An open letter to our honourable Dominic Leblanc

Bambi is allowing herself to write this post as an open letter to Mr. Dominic Leblanc, President of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada:

She is doing so because she has considered that he is perhaps “the brain” of the Liberal Party of Canada. He is not only intelligent. He is SURELY one of our MOST competent federal politicians…This is clear in her mind. She has even wished he would have won the leadership of his party a few years ago, not Mr. Trudeau… He would have been our PM now ?.

Thank you for your 18-year-long service to Canada, even if you may be at times controversial to some (we cannot please everyone in politics, just like in life. A leader must not aim to please all, but rather to earn everyone’s respect).

On a more personalized citizen level, Bambi has voted for you, Mr. Leblanc, almost all her NB life (12 years in August, 2020).

She could have easily done so during the last electoral campaign. She did not.

Almost a year before the electoral campaign, she made up her mind and it was like a grieving process to her: She will not be voting for you. No, not because she suddenly started to find you less competent.

It was rather because of your boss (colleague and close friend), Mr. Trudeau.

Because of a lack of clever leadership, along with a rather collective stupidity in our country, and by extension perhaps in the Western world in general, Bambi became worried about Canada.

Today, more than ever, she is concerned. This is why she is writing to you.

For Bambi, writing is a pleasure. The pleasure of the actual writing process for sure, but also the joy of sharing to confront our ideas. The latter is all what we have left in life when everything else would be lost or killed. It is called freedom.

See, Bambi considers herself as a free thinker, a classical liberal. So, it was only logical to find herself voting for the Liberal Party of Canada for decades. She has been faithful to that vote almost ALL her 30 years in Canada, except when your party cheated with the sponsorship scandal (time at which she voted for the New Democratic party) and recently, she voted for the People’s Party of Canada.

In the name of those so-called liberal values, she is writing to you today to express her disappointment and beg your government to come back to its sense with regard to the following: Please stop any bill “against Covid-19 misinformation”. Bambi does not buy it. Although she may be wrong, she thinks that this is a mere political move for more power (= less freedom) in our country (in the name of covid-19). This is not healthy power. This is a risky slippery slope.

Citizens are not idiots, Mr. Leblanc. Even if they are not trained lawyers like you, they recognize odd laws when they see them.

Citizens who come from China (my friends in Toronto) or Lebanon (my friends in Montreal) left their home countries, aspiring for the freedom of the Western world. Please do not disappoint them. They and we all deserve better.

We deserve an open country where we can debate ideas and express emotions.

As Mr. Anthony Furey wrote well in the first article below:

“It’s widely known that Health Minister Patty Hadju, Dr. Theresa Tam and other officials have now done complete reversals on many aspects of this illness. They previously told Canadians that the risk remained low and that COVID-19 did not spread asymptomatically. Then there was their insistence that flight restrictions and widespread usage of face masks did not work, only for them to turn around and voice opposite policies.

Everyone understands that there’s a steep and frequently changing learning curve when it comes to getting a firm handle on all the aspects of COVID-19. But if the public is expected to cut officials some slack, the government should extend the same courtesy to the public.”

Like Mr. Furey, Bambi strongly believes in learning curves. Her blog is a little example. She thinks about matters out loud, so to speak. Perhaps a month or a year from now, with new external input and new thoughts, she would likely see an evolution of her own thoughts. She may perhaps question them or laugh at them. She may perhaps think to herself: “Oh no, that is still valid” or “OK I was wrong on that one”, etc.

Please let my fellow Canadian citizens have that freedom to question themselves and others, to share their ideas, even the craziest. Trust that other readers will have the critical judgment to know what makes sense or not.

In relation to this topic, as described in an earlier article in La Presse entitled “federal money to fight disinformation”, “among the selected entities, we can find the professional federation of journalists in Québec ($330 164) and the Asian Environmental Association ($64 660), which fights misinformation in communities speaking Chinese and Vietnamese languages in Vancouver.”:

Can’t that money above ($394 824) serve to buy PPE to protect those citizens rather or their elders, etc.? For instance, journalists will need PPE to keep us informed. Citizens in Vancouver who may be served by this “Asian environmental association” would also benefit from PPE or from more urgent matters in pandemic times (perhaps local food banks, etc.).

Can you please reassure us that we are strictly serving Canadian citizens with initiatives like the above, without any collusion with a (Chinese) government they left behind to live more freely in Canada.

 With Mr. Trudeau’s vision for Canada, we have all the rights to ask for this reassurance.

Thank you. Be safe please. Be well.

By the way, on a more human level, you do not know it but Bambi has sent you positive vibes and even prayed for your wellness when you have been sick. She is happy to know you are doing well.

