Azar Electric: An inspiring story of a store in Beirut…

Beirut has seen beautiful as well as ugly and now ugliest days.

From the “Paris of the Orient” to the capital of a15-year-long bloody civil war.

From numerous armed conflicts and assassinations to surrealistic port explosions mixed with a pandemic and a devastating hyperinflation.

Azar Electric saw it all…

Days of prosperity.

Days of blood and dust.

Long days and months without power during war and even after.

Days with kidnapped, killed, and even tortured employees for being of the “wrong” religion.

Days in long Covid-19 lock downs.

Days of clean-up following the massive destruction from the Beirut port blast that hit this store hard, including the office of Mr. Antoine Azar (and his private home).

Days of a Christmas season in the middle of a devastating economic collapse.

Azar Electric remains a monument in Beirut, regardless of the surrounding beauty or ugliness.

Indeed, Azar Electric went through all the above and flourished over the years since 1961! That was the year, Mr. Azar got himself a loan from a kind and generous lender. He realized his dream by establishing his business upon his return from one year of work in München, Germany. His store carries the best selection of home appliances at competitive prices. Whether customers are looking to replace their TV, Hi-Fi or kitchen appliances or they need to make a major appliance upgrade, Azar Electriccarries the names they can trust” (

Today, sixty years later, sadly the current times in Lebanon are the harshest ever. Yet Azar Electric is still here, resilient and proud. It is even fully decorated, awaiting Christmas, while spreading some joy in a neighbourhood affected by collective misery, like the entire country.

First, where is Azar Electric located? In Beirut, Lebanon.

Azar Electric

A picture taken by Bambi

What is the main ingredient of Azar Electric successful longevity, despite the passing crazy seasons of his country, one cannot help not to wonder?

The founder and owner of Azar Electric, Mr. Antoine Azar, works tirelessly from Mondays to Saturdays. A brilliant merchant, smart in affairs and a genius in humanity.

He taught his staff the values of great service, respect, and honesty. He provided his children and grand-children with a life model of entrepreneurship, continuous service combined with trust, and even love (yes, love!), of his clientele (even in times of blindness and hatred… even in times of economic despair).

He resisted the tyranny of successive occupiers, one after the other. He even gave life lessons to young yet heavily armed militia men tempted by abuse of power. He risked his life for his principles. Only having his values and courage. The floor of his store still has bullet holes from the time of these war-related stories.

Azar Electric during the Lebanese civil war protecting its customers and staff from the unpredictable shelling hitting Saint Louis’ street. A picture taken by Mr. Antoine Azar.

Some incidents of courage occurred on the nearby streets. For his children, he would get the moon. The youngest one, Bambi (when she was 3 or 4), put her dad’s life (and theirs) in danger by asking him to save a cat hit by cars escaping snipers. Her family was escaping to the “other side” of the capital (i.e., airport) under heavy shelling and snipers’ madness. Bambi’s dad asked everyone to lower their heads. He stopped the car and ran outside to move the apparently very injured cat aside (Bambi’s mom was not very impressed). It turned out that the cat was already dead. Yet with all his tenderness, Mr. Azar reassured his daughter that the cat will be fine since her mom will take care of her. Bambi will always remember this comforting story that could have ironically taken her dad away from her/them…

Yes, this is Mr. Antoine Azar. A man of humanity, a man of faith and love. A man of sharp intelligence, integrity, and… what a successful entrepreneur!

He is a self-made man.

Yes, he established his business from scratch and made it thrive, even during war times (even opened a second branch) and acted as the exclusive distributor of the prestigious German brand, Siemens, for TV and Hi-Fi, across the entire country.

He kept his business alive, when death was all over.

Three months before the official end of war, he managed to bring his family to the safety of Canada in 1990. Bambi owes him (and her mom) her life in our beautiful country… and all what she has built since age 17.

Just to give one example of her dad’s generosity, when she was a (“poor”) student, she has lied to her parents (who had moved back to their birth country). She did so to hide tougher times of balancing school, work, and volunteering times. Somehow a little loving bird shared her secret to her parents. They came to visit her and left. Little did she know what they did behind her back. When she went to pay her rent, the building owner told her it has been dealt with with postdated checks, every month, for an entire year! Can you imagine? This is just one example of her parents’ generosity and kindness.

Regardless of the professional accomplishment, family care, or coping with life or personal adversity, Bambi’s dad does everything with a remarkable dignity and a smile on his face!

With a deep spirituality in his heart, he has faced life challenges with courage and optimism (from war to health issues to migration, back and fourth, etc.). There is no single day where he complained about anything. During war times, as a child, when Bambi used to ask, if they are OK financially speaking to survive war, Bambi’s dad’s reply always included Thank God. Always this gratitude. Always this beautiful attitude.

It is only when the surrealistic Beirut blast occurred that Bambi heard her dad for the first time in her life telling her that he does not see hope in Lebanon anymore. He even asked her sisters to leave the country. He even called hyperinflation and lack of medication as being worse than the war! Bambi thought there is nothing in life worse than the latter… It turned out that the economic crash is unbearable. This tells you how bad Lebanon’s situation is now. Yet, Azar Electric remains open on a daily basis. Check its Christmas decoration, and if you wish, to go back in time to the sad August 4, 2020, you may wish to see the pictures/videos of Azar Electric with the destruction from the Beirut blast as well as the generosity of young Lebanese volunteers who offered to clean (older post at the end of this one). They came from all over the regions of Lebanon and helped in assisting the traumatized citizens. They replaced the absent, criminal, and corrupt state.

A picture taken by Mr. Antoine Azar
A picture taken by Mr. Antoine Azar
A picture taken by Mr. Antoine Azar
A picture taken by Mr. Antoine Azar
A picture taken by Mr. Antoine Azar
A picture taken by Mr. Antoine Azar
A picture taken by Mr. Antoine Azar
A picture taken by Mr. Antoine Azar

To come back to the founder/owner of Azar Electric, he has been and will always remain a hero, not just for Bambi and her sisters (and their children), but also for so many! Ask his friends, neighbours, or customers, if you do not believe Bambi. Ask his buddies in Montreal, Ottawa, or Beirut. Ask his former colleagues from Germany. Everyone respects (and love) Mr. Antoine (or Tony!) Azar.

Of note, Mr. Antoine Azar speaks Arabic, French, English, German, and Italian (some Spanish too and a few words of Greek). He taught himself so many skills, including those related to IT and technology. He is a loving spouse (always in love with Bambi’s mom :)!), a devoted dad, a wonderful grandfather, a caring boss… and always, up to now, an inspiring entrepreneur. For him and his family, Sundays are sacred. No work, just fun family time… and the week of work starts all over again.

To conclude this post, Bambi’s post tried to honour Azar Electric by sharing with you its success story. She hopes you have enjoyed and learned something new about this store and the man who made it all possible. If you are reading up until now dad, Bambi will stop here to say that she loves you, beyond words. She is honoured to call you her “baba d’amour” 🙂 and, if she may, she would like to offer you (and mom) this moving song by Mr. Claude Barzotti called “Papa“!

Bravo to Québec for standing up to defend academic freedom at its universities!

Bambi would like to thank her father-in-law for sharing the information below:

According to a recent report, classrooms are not “safe spaces” and, to protect the concept of academic freedom, a law may be required.

It is very sad that we got to such a low point of intellectual degradation at our universities (and by extension in our societies) that our governments need to interfere.

Of course, as usual, Québec is a leader when it comes to fighting obscurantism.

In Canada, la Belle Province remains a precious bastion of anti-wokism. Hence all the attacks against its bills and culture, according to Bambi’ non-expert citizen’s opinion.

Make no mistake, we may perhaps eventually hear voices, from within this province, opposing such bill from either the official opposition or from within the universities themselves even. Some may perhaps even call such a bill racist or anti-EDI (Equity, diversity,inclusion) or whatever other absurd name? Could it be? And what would be the role of our federal government in this?

Regardless, it is HIGHLY reassuring to read about Québec lawmakers wanting to try to take a legal action to save what is left of academic freedom at our universities. Bravo!

Here are two articles on the topic from the CBC and CTV News (English content):

Here is an article from the Journal de Montréal (French content):

Thank you Québec for giving Bambi hope about intellectual diversity at our higher education institutions. To conclude this post, here is a meaningful German song (like the main theme of this blog). Yes, here is “Die Gedanken sind frei”! Some of the readers may understand it. Others may wish to read the English sub-titles.

