Bambi would like to thank Joumana who made her day by sharing the YouTube video shown below.
In turn, Bambi could not help not to share this talent with you through this post.
Who knows? Some of you are perhaps already fans of this singer. As far as Bambi is concerned, she just discovered him (thanks to her Dear Cousin who was beginning her day when Bambi was about to go to sleep :).
This singer is called Mr. Omar Kamal and this is his official website:
His voice is both beautiful and moving! He is SO talented (OK handsome/cute too :)!
While googling him, Bambi learned that he was born in 1992 not too far from Beirut… in Nablus, Palestine (wow). He is internationally known as the “Frank Sinatra of Palestine“, imagine! When you will hear him singing, you will understand why.
In addition to Arabic and English, he also sings in Italian. He grew up listening to both classical and world music. In addition to his passion for singing, he plays the piano and his music has multi-cultural influences.
Mr. Kamal’s medley captured in the video below comes from Lebanon’s Famous Beiteddine Festival. His medley is “from his own repertoire combining Fayrouz, Mozart, and his own swing version of Symphony No. 40“. Bravo to him as well as to the talented musicians for the magical moments… Thank Goodness, there is music in life!
Thank you Mr. Omar Kamal. Please keep singing for us… FOREVER!