Jingle Bells… in Aramaic!

There is nothing more moving to Bambi than listening to this “Jingle Bells” in the language of Jesus. She just heard this song on her internet radio, searched it on the net, and found it for you!

Before sharing it, she would like to clarify why it is moving to her. This language is an old Semitic one. It is related to both Hebrew (Jesus being Jewish) and Arabic. Bambi can guess words here and there, but she finds it odd as it sounds like her mother tongue (Arabic)… and yet it is different. It is intriguing to say the least. Plus, the Aramaic language still exists, despite what ISIS did to get rid of people who speak this language in both Syria and Irak. Finally, Jingles Bells is just a fun melody and Bambi adores Christmas…. She is sad to think that some in her birth city are grieving this Holiday Season. However, despite the sorrow, Christmas season will always be Christmas… Christmas is about love and about welcoming a newborn (is there anything more joyful than that in the world?!)! Some of us, including Bambi, call this newborn God. Another personal reason to be joyful despite pandemics and sorrow.

Well, without further due, here is the song that Bambi would like to dedicate to her friend Jane (Happy Birthday!) and… to all her love ones in Canada who are celebrating the start of Hannukah (festival of light) this night and in the next eight ones.

As Mr. Trudeau kindly wrote on his Twitter account today: “Chag Hanukkah Sameach!” Perhaps those kids singing Jingle Bells in the video can guess what the words mean :).

May the light and sound of love always shine!

Is this normal in democracy? Is this the USA or… Lebanon?

Whether Americans voted for Mr. Trump or Mr. Biden, do they find this normal?

What is happening in America (and our world by extension)?

There seems to be a complete take over by big tech companies and by the media (see below).

Very odd. Very serious. Very sad.

It is not only anti-democratic, it is insane at this point.

Is this about presidential elections or is this a war of power?

If Mr. Trump truly won, it is unfair to his party and him and to many of us around the world (Lebanon’s fate is hanging on!).

If Mr. Biden truly won and no cheating happened, why don’t they prove it with audits instead of suppression?

Bambi is saying so and she is not a Trump supporter. She is a democracy supporter!

This story below (see the screenshot) is making Bambi think of her sisters who voted or a female candidate who won the elections in Beirut. This politician went to bed thinking she has won. When she woke up, the results were different. The candidate who won was from Hezbollah.

Are those too powerful big techs using their power to manipulate politics? One may wonder.

Again, Bambi is asking this question and she is not an American voter.

She is just a non-expert deer observing strange human behaviour.

How sad, how stupid, how dangerous…

Bambi would like to thank her friend Amale for sharing this information about a white student association at McGill University.


As per the CTV article above, McGill University now has or could have a so-called “White Student Association”. Can you imagine?

Why are we allowing ourselves to be divided into black and white?

We have seen or heard of association such as the “black public servants” or “black students” or “black entrepreneurs”.

Can you imagine the narrow-mindedness of tribalism? It can go quite far.

Today, the story is about an association of white students at McGill University. Tomorrow it will be about “white this” or “white that”.

When will all this insanity stop?

An association of white, black, yellow, green red, etc… The colour does not matter. It is the sectarianism that Bambi is worried about.

Other associations of the so-called BIPOCs for “black, indigenous, and people of colour” (that funny term that Bambi is supposed to fit in ?).

In Bambi’s time, the associations were meant to celebrate cultures, not to fall into the trap of divisions… and sub-divisions.

It is both sad and worrisome to see stupidity and dangerosity, going hand in hand.

What has changed all of a sudden in 30 years to now to require associations based on stupid skin colours (whether white or black or other)?

Skin colour or hue (we may be darker in the summer for some of us) is just one characteristic of a person’s complex identity in life.

What happened to our unity?

As Canadians? As Québeckers?

As human beings? Bothers and sisters in humanity!

Is this the Canada we want to live in and leave as a legacy for our children and grand-children?

Bambi has escaped stupid divisions of civil war and she has never ever thought she would find a a neo-form of sectarian Apartheid in Canada one day.

Are all white people the same? Can we inter-change them?