She is reading your Twitter, from time to time, during this pandemic. She appreciates all the helpful links, both federal and provincial.

Best wishes to our beloved Canada!

Merci/Thank you Dr. Gaétan Barrette who positively replied to Québec’s request!

As per La Presse article below, Dr. Barrette (former health minister) will go to serve in the CHSLDs. Bravo! Be safe please!

Here is his biography, if you are curious:

It is interesting to see partisan politics put aside to serve the nation and honour our seniors who need us NOW!

La Presse: “Drug trafficking in retirement homes” [“Du trafic de drogue aux résidences pour aînés”]

Thanks to three journalists from La Presse for this clever investigation and for sharing it with us, William Leclerc, Daniel Renaud et Tommy Chouinard!

They wrote:

The president of the group that owns the CHSLD Herron has already been convicted of drug importation conspiracies and fraud, in addition to having been pinned for tax offenses and singled out by a judge for a real estate “scheme”. His company can still manage institutions for the elderly, while simple attendants can be refused a job if they have a criminal record.”

Full details in the article below…. In French, with a picture of the guy in question:

Sadly, the man in question shares the same ethnolinguistic background as Bambi. No, she is not proud ☹. Actually, what a shame!

He also shares two other points:

  1. 1972— the year he immigrated to Canada was the year Bambi was born.
  2. His family name is like one of her grand-mothers (it is a common name over there… a bit like the Tremblays or almost the Smiths). However, her grand-mother was the most compassionate and decent person she has ever met in her entire life. What a contrast!

All this does not matter here. What matters the most is the following: He is the President of a CHSLD with the responsibility of taking care of our seniors!!!

The journalists are right to write: “His company can still manage institutions for the elderly, while simple attendants can be refused a job if they have a criminal record”.

This sad story makes Bambi thinks of a horrible one in the USA, tragically by a physician also of Lebanese origins who gave cancer treatments to patients who did not need it ☹!!

How low in criminality and immorality can you go in life just for the sake of earning money?

Mario Dumont: “The army to reinforce our weak link” [«L’armée en renfort de notre maillon faible?»]

A picture taken from the Internet (an anonymous US media)

First, here is Mr. Dumont’s article published today in the Journal de Montréal.

Thanks, Mr. Dumont. Bambi read your paper after reading two contradictory information yesterday, one where Mr. Trudeau repeated that no province has yet asked for the direct help of the army and the second where Mr. Legault said in English that Québec is considering asking Ottawa to send the army (as per the second article below):

Regardless of any miscommunication in times of crisis, here is a translation of Mr. Dumont’s article:

When an excessive force is applied to a system, it is the weakest point that lets go. This is true in mechanics. This is true for the human body: in the face of too much stress, each person has a weak point that falters. For some, it’s the back, for others, it’s the digestive system.

A pandemic strikes Québec and imposes a huge shock on the health system. The weak point dropped: the CHSLDs [Residential and Long-term Care Centres]. Can we really pretend to be surprised? Can someone really stand up in Québec and pretend to ignore that the CHSLDs represent a weak link?

Baths, potatoes

Not long ago, it was hard to bathe patients. Over the years, we have cut back on hygiene and the quality of food. We almost had national celebrations when the powdered potatoes disappeared.

The caregivers of our seniors were offered the lowest wages in the public and para-public sector: $13, $14 an hour with very little opportunity for advancement. Let’s admit that our governments have not taken a chance on the recruitment and stability of the workforce. Especially since it is hard work.

Coroner Godin, who investigated a death last year at Residence Herron, found the flaws. Her report stated that staff did not know how to react to the situation of a choking person. This gives an idea of ​​the weakness of the training. It also gives us an idea of ​​their inability to handle complex procedures to prevent the spread of a virus.

Last Saturday, Prime Minister Legault took the hit. With humility and frankness. He cannot bear the blame for a social problem that has dragged on for so many years. But he must take responsibility for an obvious lack of preparation in this branch of our health system. And it is admittedly the place where the most vulnerable population is.

The announced measures arrive a little late, but they could help to limit the problems. A visit to 2,600 residences in Québec could be used to identify other problem sites. The team of experts can improve the procedures if they work quickly enough.


Both the government and the opposition parties are now promising to make top priority of improving living conditions in CHSLDs. I guess the trauma that this crisis has created will cause real change this time.

The problem is, you need arms IMMEDIATELY. And in quantity! The reinforcement promised by the government does not arrive on the ground. Perhaps because many are afraid of entering infected environments.

There are two choices. The conscription of teachers or other public sector employees available. Risk of union battle? Or the use of the military: thousands of disciplined, efficient people available on call. The hours count.”

Congrats: Let’s hope Mr. Burke, will learn his CAO job faster than Mr. Trudeau!

