“El Mahaba” [Love with a big L]: Fairuz singing Gibran Khalil Gibran’s poetry on love from the Prophet

Love with a big L

There is nothing like the voice of Fairuz in life…

There is nothing like love in life [life is meaningless without love], especially love with a big L that sadly seems to be missing in our increasingly divided societies, countries, and world.

We hear about news of imminent wars here and there (e.g., Ukraine).

We observe intolerance and authoritarianism around us.

We hopelessly watch countries in free economic fall since October 17, 2019 (i.e., Lebanon). There was no love, and surely no respect, when the theft of people’s savings, pensions, and dreams took place over decades. There is still no respect as nothing serious seems to be undertaken yet, by Lebanon’s political leaders, to start re-dressing the tragic situation.

In other places, including Canada, is there still room for love in our hearts to grow in it, hopefully bloom, and from there be transmitted to others who share humanity (+ citizenship) with us? Bambi is asking and thinking of ALL others, especially those we do not want to truly listen to and respect their different perspectives. Why should we dismiss them, vilify them, and perceive them as traitors simply because they do not share our own opinions?

Bambi is saying the above in general, that is regardless of the political topic of the day (now, it may be this issue… Tomorrow, it would be another subject).

Why are we allowing ourselves to be divided to that extent?

Why should our hearts be that far apart? Why don’t we simply re-commit to Love again?

Anyhow, Bambi will stop her blahblahblaha now (out of love for your eyes, ears, and time!). Below you can read the lyrics of the song in both English and Arabic, if you wish.

Thank you Fairuz! Thank you Gibran Khalil Gibran!

Gibran Khalil Gibran (1883-1931)’s poetry on love from The Prophet (a poem, available publicly, taken from (https://poets.org/poem/love-8

Then said Almitra, Speak to us of Love.
And he raised his head and looked upon the people, and there fell a stillness upon them. And with a great voice he said:
When love beckons to you, follow him,
Though his ways are hard and steep.
And when his wings enfold you yield to him,
Though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you.
And when he speaks to you believe in him,
Though his voice may shatter your dreams as the north wind lays waste the garden.

For even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you. Even as he is for your growth so is he for your pruning.

Even as he ascends to your height and caresses your tenderest branches that quiver in the sun,

So shall he descend to your roots and shake them in their clinging to the earth.
Like sheaves of corn he gathers you unto himself
He threshes you to make your naked.
He sifts you to free you from your husks.
He grinds you to whiteness.
He kneads you until you are pliant;
And then he assigns you to his sacred fire, that you may become sacred bread for God’s sacred feast.

All these things shall love do unto you that you may know the secrets of your heart, and in that knowledge become a fragment of Life’s heart.

But if in your heart you would seek only love’s peace and love’s pleasure,
Then it is better for you that you cover your nakedness and pass out of love’s threshing-floor,

Into the seasonless world where you shall laugh, but not all of your laughter, and weep, but not all of your tears.
Love gives naught but itself and takes naught but from itself.
Love possesses not nor would it be possessed;
For love is sufficient unto love.

When you love you should not say, “God is in my heart,” but rather, “I am in the heart of God.”

And think not you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.

 Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself.
 But if you love and must needs have desires, let these be your desires:
 To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody to the night.
 To know the pain of too much tenderness.
 To be wounded by your own understanding of love;
 And to bleed willingly and joyfully.
 To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving;
 To rest at the noon hour and meditate love’s ecstasy;
 To return home at eventide with gratitude;
 And then to sleep with a prayer for the beloved in your heart and a song of praise upon your lips.”

Arabic lyrics now…

2. المحبة…

حينئذٍ قالت المترا: حدثنا عن المحبة.


إذا المحبة أومت إليكم فاتبعوها,

وإن كانت مسالكها صعبة متحدرة.

إذا ضمتكم بجناحيها فأطيعوها,

وإن جرحكم السييف المستور بين ريشها.

إذا المحبة خاطبتكم فصدقوها,

وإن عطل صوتها أحلامكم وبددها كما تجعل الريح الشمالية البستان قاعاً صفصفاً.


