Despite its economic fiasco, Lebanon has been thorough with the coronavirus fight

Today, 33 new cases among the repatriated Lebanese expats (coming from Nigeria), in addition to one additional case not related to travels.

The coronavirus pandemic may have started later in Africa, or at least in some parts of this continent. Anyhow, it seems to be active now.

Indeed, yesterday, there were 25 positive cases among repatriated citizens (from the Republic of Sierra Lione).  

Bravo to Lebanon for its thoroughness. All the testing and quarantine, at hotels, for all passengers until their results. Of course, those who test positive are quarantined longer:

As shown above, Lebanon’s Ministry of Health publishes anonymous lab results of expatriates, coming through the airport and those crossing land borders (still closed). Yesterday, there two positive cases in two different crossings, among 91 total tests.

All negative cases will be quarantined at home under strict daily surveillance by the Ministry of Health. In case of symptoms, the persons will be transferred to the hospital for a second testing.

Lebanon is in the middle of an economic tragedy (prior to the pandemic). It has serious issues, namely corruption, yet it seems to know how to be thorough in dealing with the coronavirus.

One must also add that both the population and the media have been lucid from day 1 (everyone was aware of the tsunami ahead prior to day 1). The media may have even pushed the government to act faster. Regardless, the government of tiny bankrupt Lebanon listened and delivered efficiently. First, there were health measures at the airport. Then came the full lockdown of airport and land borders. One must also say that schools closed as soon as the first case was diagnosed. Churches and mosques closed very early on. Businesses followed, etc. Among the measures, on April 6, 2020, Lebanon freed about one third of the country’s inmates over fears of spread of the coronavirus in (overcrowded) prisons.

Good luck to Lebanon in its confinement and deconfinement measures.

Talking about deconfinement, and to conclude this post, Bambi would like to salute the wisdom of her niece Stéphanie who turned 18 lately ?. As she said, “even with deconfinement [at least a first stage of it], I will still be careful/stay at home… I do not want to bring the virus to my parents”.

Joyeux Anniversaire, encore une fois, Stéphanie!

The American University of Beirut (AUB) is struggling!

Bambi would like to thank her friend Amale for sharing this troubling piece of news.  

The American University of Beirut (AUB) is one of the most distinguished universities in the Middle East and in the world.

Degrees awarded at the AUB are officially registered with the New York Board of Regents. The university’s operating budget is about US$423 million, with an endowment of approximately US$605 million. The beautiful AUB campus is composed of 64 buildings, including the American University of Beirut Medical Center with its 420 beds, three museums, four libraries, and 7 dormitories.

Sadly, the AUB announced that it is expecting to lose millions in revenue.

To use its President (Dr. Fadlo Khuri)’s own words: “This is the result of a confluence of calamities, starting with the collapse of the Lebanese economy, now compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic and associated global recession, which may yet develop into the first global depression since the 1930s”.

As you can read in the message below (PDF attached), some possible avenues to save the AUB could include the following steps: “closure of an as-yet undetermined number of programs and departments, the departure of a number of our community members, furloughs, a halt to capital expenditures, a near complete cancellation of university sponsored travels, leaves and conferences for the foreseeable future, and a review of the current benefits system”.

As Dr. Fadlo stated: “Make no question and have no doubts, everyone will be affected—from our senior leadership which will take significant pay reductions, to faculty members who have seen their buying power reduced, to students and their families who are struggling more than ever to pay tuition fees, to our staff who comprise our most financially challenged group. All will contribute in significant measure. All of us at AUB are fully dedicated to the future of the institution. There is no time for division or scoring of points while the university’s survival is at stake”.

It is so sad to see Lebanon’s economy falling apart… Today, a monument, or rather a beacon of light, like the AUB, is facing financial adversity.

The AUB’s motto is “That they may have life and have it abundantly”.  Yes, life could… and MUST go on!

Keeping this moto in mind, Bambi agrees with Dr. Fadlo who said: “It is my deep conviction that Lebanon and the region have no hope whatsoever if AUB cannot fulfill its mission. Saving AUB must be our only priority. And save it we will.”

Yes, please save the AUB!! Along with it, please save Lebanon!

May Lebanon know how to save itself…

Below you can read the message of Dr. Fadlo R. Khuri, MD, President of the AUB

Laughter is the best medicine, especially in a pandemic

This cartoon, entitled “Freedom 70”, is signed by Mr. Yannick Lemay (Journal de Montréal).

