Armenia “expresses full solidarity with France’s President Macron”, Germany “condemns Erdogan’s defamatory statements”, but our own Mr. Trudeau remains silent about both Mr. Samuel’s Paty’s horrific death and Mr. Macron. Does this silence speak volumes?

First, here is Armenia’s public news:

Today, Mr. Merkel condemned the words of Mr. Erdogan. “Vielen Dank, Frau Merkel”!

Below you can find a translation of a SHARP article by Mr. Richard Martineau about the silence of Mr. Trudeau. Mind you, Bambi has posted on this topic yesterday (see further below). Her words were not as harsh as Mr. Martineau, although she shares his disappointment.

This being said, Bambi is not surprised because Mr. Trudeau must be afraid of Islamists (with a reason!).

She feels like telling him today: Mr. Trudeau, you tell us you love women and gay people (thank you). Islamists are not nice to neither of them. They control the former and they kill the latter. Mr. Erdogan has not been nice to neither Armenians, nor Kurds (the latter are Muslims, and you do like the latter, thank you). Mr. Erdogan is being nasty to Mr. Macron, to France, and to “universal values”, to use the French President’s own words.

To both Mr. Erdogan and Mr. Nasrallah (Hezbollah’s leader) and to the whole circus of boycott of French products in the Middle East and into Pakistan, Bambi feels like saying: Enough is enough. France is sovereign in its own country. You do not speak for neither French people nor for Islamists… and surely NOT for Muslims (AND Non-Muslims) there. So please shut up.

As for Mr. Trudeau, without wanting to, your silence may put Bambi’s family in Beirut in danger (not just France’s citizens). The entire world needs to be firm with both Islamists and those who agitate them.

As for observant Muslims, with all due respect, love, and compassion, Bambi will say the following: Please learn to develop a thick skin (especially if you live in France or the Western world, which values freedom). If you live in the Arab or Muslim world, please ask yourself whether the Prophet Mohamed truly need you to boycott food to defend his honour. Bambi may be wrong, but something tells her that he would be sad to know you are not eating delicious French goodies (especially in times of pandemics!).

Bambi is saying the above and she has Muslim close relatives, not just friends.

Furthermore, she is lucky to come from a country with moderate Muslims, even those who are religious (OK minus Mr. Nasrallah and other radicals, whether from his group or not).

Friends in Moncton (some originally from Lebanon!) often assume she is Muslim (and vice versa ?). They are surprised when they realize that she is not. She could have been. She is everything and nothing. Yet, she has her own beliefs in her heart.

In Bambi’s mind, even if she believes in Jesus in her heart, she thinks that you have all the right to make fun of him (and/or of Jeovah, Prophet Mohamed, Mother Earth if you prefer, other Gods like Hindu ones, and/or of Buddha). Even if in her own mind, Jesus is God (OK + son of God and all the rest…). So, for her and those who share her belief, he is not just a prophet or a good teacher or a historic Jewish figure. Yet, she does not impose this belief on others, not even on her spouse (+ vice versa, of course). She does not mind being teased about this Jesus or seeing funny books or jokes about him. What matters to her is her own beliefs or not, not others’ beliefs or not. So please, give France a break and stop trying to destabilize it!

OK, enough of Bambi’s blahblahblah and here is Mr. Martineau’s article, published in the Journal de Montréal, and entitled: “Shame on you, Mr. Trudeau [Honte à vous, monsieur Trudeau!].

“At the time of writing (last night at 6 p.m.), Justin Trudeau has yet to say anything about the horrific assassination by an Islamist activist of French professor Samuel Paty.


Not a single word.


On June 5, our PM joined thousands of demonstrators in Ottawa to protest the killing of African American George Floyd by a racist cop.

Our national Kid Kodak, who never misses a chance to show the whole world how heartfelt he is, had his photo taken on one knee on the ground.

He remained in this position for 8 minutes 46 seconds, the time that George Floyd was tortured below the knee of White Policeman Derek Chauvin.