Is there anything more beautiful in life than love and friendship?

Today, Bambi’s heart is filled with much joy, gratitude, and love.

Yes, she has all the reasons to appreciate love in life on this unforgettable day that took place in Montreal 30 years ago under the first biggest snow storm of their immigration years!

Yes, on that day, two love birds got married and made those around them dance, drink, and be merry. This day has generated many years of more love and beautiful (now adult) sons (OK and a cute dog too :)). Mabrouk!

This being said, as per the title of this post, this thought is meant for both love and friendship… So how about when we marry our friend :)? Imagine a friend you met while biking in a public garden, in times of war and hatred, when you were just 13… yes time flies and your rather rare story is simply beautiful. Thank you for being Bambi’s both sister and brother (yes it is possible :)). Much love to you two!

And how about when we love our genuine friends? Bambi is thinking of all her friends she is blessed to have in life. True, but perhaps she is specifically thinking of one of them now (she will recognize herself, if she happens to be reading). What a beautiful picture you sent yesterday evening. Thank you. It is indeed filled with our beautiful memories [not just because of that delicious ice cream… Do you believe Bambi :)?].

To conclude this post on a musical note, two songs are a must. The first is in English and it is a surprise to the love birds (they will know why!). As for the second song, it is simply a celebration of friendship (in French)!

On the verge of total collapse (hyperinflation, criminality, impunity) yet the Lebanese authorities find the time to arrest a comedian at the airport… “because he insulted the President”!

Today, Bambi’s blood boiled when she heard on her internet radio that the Lebanese pound traded at 30,000 to the US dollar!

She then was informed by one of her sisters of a bank hold-up as well as other worrisome stories that are now the new reality of tiny bankrupt Lebanon.

Bearing all this in mind, she just quickly read in L’Orient Le Jour about a Lebanese comedian, residing in London, arrested at the airport because he insulted the President of the Republic ( His name is Toufiluk (= Mr. Toufic Braidi).

What is all this about?

In what world do we live where we can no longer be funny, silly, triggering of presidents, etc.?!

If comedians cannot make fun of our politicians, who would?

Enough of censorship! Enough of intolerance! Just enough!

Bambi does not know this comedian. She does not even care about what he said and how he said it and if it triggered the President for real or those in his entourage.

She strongly believes in freedom of expression for all. This means before, during, and… after a speech as well as a comedy, an article, a post, etc.

To conclude this post on a musical note, of course it is the MUCH needed “La tolérance” of Mr. Enrico Macias that comes to Bambi’s mind… You can hear this song below, if you wish, through the voice of a certain talented guy, called Mr. Pascal, who generously made it public on YouTube. Merci/Thanks to him.

Thank you, Mr. Blanchet, for denouncing (once again) how Canada is smearing the image of Québec abroad!

Why is Mr. Trudeau telling Canada that he won’t step into Bill 21debate while Mr. Bob Rae is telling the UN/World that Bill 21 is discriminatory AND counter to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (

Why does Ottawa keep stepping into provincial jurisdictions at all levels, from education to health to Québec’s own matters when it comes to its bills (21, 96, etc.)?

When will Ottawa respect Québec’ history/culture and… jurisdiction?

Bambi will stop here. Below you can see the tweets of Mr. Yves-François Blanchet (bravo and thank you), Mr. Bob Rae (how sad and shocking) and Mr. Housefather (not too impressive, especially for a Québecker and a lawmaker who should know better about the history/culture of his home province as well as the essence of Bill 21


Greek Orthodox Metropolitan of Beirut Elias Aude: Bambi thanks you for standing up for Beirut on the 16th anniversary of Mr. Gibran Tueni’s assassination

Aude blasts those trying to protect ‘criminals’ in port blast case“. This is the title of an article published in Naharnet today (

An interesting quote from the article above… sadly still timely:

“It is no longer acceptable for the government to remain paralyzed in its decisions and actions nor to remain subject to a political minority that acts as the ruling majority,” Aude quoted Tueni as saying prior to his assassination.

As if Gebran was speaking about what’s happening today,” he added.

May Mr. Gibran Tueni’s memory be eternal and may impunity finally end in his beloved country.