The cartoon refers to the 70+ who were allowed four new rights in Québec:

First, to go out for a walk without a supervision.

Second, to see their loved ones.

Third, to go do their groceries in essential businesses (food stores and pharmacies; the latter applies only to remote regions of the province).

Fourth, to engage in activities in and outside of their residence, provided they will respect physical distancing (the latter does not apply yet to seniors in Montréal, Laval, and, Montérégie).  

To conclude this post, for fun, watch the couple getting out of their residence (for seniors). The lady, who is wearing a mask, is saying: “I knit us some masks”. Watch the guy with the victory sign, saying: “Yeah!!! Grocery store! Pharmacy! Here we come!”

On the street, you can see a few virus paintings.

Freedom 70 refers to the freedom of getting out of confinement. A clever reference to freedom 65 or 55… or 95 for some (retirement age).

Why are the elite of the world using a tragic pandemic to push dreamy ideas, or virtue signal, likely out of their luxury “prisons”?

About 200 stars, along with other intellectuals, signed an editorial in Le Monde, urging world leader “not to go back to normal“, after the coronavirus pandemic. They wish for a “radical change” of the system against “consumerism“.

They wrote that “the ecological catastrophe is a meta-crisis, because consumerism has lead us to deny life itself: life of plants, of animals, and lives of a large number of human beings. Pollution, global warming, and destruction of natural spaces have lead the world to a breaking point“.

“Thus, they solemnly call for leaders and citizens to extract themselves from the untenable logic that is still prevalent in order to finally work to on a deep overhaul of objectives, of values, and of economies”.

Make no mistake. They are not talking about concrete solutions like encouraging local economies or re-thinking our economic dependence on China (for everything, especially medical equipment and medication!). They are not saying, let’s protect nature and ecology. They are selling cliché ideas but urging world leaders to increase their power on lives further and globally (sort of a global communism) where we can hear the following inner message: Human beings are bad, especially in the West, AND… capitalism is bad.

You can read the news in both English and French below.



Rebel News: “Let us report”

As Mr. Levant tweeted today: “Last year, Trudeau banned our reporters from the election debates. So we sued and a court ordered him to let us report. Now, Trudeau bans us from asking questions at his pandemic press scrums. So we’re suing him again”.

Here is his 9-page lawsuit, if you are interested in reading his arguments:

Below you can watch a video posted by Mr. Levant on YouTube.

Bambi is sorry for Mr. Levant because she finds his work clever and informative. This being said, like with any other person (whether a journalist or her spouse ?), she can agree or disagree, depending on the topic or the perspective.

Most importantly, whether it is Mr. Levant or it is someone else, this story is a red flag for democracy. Indeed, we should never take the latter from granted, even in a beautiful country like ours. Believe me, when we originally come from another part of the world that sometimes struggles with democracy (civil war or current turmoil), we are even more concerned…

Why is Mr. Trudeau “silencing” independent and critical voices, like Mr. Levant?

Is Mr. Trudeau afraid to see a reflection of himself in the mirror of a question asked by Mr. Levant or by one of his staff?

Perhaps he does not trust that we, Canadians, can handle the truth, whether in the middle of a pandemic or not?

The truth helps people adjust in life. The truth liberates. The truth empowers. The truth also brings people closer to each other. This means that the truth can bring Mr. Trudeau and us closer in this covid-19 pandemic.

For example, Bambi watched Mr. Trudeau on TV the other day (Tout le Monde en parle). He did an excellent job because he allowed himself to be true.

Bambi hopes he will also allow himself to be fair with Mr. Levant (like with his peers from other media). By doing so, he will be “truly true” and, most importantly, at an equal (closer!) distance with all Canadians.  

To conclude this post, in case Mr. Trudeau’s entourage forgot it, he is supposed to be the PM of Canada. The last time Bambi checked the world’s map, Canada was VERY far from Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, China, etc. Thank God!

Bravo to Sudan for banning women’s genital mutilation!

Bambi just read wonderful news about Sudan.

This country finally made women’s genital mutilation illegal. In other terms, it has criminalized this barbaric practice.

Female genital mutilation, which most Sudanese girls and women have endured, is deeply rooted in cultural traditions or religious beliefs, etc. Thus, it may take some time for behaviours to change. For instance, in Kenya, such practice continues in some of its ethnic communities, despite a ban since 2011 (

Nevertheless, what a historic day for Sudan. Bravo!


Is Mr. Trudeau out of his mind?

