As the Mayor of Canada’s most infected city, instead of fighting the coronavirus, Ms. Valérie Plante “attacks the supremacy of the masculine over the feminine in the French language”

First, here is a Radio-Canada (French CBC) article in French, followed by its translation:

And here is a quick translation:

For those who do not know Ms. Valérie Plante, she always seems to follow the latest fashions of the UN. For instance, its new recommendations/rules for languages, supposedly meant to make our world more “inclusive” and more equal, etc. Earlier, she offered the key of Montreal to Greta Thunberg. She is also a globalist in her mindset, just like our PM. However, we can give her the credit of having been wiser than him at the very beginning of the pandemic. Indeed, she understood faster the dangerous times ahead. In addition to collaborating with Mr. Legault, she did not hesitate to send her own public health staff to the airport when our PM was stubbornly still reluctant to close the borders (just like the Liberal government of Nova Scotia).

Of course, Ms. Plante is the mayor of a large and populated metropolis, which logically has a different geo-ethno-socio-health reality/needs than the rest of the more semi-rural parts of the province. We all know that. However, she is also too much into her globalist mindset that she seems to “forget” sometimes that Montreal is still part of Québec. Specifically, she completely forgot about Bill 101 (French being the official language of her province).

To give you a meaningful example, she delivered her first speech as a Mayor… in English. No single word in French (her mother tongue!). As a Francophile (+ phone), it is shocking for Bambi. Imagine how this must have offended Québeckers. To justify this political mistake after the fact, she reported not realizing which language came out of her mouth.

Bambi can partly understand the above (if true). She herself speaks four languages (likely all badly!). When she is either jet-lagged or too sleepy, she finds herself speaking the wrong language with the wrong person. However, Bambi is not a Mayor. Thus, her mistake does not affect populations… just her spouse or close ones who may laugh at her ?.  

To come back to globalization as a political agenda or ideology, there is a limit to it: It is called self-knowledge or self-respect. Knowing one’s root and identity (or chore part of all the identities that shape us to make us whom we are) makes us better prepared to reach out to other civilizations and humans (our brothers and sisters from the global village).  

How ironic that it is the same Ms. Plante who “forgot” to speak in French in her first official talk as a Mayor is the politician who “intends to have a regulation adopted to train elected officials and employees in “gender-neutral (or epicene) communication”, as quickly as possible”.

One must keep in mind here the following: Each language is unique. Each language has its beauty.

Contrary to the English language, French is more defined in terms of its grammatical rules (gender, etc.) that have been around for centuries. For instance, in addition to words specific to this language, grammatically speaking, the masculine includes the feminine.

Another example is the charming German language, which includes the masculine, feminine, and neutral (grammatically speaking). This has nothing to do with any new fashion.

We can even think of the beautiful Arabic language, which has a beautiful term, “El Insan”, which is neither a male nor a female (likely both). Perhaps “human kind” (or would that be “peoplekind”?) would be the closest.

To come back to Ms. Plante’s regulations, she intends to spend public money, in difficult economic times, on the immediate training of Montreal public servants. Is this really the top priority now?

Is Ms. Plante a bit too “illuminated” or is she just flirting with a certain minority of the electorate who are so much into political correctness? The UN lately came up with such language, as reported above. How odd to see an international organization so much into political correctness, even in the middle of a pandemic.

As a conclusion to this post, Bambi would like to echo the comment of one reader, Ms. Marianne Longfield:

“I love the French language. Thus, it saddens me to see our wonderful language abused like that by people who invent a convoluted “political correctness”, that is sometimes unreadable, sometimes inaudible, depending on whether we read or listen to their speech. Their message becomes incomprehensible because they keep adding so many useless words or deleting useful words. We reach the end of the sentence by wondering “what exactly did they say?” [“J’adore la langue française, et ça me désole de voir notre merveilleuse langue ainsi malmenée par des gens qui inventent un “politiquement correct” alambiqué et tantôt illisible, tantôt inaudible, selon qu’on lit ou qu’on écoute leur discours, lequel, à force d’ajouter autant de mots inutiles ou de supprimer des mots utiles, en vient à rendre le message incompréhensible. On arrive en bout de phrase en se demandant “ils ont dit quoi, au juste?”].

