Thank you dad for this gift!

Today, Bambi’s dad surprised her with this audio (see below, if you wish).

Needless to say that she was deeply moved… and she smiled too at the seriousness of her young voice.

Perhaps to have fun in the Beirut lock down, Bambi’s dad converted this 40-year-old file from a radio tape format to a digital format.

She can still vividly recall those beautiful childhood memories of how he made the montage with the beautiful music whilst she was reading the poem written as a tribute from a little boy to his mom in heaven.

She believes this Arabic poem, entitled “Oummy” (which means: My mother) was written by the incredibly talented Lebanese poet, Mr. Ounsy el Hajj ( ; 1937-2014).

Bambi would like to express her love for her mom and dad (+ sisters and their smaller families). Without sounding too philosophical tonight, she thanks heaven for having been born and raised in our family :).

This being said, there is nothing more beautiful than the Arabic language to express one’s love to her mother. Miss you mom! Thanks again and miss you too dad.

To conclude this post, a little secret about Bambi as a child: Relatives and family friends used to call her “the poet”. Indeed, it is poetry and diary writing that allowed her to keep her sanity (despite her usual craziness) whilst growing up in the middle of an absurd and cruel civil war.

Dad and mom, thank you for fostering in your children the love of languages!

Isn’t it sad when a reasonable political veteran justifies censorship?

She does not know about you, but Bambi is sad to read the tweet below from Mr. Bernie Sanders.

She would have expected him NOT to justify censorship of his current President (regardless of the name or political affiliation of the latter).

Mr. Sanders is also pushing further and further in isolating his President, just like Ms. Nancy Pelosi. Bambi still wonders why all this show of political muscles, if Mr Trump’s term is about to end anyways. Isn’t this exaggerated?

Bambi is FAR from being fond of Mr. Trump, but Bambi cannot accept censorship in a democratic society without denouncing it (even when its victim is called Trump).

Indeed, Bambi would have never ever considered voting for Mr. Trump the first time, had she been an American citizen. However, the second time would have been a different story maybe, who knows? All this is not relevant, as she is not American and it is too late now. This is just to remind us that MANY ordinary citizens voted for this President. As a reminder, they were from all sort of ethnolinguistic backgrounds. Bambi could have been one of them, had she been American. Why not?

In all the honesty she has, she has been listening to Mr. Trump speeches since maybe the American Thanksgiving (she even made fun of his Christmas message on this blog :)). Seriously, she listened to his last speech and to his daughter’s too who introduced her dad at the rally in Washington. Not once, she heard him call for violence. On the contrary, his two last tweets were the following:

All the shenanigans of the American politicians is now making Bambi wonder today: Who is nastier in politics, serving their own interests or the interests of their friends whilst forgetting about their (whole) population, the Lebanese or the American politicians?

And what should we say about our own Mr. Trudeau. He was too excited to see his friends winning (friends who seem to be MUCH nastier than his own party, thank Goodness for us in Canada!). Mr. Trudeau was not smart enough to think in the long-term when he quickly accused Mr. Trump of inciting violence, taking sides in foreign affairs.

Sadly, he did not have the courage to defend freedom of expression, like Ms. Angela Merkel who denounced the ban of Big techs of Mr. Trump. Thankfully, Mr. Yves-François Blanchet (BQ) who usually dislikes Mr. Trump, and who is to the left side of the political spectrum, tweeted to ask smart questions about big techs.

What will Mr. Trudeau do, if four years down the road, we are still stuck with him in power… and surprise, surprise, Mr. Trump becomes the President of the USA again?

Why didn’t he have the wisdom of remaining silent in those critical times for our neighbours? Why does he always feel the need to please like that?

They are in a state of civil or cultural war. It seems to be nasty and self-destructive. Why is he once again endorsing their own conflicts?

First, he took the knee at a BLM demonstration in Ottawa (whilst being protected by RCMP officers ?).

Second, like his American friends, he did not denounce the violence of those protests (BLM, Antifa, etc.). On the contrary, his image spoke volumes: At least during the moment of a picture or a video, he seemed to sympathize with this movement.

We all know that those demonstrations turned extremely violent in the USA over the last summer: businesses of innocent people were destroyed by fire, etc.

How could any politician with a minimum of wisdom justify/politically use one violence and condemn/use another violence? In Bambi’s mind, this is hypocrisy in its pure form. Indeed, violence is bad at all times, regardless of the perpetrators (even if there are differences in the magnitude or recurrence of the violence).

