Beirut port blast investigation: When will the intimidation stop?

Bravo to the Lebanese Higher Judicial Council for not intending to disccuss Judge Tarek Bitar removal (

Bambi is saying so because the intimidation by the most powerful group in Lebanon (mafia ruling it) has reached exponential, and even dangerous, levels lately.

According to France24, “the man handling the biggest case since former prime minister Rafik Hariri’s 2005 assassination is a little known figure who never talks to the press or even appears in public... “His determination will be tested more than ever after a [demonstration] for his removal Thursday by supporters of the Shiite Muslim Amal and Hezbollah movements degenerated into deadly violence and scenes resminiscent of the 1975-1990 civil war” (

As a reminder, at these heavily armed yet so-called “peaceful” demonstrations mentioned above, we have seen images of demonstrators burning posters of this Judge. Same for the US Ambassador in Beirut, Ms. Dorothy Shea (without hearing the classical mantra of “death to America” though…).

Anyhow, to come back specifically to Judge Bitar, just check the words used by the two journalists, Ms. Sarah El Deeb and Mr. Bassam Mroue from the Associated Press, to describe Judge Tarek Bitar’s decency in an article entitled “The judge leading Beirut blast probe: Discreet and defiant” (

Relatives of victims of the port blast described Bitar as deeply sympathetic to their quest for justice. One man said the judge told him he approached the case as if his own daughter had been killed.”

“Bezdjian said Bitar told the families that he feels a responsibility because of those killed, wounded and displaced and because “half of my capital was destroyed.”

If you were one of the families who lost your loved one in the blast, wouldn’t you also want to know that your case is in the caring hands of Judge Bitar?

Ms. Rahman, why don’t you learn how to respect your fellow citizens who vote differently than you? You would be surprised to know that some of them wear a hijab too

In a CBC article, a journalist called Ms. Zeahaa Rahman wrote the following (title): “On election day, I greeted people who voted for parties that hate people like me”. The CBC even uses the following graphic picture:

As soon as Bambi started reading this article, she immediately stopped to search for “Bernier” in the text, as she guessed that it would be a piece of disinformation about one of our federal political parties called, the PPC :). Indeed, she found the name of Mr. Maxime Bernier along with the following misleading sentences:

“Some of the people I had interacted with had voted for the far right People’s Party of Canada, whose leader, Maxime Bernier, has proposed to end multiculturalism, reduce the number of immigrants and refugees Canada receives, and fosters hate-speech under the guise of free speech as part of his party’s platform. The PPC received more than 840,000 votes in the 2021 federal election. That’s more than double the number of votes they received in the 2019 federal election, and it’s because these policies resonate with at least some Canadians.”

First, the word “far right” does not mean anything is a country that has become almost communist. Indeed, look at the level of governmental intrusiveness in our lives and the widespread empty slogans or ideologies. At the governance level, all the federal parties are almost all to the left of the political spectrum, or leaning to the left, or pretending to be left. Even the official opposition does not seem to be strong or efficient enough, despite the excellent performance of some of its great elements holding our government accountable (like for instance Mr. Pierre Poilievre).

Second, Mr. Maxime Bernier did not propose to end multiculturalism. He denounced “extreme multiculturalism“, which becomes destructive like sectarianism or tribalism (especially when it is exploited for political purposes). For this, he should be commended for having been the first Canadian politician to advocate for badly needed unity among Canadians.

He talked about his ideas in the same year he left his Conservative Party and eventually created his own political party. Bambi recalls this very well. Back then, she was shocked to see the level of political correctness in our country (from the reaction he got from the media and from his peers… in addition to the milk producers of his region, one must not forget. The latter were largely responsible for his defeat in his former party. Had he won, we may have perhaps had Mr. Bernier instead of Mr. Trudeau, as Prime Minister. Who knows?). The whole woke movement, which pretends to speak in the name of minorities, was starting at the time.

Today, wokeism is widespread in so many brains and in many censorship actions (from books to people cancelled, from books and churches burned in the name of justice to stores destroyed, of course in the name of justice too). Some politicians pretend to be woke to survive. Others may be true believers (in NB, we seem to have at least two of them ( Which one of the two have the potential to be more radical in a society? Think about it. Bambi does not have an answer, but she always wonders about it.

