Bambi misses her awesome dad and looks forward to seeing him again as soon as realistically possible… hopefully in 2025 ❤️!
Same for her adorable four relatives and family friend, in Beirut and Montreal, who are also celebrating their name day ❤️❤️❤️❤️!
May Saint-Anthony, or “Mar” Anthonios the great, protect them all :)!
May Saint Anthony also protect Mary and her family; today more than ever…. and may their/our beloved Mounir’s memory be eternal, both in heaven and in our hearts ❤️.
Bearing the above in mind, it is time for music now to celebrate love, family gatherings, baba/papy Antonio (+ all the dad’s of the world), and… Saint Anthony, with his own Byzantine prayer, chanted by the Choir of Beirut in Arabic.