Bambi does not understand Israeli internal politics (left, right, government, opposition, unions, other activists, etc.). She just knows that two days ago, six innocent hostages were coldly and cruelly assassinated in Gaza by the kidnapping organization, Hamas, who also had the nerve to release a propaganda video featuring them (https://tinyurl.com/mrn7atbp). You can see their moving young faces and read their bios or stories in both English (https://tinyurl.com/bdcddx6c) and French (https://tinyurl.com/2r6c9p6y). May their memory be eternal. May G-D/God/Allah know how to comfort their families.
Instead of uniting together in denouncing this crime, the powerful unions are about to start a general strike in their country, apparently to put pressure on their government to strike a deal with Hamas to liberate hostages (https://tinyurl.com/4nwjc5vu). By principle, such request would have seemed noble as it would put an end to the tragic and inhuman bloodshed in Gaza (which followed the October 7, 2023’s killing, rape, and kidnapping). It would also finally relieve the aching hearts of the families of the kidnapped victims (of note, some are young children, including a baby). However, the timing of the strike seems a bit strange to Bambi. She may be wrong, but it is reminding her of Dr. Gad Saad’s forthcoming book on a concept he calls “suicidal empathy” (sort of non-strategic empathy). He used it in relation to the Western world in general, which seemed to be in a state of cultural self-destruction. Make no mistake, despite the noble and maybe sincere intentions, the apparently non-strategic empathy here does not seem to be toward the innocent people of Gaza. It seems to be an empathy toward Hamas in particular. It seems to be about rewarding their most recent crime, almost at the detriment of the interests of the Israelis, namely their safety. It seems to be suicidal even, at least in the long term.
This being said, let’s move now to a neighbouring country of Israel, Lebanon (where Bambi was born). A powerful religious figure there expressed the following about the role of Hezbollah and Amal, who serve Iranian interests, before their own country: it is a role into “maintaining Lebanon’s sovereignty” (https://tinyurl.com/mr3555j3). He even added: “To be more specific, the Amal Movement and Hezbollah are the largest sovereign forces in this country. Had it not been for this resistance duo, Lebanon would have been subjected to Zionist policies“. Bambi feels like replying: “had it not been for this so-called resistance duo, Lebanon would have not been an Iranian colony (by proxy) and the people of Lebanon would have not been subjected once again to death, injuries, destruction, migration, and fear”. Had it been truly about sovereignty, the heart-breaking coffins of all the young men killed by Israel, fighting in this so-called resistance duo, would have been wrapped in the beautiful Lebanese flag. Even better than death, regardless of any flag, they would have still been alive enjoying their lives and their loved ones while daring to dream about a brighter future.
When will wars end in the Middle East, not just temporary ceasefires and deals? When will peace truly prevail so all the innocent people of Lebanon as well Palestine, Israel, Syria, Irak, Iran, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, FINALLY ALL live in safety, harmony, peace, prosperity, and ideally love among their nations?