Mind you, it is not only Mr. Bernier who denounces extreme multiculturalism. Most Québeckers do (even those who are federalist, but not into wokeism). Just read or listen to intellectuals like Dr. Mathieu Bock-Côté, as an example. He is the author of a book entitled in French “Multiculturalism as a political religion”.

It is this extreme multiculturalism, in a “postnational” country (as per Mr. Trudeau’s own terms) that Mr. Bernier denounced in the past. Not the pluralistic nature and beauty of Canada. You may agree with him or not, but why vilify him for his ideas, Ms. Rahman?

Third, where is the problem in reducing a massive number of immigrants and refugees in order to ensure their better integration in our county, welcoming them from the best of our capacity and being fair to them? Again, you may agree or not with this point, but why are you vilifying this political party?

Fourth, when you wrote “… fosters hate-speech under the guise of free speech as part of his party’s platform“, can you give us specific examples to illustrate your statement, please? Bambi searched this platform and did not find anything that looks like hate. She found the word hate only when it was in the name of a proposed bill (Bill C-36) by our government about online censorship. This party was the only stating clearly in its platform that it is against this bill. Just like Bambi, mind you.

Fifth, you seem to insinuate that the “far-right“, hateful, and racist platform of this party has resonated with some Canadians (at least, you are accurate in showing the increasing popularity of this party in our country): “… that’s more than double the number of votes they received in the 2019 federal election, and it’s because these policies resonate with at least some Canadians”. So, are you telling us that some Canadians are racist and this is why this party appealed to them? If so, you are insulting many Canadians, some of whom wear a hijab like you. Actually, Bambi knows several Muslims and Jews who voted for this party. You are also insulting others who may have perhaps also voted for this party.

Finally and most importantly, why can’t you respect your fellow Canadians, Ms. Rahman, regardless of their political vote at a particular point in time? It is called democracy, in case you forgot it.

Thank you.

A song for a friend

Today our town said goodbye to Pat (or Ms. Patricia Belliveau).

Thank you, Pat, for having existed and for having touched SO many lives.

May you rest in peace now… May your memory be eternal in our hearts.

May both God and time, slowly but surely, comfort the hearts of your children, grand-children, and entire family. Same wishes for all your friends and loved ones.

To conclude this post, a French song is coming to Bambi’s mind now (by Mr. Pierre Delanoë and Mr. Michel Fugain, 1967). It is interpreted below by Ms. Vox Angeli. If you wish, you may read an English translation of the beautiful lyrics (found online). This song reminds us of how short life is/can be: short yet precious. Perhaps even more precious because it is short. Too short yet beautiful, especially when it is lived to a full and genuine extent. In other terms, to a meaningful and inspiring way… like Pat’s life.

“I won’t have enough time

I won’t have enough time,

Enough time…

Even if I run

Faster than the wind,

Faster than time,

Even if I fly,

I won’t have enough time, ( no, no, no)

enough time.

To visit all the immensity

Of a universe so vast.

Even, even, even, even if I had 100 years,

I won’t have enough time

To do everything.

I open my heart wide.

I love with my open eyes

But it’s too little,

For so many hearts (For so many hearts)

And so many flowers.

Thousands (Thousand) of days,

It’s much too short (It’s much too short)

It’s much too short.

And to love

As we have to love,

When we really love,

Even if I had 100 years,

I won’t have enough time,

Enough time.

I won’t have enough time,

Enough time.

I won’t have enough time,

Enough time.

Here is an earlier post honouring Patricia’s Belliveau’s life:

Thanks to Mr. Abdulaziz Issa for having honoured Canada with his oud instrument

Tonight, Bambi discovered a music composer and film maker from Lebanon. His name is Mr. Abdulaziz Issa:

In 2017, for the 150th anniversary of Canada, it seems that he kindly honoured our country with his oud instrument. Thank you!

Of note, the oud ( is an oriental musical instrument, which was featured in one of Bambi’s older posts (see further below).

As for Canada’s national anthem, according to Bambi, it is simply one of the most beautiful anthems in the world. Well, if you do not believe her, just listen (or re-listen?) to the incredible voice of Ms. Ginette Reno below. By the way, may Ms. Reno keep on getting well soon. Thankfully, she was recently discharged from the hospital!

“Beirut, I’m sorry”: Esmeralda’s song honours her childhood friend, Mr. Ralph Mellehe, one of the many firefighters who lost their lives in the port blast of August 4, 2020

Bambi just came across an English song about Beirut on YouTube.