But when a teacher – a teacher, damn it! – gets beheaded by a racist Islamist who hates all who are not Muslims, especially if they have the nerve to be French, radio silence.

Monsieur Compassion has gone to get his Bovril. Why?

Is the beheading murder of a white man by a Chechen Islamist less shocking than the asphyxiation murder of a black man by a racist cop?

Islamism is less dangerous than racism? Less reprehensible?

Who knows? Perhaps a symbolic gesture should be invented to protest against the death of Mr. Paty. Putting our right hand on our throat, how about that?

And keep it there the time it took before that poor teacher’s head snapped off her body and fell heavily on the asphalt.

The Narcissus who takes the place of PM could make this gesture in front of the cameras.

Like that, his photo would circulate in all the daily newspapers and all the news bulletins on the planet. What are you waiting for, Mr. Trudeau? It would be so good for your image!


We in Québec (you know, the province populated by intolerant and racist “fucking frogs”) did not hesitate to condemn this heinous crime.

Following a motion tabled by Liberal MNA Marwah Rizqy (who did not hesitate to use the taboo word that begins with i – Islamism), the National Assembly respected a minute of silence and unanimously condemned this heinous act.

“Islamist terrorists, after attacking newspapers and freedom of expression, are now attacking the best job in the world, being a teacher, because they know very well that by attacking education, they attack knowledge,”said Ms. Rizqy.

You, during that time, Mr. Trudeau, what did you do? What did you say?

Nothing. You took your hole.

As you always have done whenever Islamists have committed terrorist acts – just talking about “incidents”, as if it were a train derailment.

As historian Frédéric Bastien wrote on his Facebook page: “Mr. Trudeau himself was a teacher. This story, which had echoes around the world, should have appealed to him. I saw no reaction from him.”


Shame on you, Mr. Trudeau.

As we saw recently with the 500 Québeckers who asked for an apology for having been unjustly imprisoned in October 1970, your indignation is selective. And your present silence, deafening.”


Ms. Dima Abdel Samad died from her injuries two months after the surrealistic Beirut explosion

Rest in peace Ms. Dima Abdel Samad (a picture taken from l’Orient Le Jour)

Where is the international investigation?

It has been 21 times “the 4-day-investigation” promised by Lebanon’s President.

Rest in peace Ms. Abdel Samad.

May God know how to comfort your family and loved ones.

To conclude this post, if Bambi may, she would like to offer you and them this beautiful song about peace… that “you will find only in your hearts“.

Mr. Emmanuel Macron tweeted in Arabic a beautiful message of rationalism and peace. Who is listening?

The tweet above is written in the language of the Prophet Mohamed.

It means the following:

“Nothing will make us back down, never.

We respect all different opinions with a spirit of peace.

We never accept a hate discourse, and we defend the rational debate.

We will always stand by human dignity and universal values”.

Ms. Atma Adoungotchodo: “Racism: why so much energy wasted on semantics?” [Le racisme : pourquoi autant d’énergie gaspillée dans la sémantique ?]

Ms. Atma Adoungotchodo, PhD candidate in engineering [École de Technologie Supérieure (ÉTS), Longeuil, Québec]. A picture taken from the Journal de Montréal

Thank you Ms. Adoungotchodo for sharing your refined thoughts on racism (published in the Journal de Montréal):–pourquoi-autant-denergie-gaspillee-dans-la-semantique

Your letter to the Editor is surely cleverer than many of our Canadian media (or propaganda ??) articles we read nowadays”. Best wishes in your PhD training!

Before translating it below, in Bambi’s mind, a vague concept like “systemic racism” is likely meant to control our societies. Period. As you elegantly wrote it, it is a way of not doing anything to solve the problem of racism.


“Since my arrival in Montreal in 2009, I have become more and more involved in the issue of racism against blacks. Not because I have experienced racism, but with the events of obvious racism happening nearby in the United States, it’s hard not to feel concerned.

