To borrow the descriptive words of Bambi’s sister Ms. Roula Douglas, “this explosion felt like the 15 years of civil war condensed in a few seconds“.
The tragic irony is that in the covid-19 pandemic, all these people affected, like you and Bambi, were supposed to be safe in their “sheltered homes”. You can imagine the suffering of each affected family (grief, injuries, and destroyed home, hospital, business or restaurant/café/pub, etc.). It is as if all the shelters of wars have been destroyed all at once (Bambi’s aunt died in a shelter. The latter is supposed to be the safest place in armed conflicts).
On the contrary, some parents lost their young ones. Other parents died in front of their kids’ eyes in their homes or in their cars. Some were injured. Other traumatized. Bambi’s heart goes to everyone, especially to all her relatives including cousins who lost many colleagues (especially thinking of you Christiane), friends who lost relatives (Michel and your surviving kids :(, all the Azars in Montreal, Rania and Rabih, Nayla, Bambi shares your pain).
For all of you and for those amazing angels of young people coming together to help Beirut citizens (e.g., cleaning streets from glasses, offering to help in homes and stores, etc.), Bambi signed this petition, circulated by Journalist Roula Azar-Douglas. It asks the UN Security Council to Support Lebanon with an independent and transparent investigation. She invites you to do so, if you wish: http://chng.it/tynzcPmN
See below the video of those youth who came to help Bambi’s dad in his store. They warmed his heart and brought tears to his eyes! Bless their hearts! As Ms. Roula Douglas wrote on her social media: “These young men came from the West part of the capital, the “other region” as it was called during civil war. They volunteered to help clean the debris and help the citizens“.

during her last trip in December, 2019