Are all black people the same? What does a Palestinian from Gaza who has a black skin has in common with a financially privileged black American  lawyer chosen as a vice-President or with a hard-working Ethiopian worker in some foreign countries?

What about a successful graduate student or entrepreneur of Nigerian origins? Or a Montreal youth from a poor neighbourhood who happens to have a black skin, who is a gang member, and whose dream in life is to succeed as a drug dealer?

Where is common sense for God’s sake… Not that common anymore. Bambi misses it.

If we do not stop to think about what is happening in our society (thanks Dr. Mathieu Bock-Côté for using your brain on our behalf), the end result can be quite ugly. Bambi knows what she is talking about. The Lebanese civil war was sadly famous for killing or kidnapping on checkpoints when people were from the “wrong” group of those in power. The best thing that Lebanon did post-war was to change the IDs of its citizens, erasing from it their religious affiliation. The population knows very well now that all those divisions were artificial.

In Canada nowadays, we seem to be moving into the opposite direction. We seem to be increasingly focusing on one single aspect of our complex identities and we are making it holy.

In the name of equity (or whatever it is called, diversity, inclusion, and equity), national funding agencies of science are now asking research teams to fit criteria of the above be funded… Instead of focusing only on MERIT.

What world are we living in? Where, in the name of anti-racism or equity (good intentions for sure), we focus on the composition of research teams instead of assessing their science only (who cares whom they are?).

For instance, would you like to consume a health app or a vaccine from a competent lab, produced by a competent pharmaceutical company? Or a lab that has an equal number of scientists from this colour or this religion, or this gender?

Bambi prefers safety and effectiveness to ideology in life.

To come back to civil war, how do you think all this started in Beirut? With much dangerous ideologies first and… then with weapons after.

To conclude this post, please make no mistake, no country in the world is immune to civil problems and even unrest, even those that are more stable and advanced like Canada. In other terms, democracy is a constant work in progress. For the latter to prevail, critical sense of citizens is a must!

Why aren’t those 20 University of Ottawa students focusing on writing their final exams instead of attempting a take over of their school? And why is the so-called “Association of Professors of the University of Ottawa’s BIPOC Caucus” focusing on marking instead!?

Why is the CBC giving 20 students all this media attention in their weird section called “Being black in Canada”?


As if there is one type of black person in Canada (one size fits all)! What about the other black students at the university that are trying to improve their future by studying for their exams?

Is Canada and its universities an additional American state hit with both the funding and force of such a woke movement?

What is this nonsense?

Are the students “occupying” (to use the own word of the Equity Commissioner for the University of Ottawa Students’ Union in the recorded interview) their President’s office because Mr. Frémont is a weak administrator or because their PM encouraged them when he ridiculously and hypocritically took the knee in the streets of Ottawa, while protected by RCMP officers as bodyguards?

Canada is diving into nonsense at an increasing speed.

When will this insanity stop?

What can we learn from Dr. Mathieu Bock-Côté’s thoughts?

Thanks to Mr. Guy A. Le Page from Radio-Canada (French CBC in Montreal) for hosting Dr. Bock-Côté on his show “Tout le monde en parle”.

It was refreshing for Bambi to watch a debate of ideas (rare nowadays).

Indeed, Bambi is homesick to eras of exchange of thoughts and… to tolerance in our world.

Tolerance of all opinions, even and especially those which we do not agree with.


Here is a quick translation of the summary of this TV show as taken from the French CBC website:

Mathieu Bock-Côté is not resentful toward the Association of Booksellers of Québec for temporarily withdrawing the video in which the Prime Minister suggested reading his essay entitled The Empire of Political Correctness”. The columnist does not personally take offense at the blunder, but he is concerned about the strong tendency it reveals in our society, which consists of censoring and demonizing any speech that does not correspond to the values ​​imposed by the woke culture. From “Kanata” to “La petite vie” through what happened recently at the University of Ottawa, events are piling up and creating, he says, a certain frustration among the population. Social media may amplify the phenomenon, but it does not explain everything.

Since the interview above was in French, in case you do not understand the beautiful language of Molière, here is a quick translation of Dr. Bock-Côté’s earlier article published in the Journal de Montréal a few days ago. It is entitled “Courage in the face of the woke sect!” [Courage face à la secte woke!].

