After having contacted Radio-Canada himself to give an interview on June 2nd, 2020 (https://ici.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/1708412/entrevue-medecin-suspendu-eclosion-covid-19-restigouche-nouveau-brunswick), Dr. Ngola played the victim card to its full extent (below you can see earlier posts by Bambi on the topic).
As a reminder, Dr. Ngola went to Québec during the pandemic without self-isolating upon his return (and even sending his daughter to daycare). Just think of it, whether he was patient zero or patient 1000, he did not self-isolate and he is a healthcare provider. Is this wise? Wouldn’t you expect better from a physician had you been his patient?
Regardless of his own reasons (job interview, driving spouse to airport to travel to a funeral, etc.), his behavour was irresponsible. In all honesty, Bambi does not care about his country of birth, skin, or language. Had she been living in the small community where he was practising, she would have not been impressed by his behaviour.
As you see in one of Bambi’s earlier posts, one (and eventually two…) of the senior patients of the community in question died during this outbreak, whether caused by Dr. Ngola or not. He was unlucky because he got caught. As simple as that.
Last week, the CBC featured him and his lawyers in an article under their new section called “Being black in Canada” (https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/doubt-ngola-family-doctor-source-outbreak-campbellton-new-brunswick-1.5706918).
Today, the same publicly-funded CBC is informing us that “lawyers of N.B. doctor blamed for outbreak call for public and criminal inquiry of handling of case”:
False positive tests are infrequent, although of course not impossible.
What is frequent these days is the politicization of everything, from our skin colour to a pandemic.
Dr. Ngola may not be responsible for the sad death of two patients, we get it, nonetheless his behaviour was irresponsible.