This song was written/composed by a young Lebanese singer-songwriter called Esmaralda. It is a tribute to her childhood friend, Mr. Ralph (Mellehe) almost a year following his tragic death in the surrealistic Beirut explosion.

This song moved Bambi’s heart, especially that she had honoured Mr. Ralph Mellehe in an older post (shown at the end of this one). In her older post from 2020, she mentioned that he loved Fußball-Club Bayern München, just like her (and actually her entire family). Indeed, Bambi grew up fascinated by this soccer team that she had the chance to bump into in Germany almost 30 years ago. Well, Thanks again to FC Bayern München & to Germany for having paid a beautiful tribute to Ralph. Thank you, journalist (and dear sister) Roula Douglas for having re-tweeted its message of August 12, 2020 (8 days after the tragedy). May his memory be eternal…

May Esmaralda and Ralph’s family members find some peace in their hearts, despite the cruel pain of their loss. May justice be finally served for Ralph and for all the other 217 victims (children and adults), 6 000+ injured folks (many of whom are still suffering), 300-400 000 homeless people, and ALL the traumatized survivors (MANY left their country since the surrealist Beirut port explosion).

Talking about trauma, meet 9-year-old Jad who is also a soccer fan. Look at his beautiful smile :). Bravo to him for having overcome his fear of leaving his place (due to anxiety following the blast)! Thank you UNICEF, France for having helped him in his achievement with an online psychotherapy.

To conclude this post, bravo and thanks to Esmerlda for her song, along with her own moving words in introducing her song ( “It’s almost a year since the explosion and still no answers, no closure. We still have nightmares, we are scarred and we are broken. You took our souls, our loved ones, our houses and our lives. You burned our forests, you polluted the air we breathe, and the funny part is: you would never take the blame. This song is a small piece of my mind. It’s about the things I felt but could never say, mixed with a line from Feiruz’s famous song “Li Beirut”. To all the people that can relate to my song, I hope it helps you heal just a little bit like it helped me. Personally I have lost my childhood friend; Ralph: this one goes out to your beautiful soul. I am really glad that I got to be your friend. To all the souls who were lost on that tragic day and every other day, due to their ignorance, I say: “You will always be remembered and loved”. Beirut in this song is not only our beloved city, it is every Lebanese out there, every person suffering, every family, every parent and every beautiful soul we have lost! We don’t deserve the pain and hardship we are being put through…and for that: “Beirut, I’m sorry”.

Will Covid-19 vaccines for 5 to 11 year olds, once approved, be rolled out in a “parent-friendly way”, along with the “child-friendly” way, the CBC seems to be concerned about?

First, here is the CBC article in question. It is entitled “How can Canada roll out COVID-19 vaccines in a ‘child-friendly’ way?

Second, or rather first, here is what happened in California. It “recently enacted state and local Covid-19 vaccine mandates for students“, those younger than 12 years old (likely the 5-11).

The California Governor said: “It is just one additional vaccine” ( His plans are that “once fully FDA-approved, the Covid-19 vaccine will be required to enter school just as other vaccines such as measles, mumps, rubella, pertussis, and tetanus are, to name a few” (

But is it really like just another vaccine? Especially the one we will be injecting them with? And does this coronavirus affect children in the same way as the 70+? NO… Or those with chronic diseases or weakened immune system? Generally no and yes, for children who have known risk factors, like those in older people, or other medical complexities (mind you, this being said, we do live in a part of the country where childhood obesity is prevalent).

Once again, Bambi will ask the same questions, as in an earlier post: “will we respect parental choices of vaccinating their own children or not? This is usually the case in trials or in medical treatments. One must also recall that the coronavirus is rather low risk in MOST children (of course, excluding those with the known risk factors of obesity, diabetes, hypertension, like in adults, or those with medical complexity)?”

And again, “will we respect parents’ choices? Or will we treat them like children?” “Will parents be given full informed consent, according to Dr. Bruce Pardy“.

To come back to California, here is how parents reacted there: They “demonstrated on Monday to show their oppositionMany of the parents said they’re not anti-vaccine, but they don’t want to be forced to get their children vaccinated” (

What would/will Canadian parents do if similar mandates are enacted here? Will they accept it, as they accept so many odd or excessive measures because they may be too paralyzed by fear… or collectively too passive?