As he explained on the TV show above, “woke” is an English term. For him, using this term in French is perhaps a reminder that it is an American movement, precisely stemming from American campuses. This is not a local movement made in Québec. (Bambi sometimes uses the term “les illuminés” to refer to this illuminated movement or illuminated folks, etc.).


For months, cases of censorship have been piling up. They are particularly concentrated in intellectual circles which, paradoxically, should be the first to defend freedom of expression.

Recall the example of SLAV in the summer of 2018. Racialist activists sought to have the show canceled and succeeded. Others had brought down Kanata.

Let’s remember the fate that befell Wendy Mesley at CBC who lost her show for using the title “Les nègres blancs d’Amériques”. This bad luck was shared by Catherine Russell at Concordia University who had the misfortune to pronounce the same title. Apparently, this was a violent act.


We will also think of the storm that hit Lieutenant-Duval Verushka at the University of Ottawa, for uttering the forbidden word in an educational setting.

Let’s not forget Radio-Canada which decided to censor an episode of La Petite Vie before rescheduling it with a warning.

Obviously, the political correctness empire extends to Québec.

It is in the light of these events that we must look at the censorship of François Legault, who has occupied the news for the last few days. It is indicative, in fact, of a major trend, namely the deployment of a new ideological fanaticism which is no longer marginal.

It is a testament to the influence in the intellectual world of a new sectarian left from the United States. It intimidates on social media and seeks to ruin the reputation of those who do not submit to its dogmas. Its weapon: accusations of racism, sexism, transphobia. We call it the left woke. It is a religious left. It sees blasphemy in contradicting it.

We will note, through these many crises, the little resistance of the various administrations to the controversy. We could talk about the decline of courage in our societies, to say it with Solzhenitsyn [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleksandr_Solzhenitsyn]. The fear of appearing badly in the circles of the social left leads these administrators to bow.

It is true that it is not particularly pleasant to endure a continuous smear campaign.

For six months now, François Legault has been the target of a media harassment campaign to force him to adhere to the wacky and dangerous theory of systemic racism. He stands up. Paul St-Pierre Plamondon, the head of the PQ, also resists the normalization of this shaky concept.

We can guess that many of them are pushing them to kneel down, hoping to buy peace with the fanatics.


However, we must hold on. Even if it’s unpleasant. We will be insulted, demonized, despised. We will have on our backs full-time activists busy sullying our reputation, transforming us into monsters, so no one wants to be around us [“infréquentable” in French].

However, we must reconnect with this elementary virtue: civic courage. That of saying what you think and not just confessing it discreetly to loved ones away from others. The courage to confront the woke religion and those who repeat its slogans.

It represents a threat to democracy.”

Dr. Gad Saad: “Collective white guilt and the kneeling ritual of forgiveness”

Bambi is happy to watch this short video below. Here is why? Yesterday, she watched images of soccer players in the UK kneeling before a game and had similar thoughts as Dr. Saad.

Like him, she loves soccer (it is the least when you come from Lebanon :)). Seriously, she thanks him for sharing his thoughts and own story.

His (Jewish) family escaped Lebanon during civil war (their house was taken over, they were kidnapped, etc.). Listen how he tells us that some Muslims and some Palestinians may have put them at risk true, but others (many others!) helped them to escape, including Palestinian militia.

Thank goodness, Dr. Saad does not think in black and white, like these young athletes and their coaches. Listen to his piece of advice at the end of the video. It is worth thinking about.

To come back to Bambi herself, she was sad to watch those images, telling herself that “wokeness” has truly gone to high levels of religiosity [often out of a deep desire to be better persons in life (bravo for that!) AND a trend of social/global conformity, along with some virtue signalling].

Can’t we denounce racism and be respectful to our brothers and sisters in humanity without all these rituals? Why should we fall into the trap of dogmatic levels of religiosity (guilt feeling may be common in the latter, mind you)?

What happened to sportsmanship?

What happened to kindness in life?

What happened to respect…. of oneself and of others?

Aren’t these universal qualities enough by themselves?