The tragic circus of the Capitol (death and even “suicides”) is SAD beyond words. Everyone condemned it, including Mr. Trump as well as Ms. Melania Trump (spouse), as well as Ms. Ivanka Trump (daughter).

So, to tell us that Mr. Trump needs to be removed from power (he only has a few days left) because of that seems fishy. Do they have another hidden agenda or are they just thirsty of power?

Bambi may be wrong for sure about all this, but she cannot help not to wonder: If they are abusing of their power like this now (whilst Mr. Trump is still the President of their country), what will they do later on?

Best wishes to the USA!

Who needs big techs’ censorship in Sackville when someone is asking a journalist to cancel another citizen?

Since Bambi has experienced the kind treatment of a certain mysterious yet impolite citizen called “Wrayton” (the reason behind this blog actually) on the platform of the New Wark Times, she will allow herself to comment about the comments of the readers of this awesome news blog in our town. Thanks for existing, Mr. Wark.

As Mr. Wark and everyone knows, Bambi thinks highly of him and of his EXCELLENT journalism and professionalism. She even wrote one final comment last year or was it two years ago? She wished him a Merry Christmas/Happy New Year and expressed her high opinion in what was her final comment on his blog.

Since then, she created her own blog where she indulges in posting any opinion she wishes. She also happily post all comments of her readers (whether she agrees with them or not). NO place for censorship on her blog. NEVER. It is a privately hosted platform (so no place for the fascism of big techs to silence her voice :)).

Without wanting to go back to the past, Bambi will just say that she would have wished if Mr. Wark had allowed her to reply to this mysterious Wrayton who accused her of racism (because she expressed her love of Canada :)).

Indeed, racism is a heavily-charged term in our collective stupid times. It can be used against you, just like being an Israeli collaborator can be used in her birth country. Luckily, no jails here… Just social exclusion or professional cancellation.

Anyhow, Mr. Wark kept the last (posted) word for this Wrayton instead of also allowing her to reply to defend herself. That was his choice then and that is of course history now, in Bambi’s mind at least. If Bambi is bringing this up now, it is to defend both Mr. Wark (who has always, or almost always, defended free speech, thank you!) AND to also defend one of his reader, Ms. Sally. The latter posted a harsh or maybe even apparently impolite comment today.

In other terms, the so-called “racist” Bambi feels the need to open her big mouth now to say the following about the New Wark Times‘ comments of readers on the article cited further below.