To conclude this post, despite the losses, Bambi feels blessed today because she does not have kids. She just feels for all the parents who are lost now or, worst, who feel pushed by all the narrative and authorities, to give a perhaps unneeded vaccination to their child, even if it is generally safe (being approved by Health Canada)? Perhaps their child already had Covid-19, with or without symptoms, or perhaps they are not as worried as other parents (who are eagerly awaiting to vaccinate their children)? Bambi is asking all these questions because it is her understanding that the vaccinated can still transmit the virus. Plus, she observes that some of the politically decided measures are harsh or irrational (arbitrary).

Québec and Paris join forces against cancel culture: A light of hope for our democracies?

Bambi would like to thank her two sisters for respectively attracting her attention to a media article about potentially promising news for our world, at least for la “Belle Province” and the beautiful France.

Indeed, France and Québec seem to be determined to join forces to counter cancel culture (ou la “culture de l’annulation” that is increasingly eroding our societies (

The French-Canadian media all obtained a copy of this letter. We can see it or parts of it in L’Actualité:

Here is a quick translation of the article above (thank you, Mr. Google Translate!):

For those who understand French, below you can listen to an interesting Radio-Canada 7-minute-interview of Mr. Patrick Masbourian with Dr. Mathieu Bock-Côté entitled “Alliance contre la culture de l’annulation“:

Thank you, France and Québec, for giving us hope that someone somewhere in our world is doing something to stop the bulldozer of the cancel culture before it crushes us all, along with our cultures.

Dr. Ann Cavoukian in the Epoch Times: “Vaccine Passports will create a ‘global digital infrastructure of surveillance’: Former Ontario Privacy Commissioner”

Thank you Dr. Cavoukian ( and thanks to the Epoch Times for this important publication:

Bambi could not help not to think of one of her readers who asked her a question about what is increasingly resembling a “medical tyranny” in many countries of the world (even if some other countries are not into it). Her entire response was as follows:

Thank you for sharing your concerns.

Bambi stopped following the news about the pandemic a while ago, but her initial thought is the following: Sometimes fear makes people become more authoritarian.

Like you, Bambi thinks that we should not use words that are so heavily charged like “Nazi” lightly in life out of respect for those who lived under it. Even more shocking is to see the yellow star at some demonstrations, even if Bambi sees the excesses in the management of the pandemic and how the economy has suffered (e.g., in some places in Australia, they still have severe lockdowns. Is this still necessary? Perhaps they should learn that, in the end, we have no choice but to learn to live with this health risk). Luckily, we have vaccines and choices of types of vaccines. As for the health measures in some places more at risk than us (ex. larger urban centres, crowded places, etc.), Bambi tends to agree with Dr. Mathieu Bock Côté that a tool like a digital vaccine passport (e.g., Québec, France) needs to be temporary (ensuring this with a legal framework). Yes, this is a must. If not, it can become immortal like income tax and it could be even proposed to be used by authorities for different reasons.

The word “choice” above is sadly getting more and more limited, if not just absent.

Indeed, one must just pay attention to the words of one our provincial ministers who started the pandemic as a hero (seeing it coming ahead of time. Thanks to him, even if his words now are scarier than the virus!). Mind you, the man replying to the tweet below is a lawyer…

Why are we getting more and more authoritarian when cases are lower and lower worldwide and when we now have vaccines, thank Goodness (thanks to all those who made them possible and accessible to us!)?

Related to the vaccines, and eventually perhaps boosters and likely more governmental controls, if (or “when“, to cite Mr. Trudeau’s own words today) Heath Canada will approve the vaccine for children (after weighing risks and benefits), will parents be given “full informed consent“, according to Dr. Bruce Pardy, a Law Professor also from Ontario?

Furthermore, will we respect parental choices of vaccinating their own children or not? This is usually the case in trials or in medical treatments. One must also recall that the coronavirus is rather low risk in MOST children (of course, excluding those with the known risk factors of obesity, diabetes, hypertension, like in adults, or those with medical complexity)?

So again, will we respect parents’ choices? Or will we treat them like children?