Our economy is literally falling apart (or, at least, has taken a BIG hit). MANY industries are collapsing or seriously struggling. Perhaps over 2 million Canadians are off work :(.

Despite all the above, what did Mr. Trudeau do today? He gave about CAD $846.719 million to the World Health Organization!

The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the covid-19 pandemic with much delay (6 weeks or so), and the Canadian government was slower in closing our borders, even if the response has improved later (finally and thanks). The reality remains that the VERY early stages of a pandemic are critical, if we want to contain the spread of the virus as much as possible.

This being said, the WHO has been”hijacked” by China (and other countries that the latter invests in, in order to earn their votes, including African countries, etc.).

Despite all this, we must remain human and help… but why that much Mr. Trudeau?

To fill the gap left by the USA? To show the world that you (we) are better than Mr. Trump? To ensure your UN seat? Or… simply because you are out of your mind today?

Yesterday night, Bambi saw a more reasonable Mr. Trudeau on TV (Tout le monde en parle), she even wrote a post about it. Where is he? Can we have him back, please?

By the way, where is our opposition?

Of course, Bambi means where is Mr. Maxime Bernier when Canada needs him? Unfortunately, he was not re-elected in the fall. Intellectually, he would have been good in confronting this idea (of over funding the WHO) with some common sense?

Sadly, common sense is not that common in Canada and in the world.

To conclude this post on a lighter note, here is an earlier cartoon by Mr. Yannick Lemay. It shows “Santa Justin”. Of course, our government has no choice BUT to support citizens and industries. Bravo and thank you. However, as per the cartoon, the deficit to future generations is over $252 billions… and Mr. Trudeau is singing “it is not over yet, this is just the beginning“.

Indeed, today, he proved us one more time that it is not over yet. Mr. Trudeau, it is perhaps time to consider taking a little break from your role of Santa, even if you enjoy it. While at it, how about also re-considering your “globalist” idealistic vision of the world? How will it serve us, Canadians, besides increasing our public debt further?

Perhaps if you explain to us some of the benefits or interests, from your perspective, we may see things differently? Perhaps we can follow you in your logic? For now, it is challenging for Bambi to understand this logic, even if she has an interest in seeing more vulnerable countries being supported (including her birth country, Lebanon).

For now, the only question that comes to her mind is like the title of this post: “Is Mr. Trudeau out of his mind”?

The human side of Mr. Trudeau and fun TV moments

Except for a daily 30-minute biking in front of her favourite French TV show, Bambi has not turned the TV on since the beginning of the pandemic. On one hand, she did not have the time yet. On the other, she did not feel that need… and no she has never watched any Netflix movie in her life yet. If you think, she is boring, wait until you hear how many glasses of wine or beer she has consumed, despite weekly virtual Ducky’s with friends on Fridays eve ? (Ducky’s is our pub in town).

Anyhow, she turned the TV on this evening/night to watch “Tout le monde en parle” on the French CBC because she read on the internet that Mr. Justin Trudeau is one of guests.

Well, this is one of the rare times where she saw a natural and apparently human “Justin”. No preaching, no hiding behind words. He seemed to have simply allowed himself to be… himself.

Mr. Trudeau answered all the questions (most, if not all, were tough ones!) from the best of his capacity. He did an excellent job, even on the issues that Bambi did not agree with him on. He even had good words about the provinces and the opposition parties. He also remembered that he is leading a minority government.

Bambi thinks that our PM is at his best when he allows himself to be somehow spontaneous (as much as you can be on TV and when you are an actor by profession).

Thank you, Mr. Trudeau, for not wearing a mask tonight (no, she is not referring to a covid-19 mask!). Bambi means thanks for sounding genuine, even in your eyes we could see authenticity tonight. Indeed, in general, citizens can sense when a politician appears disconnected or not from them.

Perhaps for the first time since this pandemic, Bambi was able to listen to our PM calmly until the end. Yes, it is nice to see him not preaching, not arrogant, answering all the questions. Obviously, all this was in French. So, we did not hear him saying one thing in one language (politically meant for Québec) and the other thing in the other language (politically meant for the rest of Canada). That used to be frustrating for Bambi during the electoral campaign.

Thanks for Mr. Trudeau for taking the time to come to the show. Bambi is sure it has boosted the morale of many viewers.

Of note, it was also nice to hear a federal politician and a provincial minister agree with each other in such a harmonious way (they were not interviewed at the same time, as Mr. Trudeau had to return home, 2 hours further away).