لأنه كما أن المحبة تكللكم, فهي أيضا تصلبكم.

وكما تعمل على نموكم, هكذا تعلمكم وتستأصل الفاسد منكم.

وكما ترتفع إلى أعلى شجرة حياتكم فتعانق أغصانها اللطيفة المرتعشة أمام وجه الشمس,

هكذا تنحدر إلى جذورها الملتصقة بالتراب وتهزها في سكينة الليل.


المحبة تضمكم إلى قلبها كأغمار حنطة.

المحبة على بيادرها تدرسكم لتظهر عريكم.

المحبة تغربلكم لتحرركم من قشوركم.

المحبة تطحنكم فتجعلكم كالثلج أنقياء.

المحبة تعجنكم بدموعها حتى تلينوا,

ثم تعدكم لنارها المقدسة, لكي تصيروا خبزاً مقدساً يقرّب على مائدة الرب المقدسة.

كل هذا تصنعه بكم لكي تدركوا أسرار قلوبكم, فتصبحوا بهذا الإدراك جزءاً من قلب الحياة.

غير أنكم إذا خفتم, وقصرتم سعيكم على الطمأنبنة واللذة في المحبة.

فالأجدر بكم أن تستروا عريكم وتخرجوا من بيدر المحبة إلى العالم البعيد حيثما تضحكون, ولكن ليس كل ضحككم; وتبكون, ولكن ليس كل ما في ماقيكم من الدموع.

المحبة لا تعطي إلا ذاتها, المحبة لا تأخذ إلا من ذاتها.

لا تملك المحبة شيئاً, ولا تريد أن أحد يملكها.

لأن المحبة مكتفية بالمحبة.


أما أنت إذا أحببت فلا تقل: “أن الله في قلبي”, بل قل بالأحرى: “أنا في قلب الله”.

ولا يخطر لك البتة أنك تستطيع أن تتسلط على مسالك المحبة, لأن المحبة إن رأت فيك استحقاقاً لنعمتها, تتسلط هي على مسالكك.

والمحبة لا رغبة لها إلا في أن تكمل نفسها.

ولكن, إذا أحببت, وكان لا بد من أن تكون لك رغبات خاصة بك, فلتكن هذه رغباتك:

أن تذوب وتكون كجدول متدفق يشنف آذان الليل بأنغامه.

أن تخبر الآلام التي في العطف المتناهي.

أن يجرحك إدراكك الحقيقي للمحبة في حبة قلبك, وأن تنزف دماؤك وأنت راض مغتبط.

أن تنهض عند الفجر بقلب مجنح خفوق, قتؤدي واجب الشكر ملتمساً يوم محبة آخر.

أن تستريح عند الظهيرة وتناخي نفسك بوجد المحبة.

أن تعود إلى منزلك عند المساء شاكراً: فتنام حينئذ والصلاة لأجل من أحببت تتردد في قلبك, وأنشودة الحمد والثناء مرتمسة على شفتيك.

To what extent is Lebanon the microcosm of the world?

Today, Bambi read the words of a religious and wise man in Beirut in An Nahar (https://www.annahar.com/arabic/). His name is Metropolitan Bishop Elias Audi of the Beirut Greek Orthodox Church). He said: “The government must be the mother and the shelter, not the tyrant“.

A picture taken from An Nahar

Of course, Metropolitan Audi was talking about those governing his own country.

However, Bambi could not help not to wonder to which extent his words filled with truth and wisdom do not apply to each country of our world, including us in Canada?

Bambi is thinking of the consequences of all the following observations: ruling governments too disconnected from their own people, politicians too much into ideologies and less into practical, citizen-based governance, and/or leaders who seem either unwilling or incapable of assembling their people and ultimately of uniting their country, etc.

What can other countries, including ours, learn from tiny bankrupt and corrupt Lebanon? The latter is sadly systemically corrupt at all levels: Morally, military, financially, and economically. Yet, its people still believe in democracy through elections. They want a change. They want to live!

