Today is not just Québec’s day and Saint John the Baptism Day… it is Sally’s BIG day.
Happy Birthday, dear Sally from not just Bambi and her spouse, but also from her parents from out of Beirut. They just asked her to send you their best wishes for your birthday, along with hugs. Like her, they always remember the good times in Toronto.
Have fun, not just on your birthday, and always take good care : ).
Bambi hopes you will enjoy your songs chosen with much love ❤️ ️!
Tonight is the eve of Saint John the Baptist Day, which is Québec’s national day.
It is also a day for Bambi to celebrate her dear ones, called Jeannot, Jane, and Jean ❤️.
Sadly, this year, the late Dr. Frédéric Bastien cannot be present with his family during the forthcoming long weekend. His columns will be missed by Bambi more than ever. May his memory be eternal… and long live his/our beloved Québec!
First of all, Bambi woke up this morning happy to see the sunshine (finally and on the first day of the summer). Following this joyful moment, she decided to quickly tour the news of her birth country. She read a few articles, here and there, and checked her sister’s twitter account. She was shocked by the following SAD tweet:
Please rest in peace, dearest Chef Ramzi
Chef Ramzi died on June 18, 2023. In the 1-minute-interview by L’Orient Today, you can hear him mentioning his mom who “remains his teacher” and who “is proud of him”. Thanks to her and may God know how to comfort her aching heart! Bambi also sends her love to the rest of his family. She does not know if his dad is still alive, but today happens to be Father’s Day in Lebanon. Bless his grieving heart!
As for Bambi, she wants to tell Chef Ramzi that he will forever remain with us, not just on TV screens or through his books. Yes, he will remain with us in his recipes, in our hearts, and bellies too.
It is no secret to close ones, Bambi’s strength is not in the kitchen. Thankfully, “Chef Luigi” exists in her life, even if he thinks that his incredible talent was born out of necessity. This being said, the great Chef Ramzi inspired Bambi, motivating her to become a better Lebanese spouse for three consecutive weeks. What an achievement! Believe it or not, she cooked his recipes to her spouse after he caught the flu when they were living in Toronto. Back then, she thought that maybe he got sick because she is not a good spouse who cooks well. Chef Ramzi helped her impress him. He gave her confidence to re-cook vegetarian food to his parents when they visited from Montreal. Years later, when she was pregnant, she re-visited his books. She cooked again when Louis was away. She even managed to convince herself that she will become a better cook when they will have children. Well, this skill was never meant to be refined in the end.
Indeed, what a coincidence that, just a few days ago, Bambi’s mom teased her on the phone about her cooking habits. She asked if she is giving her spouse a break from this task :)? She asked her if she still has Chef Ramzi’s book (shown below). His book was a gift from her parents, three decades ago, when she lived on her own for the first time. The book travelled with her across three provinces. Chef Ramzi’s book is almost like a food bible. Almost every Lebanese “expatriate”, or family, has it and many even practice it. Here she is thinking of all her friends in Toronto (some in Montreal now). They will also be sad to know Chef Ramzi left our world. Even the bad cook she is was successful with all his recipes, except maybe the lemon cookies she tried to bake at Christmas once when she was a graduate student in Montreal. For some mysterious reason she cannot scientifically explain, they tasted great until they turned into stones a couple of hours later.
A picture taken by Bambi. Chef Ramzi’s memory will be through his recipes.
Bambi learned from both the Lebanese and international media ( about the impressive career milestones of Chef Ramzi. As prominent figure in Lebanese/Middle Eastern gastronomy, he held (still holds!) 4 Guinness World Records for the largest servings of Lebanese food. In addition to being a leading chef, he also acted as the CEO of the Al Kafaat Foundation an inspiring nonprofit Beirut-based organization (founded by his own dad, Mr. Nadim Choueri). It offers both rehabilitation as well as education services to Lebanese people with special needs from a lower socio-economic status.
Chef Ramzi was highly educated and trained. He had a degree in law and economics from the University of Lyon, France. Following his undergraduate training, he studied culinary arts at the University of London, United Kingdom. Later, he received a prestigious honour from the French Association of Bakers-Pastry Chefs [Pâtissiers-Boulangers in French]. He also won several awards and distinctions, including the prestigious international Prix Gourmand award (1997) and the Lebanese Medal of Merit (2003) from a former President of the Republic (
In 1994, Chef Ramzi began his TV shows, attracting over 10 million watchers daily, from both Lebanon and the Arab world. Wow. Of note, on TV, he focused on both European and Lebanese cuisines, which was his rich contribution to the field (
The great and sadly now late Chef Ramzi also published the book mentioned above in addition to others, including one written in Arabic and entitled in English “The Culinary Heritage of Lebanon” (2006), which includes updated Lebanese recipes. His book was enriched by Chef Ramzi’s visits to all the Lebanese villages and towns to compile regionally-based authentic recipes ( This book was very successful. It got translated into French and Portuguese as well.
