1. People in NB asks her: “where are you from?” (she happens to be from Ontario).
2. And when she was 16, “One of her
friends gave a toast and called her one of the most beautiful Black girls in
Whensomeone asks us from where we come from (other dorm, street, village, province/territory, or other country), it is usually meant to engage a friendly conversation. It shows an interest in our story. Sometimes people assume we are originally from X when we actually come from Y. So what? Why do we always need to read every gesture and every word through the lens of racism? Plus, if we reply and take the time to ask the persons about their own stories of where they come from, we become culturally richer.
Plus, even if we encounter true racism in life, so what? Who hasn’t heard a hurtful word? In such situations, we can sometimes resort to humour to educate others, as needed. We can decide to ignore and learn to develop a thick skin. We may perhaps take a wait and see approach to better assess a repetitive situation, etc. Who knows? We could also decide to share our feelings with the person in question, if the latter is a friend we care about, etc.
Bambi is saying all this while recalling personal stories of what could be racism or just negative comments in life. For instance, one story she can think of occurred when she was 16 herself, like Ms. Thomas’ incident with her friend. One guy, at her school in Beirut, used to tease her by calling odd names. Once, he called her “the municipality’s broom” (because of her curly hair). She sarcastically replied, calling him the name of the largest wild animal she knew of at that time (it was not a moose, although much bigger than a deer ?). Well, this boy is a middle-aged man now. Interestingly, he still recalls this school story. A few years ago, he asked a friend about that small girl with lots of hair who called him animal. He wanted to know what happened to her because the last school year ended abruptly. Her friend told him that Bambi also survived war and lives in Canada. It is thoughtful of him to be concerned. Well, it is Bambi’s turn today to wish/pray that he survived the Beirut explosion, along with his family.
To come back to the CBC
article, the irony is Ms. Thomas’ own contradiction in two of her statements on
“That I couldn’t be just beautiful or attractive,” she
wrote. “That I was only beautiful because I was black. Again,
the colour of my skin put me on a different standard.”
In contrast, earlier in
the text, she said:
“One of my favourite quotes from an activist is, being Black in 2020
is being stressed about the pandemic, worried about your health and your
well-being, and then going on and watching another person of colour being
murdered on TV,” Thomas said.
“You have all of that, and you still have racism.”
On one hand, Ms. Thomas is telling us that watching another person of colour
murdered on TV is the ultimate stressor in the life of an already stressed “Black
in 2020”. On the other hand, when a friend tells her she is “the most beautiful
black girl in school”, she tells us that the latter is the utmost experience
of racism.
What about the comment of her friend about her beauty? By slightly working on her attitude, could she perhaps start seeing that this comment may have been meant to be kind, despite its clumsiness?
And what about if the person murdered on TV happened to be from another ethnolinguistic
background, this would not be distressing too?
As for the CBC’s journalist, are these the worst examples of racism he could find in our province ?? If so, thank you for reassuring Bambi, once again, that New Brunswickers are far from being racist. Indeed, Canadians are among the nicest people in the world (even if a handful of individuals here and there may be truly racist, toxic even, or literally criminals).
Further below, you will see a screenshot
of the original text, that appeared in the Naharnet.
Bambi’s comments are in bold.
Nasrallah to Israel: Your soldiers
will eventually appear on the roads.
What does that mean, Mr.
Nasrallah? Are they hiding? Bambi read that sometimes they use dummies to trick
you. Can you just stop both of you!! This is not a game. You may feel stuck and
their PM may be in election mode. WE DO NOT WANT WAR. People want to live in security
and in peace. Is this too much to ask for?!
Nasrallah: We are not in a hurry to
respond to Israel.
We do not care about neither you nor Israel. Just stop playing with fire! Your country does not need more tragedies!!
Nasrallah: We did not respond to the
Israeli shelling days ago because that was what the Israelis wanted.
No comment. Who cares?
Nasrallah: The Israelis know that we
are not seeking an achievement in the media.
No comment. Who cares? Why are
you saying so and to whom?
Nasrallah: Let the Israelis understand
that whenever they kill one of our mujahideen, we will kill one of their
When will you stop playing risk
like that? When will you behave like a normal Lebanese fellow citizen? When
will write or read a book? When will you just pray or, at least, take a
vacation from war? When will you let the Middle East live in peace?