Thanks to the New Wark Times for the article below, entitled “Burke appointed Sackville CAO amid concerns about Covid-19“:

As per the title of this post, Bambi hopes Mr. Burke will learn his CAO job faster than Mr. Trudeau ?.

Congrats, hoping Mr. Jamie Burke will remember to serve all the citizens, not just those who appointed him.

Bambi has already posted on this story earlier:

Trudeau’s words today: “As of midnight tonight, asymptomatic travellers arriving in Canada must explain credible quarantine plan”. Is this too little too late? Or perhaps serious but still… TOO late?

First, what does “credible” mean?

Second, how will our border agents concretely assess the “credibility of travellers’ quarantine plan”?

Third, what if our travellers do not speak English? Only French and the agents are not perfectly bilingual? Or the opposite, although less probable?

What if some travellers do not speak neither French nor English? Will a translator be present at all airports, with all the staff reduction related to the pandemic?

Will we be screening those travellers finally (e.g. temperature checking? Testing at the airport?)?

Will we be providing them with masks? OR do we have enough masks in the country to distribute to them at airports?

Do we have a concrete plan of coordination with a nearby hotel to quarantine travellers there until their results come back negative (if we will test them?)… OR even just in case “they do not explain credible quarantine plan”, to use Mr. Trudeau’s own words?

How are we going to ensure that asymptomatic (or symptomatic?) travellers are executing their “credible” quarantine plan? Perhaps by coordinating with provincial or territorial’s jurisdictions?

Well, If such key collaboration did not occur when it was absolutely critical (early on!), can we trust that it would it take place now? And, even if it does, will it make any difference at this stage, now that the virus has been spreading in Canada?

In other terms, isn’t it TOO late, Mr. Trudeau?

Coronavirus: Canada is not Scotland…

“Coronavirus: Scotland’s chief medical officer resigns after breaking lockdown rules” , as written in the Euronews article below (April 6, 2020):

According to C News (French article), Dr. Catherine Calderwood has been photographed near her cottage (or chalet) with her spouse and kids:

The funny irony here is that, in Canada, we have our PM’s own spouse who posts their family pictures at the cottage (or chalet) on social media :).

Just to be clear, this is a cottage in a different province. Both Ontario and Québec are in a state of emergency (i.e., lock down), if Bambi understands well. So, regular Canadians cannot cross from Ottawa to Gatineau (vice versa?), if it is not for essential business.

Mmm… where are the Canadian citizens and more English-speaking media (surely not CBC :)) to complain, like in Scotland?

Dr. Calderwood had the courage to assume her hypocritical behaviour and listened to the public. She even apologized whilst resigning.

Some of our Canadian media pointed out to other politicians who shared an airplane, on their way home to the Parliament, which seems to “dilute” the PM cottage story, more than anything else. This being said, this post is not about that famous airplane or those other politicians (who knows? it could become the topic of another post :)).

Seriously, to come back to Mr. Trudeau, luckily a couple of journalists, like the two below, as well as a TV show from Québec today (with Mr. Mario Dumont) are chatting about this story.

Please make no mistake, Bambi is not saying that Mr. Trudeau should resign over this… and in the middle of a pandemic on top of that. In her non-expert citizen opinion, perhaps he should have not been re-elected in the first place 🙂 :). More seriously, it is the apathy of the Canadian population that is the contrast here with what happened in Scotland. This is what attracted Bambi’s attention today. Hence this post.

May everyone be safe. May we all be “coviwise”… OK, “covicongruent” too :).

Sad and happy memories: “Me & Chadi”… and Happy Birthday!

Today is April 13, 2020.

It is the anniversary of the Lebanese civil war.

Just like today, 45 years ago, a sad chapter of the recent Lebanese history began.

Luckily, life stressors end, even when they last for fifteen years or more!

Every year, Lebanese people remember this sad day.

Forgetting about this tragic anniversary may risk bringing back the ghost of war. Didn’t George Santayana say: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it“?

Today, an apolitical and non- confessional Lebanese peace NGO called “Offre Joie” (established since 1985) invited all the confined population to get out on their balconies at 7 PM to sing the Lebanese anthem with them. Bambi thanks her sister (hi Rania!) for sharing the moving link. Bambi would like to share it with you, even if she could not find a more accessible link to it (she is not on FB).

Bambi was moved to see a physically handicapped guy (from war maybe?) along with two other talented persons singing acapella (of course, whilst respecting social distancing). It was moving to see an elderly man paying tribute to Lebanon from his balcony (a beautiful salute). People applauded at the end:

Below is a song that became the symbol of war in the mind of so many people…. Including Bambi. It is by Fayrouz, a Lebanese diva who does not need any introduction. The song is about two kids, a boy called Chadi and his female friend (the singer). They used to play together where one day a battle started. War separated them… forever. Yes, Chadi died. His friend survived. As the song goes, “twenty snow seasons came and went by, but Chadi did not grow up with me. He remained that little boy playing with snow”. Anyhow, although moving, the song is SO beautiful. The version below is sub-titled in English. Sorry if it will bring moving memories to some of you… It is a Fayrouz masterpiece after all.

