Mr. Bob Ray, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Canada to the UN in New York: “Another word for woke is kindness”

Seriously Mr. Bob Rae, do you really mean what you (or your staff) tweeted yesterday?

Is anyone surprised by the official position of Canada at the United Nations?

Where is kindness when we censor citizens who criticize the excesses of wokeism?

Where is kindness in a movement that has sadly resulted in radical outcomes sometimes, such as cancelling artistic or scientific events or even burning books?

Where is kindness when citizens have been wrongly accused of racism in the name of the “kind” so-called anti-racism of wokeism?

Where is kindness in a movement, which insists on pretending to speak in the name of minorities? And to know their best interests better than themselves?

Where is kindness in a movement, which seems to often forget to value the uniqueness and richness of each individual; instead of reducing (and confining) the latter to a single aspect of one’s complex identity over a lifetime?

Where is kindness when clinical psychologists are being censored by their Colleges of Psychologists for having criticized wokeism?

And where is kindness in the attack to the reputation of professors, by our publicly-funded media and on social media, along with long suspensions from work without pay, when they criticize the so-called “kind” wokeism on personal platforms? All this when they know too well what identity politics does to a nation… for having escaped civil war-torn countries.

Where is kindness when your tweet seems to imply that refusing to endorse wokeism is an act of “unkindness”?

Maybe you just meant to support Mr. Trudeau’s political ideology and this could be called a gesture of peer “kindness” toward him?

After all, you do precise that “tweets are you personal views”?

Who knows? Maybe you truly believe your own tweet?

If that is the case, Bambi can understand your position even more, Mr. Rae. However, with all due respect, she will allow herself to remind you that too much of a good thing is a bad thing… even in the case of TRUE kindness.

France24: “Lebanon’s diaspora to the rescue as country sinks deeper into crisis”

In this post, Bambi will share a France 24 short and informative video about Lebanon. She will then leave you with Elissa’s beautiful interpretation of Mawtini [My Homeland], which she heard on a Lebanese-American radio yesterday. Since then, she has been humming it…

Good-bye Glenn and thank you Fred for your moving tribute

The picture to the left was graciously provided by Mr. Fred Klein. Good-bye Glenn… Your memory will be eternal

First, Bambi will share Glenn’s obituary or life story Further below, an if you wish, you can see an earlier post spontaneously dedicated to Glenn.

Second, with his consent, Bambi wants to share with you Fred’s elegantly written and moving text celebrating Glenn’s life. He published his “Tribute to Glenn Brown” on the TotalBibliowebsite (, which starts with a lovely picture from McGill convocation of October 1998, along with his late friends Alain and now Glenn (maybe they are hanging out together in heaven, could it be?), followed by his tribute.

Published and shared by Mr. Fred Klein

“There I am in the centre with my two best friends from Library School, Glenn Brown on the right and Alain Létourneau on the left. Glenn always called that my ‘stick of gum’ suit. Hard to believe twenty-five years have passed since those memorable and enriching days when we were so much younger and learning so much together. Being in a female-dominated profession, I organized events for the thirteen of us men in our class of fifty (if you do the math, 26%) and Glenn often showed up. So did Alain and the three of us became good pals. It’s hard also to believe I am the last of our trio as Alain passed away in 2006 and Glenn last week.

For our classmate Su, who convocated in June 1998, that ceremony was memorable also because her husband Jimmy received his PhD from another faculty but with the three of us at the same time in October. Short moments after this photo was taken, Glenn lent his robe, mortar and tassle along with the orange sash of library science to Su so she could leave her place as a a spectator in the audience, pose with her husband and have their picture taken side by side at convocation as if they had been together all along and never separated by time. That’s the kind of person Glenn was: he could make human moments possible because he was easy to approach and people trusted him.