Nasrallah: Everything that has
happened since our brother’s martyrdom is part of the punishment.
No comment.
Nasrallah: Whenever Israel suspects
any movement, it starts bombing the vicinity of its positions, and this
reflects panic.
We do not care about neither
your interpretation of Israel’s tactic nor their own strategy. We want you both
to stop!
Nasrallah: Israel, on its own,
mobilized its forces and upped its measures on the Lebanese and Syrian
borders… It is now sending remote control vehicles carrying dummies to give
us targets to hit.
No clue if this the truth or not. Bambi reads all international media, including those from your own organization as well as Israeli and Iranian media (some of the latter are too funny to read). Your version is different. In all honesty, she does not care about neither you nor Israel nor Iran. She is sick and tired of all of you!
Nasrallah on Israel’s killing of Hizbullah
member in Syria: We’re committed to an equation and our objective is not
revenge but punishment and to establish a balance of deterrence.
Give your fellow Lebanese
people a break, Mr. Nasrallah. A break from wars, revenges (whether your call
them punishment or not), sorrow… ENOUGH for God’s sake. Yes, God… since you
call your organization “the party of God”, as if God needed a militia.
Nasrallah described the Hizbullah-AMAL
clash in the southern town of Loubieh as regrettable and isolated.
Stop using young people. Enough
stupidity and sadness.
Nasrallah: We stress the depth of the relation
between Hizbullah and the AMAL Movement.
Thugs from different groups do
cooperate sometimes.
Nasrallah: We must be cautious because
there is an attempt to reproduce Daesh in Iraq and Syria.
Mr. Nasrallah, stop lying to people. Stop it, please. Anyhow,
Bambi does not care about neither you nor Daesh. Actually, she cannot stand
neither you nor Daesh. Two sides of the same coin of Islamism (not Islam not
Muslims… the latter being the first victims of this radicalism).
Now, this being said, she will pause here thinking of all the young Lebanese people from your own organization whom you took to war behind the back of your own government. MANY died sadly. May they rest in peace…
Nasrallah: Claims that Hizbullah is
linked to the ammonium nitrate are lies.
Once again, your statement of matters as being the truth
does not make them necessarily THE truth. Lebanese people want an international
Nasrallah: We call on the Lebanese
Army to declare the results of the probe.
Who are you to call on the
Lebanese Army to declare anything? Shouldn’t this come from the Lebanese
authorities… or the masks are truly uncovered and the emperor naked then? How
ugly he is… OUF.
Nasrallah: I call on authorities to
declare whether there were any missiles or weapons at the port.
No comment… except that everyone knows who controls the port and who smuggles what at borders, etc.
Nasrallah: I call on authorities to
declare the results of the technical probe.
No comment.
Nasrallah: We stress that the judiciary
should firmly follow up on the port blast. The blood of martyrs should not go
in vain.
DO NOT CALL THE VICTIMS MARTYRS, Mr. Nasrallah. They did not choose to die. They are the victims of the Lebanese authorities’ criminal negligence (you are responsible for their misery as well if not even more so, Mr. Nasrallah).
The Lebanese people want an international investigation. Your “chum”, Lebanon’s president (= you then) does not want one. How can the Lebanese people trust the investigation you are referring to? Look what happened to them with the UN-backed Special Tribunal for Lebanon… This is not promising for the current investigation.
Nasrallah: Compensations should be
paid to the people so that they can return to their homes.
Which homes, Mr. Nasrallah? What about those in their homes who have it destroyed and who keep discovering more broken items each day, like Bambi’s parents?
Why would people believe the
authorities on this issue, if they lie to them on so many other issues,
including their stolen savings and ammonium nitrate?
Nasrallah: Had the presidents of Iran
or Syria called for a new political contract in Lebanon, would [would] have
happened? There is a problem in the Lebanese political culture.
To use your logic, the
Presidents of Iran and Syria do not have to call for anything. They have a puppet
that executes their wills. They can use their saliva for other matters.
Luckily Lebanon has friends in
the international community, including France and Canada, etc.
You know very well how small
your country is. When you are a small vulnerable entity, your interests are
better served by being plus or minus at equal distance with all. This is easy
to achieve when we put Lebanon FIRST.
