Thankfully, there is laughter in our world and there are still funny people in Canada like Mr. Mark Hachem. Below is a very brief sketch about “Arab dads”. Bambi hopes you will enjoy it as much as Louis who saw a resemblance to her behaviour, especially when he can’t find her in the house :).
Despite its beauty, life is tough at times. It is even cruel for some of us.
Indeed, as Bambi is writing these words, her own grieving heart goes to dear friends in her small community who suddenly found themselves mourning a spouse, a father, a friend, a colleague, and a caring health professional.
At the same time, both her mind and heart are filled with good wishes for close ones, including many readers, who may be celebrating the Jewish New Year. May the latter be a sweet one to each one of them.
New Years, new starts of journeys, or new dreams to envision are wonderful opportunities for hope of self-renewal or of exciting little or bigger life projects. Thankfully for us, we are the own managers of our lives. At times we create the life we want. At others, we change our mindset to adjust to life abrupt changes, including its cruel ones. We learn to face, accept, embrace even, and ideally integrate our losses in our lives. With time and perspective, we turn their end to a new beginning.
Of course, we can rely on our social network for support, as needed. We can also embark on inner journeys of self-discovery and re-commitments to self-kindness and to a sweet friendship with the little child within us.
How do we do that? Each one of us has his or her own agency and creativity. There is no single recipe for all. We listen to and respect our own needs. We can be open to suggestions from loved ones. We try and change coping strategies, as needed. We learn from others and from our own experiences. The underlying idea here is that our personal sense of responsibility can empower us to choose and to create the life that we want.
Without much philosophy, Bambi will stop her reflection here. She prefers to leave you with a couple of uplifting songs in English and Arabic. She wishes you a wonderful day, with or without tropical storms or hurricanes. May you be safe. May you be happy. May you remember that, regardless of the seasons, you are the creative manager of your life. Long live both the artist and the child in you.
Why does our federal government seem to insist on scaring us even when, generally and THANKFULLY, the coronavirus is no moredangerousthan previous variants (and even if it can spread quickly)?
With an apparent drama of social distancing and masks on, Dr. Tam and her health professional colleagues (who work for our federal government) seem to want to induce fear in our minds. Indeed, Dr. Tam “recommends masks and updated COVID vaccines this fall” (
Of course, people are free to still (or to always) use a mask or not. They are free to still get vaccinated or not. Those of us who are more physically vulnerable may still chose to do both; luckily the access to vaccination is free of charge for all.
Bambi’s problem is not with the above. It is rather with what looks like a fear-inducing drama, by our government officials, without presenting the full scientific story, or epidemiological data, to justify their recommendation. Instead of presenting us with the facts, as they are, they prefer to play on our feelings of fear. Is this a wise approach to communication with the population? Does it work on you?
She does not know about you, but Bambi finds such indirect and incomplete communication rather insulting to her intelligence as a deer citizen, despite any noble intention of governments. This is why, in her mind, she prefers to ignore this press conference. She will replace it with more amusing musical thoughts.
Indeed, if she may, she will now offer Dr. Tam et al. a lovely French song. The latter, which is performed by Dalida with Mr. Alain Delon, is entitled “Paroles, paroles, paroles” [“Words, words, words”]. Bambi has offered the latter to Mr. Justin Trudeau in the past in relation to different topics. For your convenience, the song is sub-titled in English.
There is nothing like Zeina Farah’s angelic voice! Those who know her dad, Father Elias Farah, are also grateful for his beautiful voice.
Tomorow is the Holy Cross Day. If Bambi is not mistaken, this feast is observed in both Eastern and Western churches, that is across Orthodox, Catholic, and in several Protestant traditions.
The brief spiritual music featured in this post comes to us from out of Saint-Mary’s Greek Orthodox church in Beirut, Lebanon. The pure voice you hear in the video is Ms. Zeina Farah’s voice praying for Jesus Christ. You can see the latter on a wood cross, which symbolizes his victory over death through resurrection (the essence of the Christian faith).