Glenn enriched my experience at McGill by being a good classmate and a role model to look up to for many others in our class as well. Glenn was suspicious of technology and computers, yet he got one of the coveted jobs of ‘IT lab technicians’ and was anachronistic in many other respects, for example being something of an ”agoraphobic agrarian” difficult to reach by telephone, difficult to enlist for McGill Softball League. Glenn insisted on meeting and talking to people and for that reason, always spoke to the bank tellers and never used a bank machine. Glenn’s interests, education and reading were so varied and sometimes odd, he had something to offer everyone. I learned plenty from Glenn about all sorts of things from Newfoundland culture to book culture, wine and cooking, to history and then some. 

Although Glenn never married, I was present on campus when news of Joy Tillotson’s death from cancer arrived from St. John’s. Glenn was visibly shaken so I invited him to our regular pub. We had supper together that same night and I helped Glenn get drunk and talk through the pain and mourning for his once former girlfriend. It seemed that evening did him a lot of good.

After McGill, we stayed in touch for several years and when I lived in New York City, Glenn helped prevent my homesickness by sending me the Saturday Montreal Gazette in monthly mailings of a few editions. I’d call Glenn on Sundays at the Neuro Library and he answered because they have a phone in the library. Glenn was very interested to hear about my new job and city in what he called ”fereign parts” since he never visited the ‘U.S. and A’ even once in his life. Eventually, we became roommates in Snowdon for two years and after which, went our separate ways. I will always remember the good times spent with Glenn and the friends we shared in Montreal”.

Frederick Klein

March 2, 2023

Thank you Fred. Peace to you heart. Take good care.

Peace also to Louis’ heart, and to the hearts of Glenn’s loved ones, including his brother, nephew, niece, and Peter as well as Donna et al. Each one of you, without naming everyone. Each one of us. We are all united in our sorrow. We are grateful for Glenn’s presence in our lives in one way or another, whether for a limited season or for a lifetime. Tomorrow, at least some of us will be able to say good-bye to Glenn in Montreal (funerals). Please, Louis, give him Bambi’s warm regards.

Last but not least, and if if she may, Bambi will end with a prayer dedicated to you Glenn. May your memory be eternal. THANK you for having existed in our lives ?!

Happy Birthday Roula!

Happy birthday dearest Roula!

With much love, your sister wishes you a Wonderful Year filled with Love, Health, Happiness, Continuous Success, Prosperity, and Fun with your cutest kitten Dino ❤️.

This being said, Bambi wants to offer you five melodies today, the first is in Arabic, the following ones are in French, and the last piece is musical.

Your first birthday song is a must. As you can see, it is especially designed for a “Roula” (thanks to the anonymous person who posted it on YouTube).

Your second melody is by a certain Ms. Mawey. It is about the meaning of having a big sister in life.

Today’s third song is by Mr. Grégoire and it is meant to celebrate one’s childhood.

Your fourth song is sunny, thanks to Mr. Gilbert Montagné, and its meant to bring you lightness.

As for the last musical piece, it is the Greek Zorba’s dance by Mr. André Rieu et al. Mmm, Bambi will let you take a guess about its meaning :).

Ms. Chloé Stafler, a talented Paris-based singer

Bambi loves serendipity in life. Today, she accidentally discovered a talented Paris-based singer-song-writer, called Ms. Chloé Stafler, on Youtube.

Ms. Stafler seems to be artistically gifted in so many ways. Indeed, she has a beautiful voice, interprets classical French songs in a unique way, composes her own melodies, translates famous English songs into French, and she sings the latter with a personal touch.

Bravo to Ms. Chloé Stafler and may she have a long musical career!

The New York Times: “Meet the Bank Robbers of Beirut”

Bambi is grateful to her friend Frank for sharing this powerful video. She watched it before closing her eyes to sleep yesterday night. Today, she wants to share it with you.

Thanks to the NYT Opinion producers… and shame on ALL those responsible for the misery of the Lebanese population.

Before leaving you with this moving video, here is a quick dramatic update from Lebanon: The Lebanese currency was trading today “at almost 90,000 to the dollar, compared to 60,000 in late January”, as per France 24 and confirmed by Bambi’s dad (

From the article above, and earlier ones by L’Orient Le Jour/Today, Bambi learned that Lebanese supermarkets will now mark prices in dollars.

