

Simmer every day

It’s every passing moment

What we savour

The recipe for happiness

Just be patient

In us we find the right ingredients

We prepare it at any time

And always with passion

To taste it without moderation

A smile when you wake up

Crunchy, crispy heat

A ray of sunshine

A pinch of good humor

A sparkling gaze

A good handful of hello

Enliven the taste buds

With a pinch of humour

The recipe for happiness, it’s not that complicated

No need to be a great starred chef

You have to cook with a good heart

Simmer every day

It’s every passing moment

What we savour

The recipe for happiness

Just be patient

In us we find the right ingredients

We prepare it at any time

And always with passion

To taste it without moderation

A few tears of joy

Well mixed with laughter

Above all, don’t forget

When it’s time to serve

A touch of tenderness

Warmed up with brotherhood

Covered with a promise

Of love and friendship

The recipe for happiness, it’s not that complicated

No need to be a great starred chef

You have to cook with a good heart

Simmer every day

It’s every passing moment

What we savour

The recipe for happiness

Just be patient

In us we find the right ingredients

We prepare it at any time

And always with passion

To taste it without moderation

The recipe for happiness, it’s not that complicated

No need to be a great starred chef

You have to cook with a good heart

Simmer every day

It’s every passing moment

What we savour

The recipe for happiness

Just be patient

In us we find the right ingredients

We prepare it at any time

And always with passion

To taste it without moderation

To taste it without moderation

To taste it without moderation“.

Ms. Julie Huard: what a talented Dutch-French singer!

All evening, a song was on Bambi’s mind. It was Mr. Charles Aznavour’s La Bohème. To entertain herself before sleep, she did a quick search on YouTube hoping to discover new performers. Well, she was well served and would like to share with you her artistic discovery. Her name is Ms. Julie Huard. She sings not only Aznavour, but many other popular artists in such an elegant way.

Who is this singer? Well, Ms. Julie Huard was born and raised in Utrecht in the Netherlands [Bente and Salome, do you happen to know her :)]? She is the daughter of the French chansonnier, Mr. Fernand Huard with whom she used to perform on stage at a young age ( In addition to French, she sings in English and Spanish. Who knows, perhaps also in Italian; at least in one song mostly in English, which is not presented in this post? Of note, Bambi searched for but could not find any Dutch songs by her; only a French one with a title related to the mountain.

This being said, Bambi will stop to share with you nine famous songs interpreted by Ms. Huard’s, including one in English and the other in Spanish. She does not know if you will appreciate her talent as much as she did. Actually, as far as she is concerned, she fell in love with this singer’s voice and singing style. Yes, from now on, Ms. Julie Huard can count a deer among her fans in North America.

OK, it is time to sleep now. Good night… or good morning, depending on your time zone. Have a good one!

International Women’s Day: A song to Iranian and Afghani women

There are all sorts of women in life.

All of them are to be celebrated today from our ancestors, to mothers… all the way to our daughters and grand-daughters.

Some women among us struggle more than others because of sexual exploitation, violence, extreme poverty, etc.

Some GREAT women are the reason why we are where are now in our societies (even if we can and must always aim for better…).

Some contemporary women sadly confuse equality of opportunities with hate of men (selective hate even).

However, all of the women mentioned above, in their own ways, have dreamed of a better world for all of us, despite their different convictions or approaches. For this, thanks to to everyone. May we just know how to be more empathetic to truly be in solidarity.

All this being said, with all due respect to all the women of the world, including Bambi’s fellow ones in North America and in her birth country, today she would like to offer a song to the Iranian and Afghani women, along with all the supportive men. On this March 8, 2023, they are a living lesson to all of us in terms of aspirations for freedom. Bravo and thanks to all of them, including those who are in heaven due to their fight. May their memory be eternal…

Have you ever had a day with a particular theme?

Life is a journey. Its beauty is that no day is like the other; this is part of the mystery and perhaps comfort of life. If one day seems bad from its start. Another one will compensate for it.

Well for Bambi, today started under the theme of friendship, right from a nice dream through the first email she read when she opened her eyes, which was a reminder about the 10th anniversary of the death of a loved one. It felt like this mentor and life friend wanted to send her a friendly wink from heaven. May her memory be eternal. This email made her connect with a little circle of friends.

Following this, the entire day was a series of planned and unplanned encounters with dear friends she has not seen for a LONG time. Precious shared moments, along with delicious bites. What a lovely day, she could not help not to think to herself.

