From the Twitter account of Mr. Paul Naggear, father of the three year-old Alexandra who died in the surrealistic Beirut port explosion on August 4, 2020, we can read the following in Arabic below, followed by a French translation taken from l’Orient Le Jour (https://www.lorientlejour.com/article/1290354/des-parents-de-victimes-font-irruption-dans-le-palais-de-justice.html), and finally by a quick English translation:
فتنا على قلب قصر العدل طالبين ببت طلب الرد يلي موقفته القاضية المصري. ما في قضاء. ما في شرفاء. ما في عدالة. و ما في محامي أو قاضي نزل يوقف معنا. والله عيب كأن عم نطلب العدالة من المريخ pic.twitter.com/dHpmjyNkLi
— Paul Naggear (@naggearp) February 10, 2022
“Nous avons pénétré dans le palais de Justice pour réclamer que le recours (contre le juge) soit tranché. Mais il n’y a pas de justice”, a twitté Paul Naggear, père d’Alexandra, une fillette âgée de trois ans et décédée à cause de la double explosion, depuis l’intérieur du palais de Justice. “Il n’y a pas de juges, pas de personnes honorables, ni d’avocats qui soient venus nous épauler. C’est honteux. Comme si nous réclamions que la justice nous soit rendue depuis la planète Mars”, s’est indigné ce père endeuillé“.
“We entered the courthouse to demand that the appeal (against the judge) be decided. But there is no justice,” Paul Naggear, father of three-year-old Alexandra, who died in the double explosion, tweeted from inside the courthouse. Not a single judge, honourable person, or lawyer came to support us. It is shameful. As if we were demanding that justice be done to us from planet Mars”.

When will impunity finally end in Lebanon!?
Once again, thank you Judge Tarek Bitar for being Beirut’s hero of peace!

To conclude this post on a musical note, here is moving English song, called Shout, composed by Alexandra’s grand-father and her mom’s best friend (posted by Bambi in an earlier post shown below).