As you can see in the video shared at the end of this post, so-called anti-racist demonstrators walked in the streets of Montreal, asking to defund the police. At one point, they destroyed the statue of Sir John Alexander Macdonald, the first prime minister of Canada (1867–1873, 1878–1891).
Apparently, Mayor Valérie Plante acted VERY well, although AFTER the vandalism. Bravo to her for having tweeted, stating that vandalism is unacceptable and that the police will be investigating.
The question that begs itself though is the following: Why didn’t the police (or herself if she is the one giving the orders to the police) stop those radical freaks before they destroyed this historical monument? Bambi is saying so, regardless of whom the latter represents. In that case, it is Canada’s first PM, which is not any symbol to say the least.
Today it is about Sir MacDonald. Tomorrow, it will be about someone or something else. Usually radicals keep acting more violently if there is no push back.
In Bambi’s non-expert citizen opinion, there are two possible answers to her own question above: (1) Mayor Plante/the police are afraid of radicals OR (2) Mayor Plante/the police endorse this act. Which one is it?
Can someone explain to Bambi how can an incredibly violent (and silly) act of vandalism of a historical monument advance civil rights or justice in our world?
To conclude this post, Bambi cannot help not to notice the contradiction in the news from around the world these days: The people of Lebanon are struggling to preserve their country, and with it their own lives and culture. In contrast, the people of Canada are increasingly diving into civilizational weariness and self-destruction.
Of course, radical thugs are likely serving the interests of larger players in our world, whether they know it or not. The big losers here are: (1) Democracy in our beloved country and (2) critical sense, once again.
This story makes Bambi think of the Taliban and ISIS who are experts in the destruction of historical monuments too.
Instead of destroying a historical monument, why don’t we add next to it a plaque explaining controversies? We could thus distinguish between the good or bad political decisions of this or that historical figure.
In 100 or 200 years from now, we will surely have a new reading about our current events. Will we again destroy any more recent historical monument then because of newer societal trends/values?
If we keep destroying parts of our history over and over, we will lose our memory.
No memory… No life.
Is suicide what we are aspiring for in the end?