By the way, this Minister was Mr. Pierre Fitzgibbon. He is the Minister of the Economy and Innovation of Québec. He talked about the re-opening of several sectors of the economy. He seems to be a very reasonable man.

Among the guests, there was the inspiring Dr. Joanne Liu, former President of Médecins sans frontières (Doctors without borders). She interrupted her sabbatical leave (devoted to writing a book on the Ebola epidemic in Africa) to rush back to Canada, just to help with the covid-19 pandemic. Thank you!

There was also a fascinating, talented pharmacist, Mr. Olivier Bernard (hosting a scientific and fun show) as well as Ms. France Beaudoin, a Canadian TV host.

The funniest guest was a comedian called, Mr. Arnauld Soly (see the video below… ok the content is in French, sorry, but it is hilarious ?. You can watch him making a parody of a covid-19 conspiracy theory that the coronavirus originated from… Montreal. It seems that his joke went viral on Facebook. Some viewers from abroad truly believed him. Can you imagine?

In addition to this funny comedian, it was good to learn that Ms. Beaudoin will be moderating a TV variety show for Mothers’ Day!

It is also moving to hear how she and her family organized a virtual surprise party for her mom’s birthday (81 years old with 50 family members on Zoom… and the platform did not crash ?)! She also organized a virtual wedding party for her stepdaughter in lieu of a cancelled wedding.

To conclude this post, Bambi will say what she has always thought: She enjoys watching Radio-Canada more than the CBC. Although technically, it is the same public institution, she feels that there is more critical thinking on behalf of journalists and TV show hosts from Québec, compared to those from the English-Canada. Bambi cannot put her finger on the why though. Perhaps because in Québec there is less political correctness still and, thus, more intellectual depth (not just cliché ideas). Perhaps because it is a different culture. Perhaps because the journalists may be truly more independent than many of those hired by the CBC, despite the governmental overfunding as well (the latter financial reality is unfair to other Québec media, which are as talented). Last but surely not least, it remains possible that the increased political diversity of Québec also plays a certain role. For instance, some of the Radio-Canada TV show hosts, or guests, could at times have sympathy for the sovereignty of Québec (even if they love Canada, for sure).

The beauty of Québec is its historic intellectual diversity and flexibility. It is precisely the latter that has allowed Québeckers to culturally survive and even flourish, despite being a minority in North America. Not surprising that when it comes to the “francophonie” of Lebanon, Québec has been a beautiful example.

Just to give you an idea about how reasonable this province is, at the very beginning of the pandemic, it temporarily relaxed its French law (Loi 101) to allow the fast importation of much needed cleaning products without bilingual labels. So, if the Government of Canada cannot ensure a translation now, it is OK. Not a big deal for the government of Québec (even if the Bloc Québécois is also right in wanting to ensure that citizens do understand what they are purchasing for safety reasons).

Enough of blahblahblah, here is the funny video!

On this World Press Freedom Day, a refreshing documentary on China by the CBC… from 2012, along with hypocritical blahblahblah by Ms. Chrystia Freeland

The CBC documentary below was produced in 2012, surely not during the covid-19 pandemic of 2020 ?:

Talking about the freedom of press, here is what our Deputy PM, a former journalist herself (+ spouse of a journalist), rushed to tweet today:

That is what she said today, that is on May 3rd, 2020….

Below is what she did in July 2019… Mmm, not that congruent with her message of today, ironically at a press freedom conference in the UK.

The piece of good news in the short news documentary below is the following: The mainstream media, including CTV News and CBC, stood up for Rebel Media‘s right to have access to a press freedom conference with Ms. Freeland. That was a beautiful moment of Canadian solidarity. Bravo to our journalists!

What was funny in that story is that Ms. Freeland’s staff (likely on her behalf?) accepted Al Jazeera… but not Rebel news to her press conference. Al Jazeera, yes ?. You cannot be more “propagandist” than Al Jazeera in life. For instance, Al Jazeera usually reports on all the countries of the world… BUT their own, Qatar. Yes, this is how free press looks like in this country.

Anyhow, to conclude this post on a positive note, thank you Roula (Ms. Azar-Douglas) for your professional, independent, ethical, critical, and smart work as a journalist. Thank you for teaching critical thinking to your students. You reassure Bambi that professional journalism is alive, even during turmoils and pandemics. Thanks also for the inspiration… Happy Word Press Freedom to you! By the way, Happy Day to another inspiring journalist, Mr. Wark, and to all our local journalists too ?!