  1. Bambi will not comment the article, as this is not the topic of this post. Bambi has the utmost respect of former Mayor Pat Estabrooks. The latter probably knows that and this is not related to politics. It is rather related to patient care services at our hospital to which Ms. Estabrooks is devoted. Bravo!
  2. Bambi does not have a clear-cut opinion on the abattoir approval or not. She has a certain opinion on other abattoirs in other places for perhaps the same concerns raised in this article. However, she loves meat (yes, she is a meat lovers, even if she is a deer!). Our town, like other municipalities, has to take tough decisions at times. She hopes that they will take an informed one and all will go well, whether we proceed with the abattoir near her place or not. Good luck to the entrepreneurs too, whether they will establish their business in town finally or not. For the sake of this post, all what she needs to know is that Former Mayor Estabrooks has the best interests of her town at heart.
  3. Bambi does not know Ms. Sally in person. If she sees her on the street, she would be unable to recognize her, unless she has seen her without knowing it. Bambi’s spouse shared that he chatted with Ms. Sally on the street a couple of times. She knows from him that she is open to debate, even on topics they disagree on (which is rare these days).
  4. Bambi has defended Ms. Sally on her blog once (see below). She was happy to post her comment once too, even without agreeing or fully agreeing with her.
  5. Now, Ms. Sally posted a harsh comment about Ms. Estabrooks. Bambi does not agree with Ms. Sally at all. She agrees with the replies of readers, Ms. Kate and Mr. Les Higgs rather. Bambi was even surprised and sad to see her words that seemed unfair and almost disrespectful toward Ms. Pat Estabrooks. However, the latter is an experienced politician. She must have a thick skin by now (after all those years in public service). She will get over it and does not need the intervention of the Mysterious yet impolite Wrayton.
  6. Bambi was also sad to read a comment, by Ms. Sally, that seemed to be meant for Mr Wark… but maybe it was not targeted at him. Anyhow, Bambi appreciated his professional reply. Good to know that there are other journalists in town, thanks Mr. Wark. Bravo for promoting their platforms and work. Once again, this speaks about your professionalism, work ethics, and care about building capacity in your field of journalism.
  7. DESPITE all this, Bambi STRONGLY disagrees with Wrayton. Once again, she finds his/her comment about Ms. Sally unacceptable: He/she is calling to cancel her. Isn’t it this fascist like those American big techs, but on a much smaller scale? Perhaps Wrayton only meant to be funny. However, his/her demand sounds serious. And yes, Wrayton, this comes out of the mouth of the “racist Bambi” :). More seriously now, here is what Wrayton wrote: “If Twitter and FaceBook can block Trump and his adherents from promoting conspiracy theories like Q-anon, Agenda 2030, etc.. One supposes the Wark Times could do so as well“. Without knowing Wrayton, Bambi denounces this public call to cancel the voice of Ms. Sally. Bambi is saying so, even if she used words that seemed insulting to our Dear former Mayor, Ms. Estabrooks or Dear Mr. Wark OR even if she defended the abattoir project. Bambi is even saying so, despite her own post about Ms. Sally related to the Beirut explosion. In Bambi’s mind, Ms. Sally is part of our “Sweet Little Sackville” community, like anyone else. She is free to think differently, if she wishes. She is free to write any comment she wishes and it is up to Mr. Wark to decide to post or not (as he did with Bambi versus Wrayton). Who are you Wrayton to call for silencing another citizen? Who are you to call your fellow citizens “racist” when you do not agree with their opinion? Finally, what is worrisome here is that you seem to be taking censorship too lightly. One day, it will be your turn to be silenced by those more powerful than you. Who knows? Well, if this happens, without knowing you and without being fond of some of your comments/mindset, Bambi will also defend your right of expression with the same conviction, just like she is defending Sally now and directly or indirectly Mr. Trump too, in earlier posts, even without being a supporter/fan (please do not faint if you are reading this, Wrayton :)).
  8. Last but not least, Bambi’s position here is not about any specific citizen or opinion.Today, this story is about Ms. Sally. Tomorrow about someone else. This is about freedom of expression, period. It is also about tolerance in our world. In the end, diversity of opinions (i.e., our tolerance of this diversity) is what will make us richer, as human beings and as a society. This is the foundation of democracy.

A break from tech fascism: Free thinkers on a free platform

Social Media Purge, Big Tech & Special Announcement | Tulsi Gabbard | DIRECT MESSAGE | Rubin Report

When Bambi sees the craziness of those giant techs in the United States, she feels happy for not being on social media.

However, she remains speechless by what those big techs did to the President of their (own) country.

Regardless of his name or the political affiliation of the President, in and by itself, this is shocking for freedom of thought and speech.

Today, it is this politician. Tomorrow, it may be someone else (it could be someone who thinks he/she is on the “winning” side now). Who knows?

This censorship is bad now. This censorship will be bad later too.

Today, Ms. Angela Merkel denounced it from as far as Germany… Not too many intellectuals are doing so in North America. Whether we like or dislike Mr. Trump, as Bambi wrote earlier, this is worrisome. It is freedom that we are attacking here. Not just a President.

All this being said, look below. First, a refreshing interview. Second, a fun alternative to Twitter. Cool. Many thanks Ms. Tulsi Gabbard (a former politician) and Mr. Dave Rubin (whom Bambi likes too) for the alternative (a good idea, Mr. Rubin).

Bambi is saying so, even if she has never been on social media. The latter was a conscious decision for having envisioned scenarios like what is happened in the USA (not just because she is a dinosaur of a deer, as she jokes sometimes :)). Mind you, when you grew up in a civil war, it is not hard to imagine fascism.


“Join Tulsi Gabbard at to fight big tech by supporting independent creators at Locals.

Join Dave Rubin’s community at

Isn’t it sad to see the USA reaching this level of divisive stupidity?

Now, he have Mr. Biden, President of the USA tweeting the following political correctness silliness:

Please read the tweet above. It is an example of why Bambi wrote a few weeks ago about how sad it is to see the awful choices that the American voters had in their Presidential elections, between Mr. Trump… and between this mentality expressed through the mouth of Mr. Biden. Not the most amazing choices indeed.

Think of it. He seems to be telling his population that only businesses led by women matter and that only businesses led by the groups he mentions matter in the eyes of their federal government. What about all the others? What about family-owned businesses, etc.? Why not say small businesses in general, Mr. Biden? Sadly, your words seem to also say that women and Americans from the groups you mentioned are victims, instead of being regular citizens like everyone else, capable of succeeding in life. No, they are victimized and he will be their savour (God knows from what…).