To conclude this post, Bambi will allow herself to borrow Dr. Cavoukian’s own words: “Privacy forms the foundation of our freedom. If you value freedom and liberty, you value privacy,” she said. “We have to stand up for our freedom and we have to stand up for privacy.” Indeed, Bambi values privacy, even if she also values massive vaccination in life. This is why this article resonated with her. To illustrate her point further, the first time she was asked to show her ID, along with a proof of vaccination, she had a flash-back of Lebanon’s civil war (when we used to ask for IDs on checkpoints and kidnap or kill you for your wrong religion). She even expressed this, in a form of a sarcastic joke, to the kind waiter. Why does the latter or business owners have to add those additional annoying tasks to their daily work? Is this really necessary (as per an older post shown below)?

Thank you.

Music of the day: All the way from Lebanon…

Bambi just discovered a talented Lebanese virtuoso violinist, called Mr. Andre Soueid. If you are interested, you can hear him, along with the Lebanese Oriental Orchestra, playing a wonderful love song (that Bambi adores) composed by the late Mr. Melhem Barakat (a famous musician, songwriter, and singer; Bravo!

Here is the same song, with a talented pianist, Maestro Elie Alya, along with the unique voice of Mr. Melhem Barakat himself. Thanks to the latter for having spoiled our ears while enriching his/our (birth) country… May his memory be eternal.

Again, here is the same song, featured above, but interpreted by Ms. Karol Sakr. What a beautiful version too. Thank you, Ms. Sakr.

The song lyrics go like this: “After you have left my life, tell me for whom eternity will pay tribute to (or bow) and to whom the world’s sun will shine for“. Very powerful words, especially in a poetically rich language like Arabic. Mind you, these words could be or could have been written for anyone, not just to a lover. It could have been written to a a family member or a dear friend. So how about if it is dedicated now to a beloved fellow resident of our small town who left our lives too early? Yes, Bambi is thinking of you Pat Belliveau (or Patty Kakes to many of your friends). If she may, she will allow herself to offer you this beautiful song. Please consider it as a tribute, not just from one of NB deer but also from all your human friends who will miss you. Thank you for having touched their lives in so many ways.

To continue with the incredible musical talent of tiny Lebanon, of course there is the eternal voice of Feiruz… and below you can find two love songs with English sub-titles (thanks to the persons who kindly posted them on YouTube and made them public). Bambi would like to offer these songs to her mom, dad, and friends (especially you Mary, who adores Feiruz, as well as you Firas who was also in love with Feiruz… Can you somehow hear Bambi now from heaven, especially that this blog was meant to be a tribute to you and to your very short yet full life?).

To conclude this post, thanks to ALL Lebanon’s artists… may their country survive, rise, and shine again. May the sound of music have the final and lasting word (and not the sounds of fear from stray bullets or explosions, etc.).

Thought of the day: The wise words of Dr. Mathieu Bock-Côté

What does it mean in English?

“The power of the dominant ideology is to force people to repeat things that they know are wrong in addition to causing them to say bad things about those who dare to say they are wrong. They will then explain that there is no dominant ideology.”

Thank you Dr. Mathieu Bock-Côté’s for your thoughtful message about the excesses of our collectively insane times.

A dominant ideology could be secular (woke or not), religious (of any sort), political (to the extreme right or left or whatever else). It can exist in any era or place of the world.

Regardless of its type, Dr. Bock-Côté’s sharp words about dominant ideologies can easily be understood by those who experienced other abusive places, situations, or times. Some of these places of the world may sadly remain unchanged for a very long time, precisely because of the power of the dominant ideologies. Indeed, when the latter massively invade brains, they become even stronger, despite any “resistance” by (silent or vocal) majorities that just want to live and let others live freely.

To conclude this post, it is Bambi’s hope that each one of us, including deer, can take the time to pause for a few moments (daily or weekly) to reflect on our personal contribution to the dominant ideologies of our collective insane times: Yes, as a person or as a deer (who may perhaps endorse, or not, this or that ideology or who may be allergic to ideologies), how can I stop an abusive situation to another individual? How can I stand up against unfairness to someone, to anyone? How can I contribute to prevent further injustice, sometimes ironically in the name of a noble justice? Perhaps we all can do so by simply being kinder or more human to others, whether in real life or online. Perhaps we can try to always remember to use our critical thinking and agency. Finally, perhaps we can also learn to refuse to see others as inhuman, or as traitors, when they do not share our own opinion(s) about this or that topic stemming from any dominant ideologies.