Due to a heavy workload filled with several deadlines, Bambi had no choice but to remain silent for about four days. She missed her daily writing, and most importantly, she felt that something very meaningful was missing day after day (or night after night, she must say): YOU, dear readers. Yes, she missed you, even if she had the opportunity to communicate with some of you about older posts. Thank you for your continuous interest in visiting her blog and for sharing your opinions, mostly publicly and at times privately.
This being said, Bambi hesitated among several more serious topics. She finally decided to make this post about lightness.
Yes, the topic is related to the lightness of the heart when we are in love or in harmony with a friend, especially during summer times (but not only!). Consider it also as a post about being in love with life, especially when our wings are made of hope.
If she may, she now dedicates this Egyptian-Arabic song, in both adult’s and kids’ versions to all of you, and especially to two readers who have shared that they liked this song, as per an older post shown below :).
We all have our reasons to like this or that song (or to dislike this or that melody). Bambi has always liked the “3 dakat” song because its melody is joyfully light, calling for dancing. Even the kids’ version was a joy to listen to.
She does not know about you, but Bambi started this working day on a light note. She remained filled with inner happiness, despite imminent deadlines. She considers herself to be blessed in life in genral in so many ways, especially on a beautiful day, like this one.
May your forthcoming days be filled with rest if you have worked hard, lightness if you had deep worries, increased healing if you have been sick or are grieving, and with continuous happiness, if you feel happy.

Ma chanson préférée 👍😘
Ohh! Bambi te l’offre avec beaucouo d’amour et de la joie, chère Roula :)!