Is singing trauma cathartic?

Bambi worked today listening to her favourite internet radio station from Los Angeles, called Radio Mount Lebanon.

A community radio station with much music and no advertisement. From time to time, they have shows with entertainers located in Dubai. They interview artists from Lebanon.

They are a truly inclusive radio (not in the politically correct sense). For instance, today is the Eid. They highlighted it. By the way, Bambi would like to wish “Eid Mubarak” to all her friends in Canada, Lebanon, and everywhere! They also celebrate catholic or orthodox Easter, Virgin Mary month, etc. Really not much, just a few sentences, or songs, here and there.

Sometimes, we can guess the original political preference of some entertainers. Very rarely yet regularly, they play songs from war. Every time Bambi listens to one, she spontaneously turns her volume down. She has never been into this particular political side, let’s say. Perhaps she also does not want to awaken the ghost of war in her memories…

This being said, Bambi has always thought that, in a long civil war, fighters from all sides had blood on their hands but they are victims of their times, especially younger people. They all loved “their” Lebanon in their own ways. So, she does not have resentment or residual anger toward anyone.

She is saying the above, even if she has witnessed scenes of horror more than once in their neighbourhood, like her sisters. Her family lost close loved ones (like so many people). Plus, one cousin got injured in his school and lost his best friend. In addition, some of her neighbours were kidnapped. Some even killed by people from the “other side”. During the last year of civil war, the fights became more fratricidal… These are Bambi’s last memories before immigration.

Anyhow, this post is not to talk about these memories but about what do with them. Specifically, a guest on today’s show is a renown actor, Mr. Badih Abou Chakra:

One of the topics discussed was his war-related artistic concert (in addition to being an architect and an actor, he sings to!).

To put things into perspective, Lebanon does not teach the recent civil war in its official curriculum yet, it seems. However, Mr. Abou Chakra, took a professional risk for a project that meant a lot to him. He decided to compile all the war songs (of all sides!) and put them into a concert in Beirut. Most, if not, all of his colleagues discouraged him from doing so. They thought it may be risky because war may have not ended in 1990… perhaps it just took a different form. Why the risk?

Well, he believed in his idea, convinced that it would be cathartic. His concert of one night only lasted for two years! He described how people knew the songs of all the sides and started singing with him. At one point, they joked. One table standing up to sing their “own” songs louder. In turn, other tables started the same game and so on. No one fought. All laughed.

The entertainer, Ms. Abir from LA (a pharmacist who volunteers at this community internet radio), told him that she is sorry but, after many decades in the USA where she is happy to live safely, she is still reluctant to listen to war songs.

The artist was very thoughtful in his reply to her. He explained that for him, it is all about putting oneself in the shoes of others. Seeing the other perspective makes us see more of the truth.

The other entertainer, Mr. Vatché, shared memories of his childhood were young people used to listen to the radio to capture the songs of the other side(s). They knew them by heart, just like their own.

To conclude this post, back to the title’s question: Is singing trauma cathartic? From the reaction of the Lebanese audience, over two years, the answer is obvious. From a clinical psychological perspective, one must confront his/her fears and phobias to overcome anxiety. Ironically, this seems to be out of fashion in Canada nowadays where everyone appears to be “triggered” by something. Our society has become a bit overprotective. Sadly, from time to time, some of those triggered seem to be acting like bullies.

As Mr. Ezra Levant predicted, along with the bailout money to the media, came the control

Regardless of the opinion expressed, this shocking story is well summarized in the tweet at the end of this post:

Basically, a journalist from the St-John’s Telegram (major daily in Newfoundland & Labrador), Mr. Brian Jones, criticized public sector workers in the covid-19 pandemic, likely “in a column approved by his editors“, to use Mr. Levant’s own words:

Guess what happened two days later? He was fired!

Are these our Canadian values now?

Is this the reality of the Maritimes now?

Are these our liberal values :(?