This tweet tells us something about the level of mediocrity in our world and the dishonesty of our world’s leaders.

Perhaps it also tells us why a phenomenon like Mr. Trump was elected four years ago. He is the symptom of this collective insanity in our Western world, not the problem. We may even regret him down the road (you are probably laughing now :), although Bambi is serious).

Last but not least, it is such a mentality of divisiveness among citizens that has destroyed Bambi’s birth country and led or fuelled fifteen years of civil war.

As Bambi loves our neighbours, she does not wish to see their country become like Lebanon one of these days. For that, a wise leader must start stopping this toxic and silly divisiveness immediately. It is self-destructive and it only serves the selfish interests of artificial tribes/interest groups… and, of course, this beautiful country’s enemies in the world.

Please Mr. Biden, be that leader. Can you?

Whom will know the truth first, Lebanese people about their Beirut explosion or the American people about their elections?

The American people, and the whole world, know that on January 20, 2021 Harris-Biden et al. will be the President’s new administration.

The American people, and all of us, know that violence is SAD and BAD and we all deplore the loss of lives.

However, she does not know about you personally, without being a Trump supporter herself, Bambi remains curious: Even if the evidence was dismissed and Mr. Biden won (congrats again): Did any systemic electoral irregularities or rule changing happened without legislative authority? Yes or no? That is the question here.

It is not normal to have all the large media of a country (and its neighbouring one, including CBC kids) all going in one single direction and focusing on the cancelling and impeachment of Mr. Trump.

Yes, it is horrible to criminally enter into the Capitol. Yes, it is horrible to carry the flag that one guy was carrying.

However, this one single guy does not represent the millions of people who have voted for Mr. Trump. Some of them may be supporters in a sectarian sense, so to speak. Some may have strategically voted for him or could see themselves doing so.

For all these people, the least would be to know the truth, to understand what happened, to have faith in their institutions again, and future elections.

Bambi is not American. Bambi is not a Trump supporter. However, Bambi is not a sheep that blindly reads the media without questioning matters and without having an opinion for herself. She is not even blinded by a visceral hate of Mr. Trump, even if she sees his character very clearly and even if she has disagreed with some of his international policies or actions.

She may be wrong about this post or new updates will make her change her mind tomorrow. However, today as things are, she still has her doubts about the integrity of the American elections.

Bambi was happy to hear this French editorialist, Mr. Éric Zemmour He seems to think like Bambi and he has not been cancelled yet (what an achievement in our fascist times ?):

And here are some articles that made Bambi keep questioning. Thanks to her spouse for sharing:

Finally, there were at least two hearings that Bambi listened to on Mr. Trump’s Twitter account before he was cancelled on this platform. They were interesting, too. They could be perhaps found elsewhere on the internet maybe.

Are all these people lying with Mr. Trump? Could it be?

Mr. Trump may be a narcissist. Those entering the capitol may be criminals…. But how do we call those who may have perhaps cheated in the elections?!

If there was cheating, the latter would be much more serious than the above. Plus, this can explain the anger and despair of those Trump supporters who entered the capitol without an efficient police resistance (one of them, with the odd outfit, is an actor, it seems). What a circus, sadly with a tragic outcome!

Ms. Tulsi Gabbard makes much sense, too bad she is not the new President of the USA

Ms. Tulsi Gabbard was a candidate in the 2020 Presidential campaign.

“For practical reasons” (to use her own words; see the video below), she took the decision to resign from her role as a Congresswoman last fall.

Bambi is not that familiar with her policies, but she finds her both genuine and wise (

Another authentic candidate would have been Mr. Bernie Sanders. Perhaps he would have not been ideal for the economy (too far on the left side? But maybe so, who knows?). Regardless, what he stands for and his authenticity are admirable. Bambi respects… and likes him.

To come back to Ms. Tulsi Gabbard, Bambi would have wished to see her one day the President, instead of Mr. Biden (with all due respect to Mr. Biden. Congrats again). She would have personally wished to see Mr. Biden nominating her as his VP, instead of Ms. Kamala Harris.  

The fact that Ms. Gabbard is not among the names in the elite in power (which seem to be already abusing their power even before officially taking it) tells us something about both the American politicians (regardless of their respective party) and herself (not part of the elite club).

Bambi wishes to hear more voices of common sense in our world, like her. The whole world needs that, not just the United States of America.