Nasrallah: Years ago, I mentioned a
constituent assembly to improve the Taef Accord and we remember the reactions
that occurred.
Bambi does not recall this part of history. She has left
the country in 1990. She just reads and understands that Taef Accord was never
implemented as it should. So who knows? Perhaps you have a point here. Lebanon
does not respect neither its constitution nor the Taef Accord nor its own
Nasrallah: The French president called
for a new political contract in Lebanon during his recent visit… We are open
to any calm discussions in this regard, but we have a condition, that the
discussions should enjoy the consensus of all components.
Ha! Ha! Ha! Your last sentence says it all…
Nasrallah: Who says that the Lebanese
people want a neutral, technocrat or political government?
What does this sentence mean, Mr. Nasrallah? To whom are you addressing it specifically, to Mr. Macron re-visiting Lebanon tomorrow or to the majority of the Lebanese people who cannot stand your hegemony on their lives anymore? Are you saying this to all those who lost loved ones or those who are still sleeping in destroyed homes without glasses? Are you saying it to ALL of those who are sick and tired of wars and unrest? Why are you making fun of people’s demands, young and seniors, secular and spiritual, etc.?
Nasrallah: We can claim that we are
the biggest political party in Lebanon with the biggest number of supporters,
but we do not claim that we represent the entire Lebanese people.
Ha!Ha!Ha! You barely represent yourself, along with a few
illuminated supporters or those who benefit from you in one way or the other.
Nasrallah: Are protests and street
presence the criterion for reflecting popular demands? Shall we organize a
Oh, now you are an expert of democracy, Mr. Nasrallah? You forgot your real mission: Terrorizing people? Shame on you ?.
Nasrallah: International calls for
meeting the demands of the Lebanese people are excellent.
Are you being hypocritical here, Mr. Nasrallah? Or just
stating the obvious. Are we talking like the President of Lebanon now? Why are
you saying all this and who is your audience?
Nasrallah: We will cooperate to pull
the country out of any governmental vacuum.
Vacuum or not, government or caretaker government, you are
behind the scenes.
Sorry to be impolite: Same old “shit” still.
Nasrallah: We hope parliamentary blocs will be able to name a
premier-designate tomorrow.
What difference does it/will it make, Mr. Nasrallah?
Nasrallah: Claims that Hizbullah is
impeding reforms are lies.
Ha!Ha!Ha! Just by you
saying it proves that it is true.
Nasrallah: We are pinning hope on the
coming hours. We need a government that can achieve reforms.
Lebanon needs a government free
of all its corrupt people from the era of war. “All of them means all of them”
is the clever slogan of the people’s revolt (remember, you and your puppets,
like the President et al., are also part of them).
Now to be more realistic,
Lebanon cannot get rid of anyone right now. It has to wait for elections. These
need to happen as soon as realistically possible.
Nasrallah on Netanyahu’s stance
rejecting the sale of F-35s to the UAE: Israel does not trust the UAE or any
other nation in the region.
No clue what you are talking about.
None of Bambi’s business.
Nasrallah on UAE-Israeli deal: Any
such agreement is treason.
In Québec, they say to a young kid too curious about others:
“Répète après moi: De quoi je me mêle?” Bambi will say the same to you,
Mr. Nasrallah. Repeat after her: “This is none of my business. This is none
of my business… etc.” ?.
Nasrallah: We condemn all attempts to
acknowledge Israel and all forms of normalization with this enemy. We renew our
condemnation of the stance of the officials in the UAE.
What is between two other sovereign countries is neither
your business nor Iran’s business. It is their choice (if they really have the
choice with Iran next door). The latter’s expertise being war by proxy.
Nasrallah: The same as we triumphed
over the past years, the same as those in Yemen, Syria and Iran have triumphed,
we believe that there will be coming victories in the future.
Are you telling us that there will be wars? Are you
threatening here?
Nasrallah: The U.S. is interfering in
Iraq and imposing a siege on Iran.
Is Iran interfering in Iraq, Mr. Nasrallah? Are your organization
members there too? Bambi has read about an Iraqi’s Hezbollah, of course also funded
by the poor Iranian people’s taxes.
It is sad that, no matter the strategy of the USA, the Iranian people seem to pay the price, not their horrible regime. Once the latter pays a price (or negotiates with the USA), Lebanon will be free of your grasp on it.