However, the only thing that amazes me is how Canadian society, and Québec in particular, has appropriated these American problems and that now, we are talking about racism everywhere in Québec, to the point where we want to establish the name of systemic racism.

Systemic racism here?

To my understanding, to speak of systemic racism is to say that society is organized in such a way as to discriminate against people of certain races.

With the cultural diversity that there is in Québec, it is certain that there are people who are racist. With all the cultures that I have encountered since arriving here, surely I have experienced racism without even knowing it. Surely also that I made racist remarks towards other communities without wanting it.

Ignorance, or our perception, can sometimes lead us to say or think things that may offend others.

For me, the best way not to fix a problem is to blame a certain system. Who established the system? Who maintains or runs it? In my opinion, we get lost in semantic mazes that only lead us away from the real problems.

We need to help people become more responsible

When someone behaves badly towards me, I judge him/her individually. Just because a white cashier looked askance at me doesn’t mean I’m going to jump to the ceiling and accuse all white Québeckers of being racist.

Just because a black person received poor service in a hospital does not mean that all hospitals have a system that discriminates against blacks. I believe in helping people in becoming more responsible individually.

Yes, there are racist people! When you meet them, it is your responsibility to denounce them with all your energy so that they can be punished by the law and serve as a lesson to all the other racists in the making.

As much as it is absurd to say that blacks are lazy because a white man has crossed paths with a lazy one, it is as much unacceptable to accuse all Québeckers of racism because one or some Québeckers have behaved reprehensibly towards you.

We are all humans, and idiots are everywhere. Maybe the person you think is racist doesn’t give a damn about the colour of your skin. Maybe this guy is just stupid … or you’re the one exaggerating.

Speaking of exaggerations, I believe that in this category, the gold medal goes to the person who denounced her teacher for having used the word “negro” in her class. I believe that politicians should become more involved in these censorship regulations and stop waiting for extreme situations like the one experienced by the professor in France to take actions that clearly show the limits of individual freedoms”.

Atma Adoungotchodo
PhD candidate in engineering at ÉTS

Ms. Sophie Durocher & the silence of our PM about Mr. Samuel Paty

The silence of Mr. Trudeau about the decapitation of Mr. Samuel Paty (teacher) is not only non-supportive of France, it is also insulting to this country (and indirectly to freedom in our world).

Bambi has also noticed the silence of our PM, even on the “International Day of Teachers”, as you can read below in the French tweet of Ms. Durocher (journalist in Québec) where Mr. Trudeau thoughtfully wished teachers around the world a happy day and participated in a related event.

As a former teacher, a devoted dad, and as a compassionate human being, what do you have to say about this tragedy Mr. Trudeau?

As the PM of a “multicultural country”, you could have said something human whilst also reminding us that we must not amalgamate Muslims (the majority; GOOD people!) with Islamists (the minority BUT radicals… Yes “truly-far”-radicals terrorizing both non-Muslims AND Muslims in the name of religion).

As the head a country, which is a member of NATO, perhaps you are doing work (with Turkey) behind the scenes. Who knows? If so, thank you.

Who knows? Your silence could be perhaps because you are scared of Islamists deep in side… If so, it is normal to feel that way, Mr. Trudeau: They are scary indeed!

N-word: Why is the CBC insisting on creating the next generation of entitled narcissists?

In order to grow up and thrive in life, youth must learn to develop a thick skin and a critical sense.

Sadly, both are lacking in our new radicalized and instrumentalized youth.

Below are two stories about high school and university students creating a tempest in a tea cup, in the name of racial sensitivity:

Why are we providing the name of professors involved in N-word sagas in those articles, by the way?

In other media articles, it was mentioned that the personal address of teachers is being circulated ( Can you imagine? We are putting them at risk of being harassed in the safety of their own homes.

Plus, what about confidentiality, so precious to Canadians and used as an excuse in other circumstances?

To conclude this post, “I-word” is the only word that comes to Bambi’s mind.

“I” is for insanity.