To honour her friends, Bambi wants to jointly offer them all a song about friendship. She will dedicate it to those in heaven (along with an unforgettable dog) and those on earth. Those far away and those geographically nearby. She loves them all❤️.️ ️

As for you dear readers of this blog, you are also precious. She hopes you also had a meaningful day. If not, no worries please. There is always a different tomorrow… !

Good-bye Ms. Gloria Jollymore

A picture taken from Coutler’s Funeral Home

Bambi does not want the day to end without a little tribute to Ms. Gloria Jollymore. In the morning, she resorted to a couple of words, even when speechless ( Now, she will resort to music, if she may.

The chosen song is entitled “Je n’aurai pas le temps” [“I won’t have the time“] with an English translation following it. It is a powerful reminder of how short a lifetime can be. Thankfully, it is is up to us to make it meaningful. This is what Ms. Gloria Jollymore did so well. She devoted herself to a career at an institution she loved dearly. While doing so, she inspired so many of us.

Thank you, Gloria (Jollymore), and may your memory be eternal…

I won’t have time (

“I won’t have time, won’t have time.

Even if I run

faster than the wind,

faster than time,

even if I fly,

I won’t have time, won’t have time

to visit the whole immensity

of a universe so big.

Even in a hundred years,

I won’t have time

to do everything

I open my heart fully,

I love with all my eyes

It is too little, for so many hearts

and so many flowers

Thousands of days, it is too short,

Much too short

And to love, as one must love

when one truly loves

even in a hundred years,

I won’t have time, won’t have time

I open my heart fully,

I love with all my eyes

It is too little, for so many hearts

and so many flowers

Thousands of days, it is too short,

Much too short“.

Mr. Mark Hachem: “how do you feel about winter? And how do you deal with it?”

Always here for you somewhere… If you do not see me, I am hiding behind clouds!

Do you love the winter season, like Bambi? Or are you “allergic” to it, so to speak? If so, you can rejoice now because March 21st is just around the corner. Anyhow, until the spring will officially and practically arrive, let’s keep either enjoying or coping with winter.

For some potentially amusing ways of coping, Bambi will share a three-year old short video produced by Mr. Mark Hachem & Ms. Rita Nour (Montreal, Québec, Canada), which she discovered only today. It is entitled “How to Actually Survive Winter“.

Before concluding this brief post with the video in question, she will first share with you two songs about the beauty of snow. The first is by Fairouz in Arabic. The second song is in French. It is by Mr. Salvatore Adamo’s and it is entitled “Tombe La Neige“.

Stay warm and safe everyone ❤️!

Mr. Bob Ray, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Canada to the UN in New York: “Another word for woke is kindness”

Seriously Mr. Bob Rae, do you really mean what you (or your staff) tweeted yesterday?

Is anyone surprised by the official position of Canada at the United Nations?

Where is kindness when we censor citizens who criticize the excesses of wokeism?

Where is kindness in a movement that has sadly resulted in radical outcomes sometimes, such as cancelling artistic or scientific events or even burning books?

Where is kindness when citizens have been wrongly accused of racism in the name of the “kind” so-called anti-racism of wokeism?

Where is kindness in a movement, which insists on pretending to speak in the name of minorities? And to know their best interests better than themselves?

Where is kindness in a movement, which seems to often forget to value the uniqueness and richness of each individual; instead of reducing (and confining) the latter to a single aspect of one’s complex identity over a lifetime?

Where is kindness when clinical psychologists are being censored by their Colleges of Psychologists for having criticized wokeism?

And where is kindness in the attack to the reputation of professors, by our publicly-funded media and on social media, along with long suspensions from work without pay, when they criticize the so-called “kind” wokeism on personal platforms? All this when they know too well what identity politics does to a nation… for having escaped civil war-torn countries.

Where is kindness when your tweet seems to imply that refusing to endorse wokeism is an act of “unkindness”?

Maybe you just meant to support Mr. Trudeau’s political ideology and this could be called a gesture of peer “kindness” toward him?

After all, you do precise that “tweets are you personal views”?

Who knows? Maybe you truly believe your own tweet?

If that is the case, Bambi can understand your position even more, Mr. Rae. However, with all due respect, she will allow herself to remind you that too much of a good thing is a bad thing… even in the case of TRUE kindness.