Nasrallah: The U.S. is imposing an
unjust siege on Syria and occupying Syrian territory. The U.S. backs tyrant
regimes in our region, such as in Bahrain.
Ha!Ha!Ha! Bambi does not follow all the details of the
Syrian war… but you seem to have forgotten that you back Iran and Syria’s
Bachar el Assad.
Nasrallah: There is a U.S. aggression
against our region, manifested in the U.S. policies towards occupied Palestine
and the war in Yemen.
The USA have bigger concerns than
your Middle East.
Nasrallah: The U.S. administration
wants to practice hegemony and impose governments on peoples.
It is not because you are saying it as a truth that it is the truth (or the whole truth).
Nasrallah: We in Hizbullah, in the
Islamic resistance in Lebanon, stress our firm commitment to rejecting this
usurping entity (Israel), even if the entire world acknowledges its existence.
We will continue to stand by anyone who fights it.
Mr. Nasrallah, regardless of the
topic (here it is about Israel), you do not speak for all Muslims in Lebanon
and surely for not ALL Lebanese (18 different religions and many who are
atheists). Just keep this in mind. What do you mean by “we will continue to
stand by anyone who fights it?” Are you reassuring your fellow Lebanese citizens
that you will keep betraying their aspirations and country’s interests by
putting Iran first?
Is your message meant for the Lebanese
or for the international community, especially at the eve of Mr. Macron’s re-visit
to Beirut?
Are you playing bad cop/good cop
with Mr. Aoun (Lebanon’s President). He is showing his good cop side (secular
country needed, he is saying) and you, as usual, the bad one. You are using terms
like “Islamic resistance”. Not just Muslim, Islamic. Not just Lebanese, not
civil, not human… Islamic. How would you and the President of Lebanon reconcile
these two visions of your country?
By the way, when will you stop
taking your country hostage of your narrow-minded yet megalomanic vision (or
rather Iran’s vision and you are the tool)?
Nasrallah: I will tackle the regional
situation, the Lebanese situation and the situation on the border.
OK, all ears (or rather eyes).
Nasrallah: This year, the Ashura day
is sadder, because the squares are empty due to coronavirus.
With all due respect to all religious celebrations in life, Ashura is not Bambi’s favourite one. Actually, and in all honesty, she dislikes this medically dangerous celebration. Thanks to covid-19 (or your excuse of using the pandemic), there would be fewer cases of infections due to Ashura’s self-imposed injuries in Lebanon this year.
In the article below, we lean that a Canadian politician (“Conservative MP Kerry-Lynne Findlay” whom Bambi has never heard of before) apologizes for tweet linking Freeland with billionaire Soros“. If you have the time, you can read the CBC article below:
Bambi just watched the deleted video on the Twitter account of Mr. Ezra Levant (Rebel News). She listened to it twice. There is nothing in it :).
Bambi’s post is neither about Ms. Findlay nor about about Ms. Freeland (she does not care about neither of them, in all honesty and with all due respect). Her post is neither about the Liberals not about the Conservatives. She cares more about Canada than about two parties of the Establishment, which are both much alike in many ways (namely political correctness).
This post is rather about political correctness itself as this is the elephant in the room here. This is what is making people apologize for expressing an opinion, whether rooted in science or just in a personal or political opinion. What kind of world are we living in? We cannot even say anything about any matter anymore.
For instance, the CBC article reads the following:
“The U.S.-based Anti-Defamation League, a Jewish advocacy organization, says in a 2018 blog post that Soros “has become a lightning rod for conservative and right-wing groups who object to his funding of liberal causes.”
“In far-right circles worldwide, Soros’ philanthropy often is recast as fodder for outsized conspiracy theories, including claims that he masterminds specific global plots or manipulates particular events to further his goals,” the ADL’s post reads.
“Many of those conspiracy theories employ longstanding anti-Semitic myths, particularly the notion that rich and powerful Jews work behind the scenes, plotting to control countries and manipulate global events.“
Well, here is what Bambi’s favourite Canadian “jew-boy” 🙂 said. He generously gave her the permission to share:
“Mr. Soros seems to have built his empire by modelling himself on an anti-Semite perception of a Jew.”
