Hesitating between the lightness of a Falafel song and the need for Ms. Nicole Hohloch’s multilingual song for peace

Have you ever tasted the falafel (also called taʿmiya in Egypt)? The latter is a common food across the entire Middle East. It consists of deep-fried balls, which are mainly made of chickpeas or fava beans (sometimes of both, if Bambi is not mistaken). It also includes herbs and spices like cumin and black pepper in addition to parsley, onions, coriander, garlic, flour, and vegetable oil.

A picture of falafel taken by Bambi and shared on this blog in December, 2019. There is nothing more delicious than “Falafel Freiha”. Mmm, a must in Beirut! Thanks to Bambi’s dad and late mom for this delicious and healthy take-out dinner.

It would have been magical if, instead of blood, tears and fear, all the innocent and tired people of the Middle East (on all sides and anywhere) could live with safety, dignity, prosperity, and with love. Yes, LOVE, along with peace… and endless opportunities to enjoy eating falafel with their loved ones.

Tragically, the above is far from being the reality of the Middle East, including Lebanon. Yes, sadly, innocent civilians, including children or youth, are losing their lives or are still being kidnapped, as Bambi is writing this post. Some are Canadians actually. As she is worried about the fate of her family and birth country, her fellow Canadians are (still) worried about the fate of their loved ones. Most likely like her, they are also sad to see the death of innocent lives. Same for her fellow Canadians of Palestinian origins. Their hearts are broken now over Gaza and the suffering of their loved ones. And what can she say about her fellow Canadians of Lebanese origins? They are also extremely concerned for the safety of their families, friends, and… their birth country (already in an extremely bad shape, economically speaking; and as a reminder, still without a President of the Republic and a new government for months now). Perhaps today more than ever with the deeply sad news of the deaths of children.

As usual, it is the civilians who are caught in the crossfire when rival entities are fighting each other. What Bambi finds sad while reading the news about demonstrations here and demonstrations there worldwide (including us in Canada), it is that none seems to consider the innocent civilians on all sides at the same time. No one deserves terror or wars. Everyone deserves love and peace of mind in life. Everyone deserves a minimum of economic security, including and especially Lebanon. Its people cannot take violence anymore. Is it too much to ask to live in a sustainable peace?

Anyhow, this post will not change anything to the harsh and scary reality of the threat of spread of war. As for you dear readers of this blog, Bambi will leave you now with two songs. The first is a light and joyful Falafel song, which she discovered three days ago while working (and listening to the radio). Although she was in a sad or worried mood about her loved ones abroad, this joyful Arabic song instantly made her smile, and even dance, in front of her screen. In turn, it is her hope that this melody will also succeed in entertaining you, despite your own worries. As for the second song, it is clearly badly needed. Is anyone listening among the decision-makers of the world who are playing with the fire of wars in the Middle East?

To conclude this post, may the memory of all those who lost their lives be eternal. Much love to their grieving families or injured relatives. Long live the falafel and light moments of life. May LOVE have the final word in our entire world, including the Middle East. May love and peace know how to find their ways back to people’s hearts. As for Lebanon specifically, Bambi prays that it be spared from the latest absurd collective insanity called war. May common sense, love, and peace prevail.

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