Of note, between 2012 and 2015, the Lebanese Chef Ramzi was appointed Arabic Culinary Ambassador of Qatar Airways. Wow as this allowed him to champion the Lebanese cuisine on all Qatar Airways international flights. Furthermore, in 2009, King Abdullah II ibn Al Hussein and Queen Rania Al Abdullah of Jordan appointed Chef Ramzi as the Jordanian Army’s Food Counselor (
Bravo and thank you for your legacy, Chef Ramzi. You made your country and its diaspora proud of you!
To conclude this post on a chronological note, Bambi thought that learning about the sudden death of Chef Ramzi, at age 52 only, would be the most tragic news of her day. Sadly, a few hours later on the same day she learned (again through journalist and sister Roula Douglas’ fast tweet) about a gas explosion in Paris ( This accidental tragedy resulted in 20 injured people, including several in critical conditions, and massive destruction. Her heart goes to the victims while she is grateful to God because, her niece Stéphanie is safe and sound (even if Stéphanie lives near the explosion). A warm hello again to her and to her friend Aya too ❤️❤️. It is enough for Stéphanie to have been injured in the Beirut explosion, Bambi could not help not to think. Plus, this explosion happened to be her second experience in the beautiful Paris, following the surrealistic yet still unaccountable Beirut blast of August 4, 2020.
Thus, with both gratitude and grief in her heart, Bambi will end this tribute to Chef Ramzi with two spiritual songs: the first French one, originally by Mr. Michel Fugain and performed by talented kids, reminds us that life is too short while the second Arabic one is originally by Fairouz and performed by Ms. Abeer Nehme. This song-prayer asks for God’s support in times of adversity. Good-bye again to Chef Ramzi. Much love to his biological and El Kafaat Foundation families as well as to all his fans around the world. Let’s all pay tribute to him by cooking and eating his good recipes. Yes, Bambi publicly commits to do so, at least once, this summer… Is her spouse reading until now?
Is there anything nicer than “a hello”, along with a smile?
Did you know that yesterday was Mr. Lionel Richie’s birthday ( Best wishes to him!
Whether you knew the above or not, Bambi bets you are likely more aware that today is the first day of the summer. It is indeed officially summertime now, even if it does not feel like it yet where Bambi lives :). Welcome to this nice season of more outdoor activities, beach visits, and of course more ice cream treats (for those without diabetes or who enjoy this desert)!
Regardless of the seasons around us or in our own life journey, a “hello” or a “bonjour” [OK or a “marhaba” :)] are always nice to hear or say. Imagine when others are addressed genuinely with a smile on the face. Imagine when others truly care about you or are nicely polite with you. Isn’t this heart-warming, not just civilized?
Bambi wishes you to encounter new interesting people over the summer, enjoy your loved ones, and learn to find at least one good thing even in those you are convinced they are too evil or odd for you. All this in addition to keep doing whatever you enjoy spending time on (e.g., working and/or studying, gardening or reading, walking or swimming, travelling, etc.). She also hopes that you will find a job if you are looking for one, keep your current job(s), or enjoy your retirement.
Regardless of your summer projects, may you feel dignified and enriched while making a meaningful difference in the lives of others. This can simply be with more smiles or a little more kindness for others, which brings us back to the hellos.
Bambi will stop here to leave you with the most world-famous “Hello“, which Mr. Lionel Richie performed with Ms. Ginette Reno (what a duo ❤️!), as well with three summer-related songs in English, French, and Lebanese-Arabic. Happy first day of the summer, everyone!
She does not know about you, but for Bambi, if this past weekend and today could have a single theme to describe them, it would be “Wild Animals“. Indeed, this post focuses on New Brunswick (NB) wild animals who regularly visit Bambi’s friends, Will and Bonnie. However, while preparing the post, Bambi could not help not to also have a tender thought for a Beiruti street cat who recently gave birth on her parents’ balcony.
The cat mother and her kitten are doing well, thankfully. They now spend most of their time sitting in one of the big plants of Antoine and Robine. Bambi took a couple of screenshots of the live streaming video shared by her dad. Perhaps another forthcoming post can introduce you to this new wild Lebanese family :)?
This being said, let’s ignore Beirut’s street cat’s maternity now to introduce you to some of the fascinating guests of Will and Bonnie in the South-East area of the Canadian maritime province of NB. These wild animals include, but are not limited to, the following species: beautiful birds, including humming birds, blue jays, and other beautiful types of birds, elegant pheasants, a cute squirrel, a nice family of deer, a lovely raccoon, an adorable rabbit, and last but not least a huge yet friendly black bear. As you can see with your own eyes, they all love visiting Bonnie and Will!