If Bambi may, she would like to dedicate Zeina’s beautiful prayer to: (1) Nicole from Montreal and her parents in heaven; (2) her mom, now in heaven, and her dad who is grieving her loss. Peace, and much love, to his aching heart and to the hearts of Bambi’s sisters as well as all those who love Robine 💜. This same prayer is also offered to two readers of this blog: (1) Robert, Louis’ dad, because he knows how to appreciate Byzantine chants and (2) Achim because he is into both music and deep faith.
To conclude this post, Bambi is SO proud of Zeina who happens to be her first cousin once removed. She is a fan of her voice while being blessed to be related to this most beautiful woman (inside and out!) 💚. Please keep singing prayers Zeina. Keep soothing our hearts and souls while inspiring our minds.
Last year, Bambi paid tribute to Algeria-born and France-based Rachid Taha on his birthday anniversary, which was September 18. Today, she feels like honouring him again, but on his death anniversary, that is on September 12 ( Mr. Rachid Taha was a Rai singer and songwriter who died at age 59 from a heart attack. His unique music is a fusion of north African style with punk, rock, and techno.
Bambi does not want this day to end without remembering all the innocent victims who lost their lives on the surreal September 11, 2001 ( May their memories be eternal. More healing to their loved ones and to the US population in general as well as to the entire world who observed those terribly shocking and scary images of the attacks.
As human beings, may we all know how to come together to bring more love into our own hearts, daily lives, personal relationships, and… among nations. Yes, enough of wars. Enough of hatred. May peace prevail, in both our hearts and in the world, and may love triumph.
The above was the essence of Bambi’s thoughts and prayers concerning the commemoration of the 911 attacks. You may wonder now why is her Grandmother Asma mentioned in this post?
Well, from Asma who used to baby-sit Bambi and her sisters when their parents were away, many valuable life lessons were learned. One of them was related to the daily ghost of death in times of civil war. Grandmother Asma used to tell her granddaughters before they started their school days: make your bed each day because you do not know when you might die. Her idea was that our bed should be made just in case it is our last day of living and we do not know it yet.
Bambi recently thought about this thought when her mom died. The latter most likely did not know her time was going to arrive on the day she left our world. But what about the nearly 3,000 people who died in Lower Manhattan alone on that doomed September 11? Did some of them make their beds on that tragic morning? Bambi is asking because this day has been more recently declared as being: (1). A Patriotic Day (love of one’s country, especially when it is being attacked) and (2) Make Your Bed National Day ( Of course, whomever decided on the latter had no clue who was Asma who lived in Beirut (Lebanon) and what was her bed-related advice. In other terms, such a day was just a mere coincidence.
Related to this coincidence of bed making or not, one can argue the following: who cares about beds in the face of death? Those of us who like to be organized or who are even obsessed about order might find wisdom in Asma’s words to her young granddaughters. Regardless, Bambi who adored her late grandmother got inspired by her in many ways. No wonder then that she still remembers her advice even at her age of 51 years old. Every morning, she pauses and tries to act on this advice. Did she say every morning? Perhaps not when a man is still sleeping in the bed she is leaving to go to work [hello Louis :)].
Thanks to Roula for sharing a picture of our mom, which was taken in Beirut, Lebanon, November 7, 2022 (Robine’s last birthday)
Robine is lucky to have had close ties with her wonderful cousins who live between Chicago in the United States of America and Latakieh in Syria. Indeed, Bambi has always been inspired by this family love. In turn, she loves her mom’s cousins with all her heart ❤️. We are truly blessed to be a family united by love and care with friendships across the generations of cousins.
Today, Nuha honoured her cousin Robine by dedicating a mass service at her St. John the Baptist Melkite Catholic Church in Northlake, Illinois. On page 7 of the following bulletin, one can read the following: “For the reposed in Christ our beloved departed, Robine Feani by Nuha Ferraye “. Bambi would like to thank Nuha from the bottom of her heart. She is also grateful to the priest of her church for the prayer.
At her mom’s funeral in Beirut a few days ago, Bambi was deeply moved when she saw Marouma, Amal (Nuha’s sister) and “Sousou” (Nuha’s niece). They came to say good-bye and pay tribute to their beloved Robine all the way from Syria. Indeed, they started their road trip to Beirut at 6 AM in order to make it on time for the funeral service, which was at 2 PM. They spent 2 hours at the border, if Bambi recalls well. Much love to them ❤️, along with a big hug.
To conclude this post, Bambi’s heart goes to Nuha and to all her immediate and extended family. At her mom’s funeral, she heard a lot of “El Massih Kam” [Christ is Risen]. Bambi replied “Hakan Kam” [Truly Risen]. May your/our beloved Robine be in a better place, welcomed by this Jesus she believed in all her life, and may her memory be eternal.
She does not know about you, but Bambi adores Mika. His wonderful song talks about life and death, absurdity, the living or aging process, love, and shared humanity. It raises deep questions, while even mentioning Lebanon, and defying the fear of living. The music is fun and the clip is sub-titled in English. Thank you Mika. Your song made Bambi think of her last week of August (between Athens and Beirut). What a surreal vacation time filled with BOTH joy and sorrow while being mixed with the essence of life… LOVE.
We learned recently from an article by Mr. Joseph Chiummiento, published in the National Post, that “a judge who had publicly supported speech-restricting rules opposed by Peterson” was “assigned to hear the case” (
How logical and how fair is that? We are not longer hiding the level of moral, mental, political, intellectual, and so-called professional corruption in Canada. Doesn’t it shock you, whether you agree with any point raised by Dr. Peterson or not, that the College of Psychologists of Ontario (CPO) is “concerned” with the “manner” and “tone” of his comments? Why this level of censorship in our country?
Sadly in Lebanon, Judge Tarek Bitar has been regularly threatened since he was assigned to investigate the August 4 Beirut explosion. One is left to wonder why the Lebanese Judicial system managed to appoint an impartial judge whereas Canada seems to be more biased?
Good luck to Dr. Peterson in his appeal, hoping the Court of Appeal is less pre-determined.
Some declared days (no clue by whom) are highly important, raising awareness about this health condition or that historic event. Others seem odd or funny like today’s National Neither Snow Nor Rain Day, which coincides with the National Feel the Love Day.
Well, thankfully, love comes in all forms and all shapes. When it comes to maternal love, it starts before our birth, with our mothers bearing us in their womb for 9 months, and continues beyond their death. We keep feeling their never-ending love even if we miss them beyond words of any language.
Bambi and her sisters recently and abruptly lost their mom. Bambi knew that her mom chose her name and expected her birth, even when many told her she will have a baby boy. Without the convenience and reassurance of an ultrasound, Robine intuitively replied “it is a girl” (coming after two girls) “and her name is Bambi”. Now, with her death, Bambi discovered that her mom had two watches: one for Lebanon and the other for Canada. If this is not love of all her children, what is it then?
Just like the official name of this ending day, Bambi feels the energy of her mom around or within her. She also has vivid memory of the love of her larger family, friends, and all the community who came, in a large number, to pay tribute to her mom, to support her dad, and to give sympathy to their daughters. Back to Canada, Bambi was overwhelmed with the love of her circle of friends as well as her colleagues who kindly expressed their condolences with kind gestures of all sorts, calls, emails, beautiful flowers, cards, food or even the traditional coffee. Just now while preparing this post, past 9 PM (time to sleep), a delivery of flowers from dear friends arrived from Hamilton, Ontario. Wow, Bambi is speechless… Again, if this is not love, what is it then?
Death is part of life and the past ten days were a condensed version of this truth. Luckily, there is love in the equation of life and death. Thanks to love for transcending death. Thanks to music too to express love and gratitude. Bambi thanks everyone and sends her heart to all and prayer (with love) to the skies. Yes, to those we love who left us and this God (le bon Dieu) she happens to believe in deep in her heart. Life is tough at times. Yet it is always beautiful with our infinite capacity to chose and live by love. Love for others, love of oneself, which makes us take care and move forward despite the deepest sorrow.