As you can see in this Global News‘ short documentary (taken from an article by Mr. Mike Blanchfield for the Canadian Press), Mr. Champagne asked Lebanon’s President to move forward with real reforms.
To echo his clever words (from other national and Lebanese local media), “listen to the street” and “seize the moment“. Well said Mr. Champagne!
Many thanks Canada for your generosity and for having listened to Canadians of Lebanese roots by sending donations to NGOs helping people on the ground, that is not to the government.
Thank you also for offering Canada’s help with the investigation (through our clever RCMP experts). Lebanese people want an international investigation into the Beirut port explosion (contrary to their President/Caretaker government!).
As Mr. Champagne explained in his press conference, the RCMP did help in the past (i.e., in the investigation of the Beirut explosion that killed Mr. Hariri and many citizens in 2005). In Bambi’s last post, there was a link to a CBC article on this topic (published in 2010). If you are curious and have the time to read, here it is again:
Merci bien/Thank you Mr. Champagne again. Safe travels back to Europe (for your next meetings related to Beirut) and then back to us :).