Where are our politicians of high calibre from the same party in power to denounce this story? Bambi is sure they would have not allowed this to happen.

This new era of more junior politicians (like our PM and the official opposition) is sadly mediocre. Too much into empty words and virtue signalling. Too little into meaningful gestures rising above partisanship. Didn’t Mr. Trudeau himself tell us that he would do politics differently?

Why is this “different” politics influencing free press? Is Canada in the old communist Russia now or is it still in the Western world? Is the latter still a place where journalists can still express diverse opinions?

If our times are stupid for all our society, they are also stupid for our leaders… The latter, although disconnected from their people, come from the society itself after all.

To conclude this post on an ironic yet sad note for us, even in Beirut (Lebanon), people can still criticize the government.

What about a loyalty to Lebanon first, for a change?

According to Naharnet (see the screenshot at the end of this post), Nasrallah said today “The WHO has admitted that the health system in Iran is among the strongest”.

Good for Iran if it is managing its health crisis well despite its sanctions and regional wars by proxy. Bambi is relieved to hear this because she cares for the Iranian people (NOT their government), including her friends still stuck there because of the pandemic.

However, can Mr. Nasrallah explain to the people of Lebanon why he seems to care more about the Iranian healthcare system than about the Lebanese one? And what about the economic tragedy in his own country to which his loyalty should have been in the first place?

Perhaps he is saying all this because deep inside of himself he knows that if Iran takes a hit, his military future would be jeopardized?

Of course, this in addition to his ideological loyalty (religious/ethical, etc.), that sadly seems to be bigger than his concern for his economically agonizing fellow citizens.

Here is a documentary by Euronews, for you Mr. Nasrallah, in which the World Bank is cited by the journalist as estimating that “more than 45% of citizens are now living in poverty, according to the World Bank, and it is estimated this could rise to 75% by the end of the pandemic.”

The above SAD reality is largely because you and your fellow politicians turned Lebanon into a kleptocracy. The latter is a government where corrupt leaders mainly seek personal gain/status at the expense of their governed people.   

Why is our Prime Minister too obsessed with controlling his image and message when his best performance is when he allows himself to be genuine?

First, here is the story from Rebel News, one of our independent media (not dependent on governmental bail out):

We used to complain about Mr. Harper’s methods with scientists. Why aren’t we concerned about Mr. Trudeau’s methods with journalists now?

Why aren’t we congruent? Bambi is asking this question even if she has never ever voted for Mr. Harper.

Why the double standard, Canada?

To conclude this post, for the record, here is an earlier post by Bambi on Mr. Trudeau’s “human side” on TV in the “Tout le monde en parle” show:

Is our Green MLA Megan Mitton more interested in helping “consultants” or local business owners? And why is she prematurely pushing the opening of borders with NS, with a “business bubble” that may not be worth putting our seniors’ health at risk?

Here is the article recently published in the New Wark times:

First, in the link above, we can read that Ms. Mitton is discussing other proposals including grants that “would help small businesses get advice from consultants on how to adapt and recover from COVID-19 restrictions”.

How can such an idea concretely help entrepreneurs and fuel the economy? Who would decide which list of “consultants” would be acceptable?  

Second, is the business we would get between Amherst and Port Elgin/Sackville worth the risk of undoing all the excellent work by our government in this pandemic, namely by acting fast and closing our borders with three neighbours struggling with covid-19 cases (Québec, NS, and Maine)?

With all due respect to our MLA and her party, Bambi trusts Premier Higgs’ more vast expertise with business. More recently, like her fellow New Brunswickers and Canadians, she has also witnessed NB’s good job when it comes to pandemics.

Of course, blunders happen with the implementation of new emergency regulations (i.e., borders). Sadly, we saw an excessive case at the airport last month with a young man coming from Ontario:

We may have also seen some “unclear” stories at our land border. So, thanks to Ms. Mitton for her concern with this regard.

However, all in all, we can only say that NB has been doing an excellent job thus far with the pandemic.

Even if we are a smaller, less populated province, we surely acted faster than the federal government with the borders at the beginning (i.e., the increased cases at the beginning of the pandemic in Montreal has made the latter a hot spot for a while now).  

