Mr. Omar Kamal, the Palestinian Frank Sinatra: Isn’t his voice singing for “Christmas from East to West” heart-warming?

Bambi will always be grateful for her cousin Joumana for making her discover Mr. Omar Kamal, as per one of the older posts shown further below. Since that time, Bambi’s friend, Jacinthe, became a fan as well. Who knows? Perhaps you are also fond of Mr. Kamal’s talent [like you, Fatma :)]?

In case you do not know this incredibly talented musician and singer yet, below you can watch a brief five-year-old France24 English-speaking interview with him. From it, Bambi learned that he studied engineering in England. He chose a musical career instead. Thank goodness for us!

Anyhow, if she may, Bambi would like to end this brief post by thanking Mr. Omar Kamal for singing for Christmas from East to West in both Arabic and English!

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