As you can see in the video shared at the end of this post, so-called anti-racist demonstrators walked in the streets of Montreal, asking to defund the police. At one point, they destroyed the statue of Sir John Alexander Macdonald, the first prime minister of Canada (1867–1873, 1878–1891).
Apparently, Mayor Valérie Plante acted VERY well, although AFTER the vandalism. Bravo to her for having tweeted, stating that vandalism is unacceptable and that the police will be investigating.
The question that begs itself though is the following: Why didn’t the police (or herself if she is the one giving the orders to the police) stop those radical freaks before they destroyed this historical monument? Bambi is saying so, regardless of whom the latter represents. In that case, it is Canada’s first PM, which is not any symbol to say the least.
Today it is about Sir MacDonald. Tomorrow, it will be about someone or something else. Usually radicals keep acting more violently if there is no push back.
In Bambi’s non-expert citizen opinion, there are two possible
answers to her own question above: (1) Mayor Plante/the police are afraid of radicals
OR (2) Mayor Plante/the police endorse this act. Which one is it?
Can someone explain to Bambi how can an incredibly violent
(and silly) act of vandalism of a historical monument advance civil rights or justice
in our world?
To conclude this post, Bambi cannot help not to notice
the contradiction in the news from around the world these days: The people of
Lebanon are struggling to preserve their country, and with it their own lives
and culture. In contrast, the people of Canada are increasingly diving into civilizational
weariness and self-destruction.
Of course, radical thugs are likely serving the interests
of larger players in our world, whether they know it or not. The big losers
here are: (1) Democracy in our beloved country and (2) critical sense, once
This story makes Bambi think of the Taliban and ISIS
who are experts in the destruction of historical monuments too.
Instead of destroying a historical monument, why don’t
we add next to it a plaque explaining controversies? We could thus distinguish between
the good or bad political decisions of this or that historical figure.
In 100 or 200 years from now, we will surely have a
new reading about our current events. Will we again destroy any more recent historical
monument then because of newer societal trends/values?
If we keep destroying parts of our history over and
over, we will lose our memory.
The first source is journalist Roula Douglas who cleverly called Lebanon “an embryo of 100 years” (in reference to the country’s 100 anniversary in its modern form).
Lebanon is indeed an embryo because it sadly seems so far away from being a mature and sustainable country. Worse. It is unclear yet if it would be compatible with life…Thus, it is 100-year-old yet unborn.
It is also an embryo because the promise of life is too fragile. Indeed, even a fully desired hope of life (i.e. a desired pregnancy) can spontaneously end during gestation, usually in the first trimester. Nothing can stop nature when it knows what it’s doing, deciding whether it would be compatible with life or not. Yet, an embryo, although VERY far from being a grown-up human being, it is definitely the most precious life project (your/our/someone’s child-to-be).
You can imagine then how much the “Lebanese embryo” is precious to a nation aspiring for security, peace, love, democracy, and prosperity. It is also precious to Lebanon’s friends in the world. Thanks for all their support!
This being said, the second source of this post’s title comes from one of the masterpieces of Mr. Gibran Khalil Gibran. It is also the title of ‘All I Longed To See’ – For The Beirut Emergency Appeal. Thank you Mary for sharing this beautiful song (in English) with Bambi this morning. What a moving talent!
In their own words… you can read:
“On August 20, the London-based team behind BROKEN WINGS, a musical based on iconic Lebanese writer Khalil Gibran’s novel of the same name, joined forces with members of the Lebanese Philharmonic Orchestra in Beirut. We filmed a performance of ‘All I Longed To See’. The song is a love letter to Beirut and Lebanon, and the show’s opening number”.
To conclude this post, please let Bambi share with you the mindset of the people of Lebanon right now, you can watch this short video (from an anonymous source). On the music of the Lebanese national anthem, we can read the following in Arabic: “Lebanon is 100 years now. It is sick, tired, and agonizing… but we can revive it again. We can heal it from its health problems. We can heal all its wounds. Yes, we can treat it with our voices. Its salvation comes from our revolt. This Tuesday on September the 1st, 2020 at 4 PM, let’s all meet at the Martyrs’ Square in downtown Beirut. A new Lebanon will be born again, #Anger of Great Lebanon, # I am a red line.”