Finally, if we read Mr. Kelly Alder’s comment on the New Wark Times, we learn from it that sadly his family small business (near Bambi’s place) did not get Ms. Mitton’s support when she was a town councillor (which Bambi remembers from earlier posts).

Back then, Ms. Mitton preferred to favour bigger players at the other exit of Sackville (i.e., the Irvings, Esso, etc.). Now, during the pandemic, she seems to change her colours, asking our federal government not to support big businesses who may be minimizing their taxes.

With all due respect to all political parties and elected people, including Ms. Mitton, Bambi tends to agree with Mr. Alder: It is hard to trust politicians. However, despite the tough nature of politics, we can come across public servants who earn our trust, slowly but surely. They may perhaps demonstrate their logical approach or their congruence, or reliability (even if we may not agree with them at times or even if they make mistakes). One must also add that crises are golden opportunities to sometimes discover the leadership or greatness of some men and women.

Which planet does Mr. Nasrallah live on?

The banking sector of Lebanon has been falling apart like a sand castle since October 17, 2019, and with it the country’s whole economy.

Due to capital controls, people cannot have access to their savings that they earned by the sweat of their brow.

People lost their jobs. Others their dreams.

Then came the coronavirus crisis that forced the country to a lockdown for several weeks, forcing businesses to closure.

The whole population got poorer due to the hyperinflation.

The government is bankrupt. No Lebanese aid to people (“Santa” Justin does not exist in Beirut’s parliament).

Despite help from the food banks of charity organizations (in operation again since this week), some families are literally on the brink of starvation.

Lebanese people have a lot of dignity… Many are not used to depending on external help to economically survive, as described in a France 24 news documentary yesterday.

Despite all this reality, what does Mr. Nasrallah, head of the Hezbollah tell Lebanese people today?

As you can see below (taken from Naharnet, a Lebanese daily), he is reassuring them that “we are closer than ever to the liberation of Jerusalem?

Mr. Nasrallah, Bambi has a question for you: Do you think that this is the top priority of your fellow citizens in the middle of their current double tragedies, the financial crisis and the pandemic?

If you reply yes to her, you must go check your eyesight and mental health IMMEDIATELY.

If you reply no, please SHUT UP!

Mr. Mario Dumont: “Climate success” [“Succès climatique”]

First, here is Mr. Dumont’s thoughtful article published today in the Journal de Montréal.

Second, here is an English translation:

“Québec will (almost) reach its target for reducing its carbon emissions for the year 2020. This will happen even if it seemed absolutely impossible on January 1st, 2020. Some see this as a beneficial effect of the current health crisis. I especially see it as a warning.

The most radicals, who demanded swift and binding measures to speed up the hitting of targets, must realize the enormity of the sacrifices they were talking about without knowing it. To meet our targets in a short period of time, we had to stop living. This is the “miracle” of the past two months.

No more traffic because half the people are no longer working. We no longer go out, neither to movie theatres, nor to restaurants, nor to visit friends. People no longer take the highway to visit their parents, as it is prohibited.

Travel has stalled. The vast majority of aircraft remain grounded. Thousands of travel plans are cancelled. The tourism industry is dying.

A flat economy

The majority of businesses and shops have either been closed or slowed down. We are in the worst recession in a century. It means factories that will remain closed. Unemployed people in the tens of thousands will mean fewer car trips each morning.

Unemployment, impoverishment, lackluster living, depression, this is the sample of what it took to live the great success in terms of climate change. We will always be told that this was not the goal and that things would have been done differently if ruling ecologists had imposed these measures rather than a pandemic.

The events of the past few weeks, however, give us an idea of ​​the magnitude. To get the current reduction, carnage had to be done in just about every aspect of life.

Really aware?

As the topic of climate change is very fashionable, many voters said they made it their top priority in last October’s election. I remember hearing constituents say they wanted “governments” to do more for the environment.

Were they really aware of the order of magnitude of the sacrifices that those who advocated rushing headlong into achieving the goals spoke about without delay? Were they ready for such renunciations? I am not sure, really not sure.