Isn’t it shocking to learn from Ms. Sheila Gunn Reid (for Rebel News) that our federal government, under the (lack of) leadership of Mr. Trudeau, has used our tax money to work against democracy in Canada?

Democracy is known as a political system with institutions that is supposed to allow citizens to hold/express their political preferences, to have limitations on the power of the executive (to avoid abuses), and to guarantee their civil liberties.

What is Mr. Trudeau doing? He is not allowing Canadians to express their political preferences (if not for his political party). Plus, whether he fully realizes or not, he is using our own tax money to let radical groups do the dirty job of monitoring us. In addition, he is using public money to silence a new legal political party (i.e., PPC). Is this normal and how would this provide a guarantee for our civil rights?

Stated differently, how is this different from using public money to fund his own party? He is using public funds to eliminate the competition. In Bambi’s mind, this is worse that the WE “Charity” scandal. This is a democratic scandal.

Bambi is asking this question, regardless of the political party and regardless of any political preference at a particular point in time.

As a former Liberal voter who truly believes in democracy, she is shocked.

Aren’t you too?

Why is Mr. Erdogan (of Turkey) projecting his own poor mental state on France’s President?

We learned from La Presse today (English Google translation here: that Mr. Erdogan is criticizing Macron’s attitude toward Muslims in France. He even “urged him to get treated” for “his insanity“. Can you imagine the irony and the low level of our world leaders?

First, as we say in good French: “De quoi je mêle Monsieur Erdogan :)?” It means: “why don’t you mind your own business, Mr. Erdogan?”

Second, and as reported in the translated text from La Presse, Mr. Erdogan said on TV:

All that can be said of a head of state who treats millions of members of different religious communities in this way is: go for mental health examinations first“.

He even added: “Macron needs to be treated” and “What problem does the individual named Macron have with Islam and with Muslims?”

Mr. Erdogan also criticized France for supporting Armenia (as per the article above).

As a reminder, we are talking about the same “neo-Sultan” of a country that still did not recognize what it did to the Armenians and is now participating in a war against them. Just imagine Germany doing something similar to the Jews of Israel… Would the world accept it? So why is our world silent to what is happening to the Armenian people?!

What is more shocking to Bambi, although not surprising, is not Mr. Erdogan stupid words… it is rather the stupid journalism of our country (+ in North America) where we read in the same article: “This dispute comes on top of a long list of disagreements between Mr. Macron and his Turkish counterpart, who regularly defends Muslim minorities around the world.”

Yesterday, the Washington Post published an article by a certain Dr. James McCauley (with a PhD in French history!) entitled “Instead of fighting systemic racism, France wants to ‘reform Islam’ “. He even used the term “white French” in it 🙂 (as if the American racialism applies to France too now):

Mr. Macron does not want to reform Islam, contrary to all the articles by so-called journalists of our stupid times. He wants to address Islamist radicalism in France and protect its citizens, including its Muslims. We all know it, especially the latter.

The leftist alliance with Islamism is dangerous. It can backfire one day. One must only look at what happened in Iran during its revolution, as an example. Of course, no country is immune, including Lebanon (with influences from Iran, Turkey, or Saudi Arabia…) and of course, it does not matter what type of Islamism it is (or other words ending with “ism” by extension).

Islamism has become more than just a small threat to democracy, freedom of expression, and life in France. Indeed, this is like a war of visions of life. It is not normal to see French teachers terrorized and self-censoring themselves to avoid being decapitated like what happened to Mr. Samuel Patty :(.

Mr. Macron seems to be far from being a stupid man. He knows the difference between words ending with “ia” like Islamophobia and words ending with “ism” like Islamism. So are Muslims of France, Mr. Erdogan, rest assured.

Sadly, many of us in Canada (especially in English Canada) seem to have lost key historical and civilizational reference points.