Ms. Sarah Copeland: “My life is on hold, frozen at the moment my son died in the Beirut blast”

Isaac’s mom, Ms. Sarah Copeland, wrote a letter published in the Guardian:

Bambi’s heart goes to Ms. Copeland. She will allow herself to send her a virtual hug, if she may (her heart also goes to Isaac’s dad and larger family).

Is anyone from the Lebanese corrupt, useless, or criminal politicians reading the Guardian today, by any chance?

Ms. Copeland and all the 204 families of the Beirut victims’ are still waiting for the truth and for justice. Same for the 6000+ injured citizens, including kids (as a reminder, Lexou, a Lebanese-Canadian, toddler lost her life, like Isaac… other children lost their eyes. Indeed, Bambi will always remember this young Syrian refugee kid she heard on the news). Bambi forgot the count of those still homeless (perhaps 300,000 families or even more?) or jobless.

For Isaac and for all those affected by this surrealistic Beirut port explosion that destroyed a large part of the city and people’s lives, once again, where is the truth? And where is the accountability?

At least, where is the evidence that lessons have been truly learned from this tragedy?

As one of Bambi’s friends just said: “Welcome to the Fascist States of America”

Are the United States of America in a form of civil war?

If not, why are their tech giants (Apple, Twitter, FB, Instagram) as well as their mainstream media censoring a US President like that… even if his name is Mr. Trump? Bambi is asking because they closed his Twitter account again, and this time it seems to be permanent.

Is it normal to corner and cancel a President in a democracy? Not any President of any country? We are talking about the President of the United States of America, one of the most powerful countries in the world (up until now, at least).

If they can shut their President up, what will they do to regular (non-connected) citizens?

Indeed, it seems that big American tech companies have already censored MANY citizens, not just the President. From far, it looks like a purge, even if the term seems exaggerated. Some citizens report being put on no-fly lists by the authorities, including at least one legitimate journalist. Bambi listened to the Rubin Report this evening (before Mr. Dave Rubin gets silenced too, she told herself). This is how she learned about this journalist who was cancelled upon his return from Washington and about thousands of citizens already banned from social media for their views.

Why can’t people have the right to have whichever political opinion they wish to have? Citizens are normally free to think what they want. They have all the right to doubt that systemic electoral issues or even frauds truly happened, if they wish. Why not? Who is Apple to tell them what opinion they should have? Even if the results are final now and it is time to come together and hopefully reconcile to move forward, as a country.

Plus, if it is a just a few individuals who criminally entered the Capitol, why are we demoralizing half of the country like that?

Don’t the winners want to govern the whole country?

Or, in reality at least for now, they don’t seem to care about the other half of their population.

Many may have not voted for the winners. Some citizens may have voted for Mr. Trump without being fans, in order not to vote for them. Some may have voted for Mr. Trump because his policies are better than his character. Others may even have not voted at all as the two Presidential options suck, for different reasons.

Most importantly, once again, why aren’t we addressing the initial problem that may have led to all this in the first place?

Something is clearly not working well in this country and it has been the case for a long while now (years maybe). Will their politicians one day have the wisdom to stop, ask why, debate the questions, and try to find solutions?

She does not know about you, and again Bambi has never ever been a Trump supporter. However, in those scary times of censorship like that , she wonders if we may even regret one day Mr. Trump. You may laugh to this latter comment. You may be even triggered, who knows? You may think that Bambi lost her mind. Well, she is saying so, because in a sense, with ALL his craziness, Mr. Trump acted as an obstacle to the collective insanity (including all the violent excesses since this summer, culminating with the horrible scenes in the Capitol and the loss of lives).

When the United States of America starts to look more like China or Iran (or sadly Beirut, even if Lebanon’s citizens still push back their own fascism…), it is not good news for our neighbours. It is surely not good news for all of us, in Canada and the (free) world. Indeed, it is sad and worrisome.

To conclude this post, Bambi hopes that those powerful entities will come to their senses before destroying the most precious value in their country: freedom.

Ms. Nancy Pelosi & Mr. Hassan Nasrallah on the same page… of absurdity

Ms. Nancy Pelosi said she “spoke with Army Chief on preventing a Trump ‘Nuclear Strike‘”

Mr. Nasrallah also said: “May God protect the world in the coming days, because the nuclear codes are in the hands of a mad man“.

For the record, they were talking about Mr. Trump… No, not about Iran :).

To conclude this post, it is sad to see the United States of America diving lower and lower into civilization self-destruction. In the meantime, Iran, Nasrallah, China, likely North Korea, and perhaps even Venezuela (although Bambi did not double-check for the latter) are already making much fun of America.