As a reminder, the World Bank considered that “Lebanon food price inflation reached 332 percent year on year in June 2022, the worst in the world” ( Of note, at that time “black market traders in Lebanon” were “selling the US Dollar for 28,300 LBP and buying it for 28,400 LBP“, according to 961 (

What is next for Lebanon? And had you been in Ms. Sali Hafiz’ shoes, what would you have done for your sister who needed a critical treatment for her brain cancer?!

Mr. Richard Martineau: “Men, women, and others: Gender department, we are spoilt for choice…” [“Les hommes, les femmes et les autres: rayon genre, on a l’embarras du choix…]

Today, Mr. Richard Martineau published a sarcastically funny yet highly thoughtful article in the Journal de Montréal. Bambi does not want to go to bed without sharing its quick English translation, thanks to the assistance of Mr. Google Translate ( Food for thought… Of course, if you still care to think (ideally critically think), not just blindly conform.

When it comes to sexuality, I’m open.

The only thing I ask is that relationships take place between consenting adults.

If these conditions are met, mix and swing your company, as Jean-Pierre Ferland [A French-Canadian artist] sings.

Unlike our institutions and more and more companies, which want to know who their employees are sleeping with, I believe that what happens in bedrooms (or living rooms, kitchens and furnace rooms, why not) is no one’s business other than those who walk around bare buttocks.

Or with no underpants.


But a guy may be open, but there are things that are, if not difficult to swallow, at least difficult to understand.

Like all new gender names. I admit, I get lost.

I feel like a guy getting out of prison after 20 years and walking into a Starbucks to get a coffee.

I look at the menu, and I don’t understand anything.

A mocha what?

A Frappuccino who?

And what is that, pumpkin chai with almond milk?

Can I just have a coffee, please?

How were they sold back in the day?

A black, hot liquid poured into a Styrofoam glass?

It does not exist anymore?

That’s exactly how I feel (and you probably do too) with gender [les genres, in French].

Before, there was man and woman.

Now it’s like the cereal row at the Metro. You have to read the back of the box to know what you’re eating.

GENDER, you know

Here, I have a friend who sent me a screenshot of the College of Physicians website.

When a College member wants to renew their membership, they are asked if they are:

– Feminine

– Male

– Agender

– Non-conforming to a gender

– Gender fluid

– Non-binary

– Transmasculine

– Transfeminine

– Two-spirited

– Bigender

– Cisgender

– Multiple gender

– Other.

As I tell you, I am open.

Your body, your sex, your gender – perfect!

I just want to understand…

What’s the difference between “Gender Non-Conforming”, “Gender Multiple”, “Gender Fluid”, “Agender” and “Non-Binary”?

It’s not all the same thing, is it?

Looks like the Sico paint catalog. There’s ‘White’, ‘White Igloo’, ‘Mushroom Moss’, ‘Cotton Oil’, ‘Pina Colada’, ‘Fleur de Sel’ and ‘Pale Birch’.

I fixed each colour for 15 minutes, but I didn’t see any difference.

These are seven kinds of white.

One is white, and the other is… white.

But as far as I am concerned, in the College of Physicians’ list of gender, the one that intrigues me the most is “Other”.

Are there really people who do not find themselves in ANY of the categories offered? Wow!

What are they? Trigender? Flexigender?

As far as I am concerned, if you know someone who is “Other”, please introduce them to me, I want to know what they look like!


It’s still weird, isn’t it?

The wokes keep telling us they hate labels. However, they release a new label every two weeks!

It’s a gender…

P.S: If you read this post until its end and you are not “triggered” by its content, bravo to you. This means you may have perhaps learned to build a thick skin, which is an asset in life. If you are too offended, perhaps you want to re-consider visiting this blog. Regardless of your final decision, Bambi welcomes you while wishing you all the best in your life… and bedroom too.

“ADAGIO”: Ms. Lara Fabian & Ms. Majida El Roumy singing for love in unison

Bambi truly lives on a different planet, but she just discovered this musical performance now, thanks to her Lebanese-American radio. The Arabic and English parts both have English sub-titles. She hopes you will enjoy the song as much as she did. May love, in all its forms and shapes, with a big and a small L, always have the final word in our world.