Plus there is this reality, which was well put by Mr./Dr. Mathieu Bock Côté in a TVA TV discussion (at La Joute, including Mr. Thomas Mulcair) on the word racist (the saga of the professor at the University of Ottawa…): «On est victime de l’accouplement morbide du racialisme américain et du multiculturalisme canadien». It means: “We are victims of the morbid coupling of American racialism and Canadian multiculturalism“. It was refreshing to watch Mr. Thomas Mulcair (former leader of the NDP), a calm and deep thinker. What a contrast with his succeeder, Mr. Jagmeet Singh, who seems to be more like a man of his time [a shallow (yet theatrical) thinker].

You may think what is the link with France and why is Bambi bringing this up? Well, it all has to do with it. It is about control. It is about inducing fear in the mind of people (a teacher in the story above). The terror in France is just a radical method to achieve the same goal: Silence people. Of course, thank God, it is not comparable in terms of criminality. Yet, make no mistake. Fear does not need a real decapitation to overwhelm hearts and minds.

To come back to the topic of this post, if you want to be fair to all and truly prevent racism or words ending with “ia” (like Islamophobia), you have to apply respect as a principle to everyone, including the majority of a country. Yes, for sure, any minority needs to be protected but the minority of the minority (the radicals of a minority group) need to be pushed back by our leaders… same for those agitating them from abroad (Turkey and other), especially when decapitation is on the menu!

He may be called “divisive” at home, but he is doing miracles in the Middle East

First, here is the news of Sudan and Israel normalizing their relationship:

Israel has never been a piece of cake in the Middle East.

Arab countries and populations have long feared and hated it, and vice versa.

Mr. Trump is surely an “orange show man”, knowing how to time his successes.

Regardless of all this, this is a historic moment, even if the Palestinians are not rejoicing.

Recently, Sudan rejected Islamism and this is another historic moment for this country and for the whole region.

Now, it has made peace with the USA. It is even compensating the innocent American victims of terror.

People may say that tough pandemic times are bringing former enemies together, and this is not an achievement by Mr. Trump’s administration.

Regardless of what they may say, if he keeps surprising us with peace deals like that, Bambi will consider nominating him for the Nobel Peace Prize of 2021, whether he will re-elected or not ?.

Mr. Richard Martineau: “Justin: le sens de la famille” [“Justin: the sense of family”]

Below is a quick translation of a sarcastic article by Mr. Richard Martineau published in the Journal de Montréal :):

Before reading it, Bambi has been reflecting about conflicts of interests and corruption in the past year, especially in the Lebanese context and its tragic economic consequences. Her question to herself has been the following: Was is worse in life? Political corruption or stupidity? She came to the conclusion that the latter may be more damaging to a society in the longer term (even if the people of Lebanon may not all agree about who is being stupid in their country… and despite their shared suffering from corruption). Imagine when both corruption and stupidity are combined, used to hide behind or to manipulate, etc. A dangerous mix!

Anyhow, you may say. Well, this is the third most indebted country with much challenges. This is not us (mind you, we are much indebted now!). What is Bambi talking about? Well, this reflection applies anywhere, even when there are more benefits to gain or more at stake in larger and richer countries. Plus, there is something called human nature in life.

Indeed, we would be swimming in total denial, if we think that we are immune to such issues (of corruption or stupidity) in Canada or elsewhere else. Actually, in Bambi’s non-expert citizen opinion, we should be more mindful about this in Canada, especially in our times when all the mainstream media articles seem to go in a single direction (no diversity of opinions like in Lebanon, imagine the irony!). Is this normal in a democracy?

Mr. Martineau would have likely not been able to publish his reflections in other media, which receive benefits from our federal government. The Journal de Montréal is one of the rare ones where you read opinions and others contrary to it, one next to the other. This is why Bambi enjoys reading this newspaper. Mind you, it is also one of the rare Canadian media where readers can still comment (contrary to the CBC and many others). The same is still true for the Lebanese media, thankfully and once again ironically. Isn’t it?

Of course, sometimes there are no bad intentions in our leaders, just some misjudgment or incompetence (especially when having to take fast decisions). However, how many times can we use this same argument to justify the behaviour of the same person or a same group, pandemics times or not?