Nothing more to add… just this heart from Bambi to each one of you. Be safe please!
Bambi does not know if she should laugh or cry to an article published in the National Post, signed by Ms. Ayesha Ghaffar and entitled “‘Is it in my head?’ International students recall covert racism and gaslighting in Canada”?
And we can read under the title: “Analysis:
Young adults from around the world come to Canada to pursue their dreams. Once
here, their self-esteem is often shattered”.
“Canadians are perhaps uncomfortable
acknowledging the racism that is deeply embedded in their society. But if a
nation is unwilling to accept it has an issue with explicit racism,
the question arises: when, if ever, will it recognize covert forms of racism?”
Bambi does not know from where Ms. Ghaffar’s parents (or herself) came from. Is it from a Muslim or Arab country? Well, if so, Bambi can perhaps offer her a a little paid vacation there to de-stress from all the racism of Canada ?, both “explicit” and “covert”, to use her own words. Upon her return home, during her mandatory 14-day quarantine, perhaps she can think more critically and honestly about the issue of racism. She can also compare Canada to the rest of the world… Mmm, unless she would consider that Canada is racist for asking her to self-isolate ?.
To give you an example from the article above, the author reports an international student saying that Canadians are racist because they tell her that she has a “funny” accent. WOW, how mean. How dare them be that racist? Someone once told Bambi that people are racist (i.e., micro-aggressive) in her town in NB because they ask her where she comes from?. Can you imagine how sad and narrow-minded our society has become? Just because someone is interested in your story or your journey, we call them racist. Actually, Bambi finds it so cute when local people from her town asks her spouse (when they hear his accent, see his look, or perhaps guess well that they do not know his grand-father): “Are you from far away”? They immediately look at Bambi and ask her: “Are you from very far away”? Well, they are so clever because indeed he is from far and she is from much further away.
Please give us a break and stop imposing radical views on our society through organizations obsessed with de-funding our police services and funded by God knows whom to invade our brains and destroy our civilization (e.g., BLM and the like, etc.). Despite our issues, Canadians are among the kindest people in the world. Yes, there may be racist folks here and there (you or Bambi may be one of them, so what?) but the VAST majority are not only respectful but also adorable.
When will our mainstream media return to publishing
clever and constructive articles? She does not know about you but Bambi misses
reading those.
She battled for her life at a hospital in Zahle (in Lebanon) for 24 days since the Beirut explosion. Five of Beirut major hospitals have been totally destroyed. The others were overwhelmed. She had to be rushed miles away. A medical team did the utmost to save her.
Sadly, she died yesterday morning at age 58.
Bambi’s heart goes to her brother and to the rest of their family. She hopes he will get the help needed to fix his destroyed place.
If she may, Bambi would like to dedicate this Amazing Grace interpreted by Mr. Andrea Bocelli (at his virtual “Music for hope concert”) to the memory of Annette. Through her, to all those who lost their lives in the surrealistic explosion.
Who knows? Ms. Khachigian may have enjoyed watching Mr. Bocelli’s international virtual concert a few months ago during the covid-19 lockdown (like Bambi’s family).
May you rest in peace Annette… May your memory be eternal.
Well, there are happy news coming out of Beirut in the middle of its darkness.
For instance, today, Nicolas (Bambi’s nephew) gives us hope about a promising future!
He gives us joy whilst reminding us of all the talents of Lebanon’s youth.
Indeed, those who regularly read this blog may recall an earlier post entitled “Bambi is a proud “deer” aunt of a “dear” nephew!” (please see the very end of this post).
On June 23, 2020, Nicolas Doghlass “graduated from the American University of Beirut (AUB) with the most prestigious distinction in his field of studies, architecture“.
As written in this earlier post: ” Of note, Mr. Doghlass and his peers graduated after a year spent in a revolution (due to Lebanon’s financial crisis) and the covid-19 pandemic.”
Well today, Bambi learned through her proud sister (Nicolas’ mom!) the following:
Ms. Roula Douglas is Nicolas’s proud mom!
Congratulations/Mabrouk Nicolas!! Regardless of the final outcome, Bambi (+ all the “deer” of Canada :)) are proud!
The Charette Architecture competition is all about the following:
“The world of reality has its limits; the world of imagination is boundless.”