Happy birthday, dear Brittany!

Dearest Brittany:

You are a not just a reliable friend in good, and as it turned out, in very bad times too.

You are literally Bambi’s family in NB and she loves you so much.

Thank you for your authenticity and for your courage.

Thank you for your critical thinking and for what you stand for.

Thank you for being an inspiration to Bambi when it comes to motherhood and what an adorable family you have [of humans and pets too :)]!

Thanks also for being “family” to Bambi’s family in Canada… and even abroad.

All this being said, now is the time for your birthday music, which is being offered to you, along with Bambi’s wishes for a wonderful day and a great year ahead.

First, you will hear a personalized song, thanks to the “Happy Birthday to You Channel“. Second, you will hear Mr. Kendji Girac singing “Besame Mucho“… just for you :).

Happy birthday! Have a lovely day ❤️!

Dr. Frédéric Bastien: “Council of Muslims Sponsors Extremism” [“Le Conseil des musulmans commandite l’extrémisme”]

Thank you, Dr. Frédéric Bastien for this shocking yet sadly not surprising article published yesterday in the Journal de Montréal ( Below is a quick English translation for you, thanks to Mr. Google Translate for assisting Bambi in this task.

The National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCMC) is an increasingly influential Islamist organization. Amira Elghawaby, for example, the controversial commissioner against “Islamophobia”, who took office this week, worked for the NCMC for five years.

Stephen Brown, its president, compared Bill 21 to anti-black racism. The organization is challenging this legislation with grants from English-Canadian cities. This is illegal according to a lawsuit against Toronto supported by the Justice for Quebec organization that I chair.

Meanwhile, Brown spoke at a convention in Toronto last December that was sponsored by the CNMC, among others. Jagmeet Singh, the leader of the NDP, was also there. The presence of extremist speakers speaks volumes about the NCMC values.

Terrorist conspiracy

There is Imam Siraj Wahhaj. In the past, he compared homosexuality to a disease and attacked the fact that, in Toronto, moderate Muslims wanted to create a mosque open to gays (which has since been done). This had to be refused even if the law allowed it. “We will not let them establish this mosque […] we will fight against them, these homosexuals will have to block access to their mosque”.

Wahhaj also rose to fame following the first terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in 1993. The US government named him as one of the potential “co-conspirators” of this attack, which the person concerned (who has not not been charged) denies.

Adam al-Kawthari is another example. He defends the cutting of the hand in case of theft. I reassure you however, he then defended himself by saying that this should apply only in Islamic countries, as if this practice thus became less barbaric!

In a book published a few years ago, he also explains that a man can beat his wife, but not hard, I assure you, and only if certain conditions are met! Which? If “she commits physical or verbal abuse or if she violates the rules of Islam”.


What else can we say about Ustadh Yahya Rhodus? In 2004, while undergoing religious training in Yemen, this American convert to Islam was interviewed by the Australian television channel ABC. He refused to condemn Al-Qaeda on the pretext that he was not sufficiently informed on the subject. Three years earlier, this terrorist group had nevertheless claimed responsibility for the assassination of almost 3,000 of Mr. Rhodus’ fellow citizens during the September 11 attacks.

Let us also mention Mufti Hussain Kamani, of the Qalam Institute. This organization has produced a manual which enjoins Muslims in particular to be clean and pure so as not to “look like Jews”. Kamani further said that in the Islamic religion people who commit adultery or have sex outside marriage should be stoned to death.

It should be noted here that Ottawa is subsidizing the NCMC for a total of $635,423 for the period from 2018 to 2024. Part of this money is supposed to be used to promote multiculturalism, to fight against racism, against “Islamophobia” … and against hate! Along with all this, the feds are going to challenge Bill 21 in the Supreme Court.

This is Canada. On the one hand, we finance Québec bashing, anti-Semitism, misogyny and homophobia. On the other hand, Québec secularism is being attacked in court”.