Bambi is writing all this without having anything against Mr. Trudeau himself or his party for whom she has voted SO MANY times in her life thus far. Luckily, she opened her eyes and already shared that she did not vote for Mr. Trudeau the second time. For that, she is proud, even if she recognizes his good performance from time to time, especially lately (ex. on the international scene on a couple of occasions, in some internal affairs as well, etc.). Of course, it is never easy to govern. So imagine, in a pandemic (even if the latter can be conveniently used for political reasons). Of course, she also recognizes the talent in his party (and in all our other parties and independent MPs). She also observes increasingly “illuminated” people, especially in his party but also across parties and in our society. There is nothing wrong with being illuminated for sure, as long as we keep using our brain (SOS! Critical sense is badly needed).

Perhaps what matters the most here is to prevent future conflicts of interest, with all our MPs? Bambi listened to Mr. Blanchet yesterday (BQ). He spoke at the Parliament (she saw his short yet sharp statement on his own Twitter account). He presented four simple yet good ideas… but did anyone listen?

She also listened to the competent Mr. Pierre Poilievre (CPC). She then listened to Mr. Trudeau et al. and read about the positions of the Greens and of the NDP. Interesting political drama all this. Yet, no imminent change. If there is one day an election, will Canadians vote for the same old again? Most likely… but time will tell (she can hear her spouse’s words in her ears now: “We get the government we deserve“; he means “whom we elect“).

Bambi will stop… OK, here is Mr. Martineau’s sarcastic article for some fun.


“No matter what you say about Justin, you have to recognize him as a great quality.

This man takes care of his family and friends!

He takes care of them very much. Not a day goes by without him pampering, pampering, pampering them!


Look at the legalization of the pot, whose second anniversary we are celebrating these days – in a big cloud of smoke.

Who gets rich with this legalization? Who do we find in the organizational charts of the big players in this new industry?

Members of the great liberal family!

This is generosity!

We imagine our beautiful Justin, on the phone with his acolytes. “Do you feel like putting butter on both sides of your toast, folks?” Well, I have a note for you. Just one. Pot. Place your pawns well, I come up with a bill that will allow you to pass Go by collecting the pot … “

On the one hand, you allow young people to legally freeze their bones while you are in debt for the rest of their lives.

On the other hand, you spoil your boyfriends!

Isn’t that beautiful?

Another example of the magnanimity of our PM: the Aga Khan.

The man is all alone on his island and is bored to die. He calls his chum Justin to ask him if he won’t come for a walk.

Justin could have replied, “Come on, Aga, I’m the prime minister of the country, you know I don’t have time!” “

Well no!

Our PM didn’t hesitate for two seconds, and said, “Are you bored, Aga? Don’t be afraid, I’ll take my “Mille Bornes” game and arrive with all my family! We send the bill to taxpayers! “

This is a faithful friend!

And when it came time to award a $ 43 million contract to an organization to run one of its many aid programs, whom did our beautiful Justin pick, eh? Whom?

The first to come?


His friends at WE Charity, who had given contracts to his mother, brother and wife!

That is having memory! That is to be grateful!


And yesterday, our Bureau of Inquiry told us that Justin’s government helped another member of the big Liberal family by awarding a $ 237 million contract to a former MP (

Without a call for tenders!

Justin could have awarded this lucrative contract to another company that would have manufactured medical ventilators for less. Canada could thus have saved $ 100 million!

Did our PM do it? No!

He preferred to favor his friend’s business!

Even if it will cost us more!

To hell with the expenses: friends first!

With friends like Justin, you never get confused!


And what are the Conservatives doing during this time?

They criticize Justin! They call him to account!

While our PM is perhaps the most generous politician in all of our history!

Mr. O’Toole, you should be ashamed of yourself!

We all dream of having a friend like Justin!”

Cartoon by Mr. Yannick Lemay (YGreck) taken from the Journal de Québec