Mr. Anthony Ojeill sings for his Lebanon: What a moving adaptation of Mr. Jacques Brel’s beautiful song “Le plat pays” [The flat country]!

Bambi would like to thank her Dear friend Aline for sharing this beautiful video of Mr. Anthony Ojeill singing for the beautiful yet wounded Lebanon.

She will allow herself to dedicate this song to her childhood friend Joëlle. Today is her birthday. Happy birthday Dearest Jojo :)!! Have a good day!

If she may, Bambi would like to also dedicate this song to your mom Joëlle , our French teacher (“Tante Madame Nicole“, as silly Bambi used to call her in the classroom :)). She has taught us to love the beautiful language of Molière… Well, she will likely also be moved by this talent singing for our beloved Lebanon.

Joëlle’s birthday has also historically fell on the first day of school in Beirut (at the end of the longer summer). This is the day she and Bambi has met for the first time at age 3. They have been friends ever since.

Bambi has a thought today, on this October 4, to all the Beirut kids who are not able to start their academic year because of the destruction of their schools and city by the surrealistic blast of August 4th, 2020.

For Bambi, this brings back memories of two school years fully missed during civil war. Yet, we managed to catch up and learn, swallowing 4-5 chapters of mathematics or physics at once. Do you remember Joëlle?! We had a beautiful childhood despite all this. Thank you for being a big part of it! Happy Birthday again!!

It is Bambi’s hope that Lebanon’s kids and families stop going through adversity and suffering. It is about time to have their beautiful and peaceful country back…

2 thoughts on “Mr. Anthony Ojeill sings for his Lebanon: What a moving adaptation of Mr. Jacques Brel’s beautiful song “Le plat pays” [The flat country]!”

    1. Bambi is honoured to post your comment Nalida. Glad you like this song. Joëlle will surely be touched by your best wishes :).

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