Dr. Joseph Facal: «La grande démission des intellectuels» [“The big resignation of intellectuals”]

MANY thanks Dr. Facal for your EXCELLENT article published yesterday in the Journal de Montréal.

Here is a quick translation… but first, the original in French.


When I spoke to Richard Martineau on his show “Les francs-tireurs”, he noted that the most astonishing transformation of our time is that of the left.

I obviously agree [Bambi too ☹].

The traditional left wanted universal solidarity: to unite, beyond divisions, on the basis of a common right to dignity.

The new left proposes a return to ethnoreligious and identity tribalism: we define people by their colour, their religion, or their gender.


Why has this left, in spite of its silliness and its excesses, the wind in its sails?

For two reasons.

The first reason for its strength is that it is the combination of four streams of thought.

First, we recycle residues of Marxism to feed an anti-capitalist discourse.

Capitalism certainly poses multiple problems, but all the attempts to get out of it have produced widespread poverty and the decline in freedoms.

There are no known exceptions.

Second, this new left is often the relay for anti-Western Islamism.

It will suggest that a free thinker who was murdered has asked for it, a little bit, with his words, or that Islamist extremism is a reaction to the discrimination suffered by all Muslims in our societies.

Third, the so-called “anti-colonial” left chooses to see only one racism, that of whites, and to see it everywhere.

Fourth, radical feminists fuel the hatred of all men, and defend a religious extremism of which they would be the first victims in the Middle East [Good point, thank you. In many earlier posts, Bambi denounced the silence of our contemporary feminists following several stories of honour killing in that part of the world].

When these four mighty forces combine, the wind starts ruffling our hair.

But this wind is blowing hard, I said, for a second reason.

It is blowing hard because many don’t dare stand up to it.

It is in universities that these discourses are constructed before being picked up by columnists and activists.

However, in universities, fear reigns.

Entire departments are kidnapped by activists: they are not researchers because they already have all the answers.

Disgusted or scared teachers walk away and let these excited people take control.

Worse, they justify their resignation by saying they are too busy with a job of which, in the vast majority of cases, nothing, absolutely nothing, will remain in a few years.

Worse, they often do willful blindness.

Our Charles Taylor defends Islamist Tariq Ramadan, who wants us to believe that the rape charges against him are the result of a conspiracy!


As they flee their responsibilities, there are not many people left to recall the obvious.

Remember that so-called anti-racism, if it targets all white people because they are white, is racism, quite simply.

Remember that “systemic” racism is not a scientific concept, but an ideological weapon.

Remember that women in the Middle East are fighting against this religious obscurantism that many of our feminists support.

Remember that making all Muslims victims is the best way to relieve them of responsibility.

If the intellectuals, if those who have the means to deconstruct these falsehoods, do not do it, who will?”

Ms. Chrystia Freeland, Deputy PM of Canada, is scarier than the coronavirus!

Ms. Freeland has asked Canadians who have savings (extra unspent money) to give it to the government (see video below, if you do not believe Bambi).

OK, she has a fancy, more politically correct, term to her odd request called “pre-loaded stimulus“ ?.

Are Ms. Freeland and Mr. Trudeau serious in their request?!

Bambi is afraid that Canada is well engaged on the path of Lebanon’s financial tragedy… with high debt and a forthcoming hyperinflation.

Ms. Freeland asked for our ideas. Well, here is a straightforward one for her:

Start taking care of our public debt that you are leaving behind for the next generations of Canadians IMMEDIATELY! This debt was already high, pre-coronavirus pandemic. It is higher now for sure.

Thank you.

Bill 21: Had Bambi been a Québec resident, this is the day where she would consider voting for sovereignty. For the proud Canadian she is, it means that Mr. Trudeau went too far!

As you can see in the links at the bottom of this post, a lawyer, Mr. Azim Hussain, on the payroll of the federal government, is making connections of Québec’s Bill 21 on secularism of the state with… the Nazis.

Yes, the same Nazis who killed tens of millions of innocent people!

Can you imagine the level of stupidity of our times of collective insanity?

This lawyer then goes on to talk about the reading list of Mr. Legault :). Should we laugh or cry at this Orwellian technique, both absurd and deceptive.