– Jean-Jacques Rousseau
“This competition exists in an Alternate Reality. You make the rules in this realm. Does gravity exist? Do humans live on Earth? How far has technology advanced? You decide!
The aim of this competition is to explore wild design ideas – what architecture truly means and what it can achieve without any constraints. Let your imagination run wild and create spectacular designs that grab the world’s attention. The intention is to spark a conversation regarding issues plaguing the world, through design dialogue.“
“The Charette is a platform for architects to explore contemporary fronts of the architectural discourse through architecture competitions & publications.“
To conclude this post, may all your dreams come true Nicolas! Thank you for dreaming, planning, and continuing the journey of of building a better Lebanon (and with it, a better world)! Your talent is the true face of Lebanon, which will hopefully ultimately find the courage to make a conscious choice of building rather than destroying itself. Both the beautiful tiny country where Bambi was born and you studied (Lebanon) and the magnificent large country where you were born and Bambi lives (Canada) need their talented people. However, more than ever, Beirut needs young talented people like you.
Much love and all the best Nicolas in your career and personal life!
As you can see in this Global News‘ short documentary (taken from an article by Mr. Mike Blanchfield for the Canadian Press), Mr. Champagne asked Lebanon’s President to move forward with real reforms.
To echo his clever words (from other national and Lebanese local media), “listen to the street” and “seize the moment“. Well said Mr. Champagne!
Many thanks Canada for your generosity and for having listened to Canadians of Lebanese roots by sending donations to NGOs helping people on the ground, that is not to the government.
Thank you also for offering Canada’s help with the investigation (through our clever RCMP experts). Lebanese people want an international investigation into the Beirut port explosion (contrary to their President/Caretaker government!).
As Mr. Champagne explained in his press conference, the RCMP did help in the past (i.e., in the investigation of the Beirut explosion that killed Mr. Hariri and many citizens in 2005). In Bambi’s last post, there was a link to a CBC article on this topic (published in 2010). If you are curious and have the time to read, here it is again:
“On the doomsday of August 4th, Rayan
Aouad was with his friends in Beirut planning for the proposal that would take
place the next day in Ryan’s new bistro-bar in Gemayzeh, Luva.”
“The sad truth is that I was going to propose on Aug 5th in Luva
privately with a romantic dinner. Then, we would celebrate our engagement in a
rooftop in downtown with our friends,” Rayan told the961
But, the mighty explosion disrupted his perfect wedding proposal… and
destroyed his Luva
Bistro Bar, his Va et Vient
mini-market in Karantina, his parents’ house, and his home-to-be with his
Well, Rayan ended up proposing to Lutchiana three weeks after the blast.
As you can see in the picture above, they both refused to give up. Same for all the Lebanese youth who just want to live, love, and earn a living. Some are volunteering to help their fellow citizens who lost everything (see below an earlier post on Lebanese NGOs coming together as the “true” government”). Others are rushing in front of embassies to get a visa to leave their country.
To come back to Rayan, instead of asking his Lutchiana “will you marry me?”, he asked her “will you rebuild the future with me?”
Yes, was her answer. “Mabrouk”… long live their love!
May ONLY love prevail in Beirut!!
Yes love… love, justice, and peace.
NOT corruption and political stupidity. NOT criminality. NO MORE impunity!
Sadly, how can Beirutis dream of an international justice for the victims of the Beirut blast when the UN-backed Special Tribunal for Lebanon just let the victims of Mr. Rafic Hariri tribunal down, as well written by Mr. Hussam Itani?
The costs of that international tribunal were very high on Lebanon. All that public money paid since 2005 for what? Injured or killed innocent people (including Bambi’s relatives or friends) suffered for what? For whom? A country’s PM assassinated means a whole country assassinated… and this was followed by many other assassinations. For instance, Bambi can think of many great intellectuals, including Mr. Samir Kassir or Mr. Gibran Tueni to name a few, and a certain Lebanese police/detective hero called Mr. Wissam Eid (https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/cbc-investigation-who-killed-lebanon-s-rafik-hariri-1.874820). They died for what precisely?
Anyhow, let’s end this post with what matters the most today, Rayan and Lutchiana’s love. Again, congrats/Mabrouk. Be safe please and thank you for still dreaming of building a new Lebanon!