Related to this sad anniversary, Bambi would like to share a powerful speech by Ms. Majida El Roumy (in Arabic, subtitled in English) at the memorial service of Mr. Gibran Tueni. If Achim is reading now, many thanks again for having reminded her (in one of your older comments) of the wise words of this singer. Her speech is about love and unity. It does not just apply to polarized Lebanon. It is relevant to all the countries of the world (Canada included…). Indeed, no place is immune to the threat of divisive sectarianism, if we are not lucid enough like Ms. El Roumy.

Finally, and to conclude this post on a moving musical note, Bambi will end with the famous Feirouz’ Li Beirut. It is an interpretation by the most highly talented Mr. Omar Kamal. What a beautiful voice!

Mabrouk/Herzlichen Glückwunsch Ms. Monika Borgmann!

Ms. Monika Borgmann was awarded the Franco-German Human Rights Prize, as per An Nahar (Arabic content, other media, and social media below)!!

What a well-deserved award to her in Beirut, to her beloved spouse, Mr. Lokman Slim (sadly in heaven… still with impunity :(!), to their team, to her family (and friends), to Lebanon, and to all those who care about human rights around the world! Yes, caring about those rights, not just when it suits us, but at all times and for anyone and everyone!

What a beautiful and moving picture of Ms. Borgmann & Mr. Slim taken from Naharnet!
Thank Goodness (at least in Bambi’s mind), love transcends death…

Thank you France and Germany for this joint award. If you wish to read Ms. Monika Borgmann’s impressive bio:

To conclude this brief post, and if she may, Bambi would like to offer Frau Monika Borgmann a Mabrouk new song by Mr. Nicolas El Osta and… a slogan (her own!):

And now the slogan…

Zero Fear

This is why Bambi jumped from Sackville to Moncton today

When Bambi was growing up in war-torn Lebanon, she has never ever participated in any demonstration.

As an adult in Canada, she participated in one demonstration in Toronto 15 years ago.

Today, Bambi felt the urge to jump to Moncton, along with her spouse, in solidarity with about 1000 fellow citizens from all walks of life. Some had signs against vaccine mandates (+loss of jobs). Others against vaccine passports (many signs read as pro-vaccine, yet against passports). Yet others wanted more freedom in churches. Regardless of the sign, everyone walked in peace and harmony, all in solidarity. Everyone longs for more freedom.

As far as Bambi is concerned, the sign in the picture above is hers. She walked because she is against vaccine passport in essential businesses like supermarkets! She is against discrimination in life (food being essential for all of us). As a reminder, at the end of this post, you can see her older post on this topic.

Bambi was reassured by the large number of participants (adults, kids, dogs, etc.). She was happy to see diversity of signs and motivations. She may not agree with all of the latter, but she has the utmost respect for people who think for themselves and who have the courage to express their opinion. It is also heart-warming to see our beautiful Canadian flag carried by some demonstrators with love and pride, not with shame or hatred.

To conclude this post, MOST of the drivers honked in solidarity! Only two people gave the demonstrators, including Bambi, the finger. Today, Bambi felt proud to be a New Brunswicker and Canadian!

Bambi would like to thank her friend Leila for sharing this beautiful Christmas Medley from Saint Stephan Church in Batroun, Lebanon!

Bambi refuses to go to sleep without sharing this beautiful Christmas Medley (or “Mazeej”) with you. It is mostly in Arabic, along with some French, perhaps toward the end more. Bravo Mr. Lucas Sakr et al.!

To conclude this post, two comments come to Bambi’s sleepy mind: (1) One day, she dreams to share your own talent, Leila 🙂 and (2) Achim, if you happen to read this post, Bambi is curious to know if you would recognize a certain Lebanese Christmas song (or rather prayer). Hint, you may hear it twice. Needless to say that this must be done without cheating, that is without reading the songs’ titles at the end :).

Hamas arms blast: The last thing Lebanon needs!

The Naharnet article above informs us, in English (+ a there is a video), that there are sadly several casualties and injuries in a camp called Al Bourj Al Shamali near Tyre in South Lebanon. It seems that several explosions took place. They resulted from a Hamas arms blast.

The l’Orient Le Jour article below informs us, in French, that this explosion is huge and it happened near a mosque (

What is Hamas doing in Lebanon? Please hands off this sinking country!