To ask for your forgiveness, if that song was moving in pandemic times, here is the Lebanese anthem, meant for kids, sub-titled in English ?:


To conclude this post, today happens to be a very joyful day as well. Of course, it is Bambi’s childhood friend’s birthday (hi Rita!). Plus, this past weekend it was Aline’s birthday. Here is Happy Birthday to both both posted with love. It is strictly in Arabic just to make you smile, and with some chance, dance too ?!

Ms. Sophie Durocher: “Is Trudeau making fun of us?” [“Est-ce que Trudeau se moque de nous?”]

First, here is Ms. Durocher’s article published today in the Journal de Montréal:

Second, here is a translation of her article:

We are told to stay home, except for essential travel.

We are told especially not to go to a second home.

We are told not to change regions, and a fortiori, NOT to change provinces.

Where was Prime Minister Trudeau yesterday to celebrate Easter?

At the PM chalet, at Lake Harrington… in Québec.

We also imagine that he did not leave alone in his car. In other terms, a convoy of personnel (security and everything) moved from Ottawa to Harrington Lake.

In total violation of EVERYTHING the government has told us since the start of containment.

Justin Trudeau does the opposite of what he tells us to do.

That he is at the chalet is one thing.

But let his wife Sophie boast about it on Instagram, showing us photos of the smiling little family hunting for Easter coconuts, while our elders are bathed in brown matter that has nothing to do with the chocolate, it tastes a little indecent.

Why don’t we show a little restraint in public? [in French-Canadian, it reads as ” on se garde une petite gêne.” By the way, the article continues after the picture, taken from Ms. Sophie Grégoire-Trudeau’s social media]

A picture taken from the Journal de Montréal (April 13, 2020)

While the average citizen gets traffic tickets if he plays ball with his child in his yard, the PM can cross borders to go and stick to the Easter Bunny.

Isn’t he supposed to lead by example?

And when Sophie tells us that she spends time doing “a bit of housework/cooking and cleaning”, is she laughing at us? Do you really think the PM’s wife is scrubbing toilet bowls?

On the social media, the rage does not rebound. “PM’s wife decides to taunt Canadians in confinement, some of whom mourn the death of a loved one, while showing everyone that she is above the law.”

Conservative Dave Blackburn is absolutely right to write on Facebook:

DO WHAT I SAY, NOT WHAT I DO … Justin Trudeau shows us, once again, that he thinks he is above everyone by going from Ottawa in Ontario to Chelsea in Quebec to go to his “chalet” …

While the people are confined in their houses/apartments, without having the right to move between regions, Justin Trudeau crosses from one province to another without any problem.

As far as I know, there is nothing “essential” about going to relax at Lac Mousseau in Gatineau Park.

He seems not to understand the sentence he has been saying to us every day for 1 month: Stay at home!

So, Justin Trudeau, it should apply too! # leadershipfailure “

You will tell me that Justin Trudeau has not seen his children since March 30, when Sophie and the children left for the chalet? But how many Canadians have not seen their families, their own children since the start of confinement? How many health care workers have not seen their own children?

And you, how long has it been since you took your mother, father, son, daughter, or spouse in your arms”?”

English is already a complex language, especially to non-natives, why are we making it more complex to our army?

The article below entitled “Canadian armed forces requires all personnel to stop using gendered pronouns”, shows the new policy:

Based on a recent CAF cultural and normative shift to promote gender diversity and associated inclusiveness, CFPAS [Canadian Forces Personnel Appraisal System] writing policy and guide will also reflect this new reality where sex, gender identity, and gender expression are prohibited grounds of discrimination under the Canadian Human Rights Act. Forthwith the use of gender pronouns such as quote he/his and she/her unquote are not to be used when drafting pers. [sic.] Members will be referred to by rank and name or by using gender-neutral pronouns such as they/their.”

Three questions come to Bambi’s mind:

First, why?

Second, is this linguistic political correctness the top priority of our army? Bambi thought it would be to defend our beloved country rather. If so, will such practices end up distracting our men and women from their mission of serving their country?

Third, if all the official documents/reports are going to change now, as per the new policy above, how would our government, or Canadian researchers, be able to apply a gender-based analysis to any data generated by the army about its staff? For instance, such gender-based analysis is currently being conducted by our own government to its Covid-19 response ( It has also been imposed earlier to environmental and impact assessments (