This story is the saga of censorship by the Association of Booksellers of Québec that invited the Québec PM to share his list of books… and then partly censored it because of the pressure of a FEW radical left individuals. This is the level of cowardice in our society… in addition to stupidity. We are talking about business owners supposed to earn a living selling books. They ended up coming to their senses and apologized, but only after Québeckers loudly expressed their disapproval.

Their association preferred ideology to culture and censorship to profit. Should we laugh or cry at this insanity?

Bambi posted about this story last week. Once again, if you do not like a book, do not buy it yourself, but do not be fascist about your own preferences with the rest of us. This applies to all books, any book. This is a principle. This is the least in a democracy. It is called freedom of expression.

This being said, the lawyer in question made a link between this censorship of the PM (and specifically one of the books he presented in his list) and the rise of populism in the world :). What a crazy strategy to the point of making Bambi wonder if she is listening to a serious lawyer in court OR she reading a CBC article by a so-called journalist (oups… so-called “activist” too).

This lawyer wants us to believe that this moderate bill is populism, that populism is worse than elitism, and that the current PM is guilty of having a majority Government.

Mind you, our current federal government is a minority one, but it often acts like the opposite. It is surely doing it right now and this is a disgrace.

Mr. Legault was a successful businessman before becoming a politician. Québeckers learned last week that he also loves to read. Isn’t that fantastic? He is a moderate and surely smart leader. Yes, he did and he will make mistakes (who doesn’t?). At least, he has the humility to admit that and to remain pragmatic and focused.

It must be hard to govern in a pandemic, for sure. It must be even harder to govern in our times of collective insanity!

This is why Bambi saluted his courage in defending freedom of expression in an earlier post (see further below). He did it with elegantly simple words on his Facebook page. She also allowed herself to email his office, as a “québécoise of heart” “to congratulate him for, courageously and simply, defending freedom of expression in our country“. And of course, she did it in the beautiful language of the Belle Province :)!

What he did is what we all should be doing, to use the words of Dr. Mathieu Bock-Côté himself, be courageous and say no to the mobs. Bambi will add the following: Today, it seems to be coming from the far left. Tomorrow or yesterday, from the “truly” far right. So left or right (or in any other direction), totalitarianism is unacceptable. Bambi is saying so, because she knows too well what it can do to a society.

Anyhow, the title of Bambi’s current post candidly expresses her thoughts after reading the article in question. She is sad because Canada could be much smarter than that, by simply respecting Québec’s spirit, culture, history, etc. If the federal government (led by our current PM or another PM one of these days) does not want to accept/honour cultural differences whilst respecting the majority in Québec (which would be truly “inclusive and diverse”, to use own governmental buzz words), it is perhaps time to consider reviving the Sovereignty movement.

Talking about the sovereignty movement, there is a political party in Québec that is known to be into this movement. Well, this party has a new dynamic young leader now. Guess what? A Concordia University professor called him Pol Pot, imagine (again who killed so many innocent people!). The politician demanded apologies. The professor was wise enough to do so. End of the story.


To conclude this post, why would a Muslim friend from Nova Scotia quickly express respect of Québec’s choices when Bambi told him about this forthcoming bill (his veiled cousin was considering immigrating to Québec from Lebanon)… AND not our own federal government. Does that make any sense?

Why can’t we accept that Canada is about multiculturalism and Québec chose interculturalism. It is as simple as that, period. Mr. Trudeau called Canada a postnational country. Well, thankfully, Québec still has pride in itself and its heritage. Perhaps Mr. Trudeau can learn something from this patriotism and vision, even if his vision is also valid?

To conclude this post, as a reminder, Bill 21 is just about government workers in position of authority. It is not about anything else. It protects people who have visible religious signs currently in those positions (no one will lose his or her job, thankfully).

Bambi has repeatedly written about Bill 21. We may not like it, but it is Québec’s choice (following 10 years of a public debate on reasonable accommodations). Whether we endorse this bill or not, it is made by Québec and is meant for Québec.

So, please give Québec a break!


In French… from the Journal de Montréal:


In English…Google Translate of the article above:
