Today, Bambi’s heart is filled with much joy, gratitude, and love.
Yes, she has all the reasons to appreciate love in life on this unforgettable day that took place in Montreal 30 years ago under the first biggest snow storm of their immigration years!
Yes, on that day, two love birds got married and made those around them dance, drink, and be merry. This day has generated many years of more love and beautiful (now adult) sons (OK and a cute dog too :)). Mabrouk!
This being said, as per the title of this post, this thought is meant for both love and friendship… So how about when we marry our friend :)? Imagine a friend you met while biking in a public garden, in times of war and hatred, when you were just 13… yes time flies and your rather rare story is simply beautiful. Thank you for being Bambi’s both sister and brother (yes it is possible :)). Much love to you two!

And how about when we love our genuine friends? Bambi is thinking of all her friends she is blessed to have in life. True, but perhaps she is specifically thinking of one of them now (she will recognize herself, if she happens to be reading). What a beautiful picture you sent yesterday evening. Thank you. It is indeed filled with our beautiful memories [not just because of that delicious ice cream… Do you believe Bambi :)?].
To conclude this post on a musical note, two songs are a must. The first is in English and it is a surprise to the love birds (they will know why!). As for the second song, it is simply a celebration of friendship (in French)!

Wow Bambi what a lovely surprise :).
Happy Anniversary to Bambi’s sister I’m sure she is just as much a sweetheart as her sister is :). Wish them both the best ! !. Great song and a lovely tribute.
A good memory from the picture reminds me how fortunate I am to have you as a friend/sister.
All the Love !!
O Diana! Bambi is so touched to read your sweet words. Many thanks. Trust that the love birds will both be grateful too. What a lovely picture together indeed: Bambi loves you back and she feels fortunate too (OK, blessed 🙂 to have you in her life, as a “friend/sister”!
L’amitié c’est pour moi un paysage
Où tu viens effacer mes petits nuages
L’amitié ce n’est pas un feu de bois
Ce n’est pas une tape dans le dos
L’amitié c’est toi qui ne réclames pas
Ce qu’un jour tu m’as donné
Je me suis regardé aujourd’hui dans ma glace
Il y a un peu de chagrin sur ma vie
Devinez qui vient l’enlever ?
Un matin en hiver te voilà seul au monde
Tu sais bien que tu peux t’appuyer sur moi
Je serai toujours là pour toi
L’amitié c’est pour moi un paysage
Si tu veux, tu viens et on partage
L’amitié ce n’est pas un feu de bois
Ce n’est pas une tape dans le dos
L’amitié c’est toi qui ne réclames pas
What a beautiful ode to the meaning of friendship!
Thank you so much for the lyrics and the kind comment at the end… Vive l’amitié entre deux personnes, entre des familles, des peuples et à travers l’humanité entière!
Tes mots sur l’amitié sont vraiment universels, montrant ton cÅ“ur généreux ! On ne le peut pas exprimer mieux !
Venant de Achim (en français en plus :), ces mots touchent Bambi profondément… Merci infiniment!
Tes mots me touchent beaucoup et me rendent heureux ?
:). Tant mieux… et quel bon français! Bravo!!
Merci infiniment Bambi ?
What a beautiful tribute to love and friendship!
Total Eclipse of the Heart, such a classic song, sung by the incomparable Bonnie Tyler??
Bambi thanks you for your kind words… Yes, the incomparable Bonnie Taylor :)!