Bambi hopes you will enjoy her friends’ fascinating pictures and videos. Many thanks to them for their generosity. This post will end on a musical note with a Safari Bus English song for kids. Long live NB’s wild animals!
A picture taken in NB, Atlantic Canada, and shared by Bonnie.
A picture taken in NB, Atlantic Canada, and shared by Bonnie.
A picture taken in NB, Atlantic Canada, and shared by Bonnie.
A picture taken in NB, Atlantic Canada, and shared by Bonnie.
A picture taken in NB, Atlantic Canada, and shared by Will.
A picture taken in NB. Atlantic Canada, and shared by Will.
A picture taken in NB, Atlantic Canada, and shared by Bonnie.
A picture taken in NB, Atlantic Canada, and shared by Bonnie.
A picture of Mr. Blaise Pascal ( June 19, 1623 – August 19, 1662) and his “Pascaline” taken from “Interesting Engineering”.
Only a mathematician of Mr. Blaise Pascal’s calibre can both come to the world and die on the 19th day of a month at the age of 39.
Of note, Pascal was more than a French mathematician. He was also a physicist, an inventor, a philosopher, and a writer. He is well known for the invention of the precursor of the calculator, called Pascal’s calculator or a “Pascaline” (shown above).
Since we are June 19, like the day of his birth in 1623, this post will share a few of his quotes and end with a song, by Mr. Nicola Ciconne [subtitled in French, if you wish to try to sing it :)]. This musical choice is Bambi’s attempt to honour Pascal’s first deep saying, which goes like this: “Do not try to add more years to your life. Better add more life to your years“. Indeed, Ciccone’s song is called “Je ne veux pas mourir avant d’être mort” [I do not want to die before dying]. It is about leading a meaningful life, or being full of life. According to the singer-songwriter, it is about living with a sense of urgency, so to speak. This implies making choices and taking decisions, which allow us to fully embrace life and enjoy it (
May Pascal’s sayings or calculator, along with Ciconne’s words and music, inspire you to have a meaningful and fun new week ahead!
To Antoine, Bambi’s “baba” or papy, with much love: of course, you are being honoured every day, not just on this Sunday. However, today is all yours. Enjoy it ❤️!
To Robert, Bambi’s father-in-law, with tenderness: today is also your special day, have fun ❤️!
To Bambi’s readers with positive vibes: have a lovely day too. Some of you may be fathers, grandfathers, expectant fathers, and/or aspiring fathers. Some do not wish to have children while for others life did not make paternity possible. Perhaps your own father and/or father of your children are in this place called heaven. May their memory and love legacy be eternal.
To conclude this post on a musical note, Bambi would like to thank her friend Spencer for introducing her to the second lovely (English) song. Happy Father’s Day to his inspiring dad!
On this day, year after year, it is impossible for Bambi not to have gratitude in her heart for her parents who brought their children to safety in 1990 ❤️.
Today, Bambi has spent almost twice as much time in Canada as in her birth country. She is lucky to have lived in three beautiful provinces.
Number thirty-three sounds nice to the ears, her now-ready-for-the weekend-mind is thinking, because it is Jesus’ age (when he died), as they commonly say in her birth country :). OK, she is saying so while hoping she will outlive this number to celebrate June 17 again and again!
On June 14, 1965, The Beatles recorded their eternal Yesterday ( Fifty-eight years later, Mr. Nicola Ciconne sings it in such a beautiful way. Bravo and thank you, Mr. Ciconne!
Like today, in 2017, the French and international Rock icon, Mr. Johnny Hallyday, died at at age 74. Although he left our world, he remains in the hearts of his fans, including those of Bambi, her family, and many of her friends. May his memory be eternal.
Hallyday’s impressive career lasted for over fifty years ( Thank Goodness, his musical legacy will remain immortal.
To honour Mr. Hallyday’s memory, Bambi will share Youtube videos of his performance in both French and English. Some of the chosen French songs are sub-titled in English, for your convenience. You will hear him singing Brel, Ferré, Cossette, Piaf, Bonifay (Souvenirs, souvenirs followed by its English version), and Aznavour with an English duo with this late GREAT singer-songwriter.
To conclude this post, Bambi admits to being selfish. She chose songs she happens to adore, without thinking if they were Hallyday’s own melodies. Indeed, she started with her favourite French love song, Brel’s Ne me Quitte Pas (which later led to the “If you Go Away” song in English). She hopes you will enjoy listening to Hallyday’s unique voice and amazing performance, whether you happen to be his fan too or you are discovering him postmortem.