I always believed that action on climate change should be gradual, taking into account the economy. I always believed that people would not want to stop living. Science and technology will have to be given time to develop options for fossil fuels. In the case of automobile, electric cars are slowly but surely making their way.

I would like to point out that the hardcore fighters against climate change will now have to be careful before quoting “the Science” from the top of a pedestal. The coronavirus reminded us that science evolves, observes, revises its theses when faced with a new and complex phenomenon”.

He may be vulgar but he makes more sense than our own politicians when it comes to WHO & the covid-19 pandemic

Below, you can find 4 images of the open letter sent from the President of the USA to Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus The Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO).

What Mr. Trump is pointing to is how the WHO seems to have been captured by China (as a major interest group). He has a point and the behaviour of China, with the cover of the WHO at the beginning of the pandemic, is simply an unacceptable behaviour. Mind you, this latter behaviour would have been also questionable, even if had been engaged in by Canada, Lebanon, or any other country of the world. So, imagine if it is once again by China (i.e., like in 2003 with the SARS crisis, as Mr. Trump referred to on page 3 of his letter).

Now, look at the reaction of our federal Minister of International Development, Ms. Karina Gould. She said “it is not the World Health Organization’s place to question China, arguing that the organization tasked with global public health is a product of its member states, who in turn should be pushing for transparency“:

Of course, she makes sense, if we are looking at the consistency with Canada’s attitude toward China, that’s for sure. Same as Mr. Trudeau, Ms. Hajdu, Dr. Tam, etc. The attitude remains the same: No backbone. Too much economic (+ ideological?) dependence on one single country can kill creativity, prosperity, and even sovereignty… at least intellectually, to begin with.

But it may be economically as well (e.g., mining sector), and not just in the health sector:

China seems to be using the same strategy with us as with those African countries, from which some of the WHO elite come from (e.g., Dr. Ghebreyesus).

Perhaps Canada is afraid of receiving the same treatment as Australia, namely an economic punishment by China for having also denounced its behaviour (with France, Germany, the European Union, and many smaller countries)?

Perhaps Canada (or rather Mr. Trudeau personally) is aspiring for a high (or the highest?) position within the UN (or its WHO office, who knows? Or that may be also Dr. Tam’s own ambitions)?

Perhaps it is just a political-economic choice of alignment because of interests to Canada that we are missing, as citizens?

Perhaps Mr. Trudeau can see things more clearly than all of is, as our PM? Maybe he has a vision for Canada after all, hoping it is not just about it moving backward.

Rest in peace, Dearest Len

Leonard Standring, 1923-2020

Bambi’s and her spouse’s friend Len died :(. To honour him, she would like to share the following: (1) Two beautiful pictures taken by him in 2011 in Sackville and (2) a message they posted for him and his family (Mark/Odette) on his obituary site that, for some technical reason, does not seem to be working. In case the website is broken, here is their message again:

A wonderful picture taken by Mr. Leonard Standring in 2011 in Sackville, NB
Another great picture taken by Mr. Leonard Standring in 2011 in Sackville, NB

Dearest Len, what an honour to have met you… Thank you for whom you are and for the wonderful moments of friendship.

What a GREAT man with a sharp sense of humour, much intelligence, talent, a big heart, and such a beautiful smile… Not surprising that you made many friends wherever you lived.

Just to make you smile from wherever you/your spirit may be, whilst praying for you now, I (Bambi is saying this) smiled to your memory, even spontaneously thinking/telling you the following: “I do not mind if England will win all its future soccer games against Germany, for the rest of my life, as long as it makes you happy in heaven”… I know, I will likely regret what I said tomorrow morning, but at least the thought crossed my mind (and I did mean it, Len ?). 

More seriously, you will be missed by many who love you, just like us. Rest in peace now… and may your memory be eternal.

Mark, we are happy to know that you were by your dad’s side when he died peacefully… May you and Odette find peace in your hearts, day after day, remembering that you have honoured him all his life, until his last breath. Bless you both for that.

You take good care,

Bambi/Bambi’s spouse (Sackville, NB)