Is there a place for principles and patriotism still in the Lebanese government and in all governments?

Do we still cherish patriotism, as a genuine love for one’s country, without anyone calling it racism or supremacy of any sort or colour.

Patriotism is all about love.

Pure love at any time and perhaps more so at the evening of Saint Valentine’s day :).

Why aren’t we allowed to love and respect ourselves anymore in order to truly love our country? And be loved in return?

Why should we risk being censored (or cancelled) for expressing this love and/or for demanding whatever legitimate demands, without being vilified.

Why are only causes approved by our governments allowed and others systemically dismissed or repressed?

So many whys… Bambi will stop here, but her reflection will continue.

How refreshing to see our Canadian flag honoured in France while it is still at half-mast in Canada for months!

For those outside Canada who do not know, flags at federal institutions are still at half-mast for months now. Here are two articles that explain the context: https://nationalpost.com/opinion/rex-murphy-on-flags-and-climate-trudeau-rules-by-fiat; https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/5/30/canada-trudeau-orders-flags-lowered-for-indigenous-children).

Beirut: Friends of Elias (15 year old), one of the youngest victims of the surrealistic port explosion sent a letter to Mr. Emmanuel Macron

A moving picture taken from 961 showing Elias’ friends demanding justice for him at the French Embassy in Beirut

As reported by 961, “their letter pleads for President Macron to push for justice and accountability for those responsible for the Beirut Port Explosion, as it has been over a year and a half without accountability“.

Bambi’s heart was moved by the words (in English) of Elias’ mother (LCBI Instagram in the 961). My God know how to comfort her soul… As she said once in an earlier interview, she is alive (she survived her injury) yet she is dead inside (she lost her son two weeks after the blast. He suffered from severe head injuries).

A picture taken from 961. This woman is carrying a sign that reads as follows: “We raised them with the tears of our eyes [a Lebanese expression of love, commitment, and devotion] and you exploded them and they are gone“.

Bambi also learned from this 961 and the National (https://www.thenationalnews.com/arts-culture/music/the-lyrical-legacy-of-elias-el-khoury-teen-beirut-blast-victim-remembered-through-his-music-1.1226332) that Elias’ dream was to become a rapper. Wow!

Indeed, Bambi was able to find an earlier 961 article, two older tweets by Mr. Elias Fayad, and most importantly the published music of Elias postmortem, thanks to Anghami!

Now, to borrow the words of the 961 journalists informing us of what is taking place in Beirut, Bambi will cut and past parts of the article above here for you:

Just yesterday, on Thursday, families of the victims conducted yet another protest, demanding an effective investigation.

They threatened to escalate their movements in the street if those in charge will continue to allow deliberate obstruction and delay of the investigation. They eventually broke into the Justice Palace.

These protests by the families, friends, and activists have been ongoing since August 8th, 2020, a day in which the people unleashed their anger at the negligence of the ruling body, after 4 days of mourning.

They were met with violence and oppression by the military ordered to squash their protest.

The Beirut Blast was historically catastrophic at all levels. Hundreds were killed, thousands were injured, some of whom have been maimed for life, and the destruction was massive in the capital.

That is to add to what resulted of severe mental illness, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder many are currently suffering from in Lebanon. “

Finally, to conclude this post, Bambi will say the following:

(1) She would like to refer you to an older post honouring Elias (shown further below). May justice be finally served for him and for his bereaved family and friends. Bambi sends them her heart and continuous solidarity;

(2) As far as Mr. Macron is concerned, Bambi has an old post about his humanity (shown below). She remains grateful to him personally and to France, like Beirutis and the Lebanese people. As a reminder, he travelled to Beirut and hugged Tamara (who lost her mom) and many traumatized people on the streets (not a single Lebanese politician talked to them!). This being said, Bambi now hopes that President Macron and his peers (i.e., The Bidens, the European Union, and all the elites of the world who follow each other, including our own Mr. Trudeau, even if Canada is a small international player… ) will not forget tiny Lebanon before finalizing any nuclear deal with Iran; and

(3) As a last final musical note, Bambi will re-post this very MOVING Sintineddi song by Ms. Pascale Ojeil and Mr. Jean Charles Papi, dedicating it to Elias as well as all the other 200+ victims who lost their lives …. of course, without forgetting about the 5000+ injured (some still undergoing treatment— hi Maya?!), and the 4.5 traumatized residents. Indeed, as journalist Roula Douglas tweeted on August 7, 2020: “this explosion felt like the 15 years of civil war condensed in a few seconds“.

Which politician makes more sense to you: Mr. Bernier or Mr. Trudeau?

Which politician makes more sense to you?

First, here is a message from Mr. Maxime Bernier to Mr. Trudeau in both official languages.

Second, you can read Mr. Trudeau’s state of mind.

Bambi has her own opinion and it is not impressed by Mr. Trudeau.

In English…

In French…


Beirut: Did any judge or lawyer support families of the victims of the port blast who are demanding a decision in the appeal against Judge Tarek Bitar?

Enough is enough!

From the Twitter account of Mr. Paul Naggear, father of the three year-old Alexandra who died in the surrealistic Beirut port explosion on August 4, 2020, we can read the following in Arabic below, followed by a French translation taken from l’Orient Le Jour (https://www.lorientlejour.com/article/1290354/des-parents-de-victimes-font-irruption-dans-le-palais-de-justice.html), and finally by a quick English translation:

فتنا على قلب قصر العدل طالبين ببت طلب الرد يلي موقفته القاضية المصري. ما في قضاء. ما في شرفاء. ما في عدالة. و ما في محامي أو قاضي نزل يوقف معنا. والله عيب كأن عم نطلب العدالة من المريخ pic.twitter.com/dHpmjyNkLi

— Paul Naggear (@naggearp) February 10, 2022

“Nous avons pénétré dans le palais de Justice pour réclamer que le recours (contre le juge) soit tranché. Mais il n’y a pas de justice”, a twitté Paul Naggear, père d’Alexandra, une fillette âgée de trois ans et décédée à cause de la double explosion, depuis l’intérieur du palais de Justice. “Il n’y a pas de juges, pas de personnes honorables, ni d’avocats qui soient venus nous épauler. C’est honteux. Comme si nous réclamions que la justice nous soit rendue depuis la planète Mars”, s’est indigné ce père endeuillé“.

“We entered the courthouse to demand that the appeal (against the judge) be decided. But there is no justice,” Paul Naggear, father of three-year-old Alexandra, who died in the double explosion, tweeted from inside the courthouse. Not a single judge, honourable person, or lawyer came to support us. It is shameful. As if we were demanding that justice be done to us from planet Mars”.

Beirut courthouse: A picture tweeted today by Mr. Paul Naggear.

When will impunity finally end in Lebanon!?

Once again, thank you Judge Tarek Bitar for being Beirut’s hero of peace!

May God protect Judge Tarek Bitar…

To conclude this post on a musical note, here is moving English song, called Shout, composed by Alexandra’s grand-father and her mom’s best friend (posted by Bambi in an earlier post shown below).

Inspired by our Canadian truckers and farmers, and even if US deer are infected by Omicron, Bambi refuses vaccine mandates to them… and her.

According to Global News, an Omicron variant has been discovered in white-tailed deer of New York. The species includes about 30 million deer in the United States (https://globalnews.ca/news/8605309/covid-omicron-new-york-deer/).

“Emiliana”, French & Arabic Remix: Blynk, of Lebanese ancestry, was born in Montreal. His talent is promising!

Bambi discovered this singer on her internet radio from LA to which he gave a very nice interview. She was happy to discover a young talent from Montreal, Québec, Canada!

Blynk (artistic name) is a passionate musician/singer and a full-time student. He is young (18 if she got it right). She particularly liked his concluding remarks of encouragement to young people to follow their passion of composing and/or performing music. Not to be afraid, to follow their hearts, especially that it can be done even with a simple equipment.

Thank you Blynk. Bravo for your talent and